• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


Hi. I'm Ficta. I enjoy writing silly comedies and soul-shattering tragedies. There is no in between. :)

Comments ( 284 )

Awww, man, this is going to be intense. All these poor ponies in a murder game...you better not kill a single waifu, sir!!!

I’m literally getting some danganronpa vibs from this story

Might want to add the Danganronpa tag. Looks good though; will read later.

I was unsure about adding the tag since (as mentioned in the description) the story isn't a crossover (i.e. doesn't have any ties to the Danganronpa universe or its characters) and doesn't require any previous knowledge of the series to enjoy.

I fear adding the tag could push away potential readers who might assume they won't understand the fic due to not having any knowledge of Danganronpa. Maybe I'm wrong, though, and adding it would get more people interested? I'm not sure, so I'll leave it as it is for now.

Anyway, thanks for giving my fic a look. I hope you enjoy it. :pinkiesmile:

Aha, yes! :rainbowkiss:

As stated in the description, this fic is heavily inspired by the Danganronpa game series, though it isn't a crossover. The story can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of whether or not they have any knowledge of Danganronpa. Hope you enjoy! :eeyup:

Might want to add this to the DR group.

Thanks for letting me know! I've just added a thread to the group. :pinkiesmile:

The Mastermind is Fluttershy. that's what I like to say but in the world of Danganronpa it's never that easy.

Ultimate Nobody! ...Oof.

Ooh, a sumo pony! And a big, burly cop pony... guess who's gonna die in Chapter 4? :P

So Pinkie is basically Miu, eh?

...Well I'll be, the leader of the group didn't die first! Interesting.


Thanks so much for reading up to this point! :pinkiehappy:

Up next is the investigation, followed by the multi-part trial, which I've tried to make very similar to the games. Each mini chapter will have either a non-stop debate with truth bullets and dialogue, an anagram to solve, or important questions that I want the readers to answer! I'm really looking forward to getting those published, as what comes at the very end of the first act will change everything... :pinkiecrazy:

There'll be lots of character development and interactions after that, plus some context to the 7 word chapter that followed the introduction. I hope you enjoy the ride. :twilightsmile:

Speaking as someone who's never played the game, what exactly is the appeal of Danganronpa?

A variety of things:
- Solving murder mysteries using deduction. (And fun mini-games)
- Seeing a wide cast of weird and wonderful characters interacting with each other and being pushed to their limits.
- The thrill and fear of the dangerous situation the characters are in.
- Development between these characters as secrets about themselves are revealed.
- An exercise in the exploration of morality.
- Trying to figure out how these characters might one day work themselves out of an impossible situation.

As someone who has been playing video games since 1992 and has played over 1000 games, Danganronpa 2 is in my top 20 games of all time. I adore the series. Though I would suggest, if you're looking to get into them (which I would highly recommend) you MUST play in the order they were released, as there are spoilers in subsequent games.

Hope that answers your question. :twilightsmile: And the trial is far - very far - from over! :rainbowwild:

no sign she’d left her room before then

...Her towel?

only ones who went there

Pre-meeting swim!

Glad to see someone playing along as intended! :pinkiehappy:

I should have the next chapter uploaded later today.

through one of the windows

Swimming area windows!

Also, Mesmer just became super suspicious to me...


she really was hidden on the roof

Let's see... if she was on the roof and trying to escape a killer, she may have tried to use her inflatable ring to cushion her fall. But it popped under her weight and she broke her neck anyway.

I'm just readying the next chapter and thought I'd chime in on your comment. :twilightsmile:

During the autopsy, Scalpel and Maribelle found that there were no other sustained injuries that they could detect other than the broken neck. There were no bruises or any other breaks. If we're to assume Pinkie did in fact break her neck by falling or leaping from the roof, she would've suffered a cracked skull or at least some serious bruising. I like the theory though. I'll be honest, the answer to this one may seem a little tenuous, but I've backed it up as best I can. I'm glad I have people trying to piece this together like a real murder mystery! :pinkiehappy: We're getting closer to the reveal of the killer... Pu-hu-hu-hu-hu! :pinkiecrazy:

could’ve only used their own locker

trapped in place

...I dunno which one, but Pinkie's Keycard lanyard was cut in two and then most likely glued back together. So the killer absolutely used her locker.

I know were starting theories on how she died but. .... who did it is really bugging me...idk who to suspect yet but im keeping my eyes on Inky for some reason i dont believe she was at the store the whole time.


glued back together



Mesmer smirks. Mesmer begins mocking you in a condescending tone. Mesmer disregards you as a pathetic detective...

You'll find out what I'm alluding to in the next chapter! :pinkiehappy:

To clarify, I'm not the one mocking you. :twilightblush: I would never dream of doing that to my readers! :rainbowdetermined2: I love getting comments... :raritycry: It just so happens that your comment leans heavily on something that Mesmer brings up in the next chapter. And he can be quite the arrogant fellow. :pinkiecrazy:

THE TRIAL CONTINUES! :raritystarry:

There are a couple more chapters left before I leave it up to the readers to guess who the killer is... A little bit more needs to be revealed before you lovely readers have enough information to potentially figure it out. Even so, it won't be easy! :pinkiecrazy: But I have faith in you! :scootangel:

Any and all theories are welcome. This has been a passion project for me (and by far the most difficult to write of any of my projects) and I'm just happy people are putting in the effort to get involved. I love you all! :pinkiehappy:

Interesting start. I've not played Danganronpa before (I will eventually!), but I have played the Ace Attorney series, which I've seen be compared to it. I wasn't expecting there to be an in-depth first-person perspective right off the bat, especially since you claim there will be at least fourteen other characters. I wonder how this will develop.

but I could feel some kid of presence in the room

Should be "kind of presence."

Thanks for finding that error! :scootangel:

I'll be honest, I normally write in third person, but I felt the only way I could write this particular story was in first person due to the way information is revealed and the prevalence of internal musings. I've not played Ace Attorney myself, but hope you enjoy this!

Nice story so far. This is quite a descriptive setting! I'm already thinking of possible scenarios and loopholes that might happen.

I almost didn't realize that you included links to maps in the story because they showed up almost the same color as the text for me. It might be good to try to make it more intuitive that they're clickable. You could also try embedding images directly, but they might be too big. They could maybe also go in an author's note at the bottom.

“What is this!?” Elsie blasted, pointing angrily at the map. “The humdrum décor and paltry color choices I could just about stomach, b-b-but...!”

She reminds me of somebody. :raritydespair:

I wonder if Maribelle will swim with me, that way she’d finally take that outfit off.


It sickening,” Elsie commented,

Should be "It's sickening."

Thanks for the comment! Can't believe I missed another error in editing... :facehoof:

I did try embedding the images but had some issues. I've changed the font color to give a better indication they can be clicked. Cheers for pointing that out!

I'm liking the personalities you've given to each character, especially Maribelle, Inky, and Shetland. Those three are my favorites so far.

This story has been really engaging, but I've noticed that it doesn't really feel like a pony story so far. It seems like you could easily replace each character with humans and basically have the same story. Usually the show's characters or the idiosyncrasies of Equestria help to provide this feel, but I haven't really felt that here. I'm sure that this will change in the upcoming chapters, but this could turn off potential readers.


This story has been really engaging, but I've noticed that it doesn't really feel like a pony story so far.

Hmm, yeah, that's a fair assessment. I'll admit it probably has a lot more in common with Danganronpa in terms of feel. That said, there are several aspects of the MLP universe that come into play, and references to the show will crop up as the story progresses. The prevalence of magic and flight are the main reasons I couldn't just edit the story to be an original project with humans or I'd need to change literally the entire plot, from the murders and trials themselves to the overarching storyline.

anyone could have waltzed in

The Machine Gun Cameras will kill the opposite sex dead if they try to go in the wrong doors.

anyone could have waltzed in
Machine Gun Cameras: Only a female could enter their locker room while these were active prior to the investigation.

All caught up! I'm really liking the story so far, but now I must start waiting... The pseudointeractivity is a fun idea; I figured out all of the truth connections (for lack of a better term) except the fifth one. I even shared Button's theory before the trial before I realized that the windows were closed.

Mesmer's questioning of the glue got me thinking a bit. Even if Inky's account is false, I would think it would be quite risky for anybody to procure glue and maybe a sharp tool, use them, and return them to the mart (since there's no where else they could be hidden after the extensive search) in the span of about 30 minutes. This of course also relies on the fact that the perpetrator knew where Pinkie would be during this time.

So here's a crack theory: A changeling did it. I would think their spittle acts as an adhesive, and they conveniently have a pointy horn in their natural state. Now, who could possibly be a changeling? Could it be a master of impersonation? Hmmm? I'm not really expecting this to be correct, partly because it doesn't really fit Monobunny's honesty policy. It was fun to speculate, though.

Thanks for reading this far! As for your comment:

An interesting theory, though not one I'd considered. (Changeling spittle acts as an adhesive? Their horns are as sharp as knives? News to me. :rainbowderp:) The real answer to the 'glue' conundrum is perhaps a little less exciting than that, if I'm honest. :twilightblush:

You're doing some good sleuthing by considering the procurement and disposal of items in a limited time frame, but... Oh man, I don't want to say anything. There are some very tiny details in the previous chapters that make all the difference. The validity of Inky's testimony isn't the key issue here, because... [REDACTED] Yep. That's all the clues I'll give for now.

And yes, Monobunny's honesty policy is always in full effect, and he's very diligent not to spread false information. That said, he's not an all-knowing mind reader. Could it ever be possible to make him lie? What might be the result of that?

I've said too much. :raritywink: Anyway, enjoy the rest of the story, and thanks for reading this far.

I understand... :applecry:

Dons cap of shame

Sorry, I didn't realize theories shouldn't be posted in the comment section. If you prefer theories by PM, maybe include that as a disclaimer in the description somewhere.


Ah, no, that's okay! Theories in the comments during the trial are fine, it's just that once it gets to the point that I posit the question of the killer, a certain amount of information has been relayed and my readers have enough info to make an informed decision. I have no issue with the previous comments. It's fun to share theories and such! But now's the time to deduce the culprit, once and for all! Which means I'll be hoping for PMs. :twilightsmile:

I was with him the entire time!

Greyscale’s Account - Shetland arrived shortly after Scalpel did.

...Welp, guess the leader of the group is dying first after all!

So maybe he did hide Pinkie on the roof, then when Scalpel left he quickly got her and put her on the diving board before he left, too. The female locker room and cut card lanyard were just red herrings...

I uh what -windows crash sound-

That empty opening actually got my heart pumping a bit, not gonna lie.

Shetland couldn’t have flown in through the windows
Swimming Area Windows: Shetland had opportunity to open the windows even after they were closed. If the body was at some point hidden on the roof (that couldn't have been checked by anybody else considering the search parties), it could have been moved when Scalpel had momentarily left the pool.

This is tricky. Are we only allowed to use the information explicitly printed in the Truth Bullets, regardless of whether or not info possibly related to it is not printed? I've been under the assumption that some important info is absent for some of them, and I'm not sure if it can be used. Maybe I've just been overthinking it. :facehoof:

You can check the "TRIAL GUIDE: How To Solve" if you're ever unsure about the rules. :raritywink:

no way to avoid being seen!

AH... the Inflatable Ring! He did block the camera's view!

Ooh, that was sneaky.

no way to avoid being seen!
with a towel?: The rules mention nothing about obscuring the cameras. Just plop that towel over it!

Looks like I had the right idea, I just overcomplicated it a bit. :twilightsheepish:

Greyscale’s Account <> I was with him the entire time!
That's what I really wanted to go for, but I had that confusion about whether or not implicit information in the Truth Bullets is allowed. At least now I know that it is.


Shirt Pocket


I definitely failed the 15 second limit, but today I learned a little bit about how adhesives work!


90% leaning towards checked each of the rooms as a group
Pinkie’s Room - Shetland was the one to break the window and go inside first. He was alone in that moment and had time to hide the evidence.

10% leaning towards leave it back in the swimming area?
Pinkie’s Towel - he also threw the epoxy tubes inside the storage closet, where it's so dark that some little tubes could have easily been missed.

We searched everywhere we possibly could.
couldn’t have planted it on anyone else.: Gulp! Monobunny is correct of course, but there's one pony who might need to be dissected.

a horror novel by the name of ‘Castle by The Lake,’

This paragraph is oddly specific. Is that a reference to something, or…?

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