• Published 16th Jul 2020
  • 580 Views, 14 Comments


Two mortal enemies must put their differences aside in order to save their world from the malicious queen of the Changelings.

  • ...

And shadows all around

As soon as Chrysalis finished laughing, she flew towards her guests and landed right in front of them.

She then said with a rather condescending tone, "Horde soldiers tresspassing into my kingdom pretending to have come to surrender to us in an attempt to rescue their captured comrades? Why, this is one of the most ridiculous scenarios I have ever heard! I know the Horde's tactics all too well. During our battle with them, they tried to use every little trick they could think of and sent every last soldier they could spare to their demise no matter how dishonorable those actions were. If these creatures before me were really Horde soldiers, they would've tried to tresspass into here with the intention of ending my life, not to save a bunch of prisoners. So, the question is, what exactly are they?"

"To be honest, I haven't the slightest clue, your highness", Pharynx commented. "I mean, some of them are wearing the Horde insignıa, but it could be possible that they stole those badges from the actual Horde soldiers that they've taken down. With that said, it doesn't really matter whether they're allied with the Horde or not, does it?"

Chrysalis thought about that question for a few moments before replying, "No, I suppose not. The fact still remains that they're tresspassers and they shall receive severe punishment for this crime. But, before that can happen, I must check to see if they have any amount of love inside them. After all, we need every single ounce that we can find in order to ensure the survival of the hive. Wouldn't you agree, general?"

"Of course, your highness. Please, don't let me interrupt you in any way", promptly said Pharynx before taking a bow in front of Chrysalis and starting to hover in the air, allowing his queen to examine the captives more carefully. She decided to do the processing from right to left, walked right towards the humanoid goat and the humanoid lizard, moved her head closer to theirs, and began to gaze directly at their utterly terrified eyes.

A short while later, she turned to half a dozen of her soldiers standing behind the prisoners and announced, "I can't sense a single amount of love inside these two. Bring them to the execution chamber and I'll deal with them later."

The soldiers bowed before the queen and started dragging the captives towards the corridor that they had originally been brought from despite how much they struggled and how loudly they screamed. Soon enough, they disappeared from sight and the remaining prisoners were left with horrified expressions on their faces from watching it all happen.

Then, Chrysalis started to closely examine Scorpia the same exact why she had examined her teammates. A hanfdful of seconds later, she declared, "Well, you do have some love inside you, it's really your armor that's fascinating to behold. Therefore, while I won't execute you or drain your love, I will tear that armor off your body and see if I can use it to further strengthen my legions."

While Scorpia was left creeped out by that remark, Chrysalis moved towards Catra who was giving defiant looks at the Changeling queen. However, Chrysalis was rather amused by this sight and began caressing Catra's cheek with one of her hooves while saying, "Awww... Look how cute you are! Even if you don't have any love inside you, you'd make an excellent pet. What's your name, sweetie?"

Upon hearing that, Catra tried to bite Chrysalis' hoof, but she pulled it back just in time before letting out a sadistic giggle. Then, she moved on to Adora, but when she tried to examine her, something very peculiar happened. Her eyes widened in shock, her mouth started watering up, and she began to feel so dizzy all of a sudden that she could not help but lose her balance and fall to the floor.

As two of her minions rushed to her aid and began helping her get back up on her hooves, she managed to say, "So much love... All for one individual? How could this be?! It's as if she is cherished by every single citizen from all the kingdoms."

Right after that, Pharynx landed right beside her and explained, "She must be either a princess or a hero in order to possess that much love. She could even be both of those things. Do you realize what this means, my queen? We have found the motherload. Just imagine how strong our people could become once all that love is extracted and then consumed."

Chrysalis took a moment to consider everthing that Pharynx had just said before an extremely wicked smile appeared on her face. She then turned towards her subjects and excitedly announced, "Yes! YES! The means of feeding the entirety of the hive and making all of us strong enough to conquer every single one of the kingdoms is finally MINE! This sad pathetic little planet will soon hear my name and TREMBLE BY THE MERE MENTION OF IT!"

As soon as she said all that, the entire room was filled with the sounds of several dozen Changelings happily cheering for this wonderful news. While Chrysalis herself was gazing at this sight with pure delight, her remaining prisoners were just becoming more and more agitated with each second. Shortly afterwards, the Changeling queen pointed right towards Adora and shouted, "Take her immediately to the feeding area! I cannot wait to see how delicious all that love really tastes!"

Upon hearing that order, a handful of her minions quickly grabbed Adora, and began dragging her back towards the chamber that she and the others were previously captured in. However, they and everyone else in the room were suddenly startled by sounds of fighting and explosions that were coming from the corridor leading to the feeding area.

"What is going on NOW?! MORE tresspassers?!", furiously asked Chrysalis. "UGH! Very well, then. Stay here and keep watch over the prisoners, general. I shall deal with this new nuisance myself."

Pharynx gave her a salute and she flew towards the entrance to the corridor before landing right in front of it and lighting up her horn in order to prepare herself any oncoming intruder. Then, after several seconds of waiting and standing guard, not just one but two intruders arrived at the same time by teleporting before here. One of them was a short stocky girl, sporting a messy chopped bob hairstyle that is pastel pink on top and sparkling purple underneath. She had thick, bushy hair, and bangs that curled up, which she wore parted down the left. She also had thick sideburns and thick, curved eyebrows, tanned skin, and pink eyes with long eyelashes.

As for clothing, she was wearing a dark purple, sleeveless leotard, which stopped at her mid-thigh, and laid underneath a light purple tunic with a blue diamond clasp. She also wore matching purple boots with white moons on the front and soles, light blue wings on each side, and multiple light blue points. Moreover, she had light blue fingerless gloves, a long white glove on her left arm, and a sparkling blue cape shaped like wings, attached to a circular plate on her left shoulder.

In stark contrast, her companion was a lot taller than her, was concealing her face with red mask, and had long and flowing black hair that flowed after her like a sinister shadow. She was also cloaked in a maroon dress with dark red and pink details that has a sleeve on her right arm.

As soon as both of them appeared, Adora happily exclaimed, "Glimmer!", right before Catra asked with both anger and confusion, "Shadow Weaver?!"

Then, Glimmer shouted, "Adora, just hang in there! We'll get you out of there in no time!"

This caused Chrysalis to growl like a wild animal and say, "FOOLISH CHILD! If you and your accomplice wish to get to them, you'll have to first get past me, the almighty queen of all Changelings!"

"Challenge accepted", replied Shadow Weaver. "Now, Glimmer, show her what you and I can do."

Glimmer nodded with determination and sent half a dozen photon blasts towards Chrysalis with her hands. Unfortunately, the Changeling queen created a dome-shaped shield around her with her magic and casually deflected every single one of the blasts. She then made the shield disappear and fired a huge beam of magic right towards her attackers before they teleported away just before they could be hit. Afterwards, they reappeared behind Chrysalis and managed to strike her in the head with a photon blast, even though it did little more than irritate her. She attempted to destroy them with another magic beam, but she teleported away again, reappeared beside her, hit her in the head with a photon blast, and the whole sequence started all over again.

This continued in a loop for more than a few times until Chrysalis became so furious that she yelled in pure rage and created a gigantic shock wave of magic so powerful that it knocked down both Glimmer and Shadow Weaver right after they had just reappeared behind her once again. As they struggled very hard to get back on their feet, Shadow Weaver commented, "Incredible power... I have never seen anything quite like it."

Chrysalis responded by first snickering and then explaining, "I'm glad you're impressed. Honestly, I even managed to impress myself with this attack. My magic was never this strong before I came to your world. I guess feeding on the love of both Plumeria's citizens and its weakling princess has given me more power than I had anticipated."

Upon hearing that, both Adora and Glimmer gasped in utter horror, before a tearful and enraged Adora yelled, "YOU HORRIBLE MONSTER! What have you done to Perfuma and her people?!"

In response, Chrysalis turned towards her, let out a loud maniacal laughter, and revealed, "Oh, nothing really. They weren't exactly competent fighters, so my troops and I conquered their kingdom without much trouble shortly after we arrived to this world. Then, we drained all the love inside them and, as a result, we grew so strong that we were able to defeat the Horde in mere hours. As you can see, their former headquarters is now our new hive and soon, all the remaining kingdoms will share the same fate as Plumeria!"

She continued to laugh maniacally for several seconds until she was hit in the face by an arrow that exploded upon impact and blurred her vision for a while. When Adora, Glimmer, and Shadow Weaver looked at the direction that arrow had traveled from, they saw a tall young man with a darker complexion, curly dark brown hair in an Afro buzz hairstyle, and black eyes. He was wearing blue pants, a brown belt, a matching golden buckle, a silver armor under a small golden cuirass (a form of armor that includes the breastplate and the back piece) embellished with a red heart which exposed his midriff. On his left arm, he wore a golden spaulder (a metal sleeve) on his shoulder, which was attached to the cuirass, and a golden forearm guard.

He also had a quiver of arrows is attached to his back, which was both brown and gold. His boots were nearly knee-high but designed into a 'V' shape at the front and on the sole of the boots was a heart, so that he leaves a heart imprint wherever he walks. At the tail of the heart above the laces of his boots were two stitches leading to the toe. The heels were golden, along with the soles and the toes.

Even though his entire body was covered in cuts and bruises, he was still holding his bow with a firm grasp and shooting at the nearby Changelings with a determined expression on his face, even succeeding in knocking out Pharynx with one hit to the head. When Adora and Glimmer noticed him, both of them immediately exclaimed with great excitement, "BOW!"

He then looked at Glimmer and announced, "Glimmer, come on! Grab Adora and let's get out of here! The others won't last much longer!"

"Got it!", replied Glimmer and after holding Shadow Weaver's hand, they both teleported right beside Adora.

However, as they were about to grab her and teleport her out of there, Adora said, "No, wait. We can't just leave Catra and Scorpia here. We need to need to get them out of here too."

"WHAT?! You can't be serious!", Glimmer blurted out. "They're with the Horde, remember? They're the ones who brought you here in the first place."

"I don't care!", retorted Adora. "If they stay here, they'll die!"

"Can we please make a decision as soon as possible?!", Bow interjected as he came over to their side. "Our friends are getting a serious beating back there and I'm not sure how much longer they can keep fighting. Plus, I think the queen is about to regain his vision soon and when that happens, WE'RE TOAST!"

Bow had made a correct assumption and Chrysalis' vision was about to return to her. In fact, she was able to make out the shapes of Bow, Glimmer, and Shadow Weaver, and had started charging up her horn with the intention of striking them all down once and for all. When Adora saw that, she grabbed on to Glimmer and extended her hand to Catra, who was initially very reluctant to take it. Then, she took a few moments to consider her options and even looked at Scorpia who gave her a nod of approval. Consequently, she took Adora's hand, Scorpia held on to Catra before all six of them were teleported out of the room. Even though Chrysalis attempted to shoot a beam of magic at them, she missed her shot just as the teleportation occured."

As a result, she became so enraged that she loudly screamed towards the ceiling. This caused the Changelings in the room (including Pharynx) to start waking up and get back on their hooves. When Chrysalis noticed that, she loudly exclaimed at them, "SPREAD OUT! FIND THEM! BRING BACK THE BLONDE ONE ALIVE!"

A legitimately frightened Pharynx quickly bowed before her and declared, "Yes, of course, your highness! At once!"

He and several soldiers immediately began to fly through the corridor and began searching the entire hive for any traces of the captives and any clues in regards to where they could have gone to. Meanwhile, Chrysalis started pacing back and forth inside the throne room, taking deep breaths in order to calm herself, and thinking out loud, "They think themselves so smart! They think they can get away from me so easily! Well, they'll soon realize just how wrong they are! I'll hunt them all down, drain that girl's love, and use it to conquer every inch of this world! Then, they'll finally understand why I am the one true queen here!"