• Published 9th Jul 2020
  • 1,402 Views, 51 Comments

Moondance Game - BattleCat311

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Gym day

Time at the Gym

“Oh, come on Moon Dancer, the gym isn’t going to hurt you,” Minuette said as she pulled a sluggish Moon Daner through the doors of the gym.

Moon Dancer didn’t have a problem with working out per se.

But she really didn’t like Gyms. Back at school the gym always smelled awful, was full of screaming ponies, and everypony there was mean when she tried to do her exercises.

She didn’t relish the chance to do any of that again.

Grumbling along the way Miuette quickly handled her check-in and they tossed both of their gym bags into a locker before heading back downstairs to begin stretching.

Minuette was a little worried that Moon Daner was going to have a difficult time here but she also really wanted to test her to make sure she was still healthy and fit.

She hadn’t forgotten that Moon Dancer has essentially done self-experimentation on herself. So this was both a punishment and test to see if there was anything wrong.

Tho she also found it funny to tease Moondacer a little by pressing herself up against her while “helping her stretch”. Moony turned the most colorful shade of red when she bent over to grab her toes. It was just to funny not to tease her a bit.

“Alright Moony, I think we've stretched enough let's go and start with some dead lifts.” Minuette beckoned Moony down the stair and into the level of the gym that held the most weights.

They quickly spotted an open Squat rack and claimed it. Minute placed a ten-pound weight on either side of the plate and asked Moon Dancer to lift it.

Moondancer walked over to the plate, a little embased that she was going to pull such a small weight, and spoke up about it. “Um, isn’t that a little too light? It’s only ten pounds. I've lifted heavier stakes of books.”

“I know but I want to check your form first before we start pilling on the weight. I don’t want you to pop your back.”

Not sure what Minuette was talking about Moony bend down and pulled up the ten-pound weights with no effort.

She looked over to Minuette and was surprised to see a scowl on her face. “No, No. All wrong.”
“Huh, What do you mean? I lifted it didn’t I”

“Yeah, but you used your low back to do it instead of your legs and hips. Biomechaickly our lower backs are some of the weakest and most important parts of our bodies. If you put too much pressure on it your could easily pop a disk by accident or even damage your spine. Instead what you should be doing is sticking your ass out while keeping your spine stiff and straight. That way you use more of your hips and body to lift the weight. Here let me show you.”

Minuette pulled moony aside and took a position over the bar. She stuck out her ass and grabbed hold of the bad. Moony noting how stiff and straight her lower back was. There was no curve to it like there had been in hers. She did a set of ten reps and then lowered the bar back. It wasn’t difficult but moony could now see the difference in form.

Looking back on it she now understands why she sometimes got a -1 hp or 2 while she was training in the woods. She was unintentionally hurting herself in her training. She suspected this was also why her STR was stuck at 10 and didn’t rise.

She tried to lift again and was still doing it badly, however with Moon Dancer correcting her form she was able to make successful lifts using the right muscles.
Her system seemed to agree with it since it rewarded her with +1 Wis when she started to correctly train.

She even gained a new power from her system

[Perk unlocked]

[Training Time- Beginner - Increases the efficiency of State gain inside Training facilities.]

“Alright, now that you have the form down we're going to be increasing the amount of weight on the bar by ten every ten reps. Now lift!”

For the first hour, Minuette lifted alongside Moon Dancer. It felt nice to have a workout buddy for a change. Twinkle and Lemon both didn’t have the time to come to the gym with her and even when they could make the time they were more into the cardio part of it instead of the strength gains she was looking for.

Minuette encouraged Moondancer so that she would feel comfortable enough to come back. But quickly realized when the weight got up to 300 pounds and Moondancer was still going strong she didn’t need it.
For a moment Minuetter felt jealous that her nerdy friend had found a shortcut to strength.

It wasn’t exactly fair to use magic to increase your strength gains. It was like doping to boost your performance. But she would let it go for now since she knew moon dancers didn’t see the magic that way.

But those thoughts were quickly washed away with fascination and admiration when Moon dancer started to pull upwards of 500 pounds and her muscles started to show themselves under her fur. They were flabbergastingly small for the amount of weight she was carrying. It confused Minuette to watch her nerdy friend deadlift so much from the get-go.

Minuette could lift more, but for a beginner? This was great.

While Minuette was busy being flabbergasted at her, Moondancer was happily pumping away at the weights for a different reason.

[For Correctly straining your body you gain +1 Str]

This was the first STR point she managed to gain from training. The first 10 levels she gained really didn’t count for very much since they came really easily. However now she had a way to actually train her STR effectively and efficiently.

Moon dancer didn’t think she was ever going to be a strength-type gamer but leaving her STR at 10 for who knows how long just didn’t sit well with her.

And if she was being honest with herself. Seeing her STR rise made the work out just a bit more fun.

“Ok, Ok. I think we can stop here for now. Wow, 600 pounds…Thanks just insane. But Super strength or not I don’t want you to overwork those muscles. Let's take a break before we continue?”

Agreeing to the break both of them went to the gym's indoor snack stand. They had a nice selection of protein smoothies and other health food that Moon dancer thought she was going to gag on but actually enjoyed once she tried it.

[Protiene shake – Increases SP regen for 1 hour and increases EXP acquisition by 10%]

“Well look who It is boys. Minnie Floppers, back to break some more mirrors?” A short but stalky Earth pony stallion flanked by a pegasus and another earth pony sneered in their direction. They were all fairly well built. The kind of well-built that you might see working out at a beachside gym.

Looking over at Minuette Moony figured that she didn’t like any of these ponies is the annoying glare and sight were an indication.

“Oy, don’t ignore us Floppers, or did ya hit you head so hard again ya now hard of hearing, Can’t expect much from a horned head. Especially a mare horn head.”

“Oh wow, that was both racists, sexist, and grammatically incorrect all in one sentence. I’d almost be impressed if I could assume you were intentionally trying to be ignorant.” Moon said with a hint of superior venom in her voice.

Minuette smiled at the jab while the three Stallions frowned in annoyance at her. They dangerously glared at her while the lead stallion began to fume.

“Hey, muffin top, keep it to yourself. This is between me and Floppers.” The stallion said as he tried to stand taller for intimidation. Since he was naturally short it wasn’t impressive at all and instead made him look a bit constipated.

Moondancer was confused at the muffin top comment and looked down at her stomach. She supposed that with the large shirt she was wearing bunched up like it was, the shirt did make it seem like she had some flab. It wasn’t a flattering position, but this Stallion should know better than to comment on a Mares weight. It was one of those unwritten rules everyone just followed.

Still, she wasn’t going to just let some random Shmuck insult her friend. Especially ones whose level was only a pitiful 10.

“Said the guy who’s looks like he’s had work done to get those muscles. Tell me did they charge you extra for the but implants or did those come free with the Pec lift?” Moon Dancer didn’t have a clue where these insults were coming from or how she knew what any of those things were. But at the moment she didn’t care. Her Friend was being insulted and she wasn’t going to stand for it.

If the banging on the table as Minuette shook was any indication. She was doing a good job.

“That’s it you Horn's head. I challenge you to a squat off. Well, see who’s smirking after a couple hundred squats. “

[New Challenge]

[Beat this loud-mouthed Imbecile in his own game]

[+20 affection with Minuette, ?? .]

Accepting the quest off-hand They all separated so that they could prepare for the challenge.

“You know you don’t have to do this. Bicep’s an annoying pain in the ass for most of the gym and I think the manager is going to ban him soon anyway.” Minette said as she ran through the proper way to do a squat in the challenge.

“Yeah. Well um. It’s just…Well I want to. He insulted you, I mean the words weren’t all that insulting but the way he said it, even before he devolved into chauvinistic rambling. I just didn’t like that he did that.” Moondance mumbled as she tried to look anywhere else but Minuette.

Minute beamed at Moondancer and resited the urge to wrap the girl in the most bone-crushing hug she could manage.

“Thanks, Moony, Really, it means a lot. Now, let's run through how this is going to work one more time.”

When the time starts your and Biceps are going to start squatting down to see who can do the most amount of squats in 5 minutes. It may sound easy but working all those muscles for that long will strain anyone no matter how strong. A rep only counts is your ass becomes parallel with your knee. I’ll be counting Biceps reps while his friend Calf will count yours. By the end of the five minutes, whoever has the most amount of reps wins. Understood?”

Moondancer nods as both of them head over to the small area of the gym covered in Foe grass. The challenge will be held on the foe grass to no obstruct the other weight lifters.

Moondancer and Bicep got into position on either side of each other and when he saw the time begin both of them began to squat.

At first, Moondacer was going fine. She continued to squat in the same form that Minuette showed her. It was all going well till her spotter got to the twenty squat marks. She had started off strong but now she could feel a tight burning sensation stemming from her thigs and moving towards her hips and ass.

She had been in the lead by 2 squats but after the burning sensation started she slowed down and dropped back. Now she was only keeping within 2 or 3 squats of Bicep.

And this was only the end of the first minute.

By the second minute, she was getting desperate and her squats didn’t count. The only consolation being that Bicep also missed 2 squats when he got cocky.

By the third minute, her face started to develop a red tint and her breathing became labored. Every time she dropped down to another squat she needed to fight her own body to breathe. All she wanted to do was just crash down and lay down but she wasn’t willing to give up just yet. She may be trailing behind by five reps but she wasn’t out of the running yet.

On the fourth and last minute, each rep felt like she was trying to pick up a mountain. Her face was now fully red as she hyperventilated for more air. Her legs were shaking as she forced them to work for one more rep. She had both of her eyes shut tight as the sweat from the reps was starting to sting her eyeballs, making it more difficult to concentrate. If she had looked down she would have seen a small puddle of sweat from under her. Her muscles were screaming at her, begging her to stop and rest. But she couldn’t, Wouldn’t. her pride was too strong. She was going to give this her all. Even if her whole body felt like it was on fire.


At the sound of The clock reaching five minutes, Moony fell face-first into the ground. Her Legs finally resting after the sudden shock of overload. She didn’t know or care if she won or lost at that moment. All she wanted was for the burning pain in her legs to go away as she gasped for every new breath.

Thankfully gamer's body kicked in shortly and rapidly began to re-energize her. Allowing her to turn over and get onto a bench in just a few seconds.

“Wow, Moony that was so impressive. I didn’t know you had it in you. I mean, Not that I doubted you but that was awesome!” Minuette passed Moony a water bottle that she all but tore out of her hands and began to guzzle down.

“Did….Did I win?” Moony asked, hoping that her stats were enough to bet out the rude jerk.

Looking around she could see that Bicep was also exhausted but in considerably better shape than she was in. He was drenched in sweat but it didn’t look like he was about to collapse as she had.

Falling onto the floor like that would have been embarrassing but she was just too tired to care now.

But the Beaming smile on Minuettes face made it all worth it.

“YES, You Frikin did I Moony. YOU WON. It was close, only by a single Rep, But you beat out won.” Minuette said as she grabbed hold of Moon dancer and spun her around in a bone-crushing hug. Not caring for a moment that all her sweat was getting onto her.

Moon Daner was thankful that her face was already red otherwise she everyone could see just how much she enjoyed Minuetts hug.

“NO, I don’t accept this. Thiers no way I lost to some newbie. I call cheat.” Bicep said as he stood up and puffed out his chest to try and look menacing. He was not willing to accept that he had lost and since it was by such a small margin he wasn’t going to admit anything.

“Cheat? Your buddy was counting her reps and I was counting yours. There was no cheating. You're just pissed cause you half-assed a dozen reps cause you underestimated Moony. Just admit you lost and move on dude. This doesn’t have to become a thing.” Minuette said as she stood in front of Moondancer.

Not that she thought Bicep would try anything. He might yell and holler but he wasn’t a violent sort. Just the cheating sort.

Ponies around the gym had been watching the little contest about halfway through. It wasn’t every day you see a mare nearly kill herself with squats and that kind of effort drew attention. So there were plenty of witnesses to the Contest.

Rounding on his groupie Bicep asked “ Calf, you were counting her reps, how many did she squat?” Just from the tone of voice, everyone could tell that biceps was demanding his friend lie for him. It was petty and stupid but Biceps just had too much pride to lose to anyone without a fight.

Visibly uncomfortable the taller earth pony bit his lip and mumbled out “Uhhh, It was three hundred Fifty....four?" Calf said but it came out more like a question. He shrugged his shoulders and looked away from everyone, he didn’t want to look anypony in the eye and reveal he was lying despite everyone knowing he was.

“Ha, There I won. Now get out of here you losers.” Bicep said cockily, unaware his reputation in the gym was falling even further down than what it was before.

Minuette was getting angry and wanted to punch the bucker in the face for being such a jerk. But a hand by her waist stopped her.
“Min, We won, We know we did. If he wants to delude himself, then just let him. Arguing with him’s not worth it. It’s just going to be pointless in the end.” Moondance said as she stretched out her legs. They were really feeling cramped all of a sudden, uncomfortably so.”
“Your friend there is right little Minie, Go ahead and get her to the locker room before she collapses.” A tall and jaked unicorn stallion with a silvery stary main and ruff dark blue fur-wearing tight exercise sweats and a windbreaker said to Minuette as he walked over to them.

He was the owner and of the gym and a friend of Minuetts parents. He had seen the whole contest and was in fact impressed with her friend. It wasn’t an amazing amount of reps or anything like that. But the fact that she could just keep going even when she clearly was so close to her limit was impressive. That kind of focus and determination showed she had some potential.

Moving past the two of them Alligator Press marched over to the three bone heads that were still celebrating their little ‘win’. Stalking them like his namesake. He had enough of all the complaints coming in about these three and he was now going to do something about it.

Feeling tired and sore but ultimately triumphant and a little smug at Bicps coming to misfortune Minuette and Moondancer walked away to go clean up in the Loker room.

Having a chance now Moondancer was able to see the slew of alerts she got during her workout.

[For straining yourself to the limit you have acquired +5 VIT]

[For pushing past your Limits you have gained +5 STR]

[For learning about proper body train form you gain +1 INT]

[Challenge complete] – Beat the imbeciles at his own game.

[+20 Reputation with Minuette]

[100 Exp]

[Skill -Trolls Endurance aquired] – Gain a +500% Stamina recovery multiplier.

[Skill Work Horse aquired] – Stamina loss decreases at 50% rate

[Reputation threshold reached. 50/100 Reputation with Minuette Aquired]

[The Leaders Charisma. +5% charisma multiplier when iterating with other ponies.]

[+10% reputation gain with ponies in the Maid Profession.]

[20 VIT reached – Passive skill acquired – Bellowers Breath- Negates status effect [Short of air]]

[STR 20 Reached- Passive skill acquired- Earth ponies Constitution- You have gained the stalwart strength of the earth pony tribe.]

[20 INT reached – Passive Skill Acquired – Novice magicians core – Magical core produces +5% ore mana]

Looking over her stats sheet Moondacenr couldn’t help but think training with Minuette had been worth it. Not only had she grown by leaps in just a couple of hours but now she knew that she couldn’t just lift heavy things to get stronger. There was a method to the swoll madness and she was eager to learn it.

“Come on moony, Let me give you a message in the sauna to loosen up some of those tense muscles.” Minuette coxed a tired but satisfied Moony away from her locker and beckoned her over to the sauna.

Felling like a nice hot Sauna was a great idea Moony followed her in.

Author's Note:

I'v been thinking about changing the profile pic for this story. Any ideas about what i should look for?

Comments ( 5 )

uh oh... hot steamy massage? oh boy.

Always happy to see you post!

This story has a serious case of needing to be hit with an edit-baton.

Between the spelling mistakes, and slipping in and out of first person format, the prose becomes aggravating to follow.

As such, a little grammar-police brutality is in order. Get yourself a third party editor and go over your work with them on discord or something. That way you can correct both the writing, and learn how to fix your habits. A spell check program alone won't fix half the mistakes, as they are context spelling errors.

Example: threw/through.

'Threw' being the past-tense of throw, like throwing a ball. And 'through' being to travel inside something. IE Passing 'through' the Everfree'.

Wow, the power of the Gamer.

I never took Moondancer for one to day the Z word tbh.

Oh dang what did I have to notice this was last updated two years ago on the last chapter :raritycry:

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