• Published 21st Jul 2020
  • 1,933 Views, 11 Comments

A Simply (Not So) Simple Life - Neon Icy Wings

A simple Brony finds themself throw into Equestria before Twilight goes to Ponyville, and must face magic, fate, anxiety and socialization. How will they handle changing themself, and potentially Equestria at large? Or finding changes already there?

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Chapter 2: Head In The Clouds

Things were strange.

I drifted... somewhere. That part was just fuzzy. All visuals were either non-existent, not worth remembering, or blurry as hell. Wherever I was, the blurry realm was mostly pain and tiredness. I couldn't even work up the energy to groan or try to move at first, I couldn't even tell if I had been aware of it at all times, I was so out of it.

The only way I could describe it was like a vague state. Not fugue state, vague. Like I was vaguely awake and vaguely asleep, an in between of consciousness where I vaguely felt the warmth and comfort of wherever I was. I think.

I groaned, I was sure that time, as I tried to force my eyes open. Eventually I managed to and... I was in the forest? Was-wasn't I just in the forest? I shook my head and winced at the sun as it blasted my eyes. I got to my hooves and sighed, I coulda sworn I got out of the forest, but it would be easier this time, I guess.

I started walking through the serene forest, rolling my shoulders as I did so, shrugging off the sleep. Really, the forest was quite beautiful all things considered. And sunny. Lots of sun at the time, which was surprising to a degree. Calming really. Lack of birds was disconcerting, but I'd take what I could get. I mean, the Everfree wasn't the most hospitable place, so feeling somewhat safe was nice, and helped the serene sense of terror.

As I glanced around, a river came into view quicker than felt normal. A sense of foreboding hit me from the river, in a way I couldn't explain, as I looked at it from a distance. Choosing to avoid the river was a no brainer to me and I chose to walk faster.

After the river things felt wrong, well, wronger-er. Like eyes I couldn't see were plastered all around me. A pressure bearing down on me. I just wanted out of the forest.

I was uncertain for how long I plodded, the moonlight pouring through the canopy casting doubt upon the forests beauty to me. Whatever, Ponyville awaited anyhow. I hoped

The trees seemed to twist and twine the longer I walked, looking for an exit to the forest. The foreboding creeping at the edges of my mind started to get to me, and I began to try and not look around me anymore, keeping my eyes locked firmly ahead. Out of sight and all.

Sadly that didn't really work. The very presence of the forest drilled into my head, to the point it almost felt like my body was shaking, even if I actually wasn't. A phantom shaking, as it were.

Passed the phantom shaking, the unseen eyes that still haunted my mind, and finally, a light shone out from a breach in the never ending trees. I ramped up my speed, wanting out as fast as possible, and as I neared the light seemed to shine ever brighter.

But the phantom shaking only grew worse, I almost tripped. I felt out of breath, felt terrible for no reason, not aided by the strange feeling in my neck. I wretched towards the ground, shaking all the more, even when I focused my vision to see the green sap dripping down from my mouth.

A force that came from within wrenched my head up as I gagged on the green. Slowly, my jaw painlessly stretched as a large brown figure crawled toward the sky from my mouth. The bark cracked as red eyes twisted around to glare at me. I fell backwards as the Timberwolf howled in my face, fear clutching at me so hard I barely noticed when my head connected with the carpeted floor.

My eyes snapped open as I slowly realized I was thrashing around in a grey and white, furnished room, if the blurs were right, with two thoughts running through my recently awoken mind: Oh, yeah, this is real, and I almost died.

The thrashing was, all in all, strange considering my new equine form, and painful as my flank and shoulder quickly reminded me of their pain. The aching in my hoof was hard to explain, though. It was around then my ears finally eased up and I heard another voice for the first time, as I highly doubt howls and growls counted as voices.

My head whipped around from my awkward place on the floor, and through the blur of recent nightmare awakening adrenaline a blue form loudly spoke quite close all things considered. At least it wasn't an angry tone upon their tongue.

I shook my head, trying to clear it as I tried to reorient myself. While my vision did clear up a bit, things were still quite blurry as I tried to stand up, hissing slightly at accidentally dragging my injured wing between myself and the ground. My shoulder also screamed at me, causing me to stumble. I forced down a growl and left weight off my right hoof and looked again to the blue blur. I noticed the pony must be rubbing their face, to which I quickly connected to my stinging hoof. "Agh... I-I'm sorry. I, ugh, I-"

"Nah, nah, it's not that big of a deal. Are you okay? I mean, beyond dragging yourself out of the Everfree, covered in mud and blood?"

... I know that voice.

I shook my head again and opened my only slightly hazy eyes to see Rainbow Fucking Dash standing right in front of me. My stomach did a happy somersault, a familiar feeling I often got when gazing upon amazing fan art, primarily in the lighting department, and good GOD! Not only was seeing a bonafide real life pony, that pony being bestest pony being itself a wondrous bonus, but actually seeing a friendly, if slightly injured, face really put into perspective how beautiful the world of Equestria was.

Rainbow was of course Rainbow, but as for my perception of reality, she looked very much similar to the show, just with the obvious bells and whistles a Saturday morning cartoon with alternate movie style couldn't quite capture. Her fur was more defined, the lighting put Ray Tracing to shame, and if anything the colors seemed to pop much much more. Guess my giant ass eyes have an appropriate amount of rods and cones for catching the waves, or whatever science they were dictated by. Or it was magic, could always be magic. A part of me felt I should have noted the giant eyes before, but another part reminded part one that it was raining, muddy and was the Everfree.

I quickly tore myself away from my idle musings to answer her question. Nothing worse than a creepy first introduction, you know. "Well-l, better than... I could have been." I winced as I began to flex my body as it were. Never one for idly standing around, I needed movement, and instinctively flexed my body, which disturbed my hurt wing, causing me to realize it was tightly bound and bandaged. As was more of me than I had realized.

Rainbow spoke up as I winced. "Oh yeah, I, uh, might not have done the best job, you know, cleaning or patching you up, but I made extremely sure your wing was good. Guess that flight camp first aid stuff wasn't worthless after all." She looked oddly proud for one admitting information she didn't bother to memorize was, in fact, quite helpful. Either way, my stomach flipped again. A future of flight was potentially before me. As was my potential teacher who would most likely send me to my crashing comedic doom.

I gave a calming sigh, glad to know I was somewhere within canon, and Everfree aside, was relatively safe. "Thanks, b-by the way. I woulda hated to die to exposure after getting away from the Timber Wolves."

Rainbow's eyes grew slightly as she tilted her head. "Timber wolves?"

Wait, fuck, how much should I know? Are Timber Wolves common ish knowledge? But, the Everfree was treated with more terrified reverence in episode two. Wait, what the horse balls is my backstory?! "Uh..., g-giant wolves made of timber?" Rainbow looked mildly horrified at the description, and for some reason I forged onward, and said in an almost monotone, "I bit the biggest one's throat out after running for a long time."

I think I broke the Dash if her expression becoming a mixture of awe and disgust was any indication. "Whoa..." Aaaand then her expression became slightly guarded. "Wait, why were you in the Everfree anyway? Nopony goes into the Everfree." Yet, yet is a very important modifier there.

But, I didn't have any time to create an alibi, besides, any backstory fabricated would eventually fall apart. For god's sake I was in a Saturday morning cartoon show, if I got close to any main character I would become an episode on trusting your friends 'because they will love you for who you are' or some shenanigans. So I told the greatest lie of all time. A slice of truth. "I was- I, was..." I poured the thoughts of my past life, losing my family, my town, my country, my world, the very basis of self with no proof my world having ever even existed. The history and the world that was all but lost to me, I poured it all to the forefront of my mind, all the loss, and felt my chest clench. "W-wait, where- I... I, I, I!" I instinctively stamped on the ground, almost stumbling from the act, "I don't know. I don't know how I got there. I-" My acting was working, Rainbow's guarded expression was falling, "Who... am I?" I didn't know why I asked that question. As my thoughts raced and the emotions I tended to keep nice in tidy inside a bottle, in a void, ran rampant, I lost myself a tad within the act.

I took deep breaths, my face turning to the floor as I was caught off guard by the emotions I dredged up, but heard Rainbow over my lapse in attention. "Oh. Oh, horse apples." Rainbow took a few steps towards me, and for some reason, more instinct I guess, I took a hobbled step back. "Uh, well, you were probably flying when the storm hit! Stick with me, and I am sure that somepony looking for you will find ya, especially if you hang around me! I promise on my awesomeness that I will help you find out who you are!"

Well, that was a one eighty, but in my still emotional mind it was actually quite the rousing speech. I sniffed, finally drawing my eyes back to her face. "Really?" I asked quietly.

"Of course!" She replied, flaring her wings in a lovably pompous way. "I-I mean, I can't just watch somepony walk out of the Everfree, covered in sap and blood, after biting out the throat of a wood wolf, and NOT help can I? I bet if you knew who you were, you'd be almost as awesome as me. Hay! By the time we find out who you are, with my help you'll easily be twice as awesome than you started."

I did not know what I was buying at that point, but it sounded promising. "W-well, that d-d-does sound nice."

Rainbow Dash appeared proud of her abilities to bolster her own ego alongside anothers as an attempt to bolster their spirits. "That's the spirit!" And we kinda stood there awkwardly for a minute, I couldn't really blame her, I was a stranger, partially pretending amnesia, but hey cut me some slack, not knowing if I could ever return home, what would happen if I was ever found out, the terrifying possibility of having to choose one way or another... I had a lot on my mind at the time. "Well, uh, it's kinda early, and while I would like to just go back to bed, I have something I needta deal with today and might as well just... do it. I got some food if you want some breakfast." Rainbow said, pointing with her wing to another part of the house.

I blinked, only then feeling the fact I hadn't eaten for who knows how long. How long was I lost in the Everfree anyway? "Uh, sur-e. I-I'll be a sec?" I said, somewhat unsure.

Rainbow didn't seem to mind as she shrugged and started to leave the room. "Sure, I'll pour ya a bowl of Feather Flakes." That sounded equally disgusting and appetizing somehow. Such is the magic of Saturday Morning fictions, I mused. As I almost drifted back into my mind she spoke again from the doorway. "And I'm serious. I will help ya find out who you are, okay?" She smiled, such a trusting smile, and left, and although the words were reassuring and nice, my chest still clenched in guilt. I was lying to her, and she was placing her loyalty in me so much, so easily. I would have to make it up to her someday. If I was ever able.

Alone, not sure if 'at last' was apt, I turned about to inspect the room more closely. It was quite plain, all things considered. The walls appeared like a dark smooth stone, causing me to wonder where the hell I was, as it didn't look like anywhere I remembered from the show. The room was a bit sparse, without an exact idea where I was, at least beyond 'Somewhere Ponyville' I didn't know if it meant anything. As I looked around I saw a second doorway, a bit opposite from the one Rainbow had just left through.

I moved toward it, curiosity taking hold now that I was somewhere, presumably safe, wincing as I put a bit too much weight on my right hoof. As I peered in, it was revealed to be a bathroom. Quite simple all things considered, tub, toilet, sink with mirror. I was too out of it still to fully absorb the implications, nor would I have wanted to, were I at normal brain levels. I took the opportunity to look in the mirror, to see myself, no longer obscured by rain.

As I stepped into view of the mirror's reflection, I saw myself clearly for the first time. Teal, teal, teal, with a splash of black, my mane still a mess, but not horrid somehow. I looked over myself, with aid from the mirror to see the extent I was bandaged. Bandages were wrapped tightly around my right foreleg, shoulder, flank and of course my bum wing, reminding me of the aching pain that lingered below the bandages. Like a cat scratch somehow, a lingering heat. There were also a few scratches on my face but were hard to see under my fur.

I took in my physical features more, though considering my notably human outlook, I couldn't quite speak to my appearance. Whether I was a tomboy, girly, soft or hard featured, I couldn't tell. I was a freaking pony.

I gasped lightly as an idea struck my mind. Freaking ponies have cutie marks! Did- did I? Surely not, I assumed. I quickly shifted, growling as I once again put weight on my injured leg as I attempted to swing my booty into view of the mirror. After mild complications in terms of locomotion I moved my flank into view of the mirror, expecting to find it bare.

Only a strange image was there, purple and teal swirls of light flanked by wings of either crystal or ice. The wings looked kinda badass though.

But, I had no idea what the fuck that meant. I had a cutie mark -which itself is an odd feeling, differently colored fur and all- and had no idea what it meant. What, was I suppose to reflect beams of various colored light? Don't worry Equestria! I am here to channel the Elements of Harmony's blast like the freaking Flash!

I scowled at the unexplained cutie mark. An abhorrent marker of growth in Equestrian society I had not earned in the slightest and probably would never know the truth of. If I still existed in the world, I thought, I would refuse to converse with the Crusaders about my cutie mark. Unless I was bored. Or stupid. I experienced tree sap once, sucks, yeah, no amount of boredom would tempt me against tree sap again.

Cutie mark a disappointment, I turned my attention to the next most pressing part of my body: My singular still functional wing. I was stressed out about my wing. An entire set of muscles, bones and nerves I had never had before in my life was something, and best when out of my immediate thought process. As it was at the forefront of my mind, it kinda freaked me out, as I stared at the bundle of feathers not bound to my side.

I felt along that side of my body, kinda like if you tried to wiggle your ears or nose, and my wing started to move. It was so-o-o-oh weird! I gently extended my wing, at least glad to see it didn't look terrible, like I didn't need to preen or anything. Yet. But having new nerves felt fucky. I snapped my wing back to my side and tried my best not to think about my changed nerves. The more I thought about my new body the more I felt like I was going to disassociate or something, which would have been a new experience.

Instead, I clumsily trotted out of the bathroom, hoping some kind of breakfast would distract me from my body by producing new problems to haunt me with. As I passed through the doorway Rainbow exited from, I noted it looked a bit similar to the guest room I was apparently in before, but much more extravagant somehow. Blue-ish chiseled walls and marble-esq pillars as part of the wall. Curved, triangular windows finally came across my view, revealing blue skies, white clouds and a rainbow freaking waterfall. As my eyes flew about the room, a second story and stairs leading there, and even a statue of a pegasus, probably a Wonderbolt. I simply stood in awe. "This place is fancy as fuck..."

A laugh rang from a room nearby, causing me to tense and then wince as my wing stressed against its binds. I twisted towards Rainbow's laugh, my face heating up from being heard. "Hah, that has got to be the best compliment I've ever got about this place." I followed the sound of her voice to a simple kitchen. For some reason I felt proud that Rainbow had a kitchen, and I didn't know why. "Come on, have a seat. Figured you'd wanna pour your own milk though."

I focused more on the table. Rainbow sitting on a stool on the opposite side from me, with a second stool placed somewhat haphazardly on the other side, a white bowl filled with white frosted looking cereal laid before me, and dare I say it looked quite tasty. Too bad I didn't know how to freaking grab anything. Hooves, my worst opponent.

No time to worry, until a reason was thrown in my face, I moved to and sat on the stool. A spoon and carton of milk laid before me, and instantly the anxiety of my lack of thumbs began to overtake me. I instantly regretted not suffering through understanding my functioning wing, because having a wing hand would be real nice right now. If wings even worked like that. Welp. Time to fake it til I make it.

I slid the milk over to myself, it was a stereotypical carton box type with a screw on lid. Perfect. Even if I'd only seen orange juice in such a box. I braced the carton and awkwardly twisted the cap with downward pressure, ever worried I'd just crush the box, but luckily the cap screwed off and lightly fell to the table. I then miraculously managed to grip the carton between my hooves, shoulder glaring at me, and poured just a bit of milk onto my -what did Rainbow call them? Feather Flakes?- without issue. I had no idea how I'd get the cap back on the milk though. I had a brilliant plan though.

I 'absentmindedly' pushed the carton and lid towards the middle of the table while keeping my eyes on my cereal.

Faking stupidity to navigate social situations! Works hardly ever, but god I had to try.

I glanced over to Rainbow to see if I could glean any pointers on how to use spoons, only for Rainbow to be using her wing. On the one hand, yay wing hands, on the same hand that is now a hoof, oh no. I basically said 'screw it', and just gripped the bowl between my hooves. Not that comfortable, but hey my new face was kinda made to eat like this. I lifted the bowl to my face and took a generous enough bite of the cereal. And wouldn't you know it, it was actually pretty good. Good ol' sweet frosty over layer, but even the crunchy cereal itself had a flavor I couldn't instantly place. Better than the ones that were basically edible cardboard, I supposed.

Once more Rainbow chuckled, and I flinched, luckily only a little bit of milk leaped over the edge of the bowl. Seeing my flinch Rainbow tried to calm me, still chuckling. "Nah, nah, it's okay. I do that sometimes too. Can't do it in public, though. Ponies judge all because it's 'not mature.' My food, I eat how I want."

Ah, a mare of culture I see.

Knowing I was in friendly company who wouldn't judge me, I returned to my food. I would have commented on, well, anything Rainbow said, but words failed me. Granted I was also absorbed in the utter terror my teeth gave unto me. I swear my mind had to be obscuring my understanding of my new body until the parts were thrown in my face. Although, it probably wasn't just my teeth, but every minor difference I had yet to fully absorb.

We ate in silence for quite some time. I could have tried to say something, but I had no idea what that something could be. It didn't help that I think Rainbow started to get a bit antsy, probably in the same boat as me. I couldn't really imagine what was going through her mind in that moment. You take an injured stranger home with apparent amnesia and they act a bit strange, if relatable, only to leave you with no conversational openings. And you can't expect the amnesiac to start conversation.

"So, where am I?" But that doesn't mean I, the fake amnesiac shouldn't try.

Rainbow stopped munching, seemingly surprised by my question. "Ogh, riht." She said with a full mouth. She swallowed and continued. "The whole amnesia thing. You limped out of the Everfree, huge forest. Now you're in my house near Ponyville." If I were an amnesiac I would appreciate knowing the names.

I gently crunched some more cereal myself as I thought of more awkward topics to ask. "Is Ponyville a good place?"

Rainbow shrugged at my question. "Kinda subjective. It's no Cloudsdale, but it's good. Has good ponies. Weird stuff happens sometimes, though. And, ya know, living near the Everfree can get on your nerves."

I blinked, in thought, was the Everfree really that bad? I couldn't tell if it was some location based version of 'characterization marches on' or what. The show only, well, showed two times to my memory that the Everfree was hyped as a weird monster factory and weather naturality. Else the Everfree was hardly an issue or that concerning from what I could recall, pony eating Timberwolves aside.

I almost wanted to ask if the Everfree was that bad, but considering I was wearing bandages because of the forest I kept my trap shut on that front. I wanted to ask what would come next. The next step in the day. For me. But I feared the answer. I always feared tomorrow, even if tomorrow was my only escape at times.

I ate my damn Feather Flakes.

The rest of breakfast passed without much anything, really. I finished my cereal, as did Rainbow. Decent food, but the atmosphere could use some work.

Rainbow got up from her place at the table and stretched. "Well, enough avoiding things." I considered that an ominous thing to say as she seemed to be heading to the front of the house, and I glanced to our bowls. A strong urge to quickly throw the bowls into the sink rose within me, but another urge to not step on any toes battled it.

In the end I quickly, if carefully, followed after Rainbow, wincing with an occasional step. "Where ya going?" I asked, eloquently.

Rainbow stiffened slightly and turned to me, almost seeming like she both did and didn't want to go. "I, um..." She took a deep breath and sighed, "I have to go apologize to somepony, and I need to get it over with before, uh, before..."

I blinked, mildly in thought. Who could she need to apologize to? Was this an episode I was intruding on? I decided to press. "Because if you don't do it now you'll chicken out?"

Rainbow flinched, practically reacting as if I had swung at her. "I do not chicken out! I am awe-some!" She sorta yelled, her wings flaring slightly and her voice doing that cute voice crack. Well, it would have been cute if she wasn't glaring at me.

Time to course correct. "So you need to go apologize because you're too awesome to chicken out of apologizing?"

"Y-yeah. I can't let somepony think I'd chicken out of taking responsibility. I'm too awesome, to-to let that happen."

Huh, something was eating at Rainbow. It at least warranted some kind of worry from her. My interest piqued, I decided to delve head first into this whole, well, acquaintance thing. So long as I didn't fuck something up. "Well... what do you need to apologize for?"

Rainbow shuffled her hooves a little, before making up her mind on something. "Listen, it'll be easier to tell you on the way, so can we just go?"

Man, she was impatient. Understandable. I nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

She seemed relieved that I accepted so easily and practically burst through her front door. I quickly followed and immediately started to stumble. Somehow I forgot Rainbow lived in a freaking cloud mansion, well, less forgot and more didn't exactly recognize what being in Rainbow's house exactly meant. And the house was really high up by my standard. Then again, my standard for 'too high for my liking,' tended to be the second floor of tall buildings and looking out a window.

Shaking my head lightly, I steadied myself. I didn't even think having both wings free would settle my unease. Oh, and walking on clouds is weird, but that was secondary to being high up with no safety.

"Uh, are you okay?" Rainbow asked.

The cloud felt funny under my hoof as I turned to her and saw her look of concern. Taking a deep breath I nodded lightly. "Yeah, yeah, just- just not used to being up high I guess."

Rainbow winced and gave a look of sympathy that tore at my guilt over lying. "I guess that amnesia took whatever altitude experience ya had. Uh, we'll work on that later. Hop on." She said, flaring her wings and crouching a little. I presumed she was going to give me a flying piggyback ride to the ground.

I approached her and tilted my head. "Uh, so ride on your back down to the ground?"

She smiled and stretched a little in pride. "Yup! Until your wing heals up I guess I have to be your ride of awesomeness!" Sales pitch solidly sold, I clumsily clambered onto her back. Avoiding her wings, while having a solid hold on her, while not feeling weird was a balance I barely attained. "Hold on tight, we're goin' down!"

And down did we go. She leapt from her cloud home and began to glide down, while I did my best to not touch her wings and still my beating heart that was quite nervous from the unsteady ride and blowing wind. For a moment I almost felt the splatter of rain and could have sworn I was in the forest for a third time.

Luckily the glide down was relatively quick and before I knew it I was back on solid ground, after almost falling off Rainbow Dash from my clumsy climb down from her back. She caught me though, so it was okay. "Whoa-oa. Careful. Can't have ya roughing up your wing more, right?"

I shook my head to steady myself, just feeling off in every way. "Y-yeah. I don't want my wing bandaged for longer than it needs to be."

I turned to her expectantly and she did not disappoint. "Alright! Now off to... Sweet Apple acres." Her bravado deflated quickly from the high of helping me down, to the apparent low of going to see Applejack?

I was confused. "So... explain on the way?" I gestured randomly, prompting her to head in the right direction.

Rainbow seemed to steel herself and nod, beginning our journey. I followed after her best I could, not that bothered when she didn't immediately dive into the reason she had to apologize as it gave me time to enjoy the scenery. The path we walked had a great view of Ponyville's surroundings. What appeared to be small, snow capped mountains in the distance intrigued me, the vibrant green trees and grass pleased me. The land around Ponyville was beautiful in the early morning light, if a tad scuffed from the storm.

Amidst my sight seeing Rainbow gave a light cough, drawing my attention. "Okay. I need to say sorry to my friend Applejack... and it's a little awkward." I tilted my head but let her continue. "You see, last night the storm hit Ponyville hard. I was supposed to fly around and let ponies know it was an Everfree storm and not a planned one. Sweet Apple Acres was the last place I was going to hit up and, uh, the storm got worse faster than I thought it would, and that's when I found you."

Oh. Oh. I could tell where she was going, and I didn't like it. "When I found you, I didn't know if I could get to Sweet Apple Acres while carrying you, so I flew you home instead. And seeing how much the storm wrecked everywhere else-" I followed her gaze around and it didn't look bad to me, but I was the newbie here. "- I don't wanna see what the farm looks like."

I felt terrible, honestly. If I wasn't an idiot and passed out from pain and exhaustion I could have followed Rainbow to Sweet Apple Acres or something. At the very least avoid bad blood between two friends.

As I let my thoughts fly I could have sworn I felt my heart clench. What if I drove a wedge between Rainbow and Applejack? If the farm took too much damage Applejack could refuse any explanation whatsoever and I could potentially be responsible for the doom of Equestria through the sin of surviving.

I think Rainbow saw my discomfort the knowledge brought me, that I was the reason for this visit, and wanted to calm me. "Hey, hey! Uh, it's not your fault." Doubt. "No matter what happens between me and Applejack, and her family, I would never have left you out like that. Besides, I doubt the Apples would have liked it if I left somepony out in that storm. I just-I just have to say sorry for not being fast enough."

Aaaaand guilt amplified. Gah. "I don't know what to say." I mumbled. "But, I wanna help. This apology, something beyond, I wanna help." I couldn't bring myself to look at her at the moment, especially as a thought crossed my mind. "I-I-I mean, I owe you my life."

The landscape drew my eyes as I said that last bit, not wanting to see her reaction to my words, although I did hear it. With a light chuckle. "You don't owe me anything. But, help? Well, I won't say no to that right now." I finally turned to her to see a friendly smile staring back. It somehow lessened and intensified my guilt.

Eventually we found ourselves before the acres of apples, and things did not look good. Apples, whether once ready to be harvested or too early I couldn't tell, littered the ground. Debris had found its way into the trees, branches were broken, either barely attached or plain on the ground, even thick ones. The worst was one full on tree had somehow tilted and fell onto a path that led into the farm proper.

Rainbow did not look good after that. She took one more deep breath and began to trudge toward where the barn and farm house of the Apples stood. As we neared I saw two ponies heading our way, which confused me a bit. Even from the distance we were at I could plainly tell it was Big Mac and Applebloom. Unless there was some other tall red stallion and small yellow filly I didn't know about.

Once we got close enough Applebloom waved excitedly and proclaimed greeting. "Hey Rainbow Dash!" Although she did give me a quizzical glance, she seemed more interested in Rainbow at that moment.

Rainbow waved back, giving a more subdued hello. "Hey Applebloom, Big Mac." Said stallion nodded in acknowledgement. "Where are you two going?"

Applebloom sighed dramatically. "Applejack wants Big Mac to take me to school today. Ah think she's worried Ah might trip and fall on a branch or somethin'."

Big Mac shrugged at Applebloom's words. "Eeyup." I merely blinked and glanced around, easily seeing yet another tree threatening to fall. I think Applejack had the right idea.

Applebloom finally laid her eyes firmly on me, curiosity burning within them. "Who's that?"

I did not know what to say to that, luckily Rainbow saved me from saying words just yet. "Long story. Speaking of Applejack, where is she right now?"

Applebloom looked a little miffed at her question being dodged, but pointed to the barn all the same. "She's doin' somethin' in the barn. She didn't like the look of the farm this mornin'."

Both Rainbow and I winced at that, Rainbow recovering first. "Well, we don't want to keep you from school. Talk to you later Applebloom, Big Mac."

"B-b-but, what about the new pony? And what-" Applebloom complained.

Big Mac rolled his eyes, though sported a small smile as he picked up his sister and put her on his back. "Eeyup." He said to Rainbow and continued on the path out of the farm, ignoring Applebloom's complaints.

After we watched them go, Rainbow practically stealthed up to the barn, looking absolutely terrified. I didn't know exactly what I should do, but I tried to comfort her. I gently patted her shoulder with my injured hoof, if only so my injured hoof wasn't the only one keeping me standing. "I'll try to stop her if she tries to break you."

Somehow Rainbow looked a little better. "Wish me luck." She said, before approaching the barn door in a few hesitant steps and knocking upon it. "H-hey, Applejack? I need to talk to you."

Not a second later the barn door absolutely blasted open, hitting Rainbow in the face and sending her flying clear across the yard. I could only stand in shock as my vision went from the groaning, laid out Rainbow back to the barn entrance where a completely incensed Applejack stood.

Until she started stomping towards Rainbow. "Ya no good feather fiend! Look what ya did to my farm!"

I was sorta panicking at the tone of her voice. Let's just call it 'Ready and willing to annihilate.' At least she didn't seem to see me.

That was until I sprang between her and Rainbow, my single unbandaged wing flaring on its own while my hurt wing struggled against its prison. "S-stop!" I freaking whimpered.

And the only response I got was applejack snorting in rage and pawing at the ground as if she was going to charge me.

I kinda wanted to cry at that moment.