• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤


This story is a sequel to Atychiphobia

A recurring letter has arrived at Canterlot Castle. Its appearance is one that Princess Celestia always dreads. To help her princess, Raven suggests a little spring cleaning. If only it weren't in the castle room that the princess has kept locked away for years.

Edited by Soaring. A stand-alone sequel. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 25 )

Instantly added to my reading list.

I'm at a loss for words as to what I just read...

I just want to give Celestia a hug and her help out in this difficult moment.

There's no closure here. This story just...hurts. I recognize that sometimes closure isn't possible in real life, and likely isn't here either due to timeline constraints surrounding Sunset Shimmer, but for there to be no sort of emotional uptick at the end feels empty. It's well-written, though.

Thank you! That effect was intentional.

It's very difficult to impress me, but this one did the trick. Astounding work.

Thank you so much! I'm glad to see you poking around more of my stories.

I have happy ones too, y'know.


Thought about it a bit. It's going on my user page. Atychiphobia will probably join it when you finish it.


And one more thing: you write Celestia as well as anyone on the site. I mean, dang.

Oh gosh, thank you so much. I've been told some people really like my Sombra and Cadance in particular. Same goes for Luna. This is pretty new. Thank you so much for all the praise, and I hope I can keep delivering. ❤

This hurts, alot and it makes me sad. I just really wished that this couldve got closure. I would pay to see closure with this one.

This broke my heart to read. Not only did I not get closure but I got attached to the fact that Sunny saw Celestia as her mom. That was what broke me, not to mention how we dont get any closure. This was amazing and you did a great job.

Thank you for reading regardless. I’m afraid that most of my stories that have the tragedy tag aren’t going to have any kind of closure. But I’m glad people still like them since work so hard on them.

No problem chief, still great job nevertheless.

Worst of all, she told herself that it hadn’t hurt to throw away the diary.

I honestly would've loved to see her read the diary and the entry's from the last story, sucks that Ill never see that happen but oh well.

Tragedy tag do be hittin the wrong types of different.

I must say that you consistently surprised me with this one - you took the story in quite a different direction from what I anticipated from Atychiphobia, and it forms a tale not of emotions expressed, but of emotions repressed.

From the author of the first letter through to the ending, I was having brief moments of "Huh, I was not expecting that, but it somehow hits even harder". It feels like a subtler tragedy than the 'obvious' choice of Celestia reading the journal - instead of a story of tears and reminiscence, it's the slow burn of memories intentionally forgotten. There's no catharsis or drama, and wrapping it up in Raven's faux-optimistic, some-things-are-better-left-unsaid "Just think of this as a little spring cleaning!" was a really quite painful touch.

The reader, much like both Celestia and Sunset (pre-Forgotten Friendship reconciliation, at least), get no closure, and it tugs at those long-faded memories in the back of my mind, of friendships and relationships past that are just... no longer.

On that note, Your Porcelain Face feels like a story that needs the context of its predecessor to really 'get it'. To understand the weight of what Celestia is throwing away with naught but a glance at its front cover, the outpouring of emotion contained within that will never even be acknowledged, let alone understood. In retrospect, 'Tragedy' feels like a very apt tag - I can only agree with PixelatedPerson's comment and I mean that as praise.

A brilliant continuation for all the wrong reasons. Perfectly encapsulated by the very final sentence, Your Porcelain Face is quiet, unsatisfying, and unrelentingly melancholic.

And that's how it really is sometimes.

I've been so busy lately that I hadn't seen this comment when it was initially posted. Thank you very much; you always leave some of the best comments. Reading and rereading comments like this lets me know that my work hits as intended, and can often go beyond that, which means a lot for when I eventually climb back in the saddle for writing.

Fuck you, Celestia.
You are the single most pitiful, ignorant excuse for a mother in all of Equestria. If you’re in this much denial of how badly you neglected Sunset - how you completely overlooked her cries for help - it’s no wonder she bounced on you.
Bitch. :flutterrage:

To understand the weight of what Celestia is throwing away with naught but a glance at its front cover, the outpouring of emotion contained within that will never even be acknowledged, let alone understood.”

This one sentence alone perfectly captures why I lost all respect for Celestia. She truly doesn’t care for anyone that isn’t immortal like her if it’s this easy to simply erase the memories of a pony who saw her as their whole world. All because it’s an inconvenience for her to deal with.
She doesn’t own up, doesn’t self-reflect, and Sunset is left with a myriad of childhood issues.
Fuck Celestia.


it’s this easy to simply erase the memories of a pony who saw her as their whole world. All because it’s an inconvenience for her to deal with.

There aren't any memories being magically erased here.

I meant Celestia tossing out Sunset’s diary, along with all of her other belongings in her old room.

Magic horse stories make it hard to tell what way words are being used sometimes.

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