• Published 14th Jul 2020
  • 910 Views, 30 Comments

Runic Notation - TCC56

When the Element of Magic, Octavia Melody, came to the club it was a pleasant surprise. When she decided to recruit the cellist Twilight Sparkle and DJ Rarity to help her hunt monsters, the shock was far less pleasant.

  • ...

May Thunder Be Our Voice

They were the odd couple. But that's part of why everypony loved them.

After all it was a storybook romance and who doesn't like those?

Twilight Sparkle - scion of a well-off Canterlot family - was the portrait of what a unicorn should be. Well-educated and well-raised, she excelled in her chosen field and was almost universally recognized as one of the most elite. After all, she was by far the youngest cellist to gain first chair in the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra and the only unicorn to have done so.

How she had met her partner was where the fairy tale came in - you couldn't find a pair more different in their paths through life.

While still a unicorn, Rarity didn't come from an established line - or from Canterlot at all. Her origins were far to the south-west in humble Ponyville, but while her roots lay there? Her boughs touched the sky.

Far different than Twilight Sparkle's ascension through the musical ranks, Rarity scraped and clawed her way to the top. Her weapon of choice was the turntable - taking the moniker of DJ Rar-👁-T on stage. Staring with school parties and working her way up through the clubs, Rarity's three-diamond symbol came to encapsulate something more than just a rave. Something elevated - poise, class, style. She brought sick beats and bass drops to Canterlot - the nobles let her sneak in because her commoner music was quaint, and when the trend passed and they tried to get rid of her she tenaciously refused to let go.

Which was how the two met. Twilight had been dragged along by friends to chuckle at the former flavor of the month who refused to understand her time was over - and her reaction was far more entertaining. They had smirked at how the cellist had cringed at the first bone-thundering bass drop. They had laughed at how she had winced when the music skittered like claws on a chalkboard.

They were less amused when, at the end of the set, Twilight had stomped up to the DJ and confronted her. The precise words were unimportant - and easily lost to the thump of the club - but the drama poured off the pair in waves.

An angry shout.

A jabbed accusation.

A sarcastic refutation.

A smarmy counter-jab.

A surprised and slightly confused look.

An eye-battingly flirtatious response.

Her friends went home without her - the rest of the evening was spent with Twilight glued to the DJ at the corner of the bar talking.

As it turned out, being a DJ didn't exclude Rarity from having a deep knowledge of music history and theory that rivaled Twilight's own. Being an accomplished (if rusty) pianist and singer helped to mollify the cellist's initial impressions, as well. By the end of the evening, Twilight was apologizing for judging Rarity and the two were fast friends.

Over the following weeks, Twilight became a regular at Rarity's club. And in turn, the Canterlot Symphony sold another second-row season ticket. Friendship deepened, and the fairy tale reached a climax on a rooftop watching the sun set when the cellist kissed the DJ.

From there, the two were inseparable as they shared their passions - and their love of music.

Thus was born Canterlot's rising musical couple - two lovers with great intelligence and proficiency, excelling in their fields and with each other.

The club was perched on the precipice of party - Rarity hadn't begun her set yet, and the room was tense in waiting. She was up there, of course, looming like the shadow of a falling boulder.

Twilight loved these moments almost as much as the show itself. The tension was palpable and nothing like her own performances.

Of course, that was pure Rarity. She had lectured Twilight more than once - well, they had argued about it - that music which was satisfied with only engaging a single sense was akin to a genius who never cared to put in the minimal effort to gain a barely passing grade. No DJ Rar-👁-T show would dare to be so low-brow. That's why the evening's selection of Tech House was being paired with a fiery curry from an up-and-coming local restaurant and a boldly textured Chenin Blanc. Rarity was determined to engage every sense - the sound of the music; the feel of the pulsing bass; the sight of the conjured lights; the scent of the curry; the taste of the wine... and right now she was indulging her favorite sense: the sense of drama.

The first notes struck, diving at the unexpecting crowd like a swooping hawk. Instantly the people were silent as Rarity consumed them in her world - and Twilight went with them. She bounced along with the beat, letting it overtake her.

This was the Rarity she hadn't originally appreciated - but she had learned to. Part of it was that Twilight had come to realize that Rarity was less a musician and more a conductor: her art was coordinating her plethora of instruments and notes, wrangling them to obey her will and form the symphony she wanted to create. (Rarity was predictably indignant at the 'less a musician' part, but the comparison was flattering enough to partially mollify her.)

But there were also moments where Twilight saw her less as a conductor and more as a dancer. That was one of the earliest things Twilight had noticed during her dubstep education: Rarity engaged every sense she could and that included her own. Her movements blended in with the music as she played - from the bounce to a riddim beat to the smooth, flowing movements of her forelegs in tune with Prench house, Rarity would always lose herself in the music as much as her crowd did.

She envied the joy on Rarity's face in those moments.

Twilight was a virtuoso and everypony knew it - she was the master of a half-dozen instruments and capable with several more - but for her music was an exercise in concentration. Of laser-tight focus on the sheet before her and of the movement of her hooves on neck and bow. Her music was tension and control, carving through marble notes to create a beautiful statue. Rarity's was submerging herself into the music, diving deep and floating in the warm currents.

Twilight couldn't help but sigh wistfully as she watched her marefriend create art with effortless grace.

"She is rather good, isn't she," commented the Trotish voice beside her.

The compliment made Twilight's smile widen. "Yeah."

"Not my usual cup of tea, but if one can only appreciate inside one's own preferences one shall never grow."

A final bass drop, and Rarity's set ended. The silence in the room was almost painful - before the crowd erupted in cheers. On stage, the DJ gave a smiling bow before she was enveloped by darkness and a glowing illusion of three blue diamonds took her place.

Turning her head finally, Twilight glanced over to the speaker - a grey earth pony with hair black as coal. "Wise words from aaaaaaa....." Her mouth hung open, the last syllable dragging on as her eyes and brain realized who was sitting next to and speaking to her.

The earth pony smirked a little, waiting for Twilight to catch up and get a hold of herself.

"You're-- you're Octavia!" Twilight reeled at the obvious revelation. "You're Octavia Melody!"

The grey mare blinked. "I am?" She rotated her head, turning to the white unicorn with the electric blue mane beside her. "Vinyl, did you hear that? I'm Octavia Melody! This wonderful mare just solved my amnesia problem!" The pale unicorn rolled her crimson eyes.

Twilight frowned. "You're mocking me."

"Well," Octavia noted with a laugh, "You are making it rather easy."

Biting her lip, Twilight wasn't able to suppress a smile. "I am, aren't I?"

Octavia held out her hoof. "Let us try again, shall we? You would be Twilight Sparkle, the best classical musician in Canterlot and quite possibly the most talented in the last several generations."

An instant blush darkened Twilight's cheeks. "And you," she noted as she took the offered hoof with her own, "are Octavia Melody. Not only the first earth pony to have ever been admitted to the School for Gifted Unicorns, but so talented that you became the Princesses' personal student."

Dismissively, Octavia waved it off. "Simply the right place at the right time."

But Twilight was having none of that. "You're the master of runic magic. I'm a hobby enthusiast, and I can't even begin to wrap my head around some of what you've done." She laughed. "And that isn't even going into how you and your friends unlocked the Elements of Harmony when you saved Starswirl and the Pillars of Equestria from Limbo!"

"I take it then that you're familiar with my companion?" Octavia moved slightly to the side, giving Twilight a clearer view of the other unicorn.

And Twilight jumped right into it. "Of course I am! Vinyl Scratch, the Element of Generosity!"

In response, Vinyl snorted and turned away.

Octavia laughed at Twilight's stricken expression. "You must pardon her. Vinyl's simply salty that she's become famous across Equestria for that rather than for her work in fashion." She leaned closer, stage-whispering conspiracy. "She may be generous but she can be a bit of a sourpuss when her ego is bruised."

That broke Twilight from her funk and into giggles. "Now that sounds familiar."

"I thought it might," Octavia shot back with her own subtle cheer.

"What sounds familiar?"

All three sets of eyes turned to Rarity as the DJ swanned up to the bar and promptly dropped herself into Twilight's lap. The cellist - unprepared - grunted as the breath was knocked from her lungs. Rarity utterly failed to notice, instead leaning across to take Twilight's wineglass and down the remains of it in a single gulp.

"Darling, you really must learn to account for your environment better. I know you have eyes only for moi, but the look of surprise on your face when you realized you were being spoken to was most distressing." Rarity ran a languid hoof along the sweep of Twilight's cheek. "You're liable to give yourself a heart attack one of these days."

Fumbling, Twilight tried in vain to retake control of the conversation. "I should introduce you. Rarity, this is--"

"--Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch," Rarity finished, holding out a hoof. "Absolutely charmed."

Twilight sputtered. "How do you know them?"

And Rarity laughed. "After all the struggling I've done to keep abreast with Canterlot society to retain my place, you're surprised I can recognize Octavia Melody? And of course I recognize Vinyl, darling, I wore one of her shawls on our last date." She paused. "Admittedly it's the only piece of hers I could possibly afford to own, but it's stunning."

Recognition sparked in Twilight. "Oh, you mean the blue one?"

Utter - if fond - disdain flashed in Rarity's eyes. "First of all it's Mareoccaan Blue you absolute philistine."

Rarity's second point was interrupted by Octavia's riotous laughter. "Oh yes, you were right Vinyl. I do like them."

The blue-maned designer smirked meaningfully before refilling her wineglass.

Both musicians looked at each other, speaking a silent question. Twilight took the lead in saying it aloud. "Miss Melody - the way you said that. This isn't random chance, is it."

"Just Octavia will do fine," the earth pony started. "But yes, you are correct. We came here seeking both of you specifically - and for business I'm afraid."

Rarity cut in. "I hate to disappoint, but I fear you may be going about this the wrong way." She tried to keep her tone gentle - avoiding accidentally offending powerful people was a key survival skill in Canterlot - but Rarity also kept steel under the cushion to halt the discussion. "If you desire one of us to perform, it really would be best to speak to our respective booking agents. As flattering as it is to be asked, it would be untoward to not respect any conflicting commitments that we already have."

And Octavia shook her head. "While commendable, your performances are not what brings us to you. At least," she added after a momentary pause, "not in the way you think."

Taking over the bar, Octavia produced a scroll and spread it wide in front of them. Twilight gasped quietly at the nigh-incomprehensible scribblings of dark ink on the pale paper. "Is that a variation on Snowfall's Circle of Buried Binding?" Her hoof traced the outside of the intricate runework. "It is! But you've modified it with Aurora's Power Eclipse to allow for restraining a much higher--"

Rarity put her hoof over Twilight's mouth. "Mayhaps we should let the actual wizard explain?"

Octavia, at least, seemed to take it in amused stride. "A good eye for a self-proclaimed hobby enthusiast. Those two are the basis of this particular bit of work, though it also incorporates around a dozen lesser incantations and enchantments to reach the final form. And before you ask, no, it is not my work. This is Princess magic."

Both Twilight and Rarity's eyes widened at that.

"We've been dispatched to try and trap a dangerous monster near Horseshoe Bay. The details are less than clear, but it's intelligent, aggressive and powerful enough that neither Princess is capable of facing it directly. It's also been preying on the locals for some time, though thus far that's been kept quiet. They fear it's getting stronger and more bold, and could soon strike out openly elsewhere." Octavia couldn't help but frown at the implications of that. "The idea is that we can bind it and use the circle to siphon off enough of its power to render it..." She trailed off for a moment, searching for the right words. "Less threatening," she finally settled on.

There was silence for a long, lingering moment. (At least between the quartet - the club was never truly silent as long as there were ponies in it.)

Rarity pinched her eyes shut to pull her thoughts together. "Darling, while it's fascinating that you're so eager to divulge state secrets to complete strangers at a bar - and I do appreciate the gossip - I really must ask why you're telling us this."

Leaning over, Vinyl tapped her hoof in three spots around the circle - three smaller nodes of runes.

"My own magic won't be enough on its own," Octavia elaborated. "Because Friendship is Magic, to defeat this monstrosity will require more than just me. However, the other unicorn among the Elements is currently unavailable."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "The Element of Laughter?"

A frustrated sigh slipped from Octavia's lips. "She prefers the Element of Entertainment, but yes. The point is that to ensure this works, we need help."

Rarity uncharacteristically fumbled for a moment. "Well, I-- I'm sorry, but forgive me. You're Octavia Melody. There must be hundreds of unicorns you could go to - even if you exclude everypony at the School for Gifted Unicorns, there's an entire cadre in the Royal Guard you could choose from. Why us?" Her ego insisted on a quick addition. "Not that it isn't flattering but we're musicians, not monster hunters."

That was a question, it seemed, she was prepared for. Both Octavia and Vinyl smirked as it was asked. "For starters," the darker of the two began, "The Princesses suggested you both. By name."

That tidbit visibly rocked both musicians in their combined seat.

But Octavia didn't slow down to give it any room for questioning or elaboration. "Secondly, I'm sure you'll deny it but leaving Vinyl aside? You two are by far the strongest unicorns in the room, in terms of magic." She waved a hoof at the assembled party-goers. "They're perhaps not the highest bar to surpass, but both of you are significantly above-average. You," she noted with a nod of the chin to Twilight, "Attended the School yourself under a music scholarship. And you," came the next nod towards Rarity, "Passed the entrance exams with flying colors, even if you didn't attend."

Twilight's head practically spun to look at her marefriend.

Rarity merely shrugged. "I never planned to attend and couldn't have afforded it if I had. Taking it was more a.." She waved a hoof in the air dismissively. "A way to prove myself. To show that I could have kept up with the creme de la creme if I had been so inclined."

Twilight gave Rarity a little shove, knocking her out of her lap. "You never told me about any of that!"

"Why darling," the DJ added with a batting of her eyelashes, "You never asked."

Vinyl's snickering cut away any further lover's spats, though Twilight continued to pout outrageously.

As Rarity finally took her own seat at the bar, Octavia tried to bring them back on track. "Beyond the talent of your horns, the other reason is that both of you are compatible with my own magic. Musical notation isn't actually that far removed from runeworking."

Twilight audibly considered that. "An archaic writing system that can only be deciphered by a tiny fraction of the population and is used in conjunction with specialized tools to create magical effects?" She exchanged a quick look with Rarity. "Okay, I can see the similarity."

A loud sigh of relief escaped Octavia. "So you'll assist?"

She was stopped from going further by Rarity's raised hoof. "Pardon, but that is not what Twilight said. We can accept that we were chosen for a good reason, and it's quite flattering to gain such recognition from so influential of sources. But you can't really expect us to drop everything and run off to fight against some horrific creature just because--"

"Vinyl will personally design and gift each of you a complete outfit for services rendered." Octavia cut in, slashing apart Rarity's objections. Her voice quivered a little as she spoke, betraying her underlying nerves. "You will also be publicly credited for your involvement - garnering both the pleasure of the Princesses and nation-wide acclaim. I suspect that boost of fame will more than pay for your time."

The offer hung in the air.

A tiny smirk came to Rarity's lips. "Darling, you had me at being able to see Twilight in a bespoke Scratch gown."