• Member Since 16th Apr, 2018
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(This is an alternate universe where Discord is set free from his stone prison a little earlier than the canon show and of course more changes along the way. Again, this sort of follows the show but not in the way you’d think.)

(This idea came from someone in a Fluttercord Discord server. Her name is Chaoticsyd. This alternate universe was her idea. I only took it and added on to it with my own ideas with her permission. Without her, this story wouldn’t exist. ^^)

After Discord finds a small child, his whole life takes a huge turn. One that he would never imagine would change his outlook on chaos and harmony forever.

Cover art by Chaoticsyd!

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 100 )

Huh. This is interesting. I actually planned something...similar, but involving all the main six being raised by Discord. XP

All I can say is really good job on this first chapter. I have to admit, the thought of Discord raising Fluttershy sounds like it could have some real potential. And, one of the differences in this universe is, while Luna still has her issues with Celestia, she did NOT become Nightmare Moon (at least, not YET). And, yeah, the first meeting between Discord as a statue and Baby Fluttershy was pretty in character for Discord (even showing more of a heart than even HE thought he had), including his cheeky observations concerning Celestia and Luna. Of course, I wonder if a Fluttershy raised by Discord will show enough of an appreciation for chaos to actually LIKE most of Rainbow and Pinkie's more harmless pranks a couple of decades down the road.

And, yeah, the argument between Celestia and Luna while they were looking for Baby Fluttershy was some emotional stuff. Yeah, Luna had a point about the logic concerning the power of the storm and Celestia had a point too about not giving up hope, even knowing the odds were against them.

At any rate, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places and I will definitely be looking forward to more of this.

Looking forward to more of this story

sure hoping the update schedule on this story isn't bs
it's great thus far

I’m actually almost done the next chapter or at least pretty good into it so don’t worry. It shouldn’t take long. ^^ Also thank you so much!

Aww, thank you so much! I’m glad you do. :twilightblush:

Yay, I’m happy that people are enjoying it so far! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for taking the time to type that by the way, I appreciate that. Anyways-

I forgot to add before but will later that this idea was not originally mine. Someone in a Discord server came up with this idea so I’ll have to make sure to credit her for that. I only decided to turn it into a fanfic and started to make a little story to it.

And yes, you will notice that there are huge differences in this to fit the story I’m trying to tell. When Fluttershy was a baby in the canon world, Nightmare Moon was still in the moon so I had to change a few things. I have a few ideas in mind anyways what to do with Luna.

I personally don’t like how I write Discord in my fanfics so I’m glad he at least sounded in character to someone other than myself, heh.

I also tried to portray to the best of my ability of Luna’s frustration and hurt at her sister while Celestia tries to reason with her and understand her. I’m glad that scene was appreciated. ^^

Thank you again as well. I’m almost overwhelmed by the support and love I’m suddenly getting by this fanfic and I’ll be sure to continue it.

Oh dear, Discord would definitely have his claws full. XD Tell me if you ever do decide to write it, I’d be interested in reading it. ^^

Ohh this is a very interesting story so far 😊

I’m glad you think so. :twilightsmile:

This is a very sweet chapter. It's nice to see Discord learn about the basics of parenting...hopefully he'll learn a lot more about what ponies, especially young ponies, need (in terms of nutrients, how much sleep they need, etc).

I'm looking forward to more chapters of Discord attempting to parent, and how he and young Fluttershy interact!

Ahh, this WAS another great chapter. Again, Discord's characterization is great And I also enjoyed Discord introducing Baby Fluttershy to his world and learning at least some of the basics of parenting. And the way HE actually came up with the name Fluttershy was wonderful stuff too.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

I think you meant, "Many years" earlier instead of "many months" at the start of this chapter (unless time passes twelve times faster in Discord's realm than in Equestria, which, admittedly, IS possible). Otherwise, this was a great chapter. Absolutely adored Fluttershy teaching Discord about kindness to animals as well as Discord adopting the "Tornado Twister" disguise to help Fluttershy learn how to fly. My favorite part, however, was Fluttershy calming down all the animals and getting her Cutie Mark in the process (though, it was because they were scared of Discord rather than because of Rainbow's first "Sonic Rainboom").

Again, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all superbly done and I will definitely be looking forward to more of this.

Comment posted by Fluskie deleted May 27th, 2020

Aww, thank you so much. I’m sure he will..Or well, has hehe. :twilightsmile:

I’m glad you enjoyed it. I personally felt it was a little rushed with Discord taking care of Fluttershy and that maybe they deserved a little more scenes of him trying to figure out the basic skills but it seems it turned out well anyways.

Ah yes, I forgot there was a few errors I had to change in here, I’ll change that soon. Thank you for pointing that one out.

The scene where Fluttershy gets her cutie mark was an interesting one to plan out considering in the show, the influence of Rainbow’s Sonic Rainboom was how they all got their cutie marks. And without it, it wasn’t possible for them to receive them. But since Discord rather changed things in the timeline in this universe, I decided it would only be fitting for Fluttershy to get her’s on her own. I will say though that the Sonic Rainboom still helped the others get their’s, just not Fluttershy.

Also thank you so much. ^^

will the rest of the m6 be showing up?
you've set some hooks that seem to be leading to such

before I read on I have to say a few things.

1: This is VERY VERY interesting.

2: Seeing as the timeline is different, I have to wonder where the rest of the mane 6 are and what they are up to.

3: Since Luna did not go all Nightmare Moon in the past, an her anger is still growing at her sister, I suspect the delayed fallout could be WORSE then it would have been In the past.

daww! Personally I think the BEST thing they could do is move into a pony settlement for awhile and build a reputation in its community. THEN set up a meeting to reveal themselves to one of the Princesses (maybe Luna) in hopes of Parlaying with them about recent events, but do so in the community they are living in

I’m glad you think so. ^^

A few others have wondered where the other Mane Six are as well. Right now they’re living their lives normally like they normally would. Fluttershy’s fillyhood just took a bit of a chaotic spin, hehe.

I assure you as well, Luna will definitely play a part in the future of them all. I have plans.. :pinkiecrazy:

Thank you for the comment by the way. :twilightsmile:

The issue with that is that a lot of Equestria had seen Discord’s chaos and it’s even been put in pony history since it impacted ponies back then very harshly. A lot of them aren’t very accepting of what he did like Fluttershy is. And even though the ponies who went through it are now dead since it was a thousand years ago, their descendants were told the stories of his chaos. While it might be possible for them to try and make that settlement see that he’d no longer do that, there would still be ones who would rebel against him despite all of it. However, it is possible with a lot of work.

Hence why I suggested he and his daughter Fluttershy build a positive reputation on a pony town first, by doing that they'd be planting the seeds of change so to speak. If they lived there for say a year or two then reveal themselves, ponies MIGHT be like "Huh, he's been Discord all this time, yet hes not done anything, and even helped out in our community"

Either way I look forward to seeing where you take this! :twilightsmile:

Hm..That’s actually an interesting idea. Also, thank you again. ^w^

Excellent job on this latest chapter. Again, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. And, yeah, I could understand Discord's reaction to seeing that "Missing Foals" picture of Fluttershy as a baby as well as the chat with Miss Daffodil (while Discord was in his "civilian disguise") and Fluttershy and Discord's dialogue following the aforementioned meeting with Miss Daffodil.

All in all, a great chapter and I'm definitely looking forward to more.

Whoa. REALLY emotional chapter. Yeah, Dizzy is getting WAY TOO FAR into "Overprotective Dad" mode, but I DID enjoy the graduation ceremony. Indeed, the misunderstanding between Rainbow and Discord made the situation worse, but I DID appreciate Fluttershy and Twilight both stepping in. And, I DO like the confirmation that Discord-raised Fluttershy, indeed, had absolutely no problem with HARMLESS jokes (which means she probably gets along with Pinkie Pie the best out of her entire group of friends) but the more harmful stuff being off limits, which makes perfect sense.

Anyway, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done and I'm definitely looking forward to more of this.

Indeed. Perhaps a little too cocky. :twilightsheepish:

Look, Fluttershy told us that you’re a ‘friend’ of hers and that you’re not bad anymore.

So 'a friend'? Okay Fluttershy I understand that you are responsible for most of the changes of Discord on the cannon and non-cannon stories of MLP and I can see clearly that Discord could not be the easiest begin to be with it, even I understand that his bad history with Equestria could not give you the most healthy relation with him, BUT is Discord just a 'friend'? Not the one that feed you, clean you or even teach you to talk? Not the one that on fear and distraught let you go to school knowing that you need to grown up? Not the one that on every moment the only that he has put his chaotic mind on the purpose of make you happy?(yes I'm turning up the decibels on each question)

I understand that they are guardians can be a pain in the ass, even be a danger to their care, but at least Discord didn't leave you, he didn't let you feel like you were on a cage or ignore you like you were a stranger/acquaintance.

If I'm a little peeved that your friends doesn't know him as your father like your teacher on elementary(is that how is called on Equestria?), you could guess why.


The only reason why she hasn’t called him her father yet in front of them is because the other Mane Six already don’t like the idea that she’s been staying with him. If she told them he took her in all those years and became a father figure, they definitely wouldn’t take that well. It’s mostly that she’s just waiting for them to trust Discord a little more before spilling the truth. Twilight is also in contact with the Princess all the time. She doesn’t want Discord to be in trouble for something she said.

And wow, this comment was pretty interesting to read. :rainbowlaugh:

I should also add that her teacher only knew Discord as his pony disguise, Tornado Twister. She had no idea that the Lord of Chaos was raising her.

Oh no, I understand that, but because I can't know how the story will develop on later dates I must assume that little Fluttershy is a little selfish for go with her friends instead staying with Discord.

But that's how stories should made you feel, restless because your favorite character made an action that you didn't like, only to gain your likes back because that was the plan all along, and that's good, like oneself that make a mistake but did recover later, if the action was positive or negative, doesn't matter; if you see a character doing something that should not be doing it and you cant do anything to stop them, only to watch and pray that it goes better that you.

Mostly my rant was for comedy purposes, even when is true (like this one interpreting Nostalgia Critic) or like Big Mac with this.

Oh sorry, this is my first time getting comments like these so I didn’t realize. :twilightsheepish:

Aww its so sweet that discord is Taking on a role of a parent for fluttershy so cute

The ground suddenly shook as a rainbow exploded out through the sky behind him and shot around in a circle. It took the attention of the animals and Fluttershy but ‘Tornado’ couldn’t look at it..All he cared about right now was Fluttershy.

Ahh that means rainbow dash did her sonic rainboom nice And sense Fluttershy did not go to camp with rainbow dash is that mean She's not gonna meet the other main six of five i mean And I wonder if rainbow dash Instead of defending fluttershy she's defending Gilda instead I wonder how that will work hmm I guess we'll find out soon

Discord grabbed a rolled up newspaper off his step, shutting the door behind him as he unrolled it. It seemed the mail pony had come by recently and somehow had made it through his chaotic dimension to his home. He always internally applauded them for making it through all the obstacles there were on the way and at least surviving to deliver his mail and other things. There was always a new mail pony so he assumed it was him making all the previous ones quit. How surprising that none of them had complained to the management and got word to higher authority such as Celestia yet.

Lol I kind of forgot about that I wonder how they found their way in his Dimension those mail ponys are good at there job lol 😆

Oh wow thats something discord got really nervous and scared for fluttershy i mean I guess he doesn't want to lose her but sooner or later she will find out the truth

Whoa man that was something Discord kind of overreacted a little too much And flutter shy is a little upset about this So I wonder how this will work out

O wow I kinda didn't realize I finally caught up to your reason chapter

Oh boy That is a really tough situation for fluttershy to do this to discord After all he done for her But she doesn't want to hurt her friends either so she's basically caught between the things that she loves I wonder what she's going to do I guess we'll find out next time

I enjoyed this chapter! It's good to see Celestia taking precautions and preparing them for Nightmare Moon and Discord. Especially since she doesn't know how bad (or not bad, in Discord's case) leaving them alone c oukd be. It was even better to see the sweet moment at the end, where Fluttershy promises not to turn Discord to stone.

Excellent job on this latest chapter. Took a while, but was quite well worth the wait. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are well done in all the right places. Yeah. The precautions Celestia took concerning the Elements were great as were the steps Discord took to evade detection outside the palace. And, yeah, I could see Celestia getting worried enough to ask Twilight and her friends to use the Elements on Luna if talking to her failed. And that scene between Fluttershy and Discord at the end of the chapter was beautifully bittersweet.

VERY certainly going to be looking forward to more of this.

Beginning of chapter: Aww, father-daughter bonding! How sweet that he's doing his best to make sure she's happy and healthy. :heart:

End of chapter: Ahh! Discord, I know you have some legitimate reasons to be worried, but you only succeeded in pushing her away by trying to keep everything else from the outside away! :fluttercry:

I enjoyed this chapter, and I'm looking forward to the next one! :twilightsmile:

It was a sweet beginning of the chapter and with a little Disagreement between angel and discord But then things went downhill after that A little disagreement between fluttershy and discord And it didn't help that discord is keeping her hidden and not Interact with other ponys But keeping her away and not trusting her is not the way either I just hope discord understand about her feelings And hopefully they will find a common ground

By the way I like the new cover art picture that you got so cute

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