• Published 10th May 2020
  • 2,610 Views, 80 Comments

To Be a Dragon - L Drkheart

Spike comes home find the changes his disappearance caused and to fix what he destroyed.

  • ...

A Past Home Pt 1

Spike bit his lip as he looked over his few belongings in a poor attempt to waste time. Ignitus shook his head at how childish the boy could still be even after all these years of putting him through Tarturus.

“You’re thinking about this far too much.”

“Well, kind of hard to forget that you abandoned those who loved you with no reason left behind and now after ten years you pop back in to say hi. That usually doesn’t end well.”

“You need to go to a dragon family reunion.” Ignitus snarked but saw even the joke didn’t raise Spike’s spirits as he was pacing nervously and stopped.

“I just don’t know if they will welcome me back…”

“Do you want them to?” Spike turned sharply.

“Of course! They were the reason I did all of this! So I could protect them! So I could be… better…” Ignitus frowned and walked closer to Spike as he turned away.

“While they may have been part of the reason you came here, don’t you deny the greed of this whole venture. You know what I’ve taught you.”

“Greed… to be controlled must be realized and conquered…”

“Yes, now face me and tell the truth.” Spike chuckled bitterly but obeyed by turning around and looking into his mentor’s eyes.

“I did come to better myself for them… but it wasn’t the only reason. I… I wanted to step out of their shadows. To prove to the world that Spike the Dragon was something special! I was given a heroic title in the Empire but all I did was fall! I didn’t save them… Cadence did… The Equestria games, no one could help because of my own mistake and Twilight helping me. If not for that the princesses would have fixed it! I wanted to know who I was... who my parents were.” Ignitus sighed and hugged the dragon knowing that Spike preferred this kind of comfort.

“You mustn’t be afraid of the unknown and say you return and they don’t forgive you. I’ve known you long enough now to know that you won’t let that stop you. You do whatever it takes to repay this debt and earn their trust again. I cannot promise that it will be easy but since when did you enjoy the easy path?” That did get Spike to laugh and he wiped his eyes as he thought about those words.

“You’re right… they may hate me for what I’ve done but I can’t give up. I’ll get them back and this time I’ll never leave their side.” Ignitus nodded, proud that the bonds that Spike felt with his friends haven’t diminished over all the years.

“Do not forget the mark so you may return.” Spike nodded and dug his claw into his hand before using the blood to draw a symbol into the ground of the cave. When he finished it glowed green before the glow died down. “Be sure to visit this old fossil from time to time. I’d like to meet these friends of yours.”

“I will, I promise. I have one in mind that will love to explore this library of yours. Anyway, I should get going so I’ll arrive in Ponyville by noon. Send me a message when you get the locations of the other Old Ones. “

“Very well Spike, be safe on this journey and know you always have a home here.” Spike smiled and nodded at his teacher before opening his wings and running, jumping off the mountain top and allowing himself to fall hundreds of feet before his wings caught the air and began the long flight home. He stopped for a moment to look back at what had been his home for so long, Mount Doom, the tallest mountain in the world. No creature had dared to climb it until Spike at least that was the theory and it was one that Spike had hoped was wrong.

He had asked Ember about dragon legends and myths before he decided to leave and one stood out. The stories of a heroic dragon clan whose heir was said to have been killed but Ember’s father always believed the dragon to be alive. Following all sorts of rumors, Spike ended up at Mount Doom and concluded that if this dragon was alive he would be at the top. The one place in the world where he would never be found. Spike was forced to climb the whole way as he didn’t have his wings and it was said the air was too thin to fly to the top anyway.

Spike had climbed to the top, nearly falling several times and falling once, breaking his arm. He pushed on, through the lack of air, through the pain of his arm, through the bitter cold that had threatened to take his life a few times. He continued his climb knowing that if he was wrong, if there was no mystical dragon at the top then there was no way he’d be able to get down alive.

“Yeah, maybe I should keep that part to myself… mom would kill me if she knew half of what I’ve been through or what I’ve done…” The Emerald Assassin, The God Killer, The Blood Dragon. So many names so many lives ended in the name of righteousness and justice. Spike shook his head of his actions, he couldn’t allow the past to affect him. Not now and not yet. Everything he’d done was for a reason and a goal. One that he would see to its end.

Spike flew throughout the night and marveled at the sights that were revealed by moonlight. Seeing the beauty that the night brought over the last years really made Spike appreciate his aunt’s power.

“I know sometimes you feel neglected or forgotten aunt Luna… but know you will always have a fan who loves all that you do.” He whispered and smiled. Talking to himself again, it really is like he never grew up. The loneliness of the library when he was left behind made Spike talk to himself or to Peewee or Owlicious when they were awake. Now, here he was still needing to feel like there was someone beside him.

“You really are Tia’s son.” Spike didn’t even need to turn to know who was beside him. A voice he hadn’t heard in so long yet found that he had missed.

“Discord… long time no see huh? Play any good O&O games?” The Draconequus gave Spike a look and smiled.

“Just gonna ignore all the time that’s past and jump right back into being friends huh? I suppose time really doesn’t matter much to me anyway but it does to those you left behind. Not my business. To answer your question, not really. Big Mac has been too busy with his little family, Shining Armor is in the same boat, Sunburst always being pulled away, and then there’s you.” Spike ignored the look and sighed.

“I’m sorry and thank you…”


“Not coming for me. I know that you could and that my mother must have asked you too.”

“She did.”


“I told her that if you were doing this then maybe it was time for her to trust you on your own.” Spike couldn’t help but smirk at those words.

“And how did she take that?” Discord was checking his nails and refused to look at Spike.

“....She threatened to ‘fix’ me herself if I didn’t listen to her. Seeing that you were once a dog, I’m sure you understand how seriously I took that threat.” Spike laughed and clapped a hand over Discord’s back.

“Yeah, that’s what I expected. She doesn’t really play games when it comes to me, so what happened?”

“I made her a promise to protect and watch over you. To keep her updated on how you were.” Spike stopped flying for a moment and glared at his friend.

“You were helping me?”

“No. I broke my promise to protect you when you started climbing that mountain. I was that little voice you kept hearing that was saying to give up. I was trying to tell you that this would get you killed but you pushed on and I realized then… that you had something to prove. To yourself more than anyone. That convinced me to leave you alone and to simply watch. I must say that you’ve truly become quite the warrior Spike.” Spike sighed as he relaxed and felt a new surge of pride. A part of him had always wondered if his victories were always just luck or maybe he had suspected that magic or Discord was at play but now to know he had done it all, he felt better.

“Thank you Discord.” He waved away the thanks.

“Don’t, I literally did nothing.” The two flew in silence and Spike felt the need to ask.

“So Big Mac has a family now huh? I bet a lot has changed… how are they?”

“You’ll find out soon enough, as much as I see you as a friend Spike you need to find out what your actions have done on your own.”

“I suppose my mom’s method of teaching lessons the hard way has rubbed off on you.”

“Heh maybe but you’ll find that your running away has left quite the impact on everypony. Just be ready for that.” Spike nodded hoping that he’d find a way to fix what he’s sure his leaving had broken.

“Who else knows?”

“Other than your mom? Fluttershy since it was the only way to make her stop crying. Cadence and Luna though all they know is that you’re alive nothing else. If I had to guess, Pinkie knows too at least she had a feeling you were alive.”

“Of course she did… How long did they look?”

“Years. You were just pronounced officially dead two years ago. Some places never stopped looking. I hear the Empire thinks you’re a legend who will return from the heavens when they need you.” Spike rolled his eyes and chuckled.

“I bet me coming back to life won’t really erase those kinds of thoughts.”

“The cost of fame.” Discord stopped as he smiled and looked at Spike. “I have some business, have fun and I’ll see ya soon.” Spike waved as Discord vanished. He shook his head and flew full speed ahead.

. . .

Ponyville had grown from the small village that Granny Smith once helped create into a city worthy of the Princess of Friendship. While there were several large buildings now and the town had expanded its borders into the Everfree a bit with the help of Discord who had moved a section of the forest so no animal homes were harmed. There was now a small group of houses that lived above the town for all sorts of flying creatures. The old schoolhouse had been turned into the official home of the CMC as Cheerilee was hired by Starlight and converted the two schools. Even with all this change, the School and Castle of Friendship remained the same as ever.

Spike stared in awe of his old home’s growth as the sun rose over the horizon. He watched the light overtake the town before it hit him and for the first time in years he felt his mother’s warmth in that light. He shivered and smiled while hugging himself for a moment. He took a deep breath and allowed himself to fall to the ground, landing safely and began to walk.

He noticed many of the early risers who were getting to work or opening up their businesses were mostly new faces. He smiled seeing Bon Bon was opening up her shop with Lyra, who was drinking a lot of coffee and her apprentice Twist. Derpy was flying around happily, delivering the mail with Dinky who was smiling while helping her mother by catching any escaping letters.

Spike couldn’t help the smile on his face as he looked around town, his cape flowing behind him as he felt the countless memories swirl up in his heart. Tears filled his eyes as everywhere he looked the past reflected back to him all that he thought he had forgotten.

“SPIKE!?” The dragon turned to see the young Cake Twins, Pound and Pumpkin staring at him in shock. They seemed to have been in the middle of opening Sugarcube Corner when they saw him. He smiled and nodded.

“Pound… Pumpkin… you both are growing.” Their yell caused a familiar pony to trot out of the sweet shop. Her mane large with bits of candy in it and an alligator happily hanging. She stopped when she noticed the dragon and the two stared at each other for a few moments and Spike questioned if he should run, not expecting to run into one of his friends now. All those thoughts vanished as tears ran down her face and Spike was shocked to find he was also crying.

The two rushed at each other and Spike was knocked down as Pinkie jumped at him and he caught her. He hugged her tightly as they cried and she let out giggles among the sobs.

“I-I knew it! I knew you were alive… I always told them you’d come back…”

“I’m so sorry for leaving… I missed you Pinkie. So many times I was broken and wanted to just give up, but it was your laughter and want to help others that gave me the strength to smile.” They hugged tighter and Pinkie sighed in content, glad to finally have back all her friends.

“You have a lot of birthdays to make up to us for mister…” Spike chuckled and let a claw run down her back gently.

“Well, I best get some breakfast then.” Pinkie wiggled in his hold and smiled before leading him into Sugarcube Corner. The Cakes hugged Spike wanting to know where he’d been but he promised that he’d explain it all later to the whole town. They had missed the tiny dragon they used to know and told their children about Spike as they were too young to remember him well. The parents beckoned their children who were scared that Spike was a zombie. With pushing from their parents, they approached Spike nervously and he smiled ordering five gem cupcakes which Pinkie had a feeling she would need and had already baked. She tossed out all five and Spike showed off his long tongue by catching each one and eating them in one bite, shocking the kids but making them cheer even when he got a bit of frosting on them.

As the twins had to leave to take a bath, Pinkie sat down with Spike. “So you’re in good shape for a dead guy!”

“Heh, you noticed?” Spike flexed a bit and smirked. “Fighting and training over the last ten years had that great side effect.”

“Noticed? With how you hugged me I had no choice but to feel it!” The two laughed and Pinkie’s cheeks seemed to have a bit of a blush but her fur made it hard to tell.

“I really missed you, all of you.”

“I know, I never lost faith that you’d come back… Spike, have you seen any of the others?”

“Nope, just got into town.”

“There’s something you have to know, when you left the girls-”

“Pinkie? Are you here? I need Twilight’s comfort cupcakes, you know how she gets right after…” The voice stopped as Spike and Pinkie turned and saw Starlight Glimmer. Her mane was longer and she looked tired but Spike was caught off guard by how stunning she was to him. “Spike…”

“Starli-” In a moment, Spike stood and the next he felt an eruption of magic blast him through the wall of the sweet shop and into the streets of Ponyville. He grunted a bit, not truly hurt but surprised, before he got to his feet. Starlight jumped through the hole he had caused, her horn surging with power and a glare in her eyes as she was crying. “Starlight-”

“SHUT UP!” She roared and everypony that was in the streets ran. Spike obeyed and let her rant. “All these years! You disappeared on us! Your friends! On your own mother! On Twilight also! And for what!?” Spike didn’t answer and instead walked closer to her but she teleported close and kicked him in the face, only hurting herself. She screamed and tried to hit him with more magic but Spike dodged her horn as she used her magic to speed up her attacks. “You think you can just come back!? After the years of Tartarus you caused!? All those sleepless nights and the tears cried for you! I hate you!” She screamed and blasted him with all her might and huffed as smoke came off her horn.

“Starlight.” Her eyes popped open in shock, there was no way that he could just come through her magic like that. He was still there, looking a bit hurt but otherwise fine. “Your magic had no power behind it… you don’t want to hurt me…” His words shattered the unicorn’s last defenses as she found he was right. Even after all that he had done, she couldn’t bring herself to hurt him.

“No…” He hugged her as she uselessly beat her hooves on his chest and cried saying how much she hated him.

“I missed you too Glimmy.” After a few minutes, she finally calmed down and looked into Spike’s eyes. She blushed a bit just noticing how tall he was now and how strong his arms seemed to be. She shook her head and used her magic to fix Sugarcube Corner and apologized to Pinkie and the Cakes. She told them that she didn’t think she needed the cupcakes anymore. She used her magic to pull Spike by the ear frill.

“You and I have a lot to talk about, now come on.”

“Somethings never change…”

Author's Note:

Part two will feature the rest of the ponies you want to see! except for the Princesses and Twilight. I think they deserve a bit more time with our dragon yeah?