• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 3,907 Views, 75 Comments

A Herd of Ponies and Ungulates - StatiZkyZ

Six ponies and six familiar creatures from a faraway land interacts in Equestria.

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Equestria is known to be a kingdom full of hospitality, and any esteemed visitors are almost always invited to the royal castle in Canterlot to have a formal audience with the two princesses that rules over the realm. Princess Celestia, while reading some reports from her trustful assistant Raven, is making her way to the throne room for such an audience.

"Six individuals... They're called 'The Champions of Foenum'." Raven speaks with princess Celestia as they enter the room.

The alicorn of the sun reads the papers given to her silently, learning about her visitors. It's only a month ago when explorers under Princess Luna's wing discovered a new continent across the vast western Celestia Ocean. It's nowhere as big as Equestria, but the land is inhabited by numerous species of ungulates, united under the banner of 'Foenum'. After some visits from envoys, Equestria were to expect some visits back from their new friend. Although princess Celestia invited the leaders of Foenum, they sent their 'Champions' first instead. Six ungulates, each a representative of each species in Foenum.

"Thank you Raven." Princess Celestia gives her assistant a warm smile. "We are to expect them shortly, yes?"

"Yes, princess. It's almost time for them to arrive." Raven receives the report papers as the princess gives it to her. "Should I make myself scarce?"

Due to certain circumstances, the meeting is only to happen between the two princesses and the six champions. Well, besides the royal guards that's guarding the room. Just as Princess Luna enters the room, Celestia dismisses Raven to let her do more of her work. The lunar princess, however, seems to be more nervous than usual.

"Luna? Is something bothering you, sister?"

Princess Luna made her way to her throne right next to her sister's, sitting on it before replying.

"...I suppose you already know the group we're expecting?" Luna asked, as she saw Celestia walking to her throne.

"More or less, Raven had shown me. Is it something about them?"

Luna's expedition was the first to make contact with Foenium after all, and knowing her secretive wing, her elite night guards would've sent more ponies to learn about this new civilization across the seas. Maybe the princess of the moon knows something Celestia doesn't based on that fact.

"I am just slightly nervous, especially for our plan for them." Luna confesses as princess Celestia sits down. "The last time we tried to approach another kingdom, they almost declared war on us."

Despite her having to keep her regal posture in front of her guards, Celestia's eyes twitch very slightly. It was quite lucky that Twilight managed to solve the problem with the Yaks, otherwise she's pretty sure that after hearing what the Yaks did, a lot of ponies would actually consider going to war.

"I'm sure this one... doesn't smash things Luna." Celestia chuckled. Though this doesn't seem to ease Luna too much.

"No, but from what I have gathered, they are capable, sister. Their six champions that's coming are supposedly the Foenum's finest warriors." The younger alicorn said. "It's still wise to not upset them."

It doesn't take long before a guard enters the room to inform the princesses of their visitor's arrival. As Celestia orders to let them in, the golden double doors of the throne room opens wide to reveal six... no, seven creatures walking on the carpet leading to the throne.

There are two of them in front of the main group, one seems to be a dark coated unicorn with a long and rather arched horn, arguably as long as the princess' own horn. A strange book is floating in front of her, similar to when a unicorn would hold one with their telekinesis, except her horn doesn't glow. Next to her is a light brown reindeer, walking with her head held high, oozing, for a lack of better word, arrogance, as if she owns the place.

On the right of the group, there's a brown calf, curiously looking around in awe of the castle walls and not really looking where she's going. Close to her is a strange light green creature with fires coming out on it's head and rear, shaped like mane and tail. It has characteristics of a dragon, except it's a quadpedal and having hooves. She seems to walk in a straight posture, almost like a soldier.

The main thing that caught the princess' eyes, though, is a rather tall figure, probably as tall as Celestia, that looks like some kind of dark eldritch horror. The only thing about it's form that's comprehensible is it's head, shaped like a goat's skull with four horns. The body looks like dark fire with purple outlines, forming two forelimbs to cradle two more creatures in it's embrace. One is a fluffy... creature with a thick yellow wool, seemingly giggling happily to the creature carrying her. The other one is a sleeping... lamb? Her eyes are closed, and her body is not moving, even with a black puppy continuously licking her face innocently.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had seen a lot of things, but it looks like even after a thousand years, there's still some things that can surprise them.

"Champions of Foenum." Princess Celestia called with a voice that's barely not quivering. "As the princess, I welcome you to Equestria."

Out of the seven, only the dragon and the unicorn reacts in time. The former clap her hooves together before bowing, and the later simply nods her head. The calf seems to have just snapped back to reality as she stumbles on her legs slightly, before finally giving the princesses her attention.

"We are humbled under your presence, princess." The dragon speaks first.

"Or, princesses, should we say?" The unicorn adds. "I see that Equestria is also ruled by more than one leader."

The dark unicorn glances at Luna, who had been looking back at her with a gaze filled with unease. Like advanced magic users, Luna can sense another creature's magic, and what she sees in this unicorn puts her on edge. She's filled to the brim with dark magic! Not to mention that demon looking entity tailing them...

"Yes, you are correct." Princess Celestia either ignored her sister's visible concern, or just plain unaware of it, chuckling as she continued the conversation. "You may address me as Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna is my own sister."

"It is an honor, princesses. As you know, we are the Champions of Foenum." The dragon continued. "And I, Tianhuo, is the champion of the Huoshan Empire."

"My name is Oleander, champion of the Woodlands" Unlike the dragon next to her, Oleander doesn't even look at the princesses when she tells them her name. Instead, she's simply flipping the pages of her books.

"I see." Princess Celestia nods with a smile, but she notices only two of them are talking. The calf seems to be a bit nervous in front of them, and the reindeer is showing a bored expression, like she does not want to be here. The alicorn then shifts her eyes to the calf, who eventually speaks.

"O-Oh! Ah'll be Arizona! Proud champeen of ta Prairie!" She said with pride.

Princess Celestia simply smiled at the cow, before turning to the reindeer next to Oleander. However, instead of talking, she simply turns her head away and turns her body to the side. Oleander rolls her eyes at the sight.

"This is not a place to show off, Velvet." Oleander chided, before turning to face princess Celestia. "Pardon her, she's Velvet, the champion of the Tundra."

"Ze champion at everything, really, but I'm being humble." The female reindeer said with a thick accent, and a thick dose of narcissism. Just as it seems like Oleander and Velvet is about to bicker, princess Luna suddenly speaks.

"I should ask the obvious, but we're under the impression that there's supposed to be only six of you?"

The princess of the night points at the strange demon-like creature cradling two more members of the group. To this, Tianhuo volunteers to explain.

"This dark one is the companion of the forsaken unicorn. Such is the price of following the path of dark magic." The dragon explains, giving Oleander a look that the unicorn can't stand.

"Ugh, I thought we agreed that my dark magic helped to save Foenum, and thus you'll tolerate it." Oleander sighs, before returning to the princesses. "This is the entity that resides in my book. He goes by a name, but we call him Fred."

"Hi, I'm Fred." Said the demon himself, way too casual for such a lovecraftian horror to act. As strange or unexpected his voice turns out to be, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna welcomes it all too well. At least it doesn't possess the throne room and turns the whole castle into a monster, or something. After that horrifying image went away, the alicorns can hear Oleander continuing.

"That... creature that keeps giggling like the half brained ungulate she is, is the champion of the High Plains, Paprika. And, with all due respect, princesses, do not ask how she managed to get that title, because she can't speak in comprehensible words".

"Oleander, ya have ta admit that fuzzball runs like a bull seein' red." Arizona said. "That weirdo almost managed to snap mah rope..."

"I'm afraid that our alpaca companion did frighten some of your guards, princess." Tianhuo admitted. "As much as it shames us, we need the demon to restrain her."

"I prefer to use the term 'keeping her company'." The demon replied cheekily, somehow not bothered at all by Paprika's constant giggling and attempt to hug him.

Princess Celestia took a mental note to make sure none of her guards are too mentally scarred to do their jobs properly, if her image of Paprika's... show of affection is accurate. The alicorn then points to the other member who's passed out on Fred's hands.

"And, her?"

The group seems to look around at each other, especially at Oleander, who in turn looks at Fred, as if hoping someone would explain the unconscious lamb with the puppy. In the end, Arizona is the one who speaks.

"Err... That kid is Pom, champion of the Meadow. She's all timid, so when that mons-- Ah mean, Fred, comes out, she got her lights knocked outta her..." The calf chuckles nervously. "Scared her off her wool."

Luna really wants to question how wise it is for the very thing that knocks her out to be the one carrying her, but holds her tongue. They're champions, so they should know what to do, right?

"Will she be alright?" Princess Celestia asked.

"She may be timid, but she is much tougher then we all think, princess." Tianhuo replied. "The young one will be fine."

"I personally will make sure that no harm will be done to her. After all, she's one of us." Oleander added, before she changes the subject quickly. "Anyway, Princess, are you aware of the reason for our visit?"

"Of course." The alicorn replied with a warm smile. "You have been sent on the behalf of the Council of the Ungulates of Foenum, are you not?"

"Yes... And they sent us here... to..." The words from the dark unicorn slows down and stops, as if she's reluctant to say it. Eventually Arizona finishes it for her.

"Leave a trail around Equestria! Er... explorin and stuff, and return to them afterwards."

"It vas their idea." Velvet said, speaking as if not caring that she's standing in front the two rulers of Equestria. "I vill only take ze scenic route, and it better be good."

"I'm sure you will be treated well during your stay." Princess Celestia smiles, though the deepest and darkest pit of her heart wants to give the reindeer a lecture on how to behave. "In fact, I was expecting this sort of thing, and had created an... arrangement of sorts."

"Oh?" Oleander raised an eyebrow.

The alicorn of the sun pulls out a scroll out of nowhere, and opens it in front of her. Even from learning who the champions are from the information she gets, princess Celestia knows that she knows some ponies that will be a good company for each of these champions, because they remind her of them a lot...