• Published 30th Apr 2020
  • 1,112 Views, 9 Comments

Displaced Sorcerer Of Awakening. - Neutral Boy

The Sorcery War has ended, along with the fall of a displaced Sorcerer of Grima. What happens next when everyone witnesses Validar's returns in a new era and what changes will occur after a few sentient creatures encounter his returning followers?

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Prologue: Fateful encounter.


Nightmare Moon screamed as the Elements of Harmony has finally defeated her. Thus, freeing Princess Luna from her control as well as Princess Celestia's imprisonment. A celebration was in order for the new element bearers and the heartfelt reunion of the Alicorn sisters. As for Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike, Princess Celestia had some talk with Twilight and decided to let her & Spike stay in Ponyville while writing in friendship lesson reports.

As the whole celebration draws to a close, Princess Celestia takes her sister home in Canterlot while every pony else went back to their home to get some sleep. Twilight yawns and heads off to her new home as her assistant is already tucked into bed inside her library.

When Twilight opened her door, she was greeted upon by a blinding light. As soon as the light subsided, she opens up her eyes and her mouth went awe to see that she's in a weird palace of some kind, yet it looks mostly beautiful.

"Magnificent, isn't it?" A calming voice said, startling Twilight.

A female figure appears behind one of the pillars. Her appearance is that she's human, has twin tailed hair, a mage robe hoodie, glowing red eyes, markings on her cheeks, and a black book in her left hand.

"This palace used to be so lively and peaceful, but sadly it crumbed away as time passes by."

"Wh-Who are you and what are you doing in my home?"

The female mage raised an eyebrow at her before she calmly responds back.

"You may call me Robyn, daughter of the most powerful Sorcerer."

'So, this must be the prodigy she told me about. I'm surprised Princess Celestia still has her determination spirit to even think of finding another pupil, not since her last encounter made her heartbroken into pieces.' Her mind said.

Robyn closes her eyes for a moment, thinking back to what her friend has told her in the past.

Flashback, 12 years ago. . .

Outside of Canterlot, a lonely anthro unicorn pony is sitting in the grass fields with mixed feelings.

Her name is Sunset Shimmer, a prodigy apprentice of Princess Celestia.

Months ago, Sunset just graduated from her class and has been chosen to be Celestia's prodigy in order to learn more about magic, tests, and making friends. As time passes, her studying has improved and solving some problems by using her tech skills she learned.

However, before and after graduation, her attempts of making friends slowly begins to decrease and Princess Celestia is grown worry of Sunset. Ever since finding her alone at a young age, Celestia did try her best of becoming a mother figure and tutor for Sunset. Yet still now, Celestia knows in her mind that Sunset's becoming more obsessed with studies and knowledge, including a possible path toward dark magic that she fears.

One night, Sunset sneaks around to return a couple of books she rented at the library. She suddenly stops when she saw a door slightly open. Curious, she walks over to the open door and peeks around. Her eyes soon draws upon a particular mirror. Looking both ways and behind her to see no pony around, Sunset walks in and slowly closes the door. She walks over to the mirror and sees a mirror reflection of herself.

Suddenly, her reflection disappears as it changes to something else of a silhouette figure holding out a hand to her. Before she tries to touch it, the door bursts open and a sudden yellow magic hits the mirror, earning a flinch of Sunset jumping out of the way and the figure disappearing from the mirror. Sunset turns her head to see Princess Celestia and her four guards, knowing that she's in very big trouble.

After a heated argument between each other, Sunset teleport out using her magic so that she needed time to herself without any pony else, including Princess Celestia.

Since then, Sunset sighs in frustration.

"Stupid Princess, I don't need her worrying about me." She murmurs.

"Such a lovely day, isn't it?" A voice says in the distance.

Sunset's eyes were widen and immediately got up. She looks around to spot a robe figure looking up in the sky. Her horn is ignited for a spell to be used, but the robe figure raised both hands up in surrender motion.

"Easy there, I mean you no harm. Just wanting to have a nice talk."

Hearing this, her magic deceased, but takes caution and glare at the figure.

"Really, then why didn't you say anything earlier?"

"It just felt better not speaking up when you seem to be mad at something or some pony."

The figure walks a bit closer to Sunset and stops before sitting down.

"Please, have a seat. I'll prepare for a nice cup of tea."

So Sunset sits down as the robe figure prepares for the tea ingredients. While Sunset watches the figure pull out some material items, she grew intrigue of not seeing those materials before. Even the ones in the Canterlot didn't have any kinds of books with those ones that weren't recorded in the pages.

"Who are you anyway?" Sunset asked the stranger.

"I go by many names along the countless trips, but you may call me Green Horn."

"Hmm, sounds like a dumb name to me."

"Hee hee, says the mare whose mane & tail look like a meat menu at a restaurant."

Sunset rolled her eyes at the lame joke.

"Touche. Also my name is Sunset, Sunset Shimmer."

"A nice name indeed."

The robe figure finishes up and hands the cup to Sunset. She gladly accepts it and sniff at it before taking a small sip. Feeling the nice taste in her mouth, she sips in more of the tea and swallows it down her throat.

"This is some really nice tea Green Horn."

"Thank you, it's not often that many haven't tried my favorite tea sets."

"So um, I gotta ask you something Green. Why did you want to talk with me?"

The robe figure drinks the tea and looks at her.

"A friend of mine told me that you have some serious problems in Canterlot."

Before Sunset tries to respond, the figure had a hand up to continue.

"I know what it's like to be abandoned with no parents. That's where my master found me and took great care of helping me grow up. Even if we did have our own differences, he would always help guide me and make my own choice, no matter if they are rather good or bad."

The robe figure hears some ponies in the distance and silently growls.

"That's why I came here to offer you something Sunset. One that Princess Celestia could not give you while she's on duty of attending important meetings."

The figure pulls out a scroll and hands it over to Sunset.

"I'm here to make a deal, Sunset."

"What kind of deal?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Just a fair deal with no backstabbing or anything like that. In this scroll, it'll show you several locations of material items I need you to get, alone. I would try to get them, but I can't risk getting spotted in public towns or cities. In exchange, I can help you with anything you may desire or a problem solved if you wish to."

Intrigued, Sunset thinks about it for a few minutes until she made up her mind.

"Alright, I'll help you. In exchange, I need your help in getting that mirror I saw back in Canterlot."

"It's a promise."

The two of them stood up and shake their hands.

"I'll come back in about one week before midnight, Sunset. Just make sure that no other pony sees you or know about what your doing, especially by Princess Celestia and those nobles."

A week later, Sunset Shimmer completed her mission of getting the materials on the list as she waits outside for Green to show up. She soon spots a figure approaching a recognize it's Green Horn who's appearance is still covered.

"Well done Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset hands the bag of materials over to Green.

"Here's all the material that you needed, now about that promise?"

"Alright, but you better stand back. I'm going to create a special open portal so that both of us can enter close by the mirror without alerting any of the guards."

Green Horn then proceeds to use several materials and enchant a ritual in a different language. Each of the materials turn into dusty shards as they circle around fast, making a static before a large portal appear.

Green stops her enchant and gestures her hand to the portal.

"After you Sunset."

Sunset nods and jumps down in the portal with Green being the last as the portal closes.

Both of them made it inside of the room where the mirror portal is held. Sunset turns around to see the mirror is still there on where she first saw it and sighs in relief that it wasn't moved elsewhere.

"As promised, the mirror is all yours."

Nodding again, Sunset slowly walks over to the mirror and sees a reflection of herself. Her left hand was about to touch it, but something else is removing her mirror reflection to a strange place. Narrowing her eyes closely, she sees a hidden place with a sealed tomb of some kind, guarded by several figures.

"What is this place?" Sunset murmured as the words on the mirror spells something out.

"Behind you."

Raising an eyebrow, she turns around to see Green's eyes showing green color.

"Just so you know, Starswirl the Bearded didn't realize on who created the mirror portal."

Green slowly opens her hood as Sunset's eyes widen, knowing that Green isn't a pony.

"It was the person who took care of me. His name is. . . Validar."

Before Sunset could speak, she felt that her whole body couldn't move. Her eyes in tears of seeing that Green used some kind of magic to paralyze her body and is walking toward her, thinking that she might get killed.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of killing you Miss Shimmer since I was given orders not to. After all, you are the descendant of a once great warrior in the Sorcery War."

Suddenly, a loud bang is heard on the other side of the door.

"Open up! Who's in there?!" A guard yells out.

Green sighs and grabs something out of her robe.

"Before we depart ways, I have an apology gift for betraying you like this. Also I forgot to mention, my real name isn't Green Horn. My true name is Tiki."

Tiki hands to Sunset a necklace and places it over Sunset's head.

"Until we meet again, Sunset Shimmer."

Tiki pulls out a powder and blows it at Sunset's face. Her eyes strangely fell the need to close them as her whole body felt relaxed. Tiki then pulls Sunset's body over to the mirror and tosses her inside as she disappears.

Once it was done, the door finally breaks down as Princess Celestia and her guards.

"Who are you and what have you done with Sunset Shimmer?!" Celestia shouted at the intruder.

Tiki turns around to face the ponies as Princess Celestia's eyes widen upon a familiar person.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it Celly?"

"T-T-Tiki, is that you?" Celestia whispers.

Behind her back, Tiki grabs a couple of materials for an escape plan.

"I'm very disappointed in you and your ruling teaching laws, Celestia." Tiki says in a cold tone.

Without warning, Tiki unleashed a magic of smoke to cover everything inside the mirror room. Every pony began to cough as Celestia uses her magic to blow the whole smoke out the window. Once all the smoke cleared out, she looks around to see that Tiki is nowhere along with Sunset Shimmer. She then tried to enter the mirror portal, but it's no use as the mirror is already closed off until it reopens again.

Knowing there's nothing she could do, Celestia collapses on her knees as tears were showing in her eyes and cries as her guards try their best to comfort their sun princess.

Present time. . .

Robyn opens up her eyes and smiles.

"I must congratulate you for finding the Elements of Harmony and defeating Nightmare Moon with your new friends, you have my gratitude. However, I do find it odd that you maybe the new element bearers, yet you and your friends lack the training experience of becoming the true bearers. Perhaps your precious princess has chosen poorly and instead chooses her mindless guards to be more qualified material pawns?"

Twilight didn't like that and glared at Robyn. She merely giggles at Twilight before her smile frowns.

"Before I leave, let me give you a fair warning."

Robyn snaps her fingers as the whole room changes to somewhere else. Behind Robyn from above her, Twilight's eyes widen in both fear and horror upon witnessing three giant shadowy dragons. Not only that, but the ones below the dragons are the factions of armies, including the leaders and supporters standing in the front.

"Your friends, allies, and Princesses can't prepare for what they're about to face."

"W-what are you-"

Twilight didn't get to finish her sentence as she felt a whack hitting her back head. Her vision felt foggy and her eyes saw some wings coming from Robyn's back as her body is caught by Robyn. She summons a small unknown item and slowly plants the thing behind Twilight's back as it disappears inside.

"I'll let you keep this as a small secret between us. Until we meet again, Twilight Sparkle."

Robyn and her ally teleport out of Twilight's home as the whole room returns back to normal. Spike who was sleeping, wakes up in shock when he heard a loud thud. He quickly gets out of bed to find Twilight lying on the ground unconscious as he walks over her and tries to wake her up to see if she's alright.

Author's Note:

I didn't see any Fire Emblem: Awakening displaced characters, except for a displaced Robin which I do plan to read later. I felt sadden that Fire Emblem Warriors didn't let you fight as the villains like Validar since I have grown interest in him and I do plan getting both FE: Awakening and Fates 3DS games this year. Anyway, leave a comment down below and see ya later.