• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


Dillon, local human, is sitting around happy as anything one day when Pinkie - who is his friend - appears. A judge is required, she says, and he fits the bill.

He obliges. Not like he had anything better to do.

Not like anyone did, apparently.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

Poor Dash. She is quite insecure and brittle. I cannot help but wonder how she would swallow the idea that properly dealing with and learning from losing would be one of the most valuable lessons she could internalise. Must be an unthinkable anathema

I'd lay even odds that this leads to Rainbow deciding to learn to bake.

Fun little story, sounds like a marvelous way to spend an afternoon.

I'm certain there's a life lesson to be learned here... somewhere.
But I'd be too busy savoring cake to bother.

It's rather surprising that Celestia didn't pop up out of nowhere with an empty plate looking for her share. She's like Pinkie in that way. You present a really good cake and she just appears.

“What’s the good cause?”
“There being cakes! Right now there aren’t any cakes, at least not here, and once we’re done there’ll be at least two! At least!”

It's the simplest truths that are the most profound.

But unfortunately the contest was to produce a cake first and the closest food-analogue I can think of for yours is probably a biscuit, which isn’t quite the same thing,”

BBQ hardtack. From the 1600s.

Fluttershy meanwhile was panting for air after having started choking on her piece of cake, only a swift flurry of pats on the back from Rarity having stopped her from passing out

Gonna put on my serious face and say don't do that. Use the Heimlich maneuver.

Awww. That's cute

Well this was a nice little read.

Also, gonna have to side with Dillon here, Ponkers is pretty cute.

I considered putting in a line about how this setback would just mean that she'd win the next one easy...

...but I didn't.

Presumably she'd learn out of spite, then end up liking it somehow, and then not telling anyone.

Ah, I do like Rainbow...

I like them all!

I felt that having Celestia show up would be...

...overegging the pudding? Eh?

Ahem. In retrospect it would have made sense, but perhaps been a bit much. I'll save her for later! Wink.

Can a horse receive the heimlich? The mind reels.

But yes you're probably right. I am operating on the logic of cartoons, where a hearty slap on the back is just as good.

I try! Always wonder, but I try.

I've previously said that they're all my favourite all standing on a single, raised platform marked "1st place" but that this platform is tilted and on the ever-so-slightly-higher end there stands Celestia, then Twilight, then actually Pinkie. I really, really like Pinkie.


Ahh, I see. That is a pretty good way to look at it. I like that.

You know.. I don't think you've written a PinkiexHuman romance yet.

"Hi, yes, I'd like to order a Pinkie x Human fic, uuuh subtle, no, no harem, extra fluff, aaaand an extra helping of Pinkie being cutest and best Pone.... How many? Uuuuuuh how many can I order at one time?"

40000/10 ignore my bias for Pinkie



Mean, I would, but "You're Getting Better" is basically already a thousand million times better than anything I could on the subject, really...

As Pinkie has probably said "Two cakes are better than one, and if I cant handle both at the same time death by sweetness overdose is a good way to die" besides, yes that one is good, I think you could do just as well if not better, and without a rather deppressed Human. Also unlike a lot of HiE fics your humans have character, they're their own person rather than reader inserts.

Mine are author inserts instead! Aha!

For real though, the two cakes thing does always hold true, More stories is always best! Hmm...

Ah, who knows. I have so very many things I should be/am fiddling with.

Not like I'm going to stop!


Yes, I agree! And besides, it'd be you writing it. You have your own style of writing that we like. :pinkiehappy:

Also, that story isn't updated very often... :fluttershysad:


Wonder if Maud's made an appearance in this guy's life yet. If not to give him the typical big sister speech about if you break Pinkie's heart, I break you and crushing a rock (one that was mean to Boulder) to dust under her hoof... then to at least see what, and whom, Pinkie's been gushing about in her letters back home.

Gah! Stop flinging these delightful and useful ideas at my feet! I have things I should already be finishing!

This is silly. Thus it is wonderful.
However it does remind me that I currently have no flour, and cannot get any flour by virtue of nowhere having any flour.
I feel this may not be "cake season".

Hmmm. I wonder how Pinkie would handle not having any flour?
Baking with oatmeal perhaps....

After an initial period where flour (alongside eggs, toilet roll (aka bogroll aka shit tickets) and baked beans) was difficult to come by it has now become rather easier to find, thankfully. It's been quite the cake season for me! Though that might just be because my wife is stuck in the house while I'm not, and she's been driven mad with boredom.

One imagines Pinkie could make something delicious out of just about anything, being skilled as she is, and dismissive of the rules and regulations of reality. That said, I've seen some mind-bending flourless recipes about the place, so it's certainly not as impossible as all that to start with!

When your main source of recipes is "Daring Do and the Search for Trottingham Pudding" the results may be just a bit interesting.


This story is like Pinkie's cake: sweet and wholesome :)

Also I am sure Maud would very much approve of Dylan's poetry XD

And people say that you can't have your cake and eat it too! Ha!

I normally expect depth, of plot and character, in the stories I read. I normally expect a well-planned ending and whatnot, that the author's put a lot a of work into. I'm used to something more savoury, more filling. This was not that.
But perhaps that is okay. This was light, fluffy and made me smile all the way through. The lack of some overarching narrative plan was more than made up for by characters that were just perfectly sweet.

So I was surprised by how short it was, but in the end it was exactly as long as it needed to be. Loved it.

Glad you liked it, but oh yes if you were looking for an author who puts effort in you've found the wrong guy!

And yet again another masterpiece of work by you! And you managed to perfectly encapsulate so many of the things that a true fan of these characters would notice and appreciate. Well done sir! Well done!

“ I just hope everyone has a good time… ” Fluttershy said, waving a tiny flag on which was written ‘ Yay everyone! ’.



That is how vanilla sponge cake should be, after all.

And probably a story about it too.

So sweet and sarcastic

Seems Rainbow is the anti baker.

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