• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 2,602 Views, 70 Comments

Expedition to the Cloudbreak Islands - Starglider

Ponies and friends set out to explore legendary floating islands, travelling in two experimental airships capable of piercing the permenant storm wall. A new world awaits them, populated by strange creatures and filled with unknown magic.

  • ...


Morning sunlight crept over the jagged peaks and dusty plateaus of Triskelion island, revealing a mining town somewhat battered by the previous night's revelry. It was nothing the rough-and-tumble place hadn't seen before, a hundred times or more, and no doubt the sharks would have things fixed up in time for the next boisterous celebration.

The assorted creatures emerged with a chorus of groans, headaches and desperate mixing of dubiously-effective hangover cures. Ponies and sharks got back to work, and by noon the last of the Storm Piercer machinery was dismantled and carried away, leaving the Harmony's bow clear. A new piece of equipment had been promised, one more suitable for defeating the air pirate menace.

At length the shark's air yacht streaked into view, all gleaming lines and roaring rotary engines. The hatch opened, revealing not a monster truck this time, but the domed bulk of the Elemental turret. Dock workers and deckhands joined forces to unload the weapon and install it on the pony's airship. Other workers were boarding over windows and running cables up to the crow's nest to power one of Nutmeg Inferno's strange electric guns.

The hippogriff Reef Skimmer had just completed his own preparations in the sickbay. Emerging onto the deck, he quickly spotted Set Sail; the pegasus mare was standing with a small knot of senior creatures, supervising the rennovations. "Ironic really, as if an old veteran retired and resigned to a peaceful life, now taking up arms once more, to defend his village from those who would steal away his loved ones," he remarked to no-one in particular, as he trotted up to the group.

"Don't know 'bout all that but that turret's a beaut," Firesteel assured them, "and you ponies ain't even picking up the bill! Old Smoothscale was pitching a fit when she heard her son-" he jabbed a stubby thumb at the young gillman, "-was set on poking the hornet's nest. But yeah, once the old bint stopped ranting, said she'd do anything that to keep him safe. So there you go, one fully-refurbished genuine-Goldling-made defence turret. Now you just gotta find a couple 'o elementals to run it."

"I sure do hope that thing's set to blast some demons seeing how much we gillies paid to fix it," Brightscale sniffed.

Blaze Trails and Grenelda had been working the ropes and winches, combining the former's encyclopaedic knowledge of knots and slings with the latter's dextrous claws. It was good to see their ship get put back into fighting shape; as she shifted cargo Blaze mused on their justification for taking the offensive, the need to fight for what was important and all creature's right to self-determination. Grenelda meanwhile was cooing at the exotic new cannon and Grenelda wondering how kickass it would look when it fired.

Overhearing the management talking, the griffon elbowed Blaze to get her attention. "Elementals, huh? Who's gonna run that thing? Guess we could put in Reef, or Azure, or..." She trailed off, inviting Blaze to speculate.

The earth mare thought if over: "Hmmm... yeah, but they're already like turrets in their own right. ... Probably we want to assign some Undead ponies to it, right? Folk who haven't developed their combat skills, but have the necessary energy."

Grenelda's eyes widen, and she whistles. "A spooky turret, huh? I didn't even think of that... maybe it can shoot angry ghosts? Oh, that would be rad."

With the turret emplaced, Set Sail flew off to find Trade Wind, her notional superior. The second mate was hobbling around on the pier, checking the crates of items they'd removed from the Harmony for safe keeping, and shouting at sharks to be careful with them. The stallion's hind legs were still in casts, but at least he was mobile again.

“Alright, now we’re going to have a dignitary come on our vessel, so it’s very important that we protect her... statue,” Set Sail told him. “She’ll be stored in the engine room, where we’re most shielded. Nutmeg was confident she could have our engines sending electricity to the mini canons she calls railguns."

"The pirates are bound to go after our balloon, but it’ll take multiple hits before we lose enough cloud cells to maintain altitude. I’ve asked some pegasi to shore it up with cloud walling. The gillmen are graciously allowing us to use their defensive energy cannon, well... offensively. Preliminary tests have shown that it can—”

“Why are you telling me all this?” Trade Wind interrupted, “You seem like you have everything pretty well in the bag. I’m not gonna be able to fight like this, if that’s what you want.”

“No, I was... just wondering if... you wanted to give your approval,” Set Sail said, “Tell me if there’s anything I’m missing, and I’ll get working right on it.”

“You’re the captain,” Trade Wind said, “If anything I should be seeking approval from you? Permission to take leave and all.” He looked back at his hind legs with frustration.

“I’m not the captain though!” Set Sail retorted, still hovering there just above the wharf. “The First Mate is the captain if he goes overboard, and if they’re both lost, then the Second Mate—”

“I know how it works!” Trade Wind snapped at her, “You don’t get it, do you?”

“G-get what?” Set Sail asked, her brown ears tugging back her kerchief as they dipped low.

“I’ve never even been in a real fight, mare,” Trade Wind told her, “I’m a souped-up accountant. I do ship’s manifests and trade deals, not... pirate battles. Most action I ever got was a few bar brawls and chewing out the slackers." He snorted.

"Set Sail, the captain’s... lost, and so is Pearl. Our ship was full of holes, and we ended up flying into a monster den when we thought this place was just gonna be abandoned. We should be stranded on that island, with no ship, and no plan, nothing to do but eat Abernathy’s grass and hope for rescue. You kept the ship, and the crew together, and even I can tell how ponies look up to you.”

“W-well what else was I supposed to do, just let the ship founder?” Set Sail asked, “I haven’t brought anypony together. They just sort of like me, and I just tell them to do their thing. I’ve made so many mistakes, I should be—”

“Would you just shut up about your problems already?” Trade Wind snapped at her, “You’re better than I am, alright? I admit it! The only reason you’re not second mate is ‘cause you never even tried! Heck, you could’ve easily taken Pearl’s place. Captain Sky would— well, he might shed a single tear, if he saw what you’ve done with this crew, because you’re doing such a great job at acting in his stead. You’re a fucking great captain, Set Sail! We’d all be lost, if... if you were not!”

Set Sail landed and folded her wings, turning away, unable to find the words to say just how wrong he was.

“Or you could give up and let everypony get eaten by pirates, sharks, or whatever the heck predators are all over these islands,” he said, “If you know anypony else who’s a better captain then you’re free to step down, but otherwise you just gotta deal with it, because I can’t save you, any more than I could save the... well you know.”

“I don’t think you’re right, but you’re not giving me any choice, are you,” Set Sail said quietly. Her heart felt heavy with despair as her last hope for escape died with his stubborn refusal. The worst thing was that... Luna damn it... he was right.

“Give ‘em heck, Captain,” Trade Wind said, “And bring our little ponies home safe.”

The blue and brown pegasus looked at him, then spread her wings, and blasted up in the air, flying away without another word. Trade Wind watched her leave, then his head dipped, staring blankly forward as dark thoughts churned in his brain.

“And Celestia save us if I’m wrong,” he muttered.

With the overhaul almost complete, ponies streamed down to the mess for a well-deserved lunch. Goodbyes were said and tears were shed as those ponies who couldn't contribute to the upcoming battle were sent to wait things out on the shark island. Melonwater was adamant he wanted to stay with Bluebell, protecting her from any boarders, but Cloud Cutter coldly pointed out that if he took a shrapnel wound from a stray shell, Bluebell would have to waste time treating him instead of somepony useful. One stare from those empty glowing eyes and the earth stallion agreed to join Trade Wind, Blue Type and the other noncombatants.

With full stomachs the ponies spilled back onto the top deck, to be treated to the sight of a strange and striking skyship approaching the shark's island. It was long and lean with a heavy prow, resplendent in intricate carvings, faded though colourful paint and peeling gold leaf. There was no balloon to hold it up or propellers to push it forward; instead the ship was carried by magic alone and driven forward by banks of rowing oars, somehow finding purchase on empty air.

Flapping coloured dots flew alongside, resolving into the leonine forms of sphinxes as the ship drew closer: some organic, some with the smooth ceramic skins and slightly jerky motions of Summer's constructs. The sharks watched closely as the Fellissian ship approached but kept their guns untrained, allowing the galley to dock at the cliff port. On the deck gleamed the golden bulk of the Oracle's statue, surrounded by a crowd of bipedal cats and a few of the larger cat-taurs.

The statue stayed on the Fellissian ship's forecastle, while Summer's avatar along with her cohorts disembarked, flying over to to join the others at a meeting hall above the dock. The phalanx of ceramic sphinxes was quite impressive, gleaming in the sun and moving in tight formation, while Nekuno and her guardians followed close behind. Even Te'summi was there, still clutching the Staff of Logoros, while Everdream the Mystic padded down the gangplank. The feline delegation was soon assembled next to the ponies, sharks, gillmen and griffons that formed their new alliance.

"It is a pleasure to contribute my services for such a worthy cause," Summer began, "For no true peace can come to our people until the Drow can never threaten us again. The Oracle will ensure it... with your help." She nodded regally to the sharks, gesturing with a paw at their sky docks. "You build such magnificent airships - I hope to see them put to good use. I, for my part, will be ensuring that no end of ceramic soldiers will harass all in our way." Turning next to Azure Feather, she asked: "I believe you are in charge of the operation, yes? What are our plans for the assault?"

Face to face with this... other... Summer Scribe, not to mention her impressive retinue of legendary predators, Azure Feather's face was creased with worry and self-doubt. The theoretical notion of taking out the drow just got very real, and her plan... had to be perfect. Anything less was not an option. Failure meant none of them would see Equestria again, at best; more likely an unpleasant death or life as a slave, a caged curiosity to be poked and laughed at.

Azure took a moment to regain her composure, resolving to stay calm, drawing herself up and looking Summer Sphinx squarely in the eye. "Yes, noble Oracle, I will lead this coalition, yet... I do not know its exact composition: numbers or abilities. Could I begin by asking exactly what each of our allies can contribute? How many ships and fighters do we have to work with?"

Firesteel took that as a cue to strut into centre stage: Summer had stroked his ego and he was proud to show off his people's accomplishments. "Obviously, Triskelion assets are well-placed to form the backbone of a mobile strike force," he told the gathered creatures, "starting with the Leverage, pride of the fleet." He gestured at the double-decker airship docked nearby, all steel plating and jutting angles.

"Broadside of eight rifled breech-loaders on each flank, with a pair of swivel guns fore and aft for mobile targets. Riflesharks as well of course, and marines to repel borders. Then you've got my ship, fastest on the fringe, with a couple of the finest quick-firing guns in a turret under her nose. Now she ain't built for heavy combat, but brawlin' would be a waste of her talents. Hit-and-run passes is where it's at, knock 'em down before they even know you're comin'."

The shark flexed his arms then placed his hands on his hips. "Last we got good old Profit Margin. She ain't a warship at all - oh we could load a few cannon on the deck, but it wouldn't make sense seeing she's slow as molasses and creakin' at the seams. No, she'll stay back until we got sky superiority, then come in and unload the ground forces."

"We'll need infantry to take the Hand - a few armoured trucks wouldn't hurt as well. Everything else is shot down or under repair, mostly thanks to the drow, though they sure ain't the only threat to honest trade in these parts. Now... my crew's got your pony ship all fixed up, so let's hear what you're bringing to the table."

Nutmeg Inferno took a few nervous steps forward, staring wide-eyed at the surrounding crowd. "S-S-So, uh... the EAS Harmony is pretty sturdy of course, nothing high-tech but magically-treated wood and decent quality steel. Thanks to the sharks she now has a Goldling dual-mount Elemental energy projector: middling damage but rapid fire and runs as long as there are elementals inside to power it."

"Then there's the cannons... well not real cannons as such, because we haven't got a forge or a reaming lathe or anything like that. So... I've thrown together a couple of dynamite guns... they run on compressed air, that means we can fire mining explosives and not have them blow up in the tube. I was wondering how to make enough shells in time, then Blaze pointed out that a carved wooden nose nailed to a baked bean can would work wonderfully!"

A blissful smile, then the kirin continued: "And the new propellors are working great, so we're faster than ever! N-not as fast as the Exocosus of course," she paused for a dreamy stare at the shark's 'Executive Air Yacht', "or even the Second Chance, but pretty good for a conventional envelope-supported airship. Since most of the cargo went overboard" - Azure's reflexive grimace went unnoticed - "we've used the remaining weight margin for extra armour plating!"

"Finally, I managed to make another, uh... electromagnetic accelerator?" The kirin stared into space for a moment. "You know, like the one I was ready to fire at Cynder! Though that would have been a terrible idea. Uh... but yeah we've set one up in the crows nest and another on the stern, on top of the engine room. They take a while to charge, but you can shoot a big metal spike really fast, or for a soft target a whole bunch of smaller spikes!"

The kirin suddenly seemed to feel the weight of all the eyes on her, fiddling with her hooves. "A-And... last but not least... there's the Second Chance! Firesteel was really nice and after I showed him the plans for the railgun he waived the charges for burning down that bar and even gave us a 'Puckle gun'!" She smiled awkwardly.

"I don't know what a Puckle is but, uh, it's like a giant revolver with a crank to turn the cylinder. I've put it on the bow mount, we've still got the torsion spring launcher on the back for nets and harpoons. And... I think that's everything?" With that Nutmeg skittered backwards into the crowd, where her engineering crew smiled and reassured her that she'd done a great job.

Everdream was the next to step forward, the big cat-taur hefting his magic staff as always. "The hopes and dream of Fellis ride in the Fortuitous," he proclaimed, "last of the great air galleys. Perhaps she's showing her age, but the mystics of old built to last, and her magics remain undiminished. She carries two heavy ballistae and a giant catapult."

"Now you might think such ancient weapons are as nothing before the fire and steel of the modern age, but the bolts are tipped with elemental crystals, while the trebuchet can loft a whole shower of the same," he explained. "The energies released on impact are... formidable. However, the true strength of the Fortuitous lies in her crew: mystics trained in combat casting and two score coutatan warriors, bows and blades at the ready."

Set Sail had been making some last-minute repairs to the Harmony's balloon, but now she swept down out of the sky, blowing into the viewing platform with a dusty whoosh of a backwing, declaring “I’m here! I’m here!”

The blue and brown pegasus hovered there for a moment, staring at the impressive array of creatures. She seemed a little flustered as she told them: “Sorry, was busy checking with the—er— and Crimson Sky just told me we were having a little meeting here to talk about combat abilities. I don’t wanna toot my own horn, uh, but I guess that’s what we’re all here for.”

The mare finally landed, very conscious of the fact that she was distinctly shorter than, well, all of the other creatures there. She trotting nervously along the edge of the platform, before taking a stand and saying: “We are a crew of about fifty ponies currently, plus a few griffons, one kirin, one donkey, and a hippogriff who is currently... gifted with the powers of elemental water."

“We have two among us who you would call elementals,” Set Sail continued, “Azure Feather, who... completed the Trial of the Wind, and earned her wings, and Reef Skimmer, who... well it’s a long story, but he can bring a tide of water with him wherever he goes. We have one unicorn who might have an affinity for fire, and several of our crew have been... gifted with the Undead element."

"The pegasus Cloud Cutter has a short-range teleportation ability and a... light that kills everything around her, depending on how much she charges it. The uh, bat pony Clashing Gale has the means to, uh... gain power and rapidly heal from... kill- uh... draining other creatures. And... our chief engineer Nutmeg Inferno is a Tech elemental, which you may have guessed from her ability to rapidly outfit our ship with weaponry.”

Frowning, she said, “Those are what you will be familiar with, using magic and techniques common to these lands. But my crew and I are not from your lands. We are ponies. Several of us are unicorns, with a special horn capable of many different forms of magic. They're not what you’d call combat oriented, more specialised to delicate tasks of fine manipulation. Some others among us are earth ponies who each have a knack for certain things that shock and amaze even me. But neither unicorns nor earth ponies can fly, so the vast majority of our crew...” She spread her feathered wings wide, “...are pegasi.”

Flying up from her spot on the ground to hover above everyone on strong flaps of her wings, Set Sail declared, “Pegasi are naturally what you might call combat oriented. Our ancestors were proud warriors, and that has stuck with us, even we simple sailors here. None of us...” her gaze flicked guiltily to an empty-eyed pegasus in the crowd, “...are cloud engineers, but any of us can fashion a sort of crude cloud barrier solid enough to stop most projectiles. That’s what I’ll be protecting the balloon of our ship with."

"Enough time and we can... I hope... construct a storm, leaving the pirates to deal with heavy rain, lightning, and even sleet and snow. Working together, we can generate, well, basic tornadoes at least, which wouldn’t do any good to a creature or ship caught in their paths. Finally, we are ourselves...”

She drew the heavy cyclops-made axe from its harness at her side, sailing off away from the crowd in a rising spiral then banking back towards them. The pegasus fell into a fierce dive, driving her hind leg before her to smack thin air with a whoosh, then swinging her axe through the shockwave. Demonstration complete, she returned the weapon to its harness, concluding: “...weapons. Give a pegasus enough time to pick up speed, and you’ve already lost, as the saying goes.”

Set Sail landed again and strutted forward. “The flight traps of the pirates are serious trouble for us, but if they’re disabled, we can fight as well as any griffon. So I just wanted you all to know our ship isn’t just an armoured behemoth. It’s also a crew of fantastic sailors, fierce griffons, creative unicorns, clever earth ponies, and pegasi. We’re only fifty-three in number, but we’re here to fight for our survival, for the safety of your lands, and the creatures on them. So... thank you. I uh, I didn’t mean to interrupt, sorry.”

The captain nervously started in the direction of the other pegasus in the crowd, then stopped short, and took a long look at Azure standing there. Then Set Sail just sat her haunches to the ground, looking around at all the strange creatures gathered round

Summer Sphinx, for her part, believes that the best way to tell is to show - so, looking at Set Sail and Azure Feather side by side, she lifts a paw and concentrates her gaze. Earthen energy whirls from the ground of the island, hardening itself into the ceramic shapes of the two pegasi, standing side by side. Glazed, glossy, coloured, creaking with every small motion.

"Excellent! For my part, I offer the powers of the Oracle - to create an unending army from the power of Earth itself. I can make them in the visage of any creature I am familiar with -" Nodding politely to the two pegasi, as their ceramic copies nod and lift hooves for a moment. The oracle had clearly been studying these 'ponies' closely, if this was to be believed!

"While they do not bear any of the same supernatural powers and are not impressively durable, they can fly, they can fight, and they can wear down any opponent that can be held at bay. Should our ships remain aloft and under our control, we shall surely win." Summer beamed proudly at the rapid improvement in her golem-making ability.

At her side, the sphinx Ne'kuno took a step forward, golden mask hiding her face as always. "And you also have our combined Fellisian forces to call on - Mystic battle mages, Couatan warriors, and our own sphinx magic." Te'summi, stood nearby clutching her new staff, nodded silently but firmly. "As Everdream said, we have just the one ship to contribute to the cause: the Fortuitous. She's ponderous, but tough as nails and ready to lay siege on the Drow base and carry our troops forward."

Azure seemed to be deep in thought as she nodded to both the Oracle and Firesteel, her wings tightly folded as she was trying to think of a plan, yet to say the little Pegasus was nervous was no understatement, the occasional twitch of a wing the easiest sign of such. Yet it was starting to come together for her. They had two heavy ships with long-range artillery, one speedster - no, two, if you counted the Second Chance... and an absolute tank of a ship.

So far so good, but it all depended on what the enemy would field. She had to play her cards right, and right now she was still playing half-blind... "We know of the sky traps, but as for the enemy forces... we've had only brief glimpses. Do any here have more detailed knowledge?" she asked the group as a whole, her newfound confidence slipping back a little.

"Military intel isn't one of our core businesses, but that ain't to say we don't got the goods. Pitchblende," Firesteel playfully slapped the smaller, bespectacled shark on the back, "time to bust out that slide deck."

Pitchblende winced as usual, before smiling weakly. He gestured for some underlings to bring out a flip chart, which he paged through as he continued to talk. "Ah yes well the primary threat is of course the so-called 'Ravager'. Originally a galleon, the drow have steadily upgraded it, over several generations. Now see here on the prow: a turret with two super-heavy guns taken from Troll Mega-Tanks. They constitute the primary anti-ship threat, and will make short work of nearly any vessel. Fortunately the weapon favours calibre over velocity, limiting the range, and the drow rarely fire it - likely because ammunition for such a beast is hard to find."

"As such..." he flipped to the next page, "these are their workhorse anti-ship weapons. Two wing turrets taken from Mark 31 tanks, each with two high-velocity guns. Then you've got the anti-flyer guns: rapid-fire energy blasters top and bottom, and two more on the wings; also salvaged from wrecked mega-tanks, no doubt. Oh there's a dozen of the original cannons on each broadside too; the drow mostly use those for intimidating settlements. Lots of fire and smoke, saves on the good ammo, you understand. Though no doubt it would still make a mess of any ship that pulls alongside... or any creature, if they're loading grapeshot."

"Then there's the copters," Pitchblende flipped to the last page. "Now it's hard to pin down just how many the pirates have operable and in service: most likely it changes from day to day. Subtracting the one acquired by our friends here, we could face anywhere from two to five. We believe they have two with light cannon, for shaking down merchant ships; the rest have harpoon/net launchers for hunting and, erm, taking captives."

"Finally there's the fortress itself. Alas our intel on that is rather light, given that the gravity manipulators make short work of any scouts and, erm... well, Firesteel has declined to purchase any slaves that might've seen the interior."

The shark CEO suddenly looked embarrassed for some reason, as if not using slave labour was something to be ashamed of. "Not compatible with the Triskelion mission statement," he explained. "Besides, when you factor in the low motivation, escapees, possible sabotage... yeah."

"Certain secrets are known to us," came a low feline voice: Ne'kuno, leader of the sphinx guardians. "We know that the drow have a plethora of weapons, cannon and siege engines of every description, yet most lie rusting and unusable, broken by the troll assault or the ravages of time. We know they have sorcerers, surely not a match for the Mystics in power but numerous and vicious. And we know they have behemoths: a bloodline spawned by the Chaos Mother, hulking giants that could give even a Leonoid pause." She stared at each of the leaders in turn, expression unreadable as always behind her golden mask. "This I tell you without recompense, out of respect for our alliance."

Ze'noath stepped up beside her, rumbling: "Do not succumb to fear. The so-called 'Sky Terror Clan' are but a shadow of their past selves. I believe they have barely three hundred souls remaining, and many of those are children, elderly, non-combatants of other sorts. A pawful of brutes and sorcerers cannot stand against the glorious force I see gathered here today." He cocked his head, then added: "Assuming, of course, it isn't blown to smithereens before it can land."

Summer Sphinx cracked a grin. "They have only one ship to their name and we have four. Excellent. While it sounds impressively armed and armoured, we have every other advantage to our name." She bowed her head low. "I would not be so foolhardy to think that I can come up with all the details myself, but - it sounds as though if we stay out of the firing arc of its main cannon, harass it from a distance and keep on top of the drow copters, we can wear them down with minimal losses." She glanced over to the assembled creatures, as though inviting them to propose their thoughts.

This wasn't the time for weakness, Azure Feather thought, as she tried to coalesce all this into a battle plan. Obviously they had to achieve air superiority, before the remaining forces could move into position for the ground assault. Being perfect was... impossible, but the closest she was to it, the better. The key thing, she thought, was to try and split this into phases; if they faced the enemy battleship and the fortress defences and the gravity traps at the same time, they were bound to take heavy losses. But if they could split these threats up, defeat them one at a time..

With one more deep breath to compose herself, the Air Elemental turned to look to her allies and began. "We've already won half the battle, forming this alliance, assembling here as a team. I intend for the unity to last well beyond this battle... but I digress. Gillfolk, please report to the deck of the EAS Harmony: you will be manning the deck guns, and should the ship be boarded... you have your own weapons to fight back. Defend the elemental cannon at all costs - Brightscale, you will be inside operating it." There... the first pawn was on the board. Next...

"So we ain't gonna be riding those griffs into a flying battle?" Sliptail piped up, sounding disappointed.

"That sure wasn't on the cards," Ebony Hail said dismissively. The big black hen scraped a claw on the ground. "No sense slowing us down and worst comes to it, turning one casualty into two. You gillies can do more good on a ship."

Azure Feather shook her head, as she turned to gillwoman. "While I'll admit that it looks flashy and that it sounds like a good idea, one needs to look at this from the griffons' perspective - that will slow them down, disrupting their battle ability and indeed..." She nodded to Ebony Hail. "Exactly: if the griffon gets shot down, that would be two casualties."

"Cloud Cutter. Your role will be similar to the gillfolk, except with more... stand off. Flying close to the Harmony, any copters or similar enemy threats that get too close to the ship are to be dispatched." Second Chance will assist, and also hunt down any enemy copters that try to harass our allies.

Her eyes searched the crowd for... there, the big phoenix-dragon was standing at the back, quietly watching the proceedings. "Sunburn!" Azure called out to the Skylander, "...you're with me. I... I have some plans for the enemy battleship... ways to ruin their effectiveness." So many more were awaiting her orders, though: cats and sharks and griffons and she still hadn't placed a single airship in her plans...

"Certainly the Harmony is terribly short-crewed for a warship," Reef Skimmer noted. "So, flier attack on the enemy capital ship eh? It did occur to me that perhaps if one of our vessels could induce them to give chase, that might allow either the Leverage or the Harmony to manoeuvre into the rear quarter and fire on them unmolested by those heavy bow guns. Something along the lines of Admiral Conch's famous feint in the Battle of Fangborne Rocks..." The hippogriff's voice trailed off as he realised nocreature present shared his interest in Equestrian naval history.

Summer Sphinx, nodded in agreement to the griff, flicking her tail in an appropriate mystical feline demeanour. "Yes indeed. We have the numbers advantage, simply put: the drow simply do not have enough equipment available to them to outmanoeuvre us. If we press them with an attack on two fronts, they can only adequately focus on one."

"Exocosus can run rings 'round that sorry hulk," Firesteel sneered, "but they know that and won't bother chasing. Might draw off the copters that way, but if you want bait, it's gotta be a ship the drow think they can beat."

“Don’t the pirates have some sort of flier traps?” Set Sail asked, “We can’t attack their capital ship with fliers, if they’re all being dragged into the traps.”

"Not just an issue for flying creatures," Pitchblende replied, fiddling with his flip chart, "the Hand is still capable of immobilising ships, if they approach within three kilometres."

That piqued an amused expression from Summer Sphinx; she lowered her head to tap her chin. "...Hmm. Do we know if it has a maximum capacity? I would happily clog it up with my ceramic creations if it means more important fighters may roam freely."

Sunburn shot that idea down, stepping forward and explaining: "The Hand of Eon was originally built to move whole islands. Even shot to hell and jury-rigged by drow, not likely to run out of power snaring individuals."

"And an immobilised ship is fresh meat for these drow..." Azure mused. "No, there's no way around it, we have to launch a pre-emptive strike - hit them by surprise, with an operation specifically aimed at taking down those towers - and only the towers. It's their trump card - so we can't let them engage us until the traps are neutralised. I've knocked down one myself some time ago, so I know how to knock them out - but I can't do it alone. Though I think I know somegriff who's been dying to have another crack at it..."

Azure turned to her avian friend: "Grenelda. You know how annoying those things are, and... think that new gun of yours can take them?"

The griffoness cocked her beak open in a cackle. "Oh, do I ever. And I have some other ideas if that doesn't work." She reached into a side satchel and pulls out two branded bottles of magical cola, holding them out for all to see - a vibrant fiery red and a zebra striped white. "How do the words 'massive angry flaming griffon disaster' sound to you?" Her voice dripped with joyous anticipation. "Can't think of a better way to go out!"

"Well, one certainly looks forward to that particular spectacle," Reef said dubiously. The hippogriff looked from Set Sail to Azure. "One would like to volunteer for the advance party? Given my... condition, I should be able to, err, dissolve those towers, or worst case the traps themselves. And if somegriff, err, creature is going to take a harpoon from those copters, best it be one who can shrug it off."

"That's what I figured..." Azure replied, unable to hide an amused smile: Grenelda might be a bit unruly, but she certainly had enthusiasm for battle. It was... nice. Reminded her of her old unit? Anyway... "Thank you Reef Skimmer. Sunburn, can I count on you to complete the pre-emptive strike unit?" The surprise attack was critical, but also terribly dangerous... they needed to put their best hoof forward, without risking any more creatures than necessary. Sunburn, Reef, Grenelda and herself... the toughest and most effective flyers available.

The phoenix-dragon frowned. "Sure, the gravity sheer likely isn't severe enough to preclude wormhole formation." A pause, then a blink. "Uh, I mean yeah I can teleport through that tractor beam and slag the towers. Probably." He stared at Azure for a moment, then admitted "Would be good to work together again."

Grenelda cackled in amusement, then her eyes glimmered with excitement. "Oh... shit! I'm gonna be fuckin' fighting with a Skylander, aren't I?" She'd intended that to be a whisper to Gustus, who was sitting next to her with a pained expression as he heard his mate would be flying into danger again - but in her excitement the hen just couldn't keep her voice down.

"Will be a pleasure to work that turret for ya." Brightscale enthused. "Only right seein' as how it's been in Witchway long as anyone can remember. Also be a pleasure to blast those demon copters outta the sky! Uh, so if y'all off taking out the traps, anyone gonna be working the other side of the turret?"

Azure Feather nodded. "Correct, Brightscale, and there is one who will be happy to join you, I believe... Clashing Gale, can I entrust that to you?"

The batpony cocked his head, then nodded firmly. "Just like working the Storm Piercer again, except we'll be cutting through clouds of drow copters instead of the regular kind." He seemed quite satisfied with that post.

Brightscale shot the vampiric pony a nervous glance and gulped.

Clashing Gale couldn't help but notice. "Make no mistake, I've got your back." Straight and to the point, he felt, but part of him cringed in anticipation of the likely similar reactions he'd get from friends and family; if they ever made it back home.

"Very good," Reef nodded. "So the advance team will disable the traps and withdraw. Likely the enemy will send their full complement of aircraft after them."

Azure Feather smiled. "Why not place one of our ships to greet the chasers, then? If we can get them to fly out of range of the fortress defences before engaging, that reduces their firepower significantly. I feel the Leverage or Fortutious - or even both together - would be best suited to serve as bait. I'd like to keep Harmony as a surprise for them. As far as we know, the drow have never seen it."

Summer Sphinx seemed quite pleased by this plan. "Whichever ship this is, I suppose I shall be on it to irritate the approaching enemies as much as possible? Yes, this is good."

"Leverage is decked out in top-quality, tempered steel plate," Firesteel bragged, "'less you got fancy magic on that rowboat, she's best placed to take point. Maybe once you see her tank a shell or two, you'll consider an upgrade. With a ten-percent alliance discount!" The shark grinned at the sphinxes.

Summer Sphinx coils her tail with coy amusement. "Yes, please do impress us~" Nodding quietly over to Ne'kuno next to her.

"You're gonna draw off the ships, then? Leaves the island defences as easy prey for a war flock," Ebony cawed.

"Are they gonna send their gravity ship filer grabber thing along with their full complement of aircraft?" Set Sail fretted, certainly out of her element here, but afraid to let any problem go unaddressed.

One of the male sphinxes spoke up: "The gravity mechanisms are built into the island," Ze'noath told the pegasus. "Ancient and sophisticated magic. The drow are hard-pressed to even keep it working. We can be fairly sure they have not developed a ship-borne version."

"Thank you..." Azure wasn't sure if she'd heard the sphinx's name, "...that's definitely a relief to hear, though we can't let our guard down. Everything hinges on this surprise strike; if that goes badly, then the ships will still have to engage, but at a significant disadvantage." A little twinge of fear ran through Azure as she recalled being trapped in that crystal pool, with the enemy copter closing in. Now wasn't a time to get emotional, but she wouldn't soon forget...

"Indeed, very good," Reef said. "So Leverage and Fortuitous form the lead squadron? A credible assault force on their own, likely to draw the full attention of the enemy. Shall we have Harmony and Exocosus attempt the flanking manoeuvre then?" He nodded to Set Sail: "If you could see fit to whip another of those instant cloud banks, that might allow us to get into position undetected."

Set Sail smiled at Ze'noath, relaxing a bit more. This wasn't really her thing; sure, she had ideas like blockade, sabotage, inclement weather... nothing that hadn't occurred to anyone else here. She was just glad she'd lucked out with a couple of brilliant tacticians on her crew, helping her and all of them out. She was pretty sure they were brilliant tacticians at least. Set Sail was under the uncomfortable impression that it took one to know one.

"The Harmony will definitely be a shock to them, with that elemental cannon fully powered and Nutmeg's wild inventions as well," Azure mused. "If we can get behind them, shoot their propellers... one surprise volley from that cannon may turn the tide of this battle to our favour. Exocosus is no slouch either, even if their main hull is completely armoured, maybe you could knock out their anti-flier defences. A surprise strike would, again, be the best case scenario."

Grenelda clicked her beak, all excitement and confidence. "I'm so damn ready to send these pirates packing. Let's fuck 'em up and show no mercy."

Summer Sphinx chortled, nodding to the eager griffon. "The first and most important step to once more asserting our sovereignty over these skies. I look forward to showing the Skylands we're not to be messed with."

Azure took a deep breath, and slowly let it out again. The strategy was sound, but... battle plans rarely survived contact with the enemy. Still, everything seemed solid, and if they could take the gravity traps out of the equation, their superior forces should carry the day. Preparations almost complete, all that was left now was to execute...

Author's Note:

This story is a collaboration between myself (playing Reef Skimmer, Firesteel, Pitchblence, Everdream, Sunburn and Ebony here), Spearmint (playing Azure Feather and Clashing Gale), Patashu (playing Summer Scribe and Ne'kuno) and Ferret (playing Set Sail and Trade Wind), based on an online RP.

This chapter is based on the 66th and 67th sessions (GMed by me); slow going unfortuantely as all the players were sick at some point. The team decides not to go with Unspoken Plan Guarantee which just ensures there will be surprises; seriously, we had to come up with a plan as players, so might as well do it in-character.

Next time, we see if Azure really has this under control or if it will all go horribly wrong...