• Published 14th Apr 2020
  • 492 Views, 8 Comments

The Unicorn and the Dragon - Bigwig6666

A short story inspired by the music video for Scarborough Fair by Dan Avidan and the Super Guitar Bros

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The Unicorn and the Dragon

"Read me the story about the Dragon, mama!" the small filly cried.

Her mother smiled and laughed. "Okay sweetheart, if that's the one you want tonight."

She sat down next to the filly's bed and grabbed the book with her magic. She smiled and turned the book open and began to read.


The Unicorn stood on a tall hill and gazed out over the horizon. He saw trees as far as the eye could see, and smelled the scent of freshly cooked berries on the wind. His stomach grumbled.

He chanced a look at his family, his herd, as they bickered amongst themselves.

A butterfly breezed past him on the wind, landing gently on his nose. He blew it off with a light puff of air.

With a heavy sigh he sadly turned away from his family, once again looking at the horizon, dissatisfied with life. The smell once again reached his nose, and seemed to beckon him.

He entered the forest carefully, watching for any signs of anger. The forest was silent, no birds, no insects. Silence.

The smell of berries intensified, he licked his lips, his stomach growled again.

As he gazed upwards, a branch caught fire, startling him.

He froze as the tree shifted next to him. The Unicorn gazed up in fear at the mighty beast before him.

The Dragon looked at him curiously. She saw the fear in his eyes. She saw how he looked at her. No. How he looked at the branches high above, out of his reach.

She turned and reached up, her long neck extending enough to reach the treetops. She grabbed a branch and threw it down to him.

The Unicorn sniffed it.

The Dragon smiled at him.

He smiled back, taking a bite of the delicious fruit, before suddenly turning around and running into the distance.

The Dragon watched him go sadly and began to turn away. She paused and turned back when she heard him approach again.

The Unicorn returned to her, panting out of breath and holding something in his mouth. He smiled shyly and offered the flowers he held.

The Dragon's eyes widened, nobody had ever given her a gift before. She took them gently and thanked him. She had an idea.

She gestured with her wing to follow her, and turned and dashed into the forest.

The Unicorn galloped after her, almost falling behind from her speed and mastery of the air. He ran, and ran, and ran, until he broke out into a clearing of giant beautiful trees, the canopy above them sparkling in the golden light of the sun.

He gazed around for her, fearing she had been too quick for him. He sadly turned, before a call from up above made him smile.

With their laughter, the silence of the forest was broken. The Dragon was so happy she flew up to the canopy and let loose her power. From her breath, a whiff of smoke rose above the trees.

Her friend below laughed and cheered for her impressive display.

The Unicorn's herd watched the smoke rise above the trees and realised he was missing. They tore off into the forest and began searching for him, horns lowered and tempers flared.

The Dragon and the Unicorn travelled together through the forest, stopping to gaze at trees covered in dead plants. The Unicorn told the Dragon to watch his power, and as his horn lit up with magic, the plants came to life and bloomed. he stumbled, his magic coming with a cost.

She caught him and held him steady, telling him he shouldn't risk his life so brazenly. He smiled and told her it was nothing.

The Dragon had another idea. She flew up into the tree and pressed herself against it, pushing off from it and releasing petals into the wind. As red and gold petals billowed around them, the Unicorn smiled.

The Unicorn caught a petal on his tongue and munched it happily. The Dragon gazed into his eyes and smiled.

They remained in that spot until night fall.

The two took shelter together amongst the petals. The Dragon covered the Unicorn with her wing as he nestled beside her.

Restless and awake, the Unicorn watched his friend's face as she slept. He remembered the flowers he had first given her and had an idea. He crept up quietly from her and tiptoed away.

He glanced back at her and smiled. She remained as peaceful as ever, unaware he had left. He stole into the night in search of a bouquet to surprise her with when she awoke.

The Dragon gave a content sigh in her sleep, the petals around her rising and falling with her breath.

The Unicorn's family spotted her sleeping and as they watched, they saw her seeping in a pool of red, her claws stained with their kin's own blood. Enraged, one charged, horn lowered and voice raised.

The Dragon awoke and saw them charging. He reached her quickly, catching her off guard, and pierced her chest.

She shrieked in pain. Tears flew from her eyes. Why was this happening? Where was her friend?

Anger clouded her vision as the unicorn fell back. Her pupils dilated and her lips curled upwards revealing her teeth.

She released a cloud of fire towards her attackers, startling them and causing them to retreat. The one who stabbed her watched her with hate in his eyes, and made off into the night, satisfied her wound would finish her off.

The Unicorn heard commotion in the distance and turned, his mouth full of flowers. He ran and ran, and hoped nothing terrible had happened.

The Dragon looked around, tears in her eyes. She cried out for him as she sank to the ground, her chest on fire with pain. With one last mournful cry, she called his name as darkness took her vision.

The Unicorn reached her too late. He cried her name and sank to the ground in despair, leaving the flowers by her head.

Red petals blew in the wind as tears rolled down his face.

His horn began to glow. She didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve this.

She was kind and generous, he was loyal and honest. Their laughter together filled his heart with sorrow as mere memories.

With a heavy heart he touched her nose with his, giving her a light kiss as magic illuminated the forest around them.

The Dragon awoke with a start and gazed upwards at the sunlight breaching the trees. She held a claw to her chest and saw there was no blood. No more pain. She looked around and felt something by her feet.

Her gaze turned down and se saw the flowers he had left her. Her claws gently picked them up and with a heavy heart, she smiled to herself.

She mourned for her friend, of course, yet knew they would never truly be separated, as he had given his life for hers.

Truly, there was no greater gift, than the magic of friendship.


The mare closed the book and smiled as her filly drifted off to sleep. She turned the light off and whispered.

"Good night Twilight Sparkle, sweet dreams."

Comments ( 8 )

I saw the video and read this story. My eyes watered for both. Very nice interpretation of the video in text form.
Well done!

Thanks I tried my best :) Dannys voice is just too good I keep listening to it over and over

I just saw the video today too, it was great

well done, very well done.

Im just not sure what to archive this one under............

A very well earned thumbs up.

The Monk
“Because we killed all of the monsters we ever ran into, save for ourselves and Death. What better way to respect death than to give it the form of the only monster we could never kill?" - WhatMustIDo

Thanks dude/ette, much appreciated. I have no idea what tags to add myself lol, or which groups to add it to if any

This pointed out nuances that I suspect I missed from the video. Most importantly the implication that the other Unicorns thought she had murdered him.

For some reason the last lines (the ones back outside the storybook) were among the ones that hit hard. Probably because they revealed that this was one of the thousand hammer blows (for this story does hit like a hammer) that, together with the warmth of familial love as the forge-flame, shaped the soul of one of Equestria's greatest heroes. A keen weapon against Evil of both the dramatic (e.g. Tirek) and the creeping banal sort which can be as insidious as "I don't need no help to harvest these apples!".

That quote is amazing and I commented on that user's page about it. Let me attempt to respond in kind with an old but IMHO, Absolutely True one:
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." John 15:12-14 (NIV). The middle verse, is, of course, the most famous.

Oh wow I didn't expect to a see a comment on this story of all things :twilightsmile: :heart: Glad you enjoyed it. To this day it's one of my favourites, favourite songs and music videos too. it's funny you say that too because originally it wasn't a storybook, I added that part just to tip it over to more than 1k words :twilightsheepish:

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