• Published 19th Apr 2020
  • 376 Views, 1 Comments

The Tale of Equestria's Holy Knight - PrinzEugen

A Holy Knight in the Adrestrian Empire army gets himself sent to Equestria

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Javelin of Light

Cerilio was busy polishing his silver lance in his room in Arianrhod. It was a week ago that the imperial army capture the Silver Maiden, and he was ordered to stay behind to help with ocupation force. Not the most pleasent order he tought was given to him since he wanted to end this war as fast as possible. And, acording to him, the only way he tought that he was going to end this war was to be at the frontline.

It was five years ago that emperor Edelgard declared war on the church of Seiros and as predicted the Leicester Alliance, well those who were against the empire, and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus came to the aid of the church. For the past five years it was a stalemate, no side could have could have make a breakthrough trough the other but, everything changed when the emperors professor returned. Who would have tought that the just his return, changed the tide of the war in an instant.

First came the Alliance. The fall of Derdriu came swift after the capture of the great bridge of Myrddin. The way that professor, now general, Einser planned the strategies was just briliante. How does he know that you ask, well Cerilio himself was part of the main assault. Although he was a holy knight and a holy knight was suppose to only support the army as healers and carry few faith spell and a lance for self defence, his talent in reason magic was so good that it cought the eyes of the general. He was kept as a holy knight due to his recovery spells and he his Seraphim and Abraxas spells, but he was thought reason magic. He learned wind and blizzard for basic spells, Thoron for the range, Excalibar for when he had to deal with flying units and finaly Fimbulvert. Even tho Fimbulvert was not very accurate it could be critical if it hit so he decided to go with that.

After the fall of the alliance the Knights of Seiros launched a suprise attack in order to try retake their beloved monastery. The attack was repelled but not without its losses. In that battle they lost two of their best generals. Cerilio was also hit hard by that battle, he lost four of his best friends. While he was defending the monastery, his four friends where sent to with the main force under general Ladislava. Two days later they fond their bodies. From that moment on his view of the war changed. He was no longer just fighting for a better future and the ideals of the emperor, but also to avenge his fallen friends.

While he was polishing his lance a knock came on his door.

''You can come in,'' he said. In came his second in command and one of his remaining friend he had left.

''Hey I just came to tell you that a report just came in. It says that we are heading to Fhirdiad next month.''

''Its about time," Cerilio says.

''Hey its been only a week since we capture this place. Don't you think the men here and at the monastery also need a break? I thought you also needed a break from the fighting?" Cerilio's friend says to him.

His friend was right, he needed a break. All the fighting was taking a toll on him. Even tho his goal was to avenge his friends, he could not denied that he needed a break. It was with this reason that general Einser, even the emperor, told him to stay behind. While he was being thought by the general the emperor also took intrest in him. They became friends and then he told her his other reason why he fights the war.

''And besides,'' his friend continues, ''there is a possiblity that we may get intersepted. Where? I don't know but my bet is on the Tailtean plains.'' The Tailtean Plains. He has heard of it, who hasn't? There was where Saint Seiros defeated the Fell king Nemesis almost a thousend years ago.

''If thats true, then i think thier hoping for a miracle. While Seiros defeated Nemesis back then, its now us deafting the church that carries her name. Oh the irony,'' Cerilio says with a grin.

''Huh. Now that you mention it, it does feel like that. But I don't know, what if that miracle does come true? What if they some how defeat us and we never reach Fhirdiad?'' his friend expresses with worry in his words.

''Hey, don't be scared, ever since general Einser came back we had nothing but victory after victory. There is a reason why the emperor puts her trust in him. Everything will be find, just like always. We will make a breaktrough and pushed them all the way to the kingdom capital, capture the city, kill the archbishop and win the war,'' Cerilio expresses with full confidance.

''Anyway," he continues, "instead of stay here stiting and keep worrying about what's to come, why don't we had out to the bar and have something to drink, maybe get something to eat along the way.''

His friend looks a little bit skeptical. The locals weren't exactly friendly with troops occuping Arainrhod. The people of the kingdom were very loyal to their king, it would take the death of their king for them to stop resisting. Even tho, in Cerilio's opinion, king Dimtri wasn't the most stable king the people still followed him loyaly, something that anoyed him a little.

''I don't know, you know the locals aren't friendly with us. I'll say they down right hate us. and I don't know about you but I don't want to get killed by a bunch of filfty peasents,'' his friend exclaim. His friend just reminded him of one other reason he was also fighting this war. His friend always looked up to the nobility and dreamt of one day becoming one, even tho thats next to imposible. And even after the emperor told him and his friend secretly that she wanted to do away with the nobility, he still looks up to them.

''Ugh, could you like, not act like your so highso. You know that after the war the emperor will do away with the nobility, right? Hell its one of the reason were fighting this war. The nobility and crest system is bs and you know that that the church encourged the system instead of fixing it. I think its one of the reason that all Fodland was declining in the years before the war,'' Cerilio ranted.

''Wow man calm down, I know that the old system is crap, but lets say that even if the nobility is gone there will still be high society. There will still be rich people, the emperor wants to get rid of the nobility and crest and want people to rise up to that status based on their hard work, not bloodline. And thats what I'm planning to do after the war,'' his friend defended.

Before Cerilio can argue something back his friend decided to change the subject.

"Anyways let's not keep bickering between our self shall we? By the way you never told me what you wanted to do after the war anyways. So care to tell me now, you know since were here?

Seeing his friend's point he looks at down and thinks. What did he wanted to do after the war? Travel? Find a girl and get married? Start a family? Well the traveling option seems kinda nice. And who knows, maybe he'll meet a future wife along the way.

"Well I always wanted to travel around the world. Maybe go to Brigid or Almayra or even Dagda. Who knows, maybe I'll meet a nice girl along the way.''

"You? Get married?" his friends says with a amused face. "I highly doubt that. When was the last time you ask somebody out? Beside you know, that I know, that your not type of guy to attract women.''

"Well atleast I admit it. You on the other hand, has the either get slap or get a sword pointed at you for you to back off, hell you even try to go after Dorothea, Dorothea, who we all knew lord Ferdinand was after, hell I even had to come to your aid to prevent him form doing something to you,'' Cerilio says while trying his best not to laugh.

''Ugh you still can't let that go?'' his friend says with a glare. Cerilio just tries his best not to laugh before he can't anymore and breaks down laughing at the memory. After a few seconds he stops, puts his lance to the side and starts walking to the door.

"Anyways, I don't know about you but I'm going to the bar, you coming or not?''

"No go ahead, I'm just gonna go and head to my room. I was planning to just delivere the message and head there, maybe take a quick rest to prepare for my night watch.''

"Ok no problem, thanks by the way. Its been a while since we just talked to each other like this. Take care.''

"Yeah its been good to just chat with you. Don't go hard on that liquor."

After they said the farewells Cerilio head out to the local bar. While on the route he kept getting glares from the locals, some even shouted at him telling how he and the entire imperial amry will face judgement from the goddess or something like that. He didnt care and just ignored it, but just to be safe he maked sure he had his silver sword with him just in case some of the people became to hostile.

He reached the bar and entered. There were few soldier there, some were already drunk.

Good gracious, you give them them some extra gold because they did most of the fighting and what to they do with? They go and get drunk he thought to himself.

He sighed and just went to the bartender. He knows that its not in his place to tell them what to and not to do. THey weren't part of his battalion. Their commander will find out one way or another and take action. As long as they don't bother him he didn't worry.

He continue his walk to the bar table and as he nears it the bartenders hears his steps coming closer.

''How can I can he- oh its just one of you people,'' the bartender says, his mood changing from bright to sour after seeing him.

''Hey, be gratefull. Atleast we tried to keep casualty to a minimum, we even let the soldiers who surrenderd to go back to thier family,'' Cerilio says. He knows that his words might not changed his mind but atleast he tries. In the alliance some of the citizens believed him so it was worth a shot.

''Whatever, just tell me what you want and we can get this over with,'' the bartender says.

Huh, I expected some speech about how we are liars and killers. Not that I'm complaining, hell better this than the speech Cerilio thought. I think some cider will be enough, I don't think I want to make him more angrier if I took something to strong and get drunk by accident.

Before he could answer the guy there was a loud explosion

"What the hell was that?!" he shouts.

He quickly went outside to see whats going on. People were screaming all round, even some of the soldiers were starting to panic. Then he saw light in the sky decending on the Silver Maiden and before he knew it he heard another explosion follow by a feeling of intense heat.

After that everything went dark.

Author's Note:

Hi, this is my first fanfic so thank you for taking your time to read this. Don't be affraid to garmmer check me in the future, English is not my first language. Till then,

PrinzEugen out