• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 5,097 Views, 354 Comments

Redheart's War - SockPuppet

A nurse has seen it all. A combat medic has seen even more.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Redheart trailed off, and her red-rimmed blue eyes stared at her husband. She shook her head and looked around the kitchen, then back to him.

AP leaned forward and hugged her, a desperate bear hug, and she huffed as the air left her lungs. She hugged him back as he rubbed his hooves up-and-down her withers. “My love…” he whispered into her ear.

He released her, took her hoof that had been torn apart by a caltrop between his, and kissed the scar softly.

"The Guard is darn good at treating infections," she said. "Amazing potions, and any doctor they want. A surgeon with a soft-tissue spell got flown in from Las Pegasus, on the Crown's bit. And the rumor..."

"Rumor?" AP asked.

"That bag of whole blood I didn't need. Well, there are old mare's tales about alicorn blood's healing abilities... I was back on my hooves in four weeks, and fit to fight in nine."

"What happened to the other prisoners? To the mercenaries?"

"While I was flat on my back, Celestia's Own and the Mountain Battalion broke them."

AP frowned. "Mountain Battalion? Those are the batponies?"

"It has ponies, too, but yes, mostly."

"What happened?"

"Batponies know caves. One night, they found a back entrance to the cavern the prisoners were in and snuck them out. Celestia's Own hit the camp at dawn. Most of them were taken prisoner, which… well, I’m glad they weren’t killed."

"What were the mercenaries even doing?" AP asked.

Redheart smiled. "They had no idea, they just knew they were getting paid to make ponies homeless. We had no idea who or why, at that time. ...I have some theories now. I think it was all related to... hrmm... better not say. That leads to the parts of the story I’m not allowed to tell."

"What happened to you?"

Redheart's face darkened and her jaw worked, as if she was thinking about spitting on the floor. "Lieutenant Armor—he got his commission—and Major Blueblood, the Battalion's deputy commander, all visited the hospital. Princess Cadance was with them. Major Blueblood gave me my Combat Action Badge and the Medic's Star, my POW badge, and my first Wounded in Action badge, and..."

Redheart glared.


"And a—" she paused, then her voice turned harsh: "They also brought along a newspaper photographer."

AP raised an eyebrow.

"I looked bad. Gray, sick, thin, sunken cheeks, disheveled mane, black eyes, stuck full of needles. My hometown newspaper ran the picture. My parents and little brothers found it on their doorstep one morning."

"Why... why would they do that to you?"

Redheart shrugged. "It burned my flank at the time. I was furious. Princess Cadance herself was younger than even me, maybe seventeen, eighteen? Celestia wanted Equestria to accept the new Princess. My story gave Celestia a chance to tell everypony how Cadance had gone, unarmed and alone, into the raiders' redoubt to parley for a single wounded pony's life. I understand it was necessary. I just wish they'd found a different pawn."

AP looked at his wife's expression and tapped his hoof on the table, trying to think of a subject change. "What happened to Spring Thunder?"

"I heard he walked upriver for three days, and reported that I'd been captured. Princess Cadance, who was at the command post, was able to track me... somehow. Alicorns get vague when they talk about their magic."

Redheart looked out the window. "Cadance got that bag of antibiotic potion in me just in time. She saved my life. I still resent that she accepted parole on my behalf, though."

He leaned close again and hugged her. "Thank you, love. Thank you for finally opening up."

"The worst part..." Redheart muttered.

He brushed her cheek with his feathers. "What?"

She shook, and cradled her head in her forehooves. The smell of her sweat filled the kitchen. "The letters from Mom n' Dad."


"They knew I was in combat. The Guard hadn’t deployed in years, so the border raids were in the news. Everypony knew that Celestia's Own was down on the Southern Marches, fighting, taking casualties."

AP shook his head. "I can't imagine how they felt."

"There were a half-dozen kids from Whinnyapolis deployed, counting me. Mom and Dad flew a Blue Star flag in front of the house. The city flew six blue streamers on the flags at every government building. My kid brothers sewed blue stars onto their school bags."

"How old were your brothers?"

"Fourteen." She stood, set more coffee to brew, and sat back down. "The five other local kids were in Third Battalion, so the newspaper ran a blurb on me because I was the only Household trooper. Mom n' Dad gave them my graduation picture from medic's training. Being a medic and a good-looking young mare just made the story juicier." Redheart thunked her forehead onto the kitchen table. AP ran a wing down her spine and kissed her behind the ear.

She continued, her voice muffled against the table: "Well, after all that whoop-de-doo... the Colonel of the local Home Guard and Baroness Whinnyapolis knocked on their door. Mom later told me that Dad opened the door and just... collapsed. My brothers, they were just kids, but they understood exactly what was happening. They knew that having a Peer of the Realm on the front stoop couldn't mean good news."

"Sweet Luna..." AP hissed.

"The Baroness told them I was 'missing, last seen wounded.' Missing. Major Blueblood wrote them a note, Shining Armor wrote them a note, the skipper of the barge wrote them a note. Missing. What could be worse? I could have been dead in an arroyo, my bones never to be found, or swept down the river and out to sea, and I would still stay missing. And the worst part..."

She stood, poured more coffee, and took a few sips before sitting back down with the steaming mug.

AP wrapped Redheart's head in his wings, the feathers a warm blanket around her.

"The next week, the next stupid week, there's that same knock on the door. The Colonel and the Baroness again. Mom n' Dad figured..." Redheart cleared her throat. "But the Baroness told them I wasn't dead, I'd been captured but traded back because I was gravely wounded. Gravely wounded. Dad demanded to be taken to the hospital to visit me, but no civilians were allowed near the front. Every house on the block put out their Equestrian flags until I was out of the hospital. The city changed one of the six blue streamers to red. That picture of me, so sick, getting medals pinned on my pillow, well, that didn't help. Everpony figured...."

She sipped more coffee, thinking for several minutes before continuing. "I wrote a letter home the second day I was awake, to try to get them calmed down. But for the rest of my Guard stint... they said things like 'Come home safe to us' that they had never said before."

AP pulled her close and kissed the top of her snout.

She hugged him back, her forelegs around his neck. "I need a break."

"Sure, but you have to finish—"

“Help me clean the kitchen. We’ve got dishes to wash from breakfast.”

A little while later, they sat on the couch in the living room, and she leaned her head onto his shoulder.

"Thanks for loving me," she said. "There were some times, some days when the entire world seemed too dark to fight for. Having you, and the twins... it's like I can go back in time, and tell twenty-year-old me it was all worth it."

He kissed her nose.

"About four months after I was captured, about a month after I was cleared for duty, we were in our barracks in Canterlot when Celestia herself summoned the whole Battalion..."

Author's Note:

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