• Published 6th Apr 2020
  • 1,019 Views, 10 Comments

Equestrian Court: Starlight v. Trixie - pokerninja2

The murder of a plant at Trixie's hooves is taken to the Grand Canterlot Court.

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The Trial

The Grand Canterlot Court was packed with ponies and creatures of all kinds filling the seats. Commotion was at an all-time high in anticipation for probably the most important trial in Equestrian history. Trixie Lulamoon, travelling showmare and recently-hired student councilor of the School of Friendship, sat idly on the left side of the courtroom's main floor. She glanced over to see Starlight Glimmer, current headmare of the school, looking daggers at her. Next to her sat Sunburst, her childhood friend and vice-headstallion, who stood nervous. On their table sat two potted philodendron plants.

By Starlight and Sunburst sat a third pony, an orange unicorn stallion with a golden star for a cutie mark. His name was Iron Law, and was the lawyer Starlight hired for the trial. Trixie glanced to the other side, her own layer, a dark-green pegasus mare named Quick Wit, sat next to her. Both lawyers seemed to be competent at their jobs, though Iron Law had an aura of confidence around him that Quick Wit lacked.

Trixie simply remained silent. She had no idea how she got in this predicament, nor how it was serious enough to reach the supreme court of Canterlot. All she wanted to do was renovate the School of Friendship's office to better suit her, Starlight, and Sunburst. She had no intention of doing something to hurt Starlight, but here she was, on trial for murder. Trixie just wanted to get this over with, and was thankful when a door behind the judge's stand opened, revealing a brown earth pony mare with a gavel as a cutie mark. The courtroom fell in silence.

"The honorable judge Grand Gavel will be presiding over this court trial," one of the guards by the stands called out. "Please rise."

As Grand Gavel took her place on the stand, everypony in the room stood up to be sworn in. Trixie was hesitant due to how unimportant she thought of this whole situation, but rose anyway. She looked back to the right, seeing that Starlight didn't take her deathly glare off of her. If looks could kill, Trixie wouldn't be dead, but she would definitely be on life support.

"Thank you everypony," Grand Gavel called out. "Please be seated so we can get this trial under way."

All the ponies in the court room took their seats, ready to get started.

"This is the trial for Starlight Glimmer against Trixie Lulamoon," Grand Gavel went on. "Ms. Lulamoon, you have been charged with the slaughter of another living being, as well as trying to flee the police when you were put under arrest. How do you plea of these charges?"

"Not guilty!" Trixie called out. "It was a PLANT! You can't murder a plant! Why is the Innocent and Totally Not Guilty Trixie even in here!?"

"BECAUSE YOU MURDERED PHYLLIS, YOU MONSTER!" Starlight roared from across the room. "RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!"

"Starlight, calm down," Sunburst said, trying to make sure things didn't escalate more than they already have.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!?" Starlight said. "You were there! Did you not see what that mare did to Phyllis!?"

The judge slammed her gavel against the desk three times, getting everypony's attention. "I will have order in my court!" Grand Gavel called. "Ms. Glimmer and Ms. Lulamoon, if both of you do not act in a respectful manner, you will be held in contempt of court. Am I understood?"

"Yes, your honor," Starlight and Trixie said, sitting down. Starlight continued glaring at the blue mare, who just rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Thank you, now we may proceed," Grand Gavel said. "The outcome of this trial will determine weather or not Ms. Lulamoon is guilty of the charges I just listed. Ms. Glimmer, since you were the best friend of the victim, I ask that you take the stand first."

"With pleasure, your honor," Starlight said. She got up from her side of the court and walked up to the stand next to Grand Gavel's. Iron Law followed her and stood in front of the court, using his magic to hold several papers in front of himself.

"Ahem!" Iron Law cleared his throat as be began to read the papers. "Starlight Glimmer, would you please recount for us what happened on the day of the incident?"

"It happened a week ago," Starlight began, shooting another death glare at Trixie. "I had just hired Sunburst as my new vice-headstallion to help run the School of Friendship when Princess Twilight Sparkle would go on to rule Equestria. Trixie was the one who helped me make the decision to do so, and because of that, I had the idea to hire her as student councilor of the school, a decision I now regret making. In almost a second... she murdered my friend Phyllis... with no second thought or even remorse. She just... threw her away! Like she wasn't a living, breathing creature!"

"Plants aren't creatures!" Trixie protested from her desk. "Plants are plants! And they don't breathe!"

"Ms. Lulamoon, I will not ask again," Grand Gavel said as she slammed her gavel on her desk. "If you continue to make outbursts like this, you WILL be held in contempt of court. Understand?"

"Yes, your honor," Trixie sighed, with no small hint of venom in her voice.

"You may continue," Grand Gavel said.

"Thank you, your honor," Iron Law said. "What was your relationship with Phyllis, Starlight?"

"Well..." Starlight said, tears welling up as she remembered her plant friend. "I bought Phyllis the morning of the incident. I... had her on the desk of my office, wanting to... liven the room up. She... she may have been a plant but... but she understood me. I could talk to her about anything I wanted and... she would never judge me. Sh-She was an e-excellent listener and... and o-one of the b-b-best friends I ever had! She h-helped me d-d-decide who should b-be vice-headmare..." Starlight stopped for a bit before wiping off some of her tears, taking a deep breath. "Phyllis helped me through everything in the hours I owned her. When I needed her most, she was always there for me. And now that she's gone... I have no idea wh-what to d-d-do..."

Starlight broke down into sobs at that point, morning over the loss of her friend. "Give me a break," Trixie whispered, not wanting Grand Gavel to chide her again.

"I have no further questions for Starlight, your honor," Iron Law said. "Would Sunburst please come to the stand?"

A guard came by and picked up the heaving Starlight Glimmer, walking her back to her desk on the court floor. Taking her place on the stand was Sunburst, who adjusted his glasses. He eyed the giant crowd and the jury, feeling a bit uneasy.

"Now then, Sunburst," Iron Law began. "As a witness of the crime, can you tell us what happened from your perspective?"

"Well..." Sunburst began. "Like Starlight said, she hired me as vice-headstallion of the School of Friendship that day. I was previously Princess Flurry Heart's Crystaller back in the Crystal Empire, but since there was no need for me to serve her anymore as she had gotten older over the past year, I decided it would be a good opportunity to move to Ponyville and help at the school."

"And can you explain the crime that took place?" Iron Law asked.

"Right after I was hired, Starlight hired Trixie to be student councilor, as she cared a lot about the students and helped in the decision to hire me," Sunburst explained. "Trixie made a comment about the room needing to be redecorated, and... just like that, she took Phyllis and threw her in the trash bin by the desk, murdering her. I... I wasn't sure what to make of it at all. While Starlight was sobbing over the death of Phyllis and berating Trixie, I ran off to get help. I came back with royal guards about an hour later. Of course by that point, Trixie had fled the scene, but they were able to find her and bring her to justice. I saw her tricking them with her magic tricks in an effort to escape being caught, but they caught her anyway."

"Thank you Sunburst, I have no more questions for you," Iron Law said as the yellow unicorn went back to his seat next to the still-bawling Starlight Glimmer.

"Now, would Heartleaf and Beanstalk please take the stand?" Iron Law asked. Trixie was confused.

"Wait... who are Heartleaf and Beanstalk?" she asked. "And what do they have to do with any of this?"

"They're the parents of Phyllis of course," Iron Law answered. Sunburst used his magic to levitate the two potted plants on his desk and move them to the stand.

"OK then," Iron Law said, clearing his throat. "What do you two know about the incident?"


Gasps were heard from around the courtroom. Starlight sobbed harder, Iron Law held a hoof over his mouth, even Grand Gavel's eyes widened at what she just heard.

"Um, yes, well, moving on," Iron Law stammered. "How have you two taken the situation?"


During that moment of silence, tears and sobs echoed through the room. The audience was devastated at the plant parents' heart-wrenching tale, the jury could barely stay composed, Starlight was in shambles, Sunburst looked on in sadness and held a hoof over her friend's back, and all the while Trixie's mouth was held agap. She could not believe what was happening right now.

"You have to be kidding me!" Trixie shouted. "Plants can't talk! What in Celestia's name is going on here!?"

"Ms. Lulamoon, are you speaking out of turn?" Grand Gavel asked.

"No your honor," Trixie moand.

"You may continue, Iron Law," Grand Gavel said.

"I um... have no more questions, your honor," Iron Law said. Sunburst used his magic to take the two plants off the stand and put them back on his desk. Iron Law followed and sat next to Sunburst.

"Very well," Grand Gavel said, wiping a year from her eye. "Ahem, Ms. Lulamoon. As the defendant, I ask that you take the stand."

"Yes, your honor," Trixie said. She rushed over to the stand, eager to finally knock some sense into these fools. Quick Wit took her position on the main floor.

"Trixie Lulamoon," Quick Wit began. "Would you tell the court your side of the story?"

"The Great and Poweful Trixie shall do just that," Trixie said with no small amount of pride. "I was helping my best friend and Great and Powerful Assistant Starlight Glimmer find a vice-headmare for the School of Friendship. Trixie was one of the runner-ups, but it didn't work out. I had the idea to hire Sunburst for the job, which Starlight more than agreed to. She then hired me as the school's Great and Powerful student councilor, and Trixie was more than happy to take the job. Since we would all share an office, I figured it would be a good idea to remodel the interior design to better suit our tastes. And since potted plants SCREAM desperation, I threw it in the garbage bin."

Gasps were heard from around the courtroom. Quick Wit started to get a little uneasy.

"And... and you have no remorse for these actions?" she asked.

"Of course I don't!" Trixie answered. "I don't feel guilt for putting a plant in the trash, because that's all it was. A plant. The Great and Powerful Trixie shouldn't be held accountable for something as meaningless as that."

Starlight's sobbing reached an all-time high when Trixie said her words. "Oh quiet down," Trixie shot at her. "You're being WAY too sensitive over this."

"Phyllis wasn't a plant, she was a friend!" Starlight roared. "You MURDERER!"

"ORDER!" Grand Gavel called as she slammed on her desk. Starlight sat quietly, aside from her tearful cries. "You may continue," she said.

"I have... no more questions," Quick Wit said.

"W... Well then," Grand Gavel said, clearing her throat. "I think it's time for the jury to decide weather or not Ms. Lulamoon is guilty of the charges. We shall reconvene in half an hour..."

"Welcome back, everypony," Grand Gavel said as the courtroom filled up once more. "Let's get right to the point, shall we? Has the jury reached a conclusion?"

One of the jury members, a black earth pony stallion, sat up. "We have your honor," he said. "We find the defendant, Trixie Lulamoon, to be most likely guilty of the charges against her, but the only way to know for sure is if there is a rap battle between Trixie and Starlight. The winner will determine the outcome of the case."

"RAP BATTLE!?" Trixie shouted. She looked at the jury, and saw that DJ PON-3 was one of the jury members. She quickly pulled out a small DJ set in preparation. "Of course..." she sighed.

"Well, now THIS is an interesting turn of events," Grand Gavel laughed. "Ms. Lulamoon and Ms. Glimmer, if you would please take the main floor. DJ PON-3, lay us a beat!"

The DJ nodded in response and gave her DJ set a whirl, filling the courtroom in music. The lights dimmed as technicolor lights flashed all around. The floor in front of the stands revealed a lit-up dance floor, which Trixie uneasily stepped on. Starlight followed, looking daggers at her.

"You are SO going down," Starlight taunted.

"We... We aren't REALLY doing this are we?" Trixie asked. Before she could get an answer, the lights flared and the music boomed in volume. Starlight used her magic to pick up one of two microphones provided by the guards.

When it comes to reformed villains, there's room for just one unicorn
So the enslaver of a village or a plant murderer with her horn!
Your stage tricks aren't all that impressive, try as you might
You're still always gonna get beat by Twilight!

"Oooooh"s were heard around the courtroom as all eyes turned to Trixie. She was OK with Starlight being upset with her, but that had crossed the line.

"It's on," Trixie said as she took a microphone herself.

That's enough from Twilight's kiss-up
Let me show these ponies how much you're a slop!
Plants are bad, so let me get your attention
They're so dirty, and messy, and SCREAM desperation!
Let's see if there's another day you'll see
You'll never crush the Great and Powerful Trixie!

Excuse me, whose the one behind your success, big shot?
Without me you'd never pull the Manticore Moonshot!
And don't try to denounce plants, I see how crowded your wagon is
You could use something in there as sweet as Phyllis!
For a unicorn, you can't get a hang of the basic magic, Trix
I don't need a black amulet just to use the same tricks!

You wanna talk about what's great? It's been years since your prime
First plants, what's next? A giant glob of green slime?
And don't talk about my magic, Trixie's stage shows are glorious
I'd prefer that over impulse magic that just makes others furious!

It's still obvious who has who beat in magic
And half the time your performance ends up tragic!
Besides, who would ever come to see a plant murderer perform?
Your career's just been thrown out the door!

Check Trixie's resume, a more than an extravagant tour
Saddle Arabia, Manehattan, Calterlot, Roam, AND Vanhoover!
And where have you been at? Oh yeah, just in Ponyville!
All you do is sit in place and when plants are thrown you go shrill!
Trixie demands a feast, once she's though this baby filly
I'm wallowing in boredom, somepony else more worthy?

With a grand finish, DJ PON-3 ended the music as Starlight and Trixie took back to their seats. The audience and even jury roared in approval, which Trixie did not hesitate to bow to. The lights quickly went to normal.

"Well, THAT was some rap battle," Grand Gavel commented. "Now, have you reached a decision?"

"We have your honor," one of the jury members, a blue pegasus mare, said. "Even though both Trixie and Starlight did well, we find the defendant guilty of the charges pressed against her."

"WHAT!?" Trixie yelled.

"Now you'll get what you DESERVE!" Starlight gloated.

"It is decided!" Grand Gavel said as she slammed on her desk once. "I hereby declare Ms. Lulamoon guilty of murdering a plant by throwing it in the trash. And so I sentence you to... a slap on the wrist."

"HUH!?" Trixie and Starlight shouted in unison.

"Ms. Lulamoon, come to the stand and receive your punishment," Grand Gavel commanded.

It took awhile for her to process the information, but Trixie smiled. She may have lost the court case, but she was getting off practically scot free! She shot a victory glare at Starlight, whose mouth was agape and was at a loss of words. Sunburst, on the other hoof, was in hysterics, falling off his seat and rolling around in a fit of laughter. Trixie went up to the judge's stand and placed her hoof on the desk.

And then Grand Gavel slammed her gavel onto Trixie's hoof, breaking it. She screamed in agony as she held her hoof in pain. Now it was Starlight's turn to laugh, who pointed at the blue mare and laughed at her agony. "That's what you get, plant killer!" she taunted.

"It is done, then!" Grand Gavel said as she slammed her desk one last time. "Court adjourned!"

Author's Note:

Why there are only like two other fics about the aftermath between Starlight and Phyllis, I don't know. But it was so stupid so naturally I had to make a stupid fic about it. :twilightblush:

Honestly don't know that much about court cases or how they work so I kinda just winged it and hoped for the best. Hopefully I didn't do bad enough as to where some lawyer who happens to be on here tears this fic apart. :pinkiecrazy:

Comments ( 10 )

Someone should definitely make a recording of that rap

Wouldn't be mad if someone were willing :pinkiehappy:

Objection! This trial is a farce! Phyllis wasn't killed, she was just levitated into the trash! Arrest Starlight for defamation and false charges!

Uh okay then

Ok, you got "Slap on the wrist" ending from Robot & Monster didn't you?

I see you are a man of good taste :twistnerd:

"Mares and gentlecolts of the jury, I come before you today in defense of the accused. And I can honestly say that what I've heard about this incident is nothing short of madness! Bordering on insanity! Now I have here a fully detailed record of the event, so now you can see for yourself exactly what happened on that day, as well as some other things that Starlight Glimmer has possibly failed to mention"

casts spell, and a holographic screen appears, replaying the events

"Now, here we have Ms. Lulamoon after Ms. Glimmer has appointed her the new school guidance counselor. As you can see, Ms. Lulamoon takes Phyllis and deposits her in the trash bin. Seems just like Ms. Glimmer claims, right? But...there's something else that happened on that day that she has possibly failed to mention"

rewinds the event to earlier in the day

"Here we have Ms. Glimmer in her office, following the news that she'd be replacing Princess Twilight Sparkle as headmare of the school. Now observe this moment. In a moment of carelessness, she knocks Phyllis off the desk. And there she is. In a shattered and motionless pile on the floor. But what does Starlight do? Does she panic and turn herself in? Oh, no. Just a small, awkward chuckle and that's it

So, I now ask the court: why does Ms. Glimmer take no responsibility for her own careless and clearly harmful actions, but Ms. Lulamoon is the one facing criminal charges? On a more concerning note, how could Trixie have disposed of Phyllis when you all clearly saw her mutilated earlier at the hooves of Starlight? Besides phoenixes, no creature is capable of coming back from death, are they? If that's the case, then that leads me to only one possible explanation: that the subject in question was, in fact, NOT Phyllis! Could it be that Starlight took another plant and passed it off as Phyllis? Maybe either to cope with her own guilt, or so that nopony could trace her back to the crime?

So based on the evidence I've presented to you today, it seems that Starlight Glimmer has brought this whole trial forward on the grounds of nothing but false charges! She's kept quiet about a felony that she committed, and instead, when the opportunity presented itself to her, she laid the charges on an innocent friend out of sheer cowardice! On top of that, she's deceived the court, her friends, and Phyllis' parents, and allowed them to base their grief on that very deception!

If justice is truly what this court strives to uphold, then you should drop the charges against Ms. Lulamoon and instead realise who the true criminal is in this whole matter!

Nothing further, Your Honor"

Greets author! You will be pleased to know that there's a Phyllis tag now, so now we can give best plant the representation she deserves. And since your fic has been added to her official cult- ahem group, we invite you to do so.

Only if you want to of course :)

Be as it may, have a good day and thanks for writing this!

Consider me a Phyllis Phan then

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