• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday




This story acts in the world based on Equestria at War, a mod for Hearts of Iron IV. While mostly true to mod's lore there are parts which either rare to happen ingame or i intentionally changed.

The Great War has came to a stalemate, and the Changeling army has prepared a weapon to break it. But the existence of the weapon is no secret to Equestria. Intelligence agencies of Equestria and Stalliongrad must work with the local resistance groups and destroy that weapon before it can reach the frontlines, or maybe capture it and use it against them.

Please try to ignore the fact that i write the "I"s lowercase midsentence. I just hate that rule.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

Please try to ignore the fact that i write the "I"s lowercase midsentence. I just hate that rule.

Like it or hate it, it's English grammar. Either follow them or write in a different language.

I disagree, especially for an unnecessary and insignificant exception like the case of "I". What is so special about it? It is just the first person singular pronoun.

There are other stuff i don't agree with the English rules. The case of "I" is pretty much only one i consistently ignore. And consistency is more important to me than correctness to the rules imo.

Language is for communication and for a good communication it must be understandable/must not let misunderstandings. I hate English's lack of a 2nd person singular pronoun. You don't see me using "Thou" in my sentences even though i would like to see it back. Here maybe a place of writers that know a lot about the language, you can't assume everyone knows about it. The case of "I" on other hand has no effect on the meaning as such cannot or at least should not cause any misunderstandings.

Language also evolves, it has changed a lot in the past and continues changing. And if you want a change to happen you should start doing that yourself first. Others may follow or not, time would show that.

Language also should be simple, while providing necessary tools for one to express themselves, properly and correctly. Inconsistencies and irregularities makes a language more complicated and hard to learn. You may say, "There are a lot of Inconsistencies in English, is case of "I" really the thing that you got stuck on?". Well, gotta start from somewhere, also a lot of tge others may fall into my 3rd arguement.

Also, write in a different language is a weak argument. The point of using English is to be understood by many, falling back to my 3rd argument. I can write in another language, if you are willing to learn it.

I dunno, the fic ended up being pretty shit anyway so there are more reasons to not like it than finding that habit of mine annoying. So not that i care much. I didn't want to answer that initially but couldn't hold myself.

Assuming you like the color red more than the color green, and decided for yourself that red means go instead of green, do you really think you'd get away with the ticket the police would most definitely slap on you for breaking traffic laws?

This is perfect to read while listening to "Phil Swift repetitively stabs a bucket 187 times".
In all seriousness, this is rather interesting and I am intrigued as to where this story shall go next.

Those are two things that when compared don't exactly make a good point.
One is for comprehension of language, the other is for knowing when you're supposed to mechanically send a signal to your box of steel to move forward, preferably not making contact at high speeds with another steel box.
I understand your pedantic doctrine and I myself am a partial follower, but as long as the intended purpose is fulfilled, then there's no real harm, is there?

The intended purpose of grammar is to communicate. The whole point of having rules is to be able to communicate specifically. When people begin to pick and choose how they communicate, how can you say we're communicating and not just throwing random squiggly lines at each other? How is a traffic light different from language? It is a form of language, one that everyone (except, well, this guy and mentally challenged people I guess) agrees upon. Yay for anarchy!

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