• ...


Flash woke up to and was shocked to see where he was an earth kingdom ship he said "oh no" and then tried to slip away walking through the hallways.

Then someone saw him and said "he's away stop wait".

Flash was running then made it to the deck were he saw ring tail with two guys in earth kingdom armor "ring tail?"

Ring tail then climbed onto Flashes shoulder then he heard Rainbow say "Flash that has to be you" then looked to see her with Scootaloo and Twilight.

Twilight then said "Flash your awake".

Flash then said "are you sure I feel like I'm dreaming".

Twilight then hugged him and said "your not Dreaming your finally awake".

Then a guy in earth kingdom armor came over and said "Flash good to see you back with the living buddie".

Flash Recognized the voice and said "Shining?"

Then as Flash stated falling Scootaloo said "oh no someone catch him he's gonna faint" Twilight got as Scale came over sporting a new saddle.

Meanwhile on a different ship Gloriosa, Timber, Sunset, and Night glider were heading back to the earth kingdom Timber was standing by at the edge when Sunset came up and asked "aren't you cold?"

Timber then said "got a lot on my mind its been so long over three years since I was home I wonder what's changed I wonder how I've changed".

Sunset then said "I just asked if you were cold I didn't ask for your life story" she then hugged him "stop worrying" then kissed him.

Back with Flash he woke up and asked "why are we on an earth kingdom ship? Why is everyone dressed this way? and why am I the only one who's completely out of it".

Twilight then said "you need to take it easy okay you got hurt pretty badly".

Flash then said "how long was I out?"

Twilight then said "A few weeks".

Night light then came over and said "is everything okay?"

Twilight then said "were fine dad".

Night light then looked to Flash and said "I'm night light Twilight and Shining's father".

Twilight then said "He knows who you are I just called you dad didn't I".

Night light then said "I guess you right".

Flash then held out his hand and said "nice to officially meet you chief Night light".

Night light then shook his hand and said "nice to meet you as well".

Twilight then said "great now you guys have finally met so would you mind giving us a little privacy?"

Then Night light said "of course" and walked away.

Flash then asked "are you mad at your dad or something?"

Then Twilight said "what not at all why would you think that?"

Then Flash Said "I don't know" then hunched over in pain.

Twilight then said "maybe we should go up stairs you need some healing" after they went up there Twilight said "Tell me were your pain is most intense" as she water healed his wound were Gloriosa shot that electric metal cable.

Flash then said "a little higher" then Flash had a vision of when Gloriosa shot him then said "wow your defiantly in the right area there".

Then Twilight said "I can feel a lot of twisted energy built up there let me just see if I can..." as she pulled the water away Flash ha another vision.

Flash then said "I didn't just get hurt did I? I was gone but you brought me back".

Twilight then said "I just used the spirit water from the north pole I don't know what I did exactly".

Flash then said "you saved me".

Twilight then You need to rest".

Later in the earth kingdom Two women were talking and they said "your princess has returned Gloriosa cleverly clothed herself as an air nation citizen and entered Canterlot there she found her brother Timber and together they faced the avatar and the avatar fell and the air nation fell Gloriosa's agents quickly took over the city they climbed Canterlot's great mountain and the army's of the earth kingdom surged threw the city securing our victory and now the heroes have returned home Your princess Gloriosa and after three long years your prince has returned Timber" and the crowd cheered.

Back with Flash Shining explained what happened "after what happened in Canterlot we had to get you to safety we flew back to chameleon bay were we found my father and the other water tribe men, the air leader decided he wanted to travel the world incognito so he set off alone, well not completely alone he said he would be alright as long as he has Smokey with him soon the bay was over run with earth kingdom ships rather than fight them all we captured a single ship and made it our disguise since then we've been traveling west we crossed the serpents pass a few days ago we've seen a few earth kingdom ships but none have bothered us".

Flash then asked "so what now?"

Then night light said "we've been working on a modified version of the invasion plan".

Twilight then said "Its Shining's invasion plan".

Night light then said "yes Shining's plan we won't be able to mount a massive invasion without the air leaders army's but the blood moon will still leave the earth kingdom venerable".

Then Shining said "so were planning a smaller invasion just a rag tag team of our friends and ails from around the air nation we already ran into Pipsqueak and trouble shoes" as he pointed to them "and on our way to meet up with dad we found Cheese, and Dinky carrying an injured Comet so we got them to" as he pointed to Dinky and cheese over by the edge of the boat "As for Comet he was to injured to join in the invasion so some of the water tribe men are taking him to the north pole were he will be safe and the healers can help him and the best part is the blood moon isn't our biggest advantage we have a secret, you".

Flash then asked "me?"

Shining then said "yep the whole world thinks your dead isn't that great".

Flash then said "the world thinks I'm dead how is that good news its terrible".

Shining then said "no its great it means the earth kingdom won't be hunting us anymore and even better they wont be expecting you on the night of the blood moon".

Flash then said "no you have no idea this is so messed up" then there was a fog horn from an approaching earth kingdom ship Flash then said "I'll handle this the avatar is back" but when he held up his fist he hunched over in pain.

Then Twilight said Flash wait they don't know were not earth kingdom".

Night light then said "everyone just stay calm Capper and I will handle this" they covered Scale up with a tarp as the ship approached.

The Ships were side by side and the captain of the other ship came onto there's and said "commander why are you off course all western fleet ships are supposed to be headed toward Canterlot to support the takeover".

Night light then said "actually were from the eastern fleet we have orders to deliver some cargo".

The captain then said "eastern fleet well of admiral Torch to let us know he was sending ships our way".

Capper then said "I'm sure admiral torch meant no disrespect".

Then the captain said "I mean how hard is it to write a quick note and send a hawk out?"

Night light then said "next time will send two hawks to be sure you get the message".

They gave a nod and walked away then one of the guys with the captain said "sir admiral Torch has been on leave for two months on quarts island".

The captain then said "what why doesn't anyone ever tell me any thing somethings not right I should have known that I think this is a captured ship just stay quite till were safely back on our ship then will sink it".

Rainbow heard then then got up and said "they know" then she and Scootaloo used there air bending to knock them into the water then cold bending to shatter the bridge then Twilight water bent the ships away from each other. Then they started the ship to get away but the guys on the other ship threw down a rope ladder the captain and the two solders then they chased after them.

Back with Timber he was feeding turtle ducks in the pond but they swam away when Gloriosa came over and said "you seem so down has Sunset gotten to you already although Sunset has been strangely happy since you came back".

Timber then said "I haven't seen dad yet I haven't seen him In three years since I was banished".

Gloriosa then said "so what?"

Then Timber said "so I didn't capture the avatar".

Gloriosa then said "who cares the avatars dead unless you think he somehow survived".

Timber then remembered Twilight telling him about the spirit water then said "no there's no way he could have survived".

Gloriosa then said "well then I'm sure you have nothing to worry about" and she walked away.

Back with Flash they were trying to get away from the earth ship they were throwing lava balls at them which Scootaloo and Rainbow blow back then Scootaloo said "lode the logs" Trouble shoes the packed out a sharpened log which Scootaloo and Rainbow blow at the ship.

Then shining said "well I don't think it can get any worse" then a serpent came out of the water next to them "why dose the universe like to mess with me?"

Rainbow then said "maybe because you make it to easy".

Then a lava rock hit the side of the serpents face and burned off half of its mustache it then got mad and swam over to the other ship and attacked it then Shining said "thank you the universe".

Later they arrived at a dock and Flash was lying on a bed then the others came in and Rainbow said "hey Flash were going into town to buy some dinner want to come?"

Flash felt his stomach growl and he said "sure".

Shining then handed him an arm band and said "here use this to cover your arm mark".

Flash then said "on second thought if I have to hid my mark I'll stay here".

They nodded and left back with Timber he was meeting with his father for the first time in three years he took a breath and went in back with Twilight she was walking to Flashes room and when she got there she said "Flash I brought you some food" then noticed he was gone and said "oh no" then dropped the plate of food. with Flash he was flying away.

Back with Timber he got on his knee's then his father said you've been away for a long time I see the weight of your travels has changed you, you have redeemed your self welcome home son".

Back with Flash he was flying to the earth kingdom when it started raining and that weakened his fire and nocked him into the ocean Back on the ship Twilight ran up to her dad in tears and he asked "what's wrong Twilight?"

Twilight then said "he left Flash left he thinks he has to save the world alone".

Night light then said "you better go find him then".

Later Twilight, Shining, Rainbow and Scoots were taking off on Scale back with Timber earth king Glad mane said "I am proud of you Timber you and your sister took Canterlot and from what she told me you killed the avatar".

Timbers eyes widened at that Back with Flash he was in the water then Fleur de lis as the moon spirit appeared and said "don't give up" as there was a wave that pushed Flash to the Earth Kingdom.

Back With Timber he went to Gloriosa and said "why did you tell father I killed the avatar?"

Gloriosa then said "well I just let you have that glory but you know if the avatar were somehow still alive all that glory would turn to shame".

Back with Flash his friends then found him washed on the shores of the earth kingdom and Twilight hugged him and said "Flash I'm glad your alright".

Then they all got in on the hug Flash then said "I have so much to do"

Twilight then said "I but you will have our help".

Flash then said "thanks you guys".


Author's Note:

Wow the first chapter of the threed story please leave your thoughts in the coments but for now ghost out