• Published 30th May 2020
  • 373 Views, 4 Comments

A Return to Home - Mark_the_electrician

After some time being missing, an old friend returns, but she isn't the same.

  • ...

Chapter Two: A Reunion at Last

Author's Note:

The big reveal is upon us!

On a side note, the fight scene in this chapter was pretty hard to pace, and I didn't want to drag it out for too long. So if the ending of the fight felt weird, I apologize.

(Present day, Morning, Castle of the Two Sisters)

"Is everyone ready?"

"Yep, pretty much."

"Then let's get going, we already have an idea as to where they went."

The campsite was practically cleared now, with Silas stomping out the embers of the bonfire. Moral was high thanks to everyone getting a good night's rest, but they'd still liked to be done with the Faceless quickly if they can.

Severa approached Rarity, who was standing outside by the bridge.

"Hey, can I talk to you?"

Rarity looked back at her. "Of course, what do you need?"

Severa sighed, her hands held behind her back, as she kicked a small pebble to the side. "I'm... sorry, for how I treated you yesterday."

Rarity blinked a few times. "Oh, it's quite alright, we were all on edge to some degree. Not many of us seemed to have gotten proper sleep beforehand."

"I know... But...." Severa looked up at Rarity with a sad look. "I've been working hard to... fix how I handle people." Severa waited for a response, but got none. "I'm sure you know, I've always been a bit... nasty to others."

"You did have quite the superiority complex back there." Rarity jested. "But yes, I've seen it myself how much easier you are to talk to."

Severa gave a sad sigh. "I just feel like my efforts were just wasted right now. All that work, only to loose it there, of all things."

Rarity was concerned. "But darling, everyone makes mistakes."

"But I always make mistakes!" Severa said, raising her voice. "My mother was practically perfect, yet everything I tried to do always ended horribly!" She kicked a rock down the trench. "I'm surprised I've been able to keep the little friends I have around, let alone get married...."

Rarity had had enough, and grabbed Severa by her shoulder. "Look, darling, I don't know how far this problem goes, but you're already on the path to fixing that problem." Rarity gave a stern look. "And you should know something important."

"That is....?" Severa asked nervously.

"It's that you are not your mother. You are not Cordelia" Rarity began. "I didn't become friends with Cordelia, none of us did. Cordelia didn't become the retainer to Camilla, the princess of a kingdom that only exists in child stories. Owain didn't marry Cordelia." Rarity then placed a finger on Severa's chest, as if she were pointing at her heart. "That was Severa. All of that was Severa, and Severa is you."

Severa immediately threw her arms around Rarity, with Rarity returning the favor.



Severa's eyes widened in confusion. "Wait wha-!?"

Before she could continue the sentence, the both of them found themselves being tackled to the ground by their friends. Instead of angry remarks, everyone found themselves laughing.

Severa took a look around at everyone present.

Inigo and Owain, her first two friends, with Owain now her husband and Inigo being like an older brother. Corrin and Sakura, people who looked past her shortcomings and accepted and embraced her for who she was. Silas and Rarity, people that despite having predicaments of their own, took the time to care for her when others couldn't.

She couldn't ask for anything more.

"All of you guys... You're the best." Severa finally said with tears in her eyes.

"So it's down this path?" Inigo asked as they crossed the bridge.

Rarity nodded. "It's the closest civilization for the faceless to attack."

Inigo patted the hilt of Falchion as he looked back to everyone. "Let's get going! I only hope that we make it there before any damage is done."

(Ponyville, morning.)

Spike took the time to gather everyone around for a picnic in the only way he knew how.

Peer pressure.

It wasn't the hardest thing in the world, and at the very least he proved to bring the perfect distraction from the everyday work. Better yet, he chose the perfect hill for the picnic.

"See? It wasn't so bad, right?" Spike said while smiling. "The weather's nice, the food's good, and everyone's happy!"

Twilight looked over Ponyville. "I have a lot of memories with this very hill."

"We had a lot of good times here." Rainbow Dash joined in. "Hey Spike, thanks for having us here, especially AJ." She snickered. "She would've worked herself to death if it weren't for you."

Applejack shot her a glare. "You know ah ain't no workaholic, Dashy."

"Yeah, that title goes to Twilight." Spike said with a straight face.

"Hey! I take some offense to that!" Twilight said in mock shock.

Spike continued with the straight face. "You're right, you have an OCD problem more then a workaholic problem."

Twilight's eyes narrowed. "Okay, now I'm offended."

Spike smiled sheepishly. "Too much?"

Pinkie Pie giggled as she bounced on her tail. "Do me! Do me!"

Spike went back to his straight face. "I will not be doing you, Pinkie, I have a marefriend."

Pinkie Pie froze while blushing, while Rainbow Dash and Applejack laughed at how easily Pinkie walked into the joke. Even Twilight found it hard to stifel a laugh.

"Uh... girls?"

"Wow, you really walked into that one, Pinkie!"


"I know! Even I found it funny, and I was at the butt of the jo-!"


Everyone looked at Fluttershy due to the sudden outburst.

Spike was slightly annoyed. "Hey, I'm not a - oh my Celestia, what happened to Ponyville!?"

Everyone looked on in horror as Ponyville seemed to be in chaos, smoke billowing from buildings.

"How does that happen? And why so fast?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Doesn't matter how it happened." Twilight said. "All that matters is us making sure everypony is alright."

"Beg yer pardon, but where's Spike at?" Applejack asked.

A good look around the picnic site showed no signs of said dragon. However, a look back to Ponyville showed Twilight that Spike was already halfway there.


"Kiran! Stop screaming! I don't even know what you're referencing!"

"He has the right idea, girls. Let's go!" Twilight said, with confidence.

Strange, green, bipedal beast could be seen rummaging through Ponyville, practically punching anything in their way. Be it market carts, houses, or other ponies, nothing stood in their way.

The mayor at narrowly dodged said punches as she made her way to the library. The moment she made it, she began to hit the door with all she could muster.

A growl caused her to turn around, and she looked up in horror as the large beast stood tall above. The beast reared its fist to attack, causing the mayor to flinch.

She didn't expect to be teleported inside the library.

"Huh... Wha-?" She looked around in confusion until she made eye contact with Silver Spoon.

"You're lucky she pulled you in here in time." Silver Spoon gave a concerned look.

"Twilight?" The mayor asked.

"Nope. Sweetie Belle."

The mayor looked towards said pony, as well as Scootaloo and Applebloom, and then back to Silver Spoon.

"Where's Twilight? What are these things?" The mayor frantically asked.

"I don't know the question to either of those questions." Silver Spoon bluntly stated. "We are just as scared as-"


All present mares gasped in shock as Spike practically flew through the window. Said dragon then stuck the landing in the middle of the room, his fist clenched and on the floor as he knelt. He then stood to his full height, a serious look plastered on his face.

"No need to fear, for I am here."

While the CMC gave blank stares, the mayor gave a confused look, while Silver Spoon face-hoofed.

Spike huffed. "Yeesh, tough crowd."

"Now's not the time to play hero, Spikey." Silver Spoon said matter-of-factly. "Where's Twilight and the other girls?"

"Didn't wait for them, but they are on their way here." Spike answered as he approached the door.

"Spike, I thought I said that you can't play hero." Silver Spoon gave a stern look.

Spike looked back at her. "I'm not playing hero, Silvy. I answering to my blood."

"Dragon or not, you won't be able to take them on." Silver Spoon retorted.

"I'm not denying my draconic instincts, Silvy. Doing so would only drive me mad."

Silence filled the room, until Silver Spoon spoke again.

"I'm going with you."


"You heard me." Silver Spoon stated. "Someone needs to keep an eye on you, so why not that someone be the one who wants to marry you?"


"Let's go already!"

The two bolted out the door, leaving the mayor and the CMC behind.

A Reunion at Last.
Objective: defend
Player Phase

(Now playing:FE Fates: Glory\Ruin)

Spike charged straight forward towards one of these green beasts, and with a flaming fist punched it in the face. Before the beast could react, Spike was able to throw another punch, knocking the beast out cold.

With newfound strength, spike charged at another of these green beasts, when light flashed in his eyes.

"Feel the dragons wrath!!"

A flurry of flaming punches followed, with Spike ending it with a mean uppercut that was heard throughout the town. The beast was done before it had a chance.

Spike laughed as a red aura encircled him. "I'm ready! How 'bout you?!"

Enemy Phase.

The green beasts didn't like the fact that this puny dragon was able to take out two of their own so easily, so they instead made the attempt to bum rush him from all angles. The little pony next to him could be dealt with later.

Unfortunately, this dragon wasn't going down easily, since the three green beasts that managed to reach him punched air and were rewarded with fire sandwiches for their attempt. These sandwiches were the last things they would ever enjoyed, because it killed them.

Player Phase.

Spike huffed as he looked on over Ponyville.

The green beasts still roamed, wrecking havoc anywhere they went. He looked own at the ones he took down, and saw the blood that dripped from their masks.

"S-spike? Y-you..." Silver Spoon nervously said, unsure of how to react.

Spike looked up at another beast with newfound bloodlust in his eyes. He charged at it and made a magnificent leap, and landed on the beast. The beast was too confused and enraged to do anything, allowing Spike, with all the strength he had, to cave in through the mask and into the skull with one swift hit. The beast fell in a bloody mess, with the red aura around Spike dissipating.

Spike the came to a realization. "These things... they're golems."

Silver Spoon gasped. "How did you know?"

"Magic." Spike bluntly stated. "The magic flowing through them isn't that of a living being, at least not in the traditional sense."

"You think Twilight might know?" Silver Spoon asked, to which she received a shrug.

Spike looked forward as his eyes widened. "Well then, speak of the devil."

"Spike!! Silver Spoon!!"

Twilight flew over to the dragon-pony duo with as much speed she could muster. Upon landing near them, she turned around to blast a magical beam towards another of the green beasts, ending it there.

"Before you ask," Twilight began. "I did a lot of defending myself while I was on those searches, so I know my way around when it comes to combat."

Spike raised his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, never said otherwise." He looked around before speaking. "Where are the other girls?"

"Making sure everyone else is safe." Twilight said as she walked to his side. "Let's say we handle this together, yeah?"

Spike smiled. "Don't need a book to explain to me why."

The both of them assumed a combat stance, ready to take on the rest of these beasts.

(Outskirts of Ponyville.)

"Come on!! Faster!"

"Not all of us are part dragon, Corrin!"

"Or part horse!"

"I take offense to that, darling!!"

"But why is it a burning village!? Why can't it not be a burning village for once!?!"

"Be happy this isn't a war time battlefield right now!"

"I'd much prefer fight Vallites over the Bottomless Canyon then fight any Faceless, anywhere!!"

(Also known as a transition to skip time back in Ponyville, since writing fight scenes are a chore, and become meaningless if dragged out too long.)


"*Huff* this is.... this is harder then I thought." Twilight said between breaths.

"I'm burnt out... I'm not sure how long I can go." Spike said as his arm hung over Silver Spoon for support.

"Please don't give up." Silver Spoon said with a sad look. "No one else here can fight like you two."

"There's just... so... many..." Spike was straining to stay upright.

Twilight's eyes seemed to wander. "The girls... they can't keep up either."

True to her word, her friends seemed to be backed in a corner. Fluttershy was crying uncontrollably, Pinkie Pie's usually puffy hair was now as straight as a board, and both Rainbow Dash and Applejack seemed to have little fight left in them.

Either they didn't want to kill the beasts, or genuinely didn't possess the strength to do so was irrelevant, since it would be their undoing.

So imagine everyone's surprise when a battle cry came from seemingly nowhere.

An explosion of flame engulfed a mass of the green beasts, incinerating them. When the fire cleared, they saw a smaller bipedal creature. One that was blonde, wore armor and brandished a sword.

"Magical Ponies of the magical land of Equestria! Us humans, beings of darkness, have come to save you, and to KICK SOME FACELESS ASS!!!!"

(Now playing:Conquest (Ablaze), FE Awakening.)

A human female with ivory seemed to have flown into the air, dragon wings flared out and a sword held high above her head. She suddenly barreled towards the ground, and landed on a faceless with earth shattering force, killing it and sending the other faceless flying.

Before they touched the ground, a blinding light passed through them, and they landed dead. A younger human female with red hair landed near them, seemingly out of nowhere, curved sword sheathed. (In other words, anime moment.)

A faceless was rushing its way towards Fluttershy, who only looked at it in horror. Her friends had no energy to fight, and could only watch what seemed to be inevitable.

That is, until an arrow pierced its neck, causing the faceless to drop like a rag-doll.

A bewildered Rainbow Dash looked to where the arrow came from, an saw another human female, whose red hair was tied in twin tails, and had a cocky grin plastered on her face as she knocked another arrow.

Twilight couldn't believe what she was seeing. she was so bewildered that she didn't notice a faceless charging at her until it was too late.

Before she could do anything short of screaming, a human male with light grey hair thrusted his lance into the faceless's arm, causing the beast to growl in pain. Before the beast could retaliate, the lance had already been retracted, and the human thrusted it at the beasts head, breaking through the mask and piercing its skull. The beast dropped like dead weight.

Another human female appeared next to them, with hair familiar to them. The human flourished her sword, which was cracking with lightning, and thrusted it in the air. Lightning shot from the blade and into a cloud, and came back down on a faceless, which convulsed and spazzed out until it went limp.

"Normally, I'd feel bad for doing that to someone." The human spoke in an all too familiar voice.

"But...?" The grey haired human asked.

"They're not actual 'living' creatures, not to mention their current track record." The human girl answered.

Before Twilight could say anything, she saw three more faceless charging at a single human male, one with dark blue hair and a sword that put Spike on edge.

"What's he doing just standing there!?" Twilight frantically screamed.

Both humans merely smile, with the female one giving the answer.

"Showing off."

When the faceless got close enough, a light flashed in the humans eyes as it slashed forward with blade. The force of the impact seemed to have affected all three faceless, as each of them were staggered.

The human now had a strange blue light emanating from his right eye as he held his now glowing sword back behind him, magic encircling him and unseen wind billowing his cape.


The human thrusted forward with such a speed he seemed to have phased through all three of the faceless, a strange blue glow encircling them as they collapsed.

The human had a bright yellow and green light encircle him as he twirled his blade and sheathed it, yet he wasn't smiling.

"Why am I feeling shy now?"

(Afternoon, Ponyville.)

"That. Was, AWESOME!!"

While everyone had some look of relief, Rainbow Dash had a look of excitement, and was barely able to contain it thanks to her exhaustion.

Twilight stepped up in front of her friends. "Yes, while it was quite the sight, I think it goes without saying that you have our gratitude."

Inigo took a bow. "No worries, princess. We were actually on the hunt for these creatures for quite some time."

"Are they common where you're from?" Twilight asked with worry.

Inigo shook his head. "Think of them as an experiment gone wrong."

Rarity had approached Inigo. "Milord, the faceless here don't seem to be the only ones. I suggest we stick around and see if anything comes up, if only to keep some form of peace."

Inigo nodded. "I'll send Severa and Owain to relay the message, Ricken needs to be told so that the portal can be held open."

Before Rarity could walk away, Twilight approached her. "You. Your voice sounds very familiar."

"Not to mention your hairdo." Rainbow Dash stated.

Rarity only sighed. "I guess I can't run from it now, huh?"

The pony girls (plus one dragon) looked confused. Before Twilight could question her, Rarity pulled out the beaststone from her pouch. Magic began to course through it and around her, until she was engulfed in light.

Every pony (and dragon) present was shocked to see the very same alabaster pony that went missing some years ago, albeit wearing a pony-fied version of the armor she wore in her human form.

"I'm back, girls."

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