• Published 10th Mar 2020
  • 19,278 Views, 416 Comments

Waxing - Some Dickhead

Anon is legally required to marry Luna. Neither are too happy about the situation.

  • ...

IX - Epilogue

“Dad, that was horrible.”

“You wanted to know how your mother and I met, and I told you. The truth is hard sometimes, but it’s better to know than a comforting lie.”

“Yeah, but … I dunno. It makes me feel like a mistake.”

Anon leans down to pat his son on whatever horses call their shoulders.

“You may be a mistake, but you’re our mistake.”

“ … ”

“Kidding, kidding. Look, I never intended to get married and stuff, but I’m happy that I did. You and your mother are the best things that ever happened to me.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“You’re welcome, Incognito. Now, come on, get to bed. It’s late.”


“Yes, really. You have to get up early tomorrow, we’re meeting those Griffons, remember?”

“Fine. G’night Dad.”

“Goodnight, Incognito.”

Anon shuts off the lights and closes the door, walking from his son’s room down to his own. Luna’s in bed, reading a book, as he slips under the covers and joins her.

“Are you sure we can trust Blueblood at the helm?”

“Despite his foppery, he is a tremendously skilled pilot. Trust me, we’ll be fine.”

“If you say so. Goodnight, Luna.”

“Goodnight, Anonymous.”

Luna puts her book away and dims her lamp, grabbing her husband close to her chest. The two snuggle into each other, contented grins on their faces.

Author's Note:

Short. I'm satisfied. Now, onto the next thing.

Comments ( 65 )

So the kid has 2 names then?

Didn't even notice lol. Edited.

please tell us what the son look like i need to know

He has horse shoulders, so a pony, I'd hope. A reverse centaur would be pretty ass.

as bad as a reverse mermaid

kinda meant was he earth pony unicorn Pegasus alicron?


I still say centaur considering that it would be THE most disruptive combo to the equestian throne, and that neither Anon or Luna do the easy way....ever.

Very sweet ending.

huzzah, not some senseless crackfic with a misleading description.

The most disruptive would be patchwork features like Discord but only two combiind species.

Can somebody say me why is there a "narcotics" tag in here? Is that swearing and mentions, or actual drugs?

I'd bet there cannot be no son without extensive magical alterations of reproductive organs. So, let's not create excess difficulties for him and let him just be a pony.

So HIMYM in the end? Properly funny, nice story to the end :twilightsmile:

References to alcohol in the first chapter. Figure'd I'd err on the side of caution.

Very well done. Great balance of humor and story.

The Monk
“On her doorstep was Twilight Sparkle. While Derpy deeply respected the mare, like most in Ponyville, they wished she'd either switch to decaf, or start hitting the harder stuff.” -Dan_s Comments

Better to cap it off quick than to just leave it unfinished. Very Anonpencil ending, by the way.

Did you read the story? Narcotics were clearly involved in the writing process. :trollestia:

Thanks. I asked this question to err on side of caution as well))
A lot of stories can be described with this, but if it isn't explicitly mentioned, there's no need to put the tag.

This is fucking awesome. I wish it kept going.


It felt too short, and yet... it felt good. This was... good, comfy even. Bravo.

Me: kylo Ren

You: Luke Skywalker

The conversation we're having about this story :

Short & sweet.

Ok personally I'd have loved to see this story go on for a bit longer but it was great nonetheless. Probably one of the better Anon stories. I feel like Anon gets the short piece of hay a bit more than seems fair and while this story doesn't exactly make up for that it is still FAR better than he gets much of the time.

Princess Stuffed Crust. The only princess to have canonically been stuffed with with that wonderful, white gooiness.

Nice wrap up. Good job!:moustache:

“Yeah, but … I dunno. It makes me feel like a mistake.”

Yeah, it kinda does. If they had taken hold of things themselves it coukd have been different. I think the problem with this story is that they're all passive towards the conflict, giving in and letting it force them. Makes it all feel bad.

Honestly a good story at the start, but them never facing or trying to solve anything ruins it in the end. Would likely be much better as a one-shot, as then it wouldn't display them not doing anything about being forced against their wills.

They literally use their names as swears. If they aren't Gods, then they certainly fill the role pretty well.

And so it developed! Well done!

Beautiful and funny story. Very impressed.

So...is he a pony? Satyr?

Pony. Genetic nightmare, but just assume magic or something.

Fair enough. Well done with the story. Luna and Anon had great chemistry.

The Doctor Dances friend :twilightsmile:

DOCTOR: Relax, he's a fifty first century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing.
ROSE: How flexible?
DOCTOR: Well, by his time, you lot have spread out across half the galaxy.
ROSE: Meaning?
DOCTOR: So many species, so little time.
ROSE: What, that's what we do when we get out there? That's our mission? We seek new life, and, and
DOCTOR: Dance.

It is, not exactly subtle lol.

Good stuff!:pinkiehappy:

My sides have recovered enough for me to jot a note thanks for the hearty laughs.

This is refreshingly blunt, a tad overusing of Abrahamic cursing, but a fine read still. Discord's laughing at the end of the wedding makes me think the old trickster played a snap in helping Luna and Anon conceive a child as payback for the hydra incident at Fluttershy's.

I apologize for my tardiness, but relevant and absolutely necessary reverse centaur.

This was suggested to me, I find myself pleasantly surprised, it was very good and I find myself hoping for a sequel

Eventually - Luna and Anon's gay adventures through various 3rd world shitholes and war zones is somewhere on my list.

Fantastic story with "da magicks"!

It'd be like... bojack horseman.

Marxist-Leninist-Maoists are whack

As with most varieties of Marxists, Marxist-Leninist-Maoists have one very specific belief about one very minor thing, and have an unending blood feud with other Marxists who don't believe said thing.

One of the constants of history, really - ethnic conflict, France sucks, and Marxist infighting.

I mean, as an ML that was mostly a joke, I consider all communists who are willing to stand by us to be comrades, the disagreements are to be hammered out after the revolution, and via democratic means(democratic-centralism) when possible. Of course MLs, MLMs, Trots, Ancoms, and any other fellow revolutionary communists have disagreements, but we also have the same enemy in global capitalism and imperialism, and that comes first.

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