• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 491 Views, 17 Comments

Warmth in the D'oh‽ - SevenEyes

  • ...

Still not the last chapter.

Sunset awoke as she always did when in Fluttershy’s gentle grasp. Well rested, warm, and content. Because when she and Fluttershy were together there was nothing that they could not achiev—. Wait. She was with Fluttershy; actually literally for realsies in bed with Fluttershy!

Oh no. What if Fluttershy’s psychotic ex tracked down the Shimmer dimmer, and murdered her in a really weird way.


She WAS Fluttershy’s psychotic ex.

Well that was reassuring, as there was no way Sunset could track down Sunset. That Sunset was always four steps ahead of her, and as for Sunset getting ‘documentary worthy’ levels of weirdly murdered. Well she knew a thing or two about Sunset, and have a vastly cruel imagination she did not.

What Sunset had instead was a Fluttershy holding her, just like she had a hold on to her own cool. Come on Sunset, you’ve faced down more complex social situations. Like that time she was riding a horse, came across an escaped rhino and got thrown off the scared horse in such a way that she accidentally dive kicked the rhino. Oh how it had chased her all the way to Fluttershy’s home.

Explaining how the entire situation was not her fault was as tiring as running in circles to escape the rhino's fury. Eventually the yellow girl had woken up to the fact that Sunset was not in the wrong, much like present Fluttershy was slowly awakening. Oh crumbs. What if she blames Sunset for getting her drunk, seducing her, then sleeping with her.

“Oh Sunset, thank you so much for the sexy times, that I planned on having with you.”

Surely Fluttershy had only said this because she was still mostly asleep, and didn’t yet know the difference between the dreaming and waking worlds. Whatever dream she had been having, the Sunset within it must be much more impressive than the Sunset in her arms for Fluttershy to plan having sex with her. The reality of the situation was that Sunset had used the ancient powers of seduction to trick her into bed. Oh how she could never be loved by one as completely pure as Fluttershy.

“Sunset I fucking love you”

Well maybe not completely pure, and there was that one time yesterday she had threatened her with bodily harm. But everyone has their triggers and Fluttershy’s was anyone at all using the word 'bitch' while not referring to a female dog.

“Bitch, let’s be girlfriends again.”

It seemed that snoozingish Fluttershy existed for the sole reason to prove Sunset’s thoughts wrong. Did this mean that she wasn’t on thin ice after all?

“Um, are you going to respond to me so we can start our relationship again and go ice skating together.”

This was all too much for early morning Sunset Shimmer so she decided to become afternoon Sunset Shimmer. She did this by closing her eyes until nothing was on her mind other than stating, "Wake me, when you need me."


Sunset was having a great time on the ice with Fluttershy. The CMC were skating along as well each in a style that matches their personality. Even the black cat on the ice was having a blast.

Wait who would let a cat ice skate. Sunset looked towards what she thought would be the obvious culprit, but found no Fluttershy. No CMC. No mountain high enough.

In light of this recent development Sunset simply screamed into the void. The cat looked at her with a puzzled expression then opened It's mouth horrendously wide and Rainbow Dash's voice started singing in a horrendously scratchy voice 'Awesome as I wanna be'. Sunset found it in herself to scream louder.


"Yes Rainbow I know you were worried but I really wanted to fuck my girlfriend." There was a ten second flat pause while Rainbow Dash responded after which Fluttershy patiently explained. "Well of course she is my girlfriend now we had sex." Another period of silence, lasting exactly one sixth of a minute, which was all it took for Rainbow to express her doubts. Fluttershy just hung up. She reasoned that the conversation was going to go nowhere if her friend couldn't even grasp the most basic concepts of cause and effect in her relationship.

It was very early afternoon, so the sun had been out for a while now, but it was so laughably weak that it could barely break through the clouds. The clouds were so unlaughably strong that they had dropped off a mighty layer of snow the previous night.

Therefore Sunset and Fluttershy were cool. They were under the covers in each others grasp. Fluttershy had just put her phone down thus exposing her arm, but cool they remained. They were so cool in fact that they didn't even start to jump with joy when they heard the ice cream van come around. Instead they simply looked into each others eyes and agreed without speaking.

The two got up, found their clothes and got dressed. Sunset felt eyes on her. So she turned to see Fluttershy's eyes on her butt. "You know if you wanted more sexy time wit-"

"Then I would have asked for it!" Fluttershy screamed in rage at her partner, storming out of the bedroom completely dressed on her right side, but not at all on her left.

Sunset didn't follow immediately. In fact it took to the point in time when the smell of pancakes met her from the other room, for her to dare to venture out. As she entered the too tiny kitchen area she found Fluttershy working on the next smelly-in-a-good-way batch of breakfast treats.

What was weird, was that the pan was moving without Fluttershy touching it. As she was sitting, on her phone a short distance from the utensils in motion.

"You're a wizard Flutters!"

"I'm a what?"

"A wizard, as in the gender neutral term that is used to describe the world of Rowling's creation, all without using the anti advertiser friendly word 'Witch'." Sunset quickly explained.

"That's not really a definition though," Fluttershy said sadly, "I wanted a definition."

This was Sunset's time to shine. All those fond childhood memories in this world, of herself and a good dictionary. All that time engrossing herself in the world of meanings. All that and, oh dear. She didn't remember that one!

Fluttershy seemed to have grown bored of being sad and was at the moment, fixing her with a look of near tears. Sunset couldn’t bear to look or to look away, so she went ‘Derpy eyed’ and observed both her girlfriend and the self moving cookware. Somehow, having only one eye on the pan gave her the ability to see what she could not earlier.

There were small animals in the house, cooking breakfast, and all presumably under Fluttershy’s command.

“Well that’s not something you see everyday, er is it?” Sunset timidly asked.

To which Fluttershy stopped trying to cry, then shrugged mid-chew of her own pancakes.

The animals finished cooking, Fluttershy finished eating, and Sunset finished her ‘Derpy vision’. Leaving Fluttershy to lean back and thus lose her grip on the animals minds. This caused them to all scamper off through the doorless doorway to the outside. And allowing Sunset to lock her eyes onto her critter cooked chewables.

Fluttershy watched her girlfriend in case she got syrup on her face so she could lick it off. A favourite hobby of the shy woman. But thankfully this didn’t happen. That would be a mental image that no one would be able to rip out.

“While I eat,” Sunset said, “let me tell you the entire rich history of Pony-kind. So Celestia had a sister called Luna-the-chill-pony. They were both born as winged unicorns, therefore could both shoot out laser beams from the great vantage point of the sky. Celestia never told me of her parentage so I assume they were nobody; filthy junk traders. But her aunt and uncle were so awesome that it was said by Celestia herself, that anyone who beheld them without cool dude shades, would become so awestruck that they never talked of them, or in fact anything again. They would be mute.”

“Is this in that show you watch?”

“What God the devil and Bob?”

Fluttershy responded only be giving a deadpan stare.

“Hehe, er, joking. I’m joking. Don’t mind control me please!”

The pinkett sighed, and gave the leftover pizza from the day before, to the local ant colony. With her good deed done for that day she led Sunset out to town evilly, to counterbalance the good.

They rode along on a stereotypical motorcycle with only Fluttershy wearing a helmet as the fiery haired woman was unafraid of injury. They rode into the cold unafraid of the elements. They rode past red traffic lights unafraid of the cops. They rode rode rode your boat gently down the stream; in their mind of course.

But much like a pathetic poem their ride came to an end at the closest lake's, bike chain up post.

The closest lake turned out to be mirror pool lake (ooh referential). And little did they know that underneath Nazi scientist were trying, very angrily to clone very sad humans, therefore they only looked on in silent wonder at the beauty of the ice.

It was untouched by human hands. Which was a great reason to go touch it. So Sunset got out the ice skates that Pinkie Pie had hidden all over Everton, in case of ice skates emergencies.

Well now was an emergency because the chapter would not progress without some cool-ass slippery skating both literally and metaphorically. Except it wasn't an emergency because they knew that Pinkie did what she did.

But if Pinkie knew of the emergency then how did she hide the skates, if that very action would help avoid it. Surely she would get halfway there and then when it was mostly avoided here emergency sense would stop compelling her to halt the emergency. Leaving the emergency to emerge.

None of that mattered to Sunset though, as the moment that she connected her boots to the pretty pretty ice she was pushed violently out of the way. The sound of three young voices in quick succession met her ears.

"Swan dive!"

"Canon ball!"

"Go webb!"

The first two voices, being Sweetie Belle and Scooterloo's respectively, attacked the ice with their own proclaimed attacks. The third member of the CMC stood back and repeatedly fired at a duck from her Spider Man: Webb Slinger. They were on her hands instead of having on actual gloves because, FASHION!

Yes, Apple Bloom was having the time of her life, missing the duck again, and again. Until Fluttershy waddled over to her. Sensing an impending lecture the youngest Apple turned her assault to the pinkett.

And was too late.

"DC comics are better," Fluttershy said.

Like a demon trapped in the lasso of truth. The young girl howled in pain, because the truth hurt. She was like this, quite nearly every time Applejack spoke!

Witnessing the young lady scream out, the gay couple gayly ran away, while inwardly fearing what Fluttershy had done.

They knew it was safe at Pinkie Pie's workplace. So there they hurried without so much as saying a word to another.

"Hello Sunset Shimmer." Pinkie inclined her head to the one she named. "Hello Fluttershy." Again bowing slightly to her other friend.

"Oh Pinkie; you are so random!" Sunset said, "We're together again, so call us 'Sunshyne' in future, silly."

Fluttershy walked up to Mr and Mrs cake who were behind Sugarcube Corner's counter. "A glass and a half of Butter Beer, please and thank you," She said with a smile then walked over to the table that her girlfriend was about to sit at.

Pinkie preferred to stand, so she did so. "I could use my Pinkie sense to find out how to build the perfect loving relationship for you two, but personally I don't ship you both."

There were so many problems with that statement that it took Sunset a moment to decide which one to start with. “It hasn’t even rained for weeks,” Sunset pointed out.

“Now that,” Fluttershy started, “is just plagiarism.” She smiled as she lightly slapped Sunset for being bad. Very lightly, but not on her face!

On her bott-

“Om, nom,” another random customer of the cafe said loudly.

They, however random, didn’t matter. So no one paid them any mind at all.

Somehow it was time to go to Rainbow’s house to drop off Shy to her surrogate and platonic loved Sister. Time sometimes moved like that. Just as sometimes you go into a cafe wearing ice skates and no one finds it strange enough to point out.

Pinkie said her goodbyes which consisted of two lots of the word ‘goodbye’, with one spoken to each of them in turn.

It was cold outside, but once more they braved it’s frigid temperature. With Sunny stating “I really love cool things,” she paused, ”like you.”

“I can believe you said that, because it just happened; and I'm a believer!” Then she saw her face in the local mirror shop. It, like the rest of her being, was indeed cool. She gave a smug nod and grin at her own reflection, then took her skates off and hopped on the front of Sunsets motor.

“You can fly that thing?” Sunset asked.

“I can fly anything.”

So they flew down the roads towards Rainbow’s. The question of who wore the only helmet this time was like the question of who wore the pants in the Sunshyne relationship. To which the proper answer was: it's a pair of three legged pants.

Sunset, upon seeing the house of her foe, did the 'native dance of her people'. Which was a back flip off of a motorcycle while yelling, "LEROOOOOOOOOOYYY!!!"

Then landing on the soft snow face down, getting up and sprinting to the front door. Remembering that the meme was incomplete she proclaimed, "JEEENNNNNNNNKIIIINNNS!!"

"Oh my gosh you ran right in," Fluttershy stated.

That Fluttershy statement was a lie though as Sunset had done an emotional one-eighty and stopped at the door to politely knock four times. And who should open the door half an hour later? Well, no other than the one and only Rainbow Dash of Everton.

Dash sensed immediately after she opened the door that she had missed the great pony dance by thirty minutes. She tried to cry on the outside, but ended up imitating Applejack’s technique. Thus no actual tears were visibly shed. Which was really a good thing as you should always stay out of Rainbow’s shed. What?

“What,” Dashie started, “did i tell y’all ‘bout going on a date?”

“Erm, oh yeah! Just do it!” Fluttershy answered with hope very evident on her face.

“Well yes…”

“Hah, don’t you feel dumb?” Sunset asked.

“I did say that; as advice to help you get over Sunset Shimmer the destroyer of my Flutter-sister’s heart!” The prismatic hair themed one glared at the ketchup and mustard hair themed one. “And by the way, your hair looks like condiments.”

“Um isn't your hair literally the pride flag, even though you're very straight.” The pinkett pointed out.

“Well that’s very true, and quite ironic, well done.” She said patting the woman who had spoken on the head.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!” Yelled Sunset in her deep voice.

“I’ll gay you! Sunset Shimmer!”

Fluttershy got understandably very uncomfortable at the thought of her nearly-sister ‘gaying’ her lover. Therefore she simply said, “Icky wicky.”

“I agree with you Shy,” Rainbow said.

“Wow that is so original of you siding with one of your friends over another in less than a heartbeat," Sunset remarked.

“Oh my gosh, just kiss Fluttershy and go home will you!” Rainbow answered back.

“I’d like that. Kind of. I think.” The shy lady spoke.

Sunset relented to all the voices in her head telling her to ‘go get ‘em partner, yeeee haw’ and kissed the beauty before her. Then ran away into the night.

Shy was stuck wondering something that rainbow would later voice, ‘are we just gonna leave her motorcycle there for all eternity?’.