• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 2,351 Views, 55 Comments

A Trip to Remember - Allegrano_Melody

Discord has a mission, and Celestia is not going to like it. Discord decides to send the young versions of the Main 6 to a particular school of magic.

  • ...

Chapter 8: New Norm

In dreams, the three displaced humans plotted and planned. In reality, they were miles apart. Angel was in Ponyville. It would be up to her to get Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie to the rendezvous point. Solomon was in Cloudsdale with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. He was to be their guide. Aetherdal was in Canterlot. He had already completed the most challenging task. He had persuaded Twilight Sparkle to secure nine V.I.P. passes to the Grand Galloping Gala from Princess Celestia.

It was to be a test of her leadership abilities. The gala was normally reserved for the highest of high society, and the princess was well aware of the ponies who were to use the passes. While this would not be the first time the princess had a personal student attend, it would be the first time she allowed any other children without direct adult supervision. It would be up to Twilight to make sure that all of her friends stayed out of trouble.


A winded Solomon climbed through the window of the convalescent facility. By pegasus standards, he had not gone far, but even after seven months, he had not fully regained his stamina. With a damp washcloth, he wiped away his sweat before lounging on the small divan in the room. He checked the pocket on his shirt; the gilt-trimmed envelope was still there.

He took a moment to catch his breath before leaning over to the intercom. He pressed the button and said, "Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy? I have something for you."

The buzzing of wings could be heard as they raced from the lobby. When they opened the door, Solomon could not help but notice how much they had matured in seven months. Rainbow Dash now sported a rebellious look. A denim jacket and dungarees complemented her black t-shirt. Her shoulder-length mane was done up in an ombre style that showed off the color bands.

By contrast, Fluttershy looked more like a wallflower. Her form was all but hidden by a loose green hoodie and a baggy pair of khaki pants; only the yellow wings that protruded through the slits in the back showed anything distinct about her body. The chunky, black, birth control glasses frames that she wore would ensure that only the most desperate would give her a second glance.

As one, they asked, "What is it, Solly?"

The thestral replied, "I've already talked with your parents, so it's safe for me to share this with you." He took the envelope from his pocket and handed it to the pair. Rainbow Dash removed the engraved card and gave it to Fluttershy.

The yellow pegasus read aloud. "Dearest Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Solomon, I would be honored to have you as my guests this weekend. I have arranged for accommodations for you at the palace so that we can all attend the Grand Galloping Gala. We will be awaiting your answer by the statue of Discord at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle."

Rainbow Dash said, "She can't be serious. The gala is in two days, and I know we don't have anything fancy enough for that sort of party." Fluttershy gulped audibly.

Solomon said, "Everything's already been worked out. My friends and I wanted to surprise you, so we'd been working quietly with Twilight to make all the arrangements."

The clock chimed. Fluttershy looked up, startled. "Oh my! Did you say we were to meet at 5 o'clock?"

Solomon shook his head. "Four o'clock."

"It's three-thirty," said Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash grabbed Solomon with one hand and grabbed Fluttershy with the other. "This looks like a job for the Rainbow Dash Express."

Canterlot Commuter

An attentive observer would have noticed that today's train sported a second caboose. The extra car had been added to the very end of the train and had been pressed into service as a private car. Inside, Angel enviously watched Rarity and Applejack napping. As much as she wanted to join them to rid herself of her headache, she could not; Pinkie Pie was too distracting.

Angel groaned. "Pinkie, could you please be still?"

The pink pony was bouncing up and down so rapidly that her features were blurred. "Nuh-uh. My Pinkie Sense is telling me that your secret is a doozy, and it won't let me stop until I find out what it is."

"Fine! You win!" Angel said, "All right! Up and at them!"

Rarity blinked as she removed her sleeping mask. "Are we in Canterlot already? I can't wait to see the secret my parents promised."

Applejack stretched and yawned. "Slow down, Pinkie. You're going to wear a hole in the floor."

Angel cleared her throat. "Now that I have your attention, I have an announcement to make." She took a gilt-trimmed envelope from her pocket. Pinkie Pie snatched it and read the engraved card within. For the first time in an hour, she stood still.

Impatiently, Rarity asked, "Well, what is it?"

Pinkie hugged Angel. "That's a real doozy! Twilight's invited us all to the Grand Galloping Gala!"

Applejack said, "Wait a minute. We don't have anything but the clothes on our backs. We can't go to a high falutin' party like that!"

Angel gave a pained smile. "I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the arrangements. Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment, I need to make a reservation for a carriage."

"How can you contact someone in Canterlot from the train?" asked Rarity.

Angel pulled out her improvised wand. "It's magic."


The small room in the royal library had become the usual venue for Aetherdal's magic lessons. Twilight had initially believed that his unorthodox views on the mechanics of magic were absurd. However, the more she thought about it, the more she appreciated the creative aspect of magic. There was still no difference in the way that one cast a spell, but with a slight change of perspective, the applications for a spell expanded dramatically.

The most basic unicorn spell, levitation, was something every unicorn beyond a particular age used for the mundane task of moving objects. Without Aetherdal's prompting, she never would have thought to cast it on air to form a curtain to block out flying insects. She had even cast it on herself to make it look like she was walking on air.

She was hovering near the ceiling when Aetherdal called out, "Hey, Twilight! It's the time! If we don't go now, we'll be tardy!"

Twilight glanced down at the grandfather clock before lowering herself to the floor. Taking Aetherdal by the hand, she sniffed, "Twilight Sparkle is never tardy!" With that, they made their way to the gardens.

Despite the urgency of the situation, the three groups of friends did their best to act nonchalant as they made their way past the magnificent displays of topiary. The natives knew there were aliens among them, creatures of myth and legend. They were filled with questions that the displaced humans had declined to answer. Alien or not, Angel and her companions had proven themselves worthy of friendship, and worthy of being herdmates. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy could hardly wait to make that a reality.

The statue was an unmistakable landmark. Solomon couldn't help but think that it was something Dr. Frankenstein might have put together after an incredibly long night of drinking. He could swear that it winked at him when they passed. As the three of them touched down, Fluttershy said, "Looks like we're the first ones here."

"That's a shocker," replied Rainbow Dash. "Usually, we're late." She released her hold on Solomon.

Solomon turned and glared at her. "Why didn't you let me fly on my own?"

Fluttershy smiled softly. "Well, we know you're still recuperating, and that was a long flight."

Rainbow Dash added, "Besides, you still can't pass the basic flight test."

From across the garden, Aetherdal shouted, "Hey, Solomon! How does it feel to be the load?"

A multi-colored blur tacked the kirin and pinned him to the ground. Rainbow Dash grinned from her perch on his rear. "Give it a rest, Aetherdal. Not every pony can be as awesome as me. Do you want me to take you on a quick spin? You'll love the Buccaneer Blaze."

Twilight sighed as she approached the two. "Mind your manners, Rainbow Dash."

The pegasus stepped back and let Twilight help the kirin to his hooves. As she glanced upward, she thought she saw the statue wink at her. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. This time, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Why did you tackle me?" asked Aetherdal.

Rainbow Dash grinned. "You're the one who said he wanted a little more excitement in his life." She flew back to Solomon.

Aetherdal groaned. "I don't think I'll ever understand women -- of any species."

From the opposite side of the garden, Rarity called out, "I do hope we are not too late, darling." She and the rest of the Ponyville entourage hurried to join the others.

"We just got here ourselves," replied Aetherdal. "Now that the gang's all here let's head up to my new place."

"What new place?" asked Twilight.

"You'll see."

As Aetherdal led the way, Twilight said, "Wait a minute. This is the way to the nobles' chambers."

"That's right," replied Aetherdal. "I won Princess Blueblood's section of the tower in a duel. It has enough rooms for all of us, and it's nice and quiet."

Rainbow Dash walked in front of him and stopped. "Wait. Do you beat a filly in a duel? Colts always lose. How could you beat the top-ranked duelist?"

Aetherdal grinned as the thought back on the fight. "I'm not a normal colt, remember? Besides, NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!"

Angel lagged behind the pack. Once the others had turned away, they looked up at the statue and smiled. The corners of its mouth turned up slightly for a second before returning to normal.

After they entered the palace, Aetherdal led the group to a plain-looking door.

Rarity sniffed. "That seems to lack a je ne sais quoi."

Aetherdal smiled as he opened the door. The mare within looked out and said, "You must be the ponies that Princess Celestia told me about. I am Tatted Lace, her tailor."

The high-pitched squeal from the visiting fillies almost shattered the windows. Tatted Lace continued. "You must want to freshen up after your journey. My assistant will take the rest of you to the spa while I start on Miss Dash's fitting."

Aetherdal and Solomon slipped away while the others made their way to the spa. Once they were out of earshot, Solomon said, "I thought you'd jump at the chance for some quality time with Twilight."

Aetherdal replied, "There's still quite a lot of work to be done on the teleportation rune. Besides, the girls will be so busy; they'll never even notice we're missing.

Two Days Later

Aetherdal and Solomon had worked practically non-stop. Plates and utensils from hastily-eaten meals were scattered haphazardly throughout the room. Sweat and grease coated their clothing and every exposed bit of fur. They had just put the finishing touch on the teleportation rune when the door burst open. All eight fillies glared at them.

Applejack growled, "You boys are in a heap of trouble,"

Innocently, Solomon asked, "What's wrong?" Aetherdal face-palmed as soon as the words left his lips. He could see that the fillies were all dressed to the nines.

With her magic, Twilight picked Aetherdal up by the ear. "Does the phrase 'Grand Galloping Gala' mean anything to you?"

Rarity repeated the maneuver on Solomon. "It starts in five minutes, and you two look like something the cat dragged in."

Angel brandished her wand. "Sorry, guys, but this is going to hurt you a lot worse than it's going to hurt me."

Author's Note:

The next chapter is the last chapter that is mainly based in Equestria.