• Published 23rd Feb 2020
  • 2,266 Views, 16 Comments

Somnambula in the Secret of the Sphinx - Dr Sharaz Jek

The Sphinx summons Somnambula to pass on her secrets.

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Curtains of sand brushed under a wind that suffused an endless desert. The atmosphere twisted in waves under the heat., the blazing sun burning in a cloudless blue sky. It framed a fabled pyramid, the golden structure casting a long shadow. And within its confines, within the tombs of the long dead pharaohs below, an ancient ritual was about to transpire.

Somnambula wore a scanty, traditional costume; a headdress hiding her turquoise bobcut, an ankh hung on a necklace between her wrapped breasts, and a skirt wrapped about her legs. Golden bands shaped like snakes encircled her upper arms, and her delicate feet were encased in sandals.

The priestess strolled past a line of sarcophagi that lined the sacred burial grounds. Torches crackled in the sconces, making silhouettes dance across stone walls with hieroglyphics carved into them. Religious relics lined the treasury.

From the darkness bright, glowing eyes appeared. After them followed the Sphinx; a hybrid creature that loomed like a titan and padded over on all fours. Her smile was akin to a grimace, baring her fangs while she studied the arrival like fresh prey. Feathered wings shuffled on her sleek back, and a leonine tail swished on her backside. “Do you know why I summoned you?”

“Of course,” replied the soft-spoken Somnambula who bowed low in reverence before the Goddess-like beast.

“There's no one else I can ask. You were the only one who consistently bested my riddles.” The sphinx stalked circles around the priestess with a low purr. “While you may have wounded my pride, you also won my respect!”

Her voice was nearly inaudible; the Sphinx's ear flicked to pick up her words. “I am unworthy.”

“Nonsense. You've proven yourself my equal. Who else could possibly fulfill such a request?” She stopped in front of Somnambula and lifted her chin to face her with a surprisingly gentle paw. “Rise.”

Somnambula shuffled to her feet and stood tall. Her palms cupped the Sphinx's cheeks and caressed them, and she in turn nuzzled her. “I know you would not let anyone else treat you in such a way...” She scratched her with a sly smile.

“Without you all I've ever learned and experienced would be forgotten. You'll be doing me a favor. I'll admit, once I resented you; after all, few had ever overcome one of my riddles. But to do so repeatedly? You won my respect, little one.”

Her cheeks colored and her smile was drawn tight. “You seemed...lonely. It must be rather difficult, to be the sole Sphinx in existence. Yet I suppose soon I'll learn that firsthand.” She swallowed hard. Moments passed in silence between them that seemed to press on forever; yet she nonetheless cherished these fleeting seconds. “Must we...do this now?”

The Sphinx nodded. “You know it's the appointed time. If the moment passes Equestria will be without a Sphinx; and I dare not leave the pyramid and all its treasures without a proper guardian. Read the scrolls I left behind; they will answer any further questions you might have.” She paused and sucked in a heavy breath, suddenly bashful. “I...I...I love you, Somnambula.”

She stroked the creature's cheeks and beamed, knowing how difficult it was for her to show any weakness, to lower her pride and admit her true feelings. “I love you too,” she murmured and spoke the Sphinx's true name; one which she'd never shared with anyone else. Her eyes misted over, aware they had little time left. She rested her cheek on her breast, listened to the steady thump of her heartbeat. “You are like the sister I never had. I swear you shall always live on, inside me!”

“It pleases me to hear that. But we can't dally any longer. Open your mouth,” she commanded and the priestess obeyed. Her own maw opened and their eyes closed. A warmth that started to build in the Sphinx's bosom flowed out in a funnel of swirling, multicolored energy; it continuously spiraled from one set of lips to another and Somnambula's skin warmed over.

Outside the pyramid the moon crossed over the sun, eclipsing it. A sandstorm built and started to rage, battering the pyramid's exterior but unable to so much as scratch it. Blackness momentarily consumed the land as the secret ritual was enacted.

Entire days were compressed into mere moments. Somnambula did her best to relax her muscles, to ease her breathing, knowing that it would help neither of them to resist. Gradually the Sphinx shrunk and she grew, her garments reduced to tatters, and when the last ethereal cone arose in a wisp from the guardian's lips it was like the pair had exchanged places.

Which in a sense, they had. Where the Sphinx once sat now rested a woman that resembled her former form in its skin tone and markings; how she had appeared before her transmutation into this sacred beast eons ago. Her chest rose and fell while she slumbered; within the month she would inevitably return to the dust from whence all life came.

However she would be entombed alongside all her ancestors here; Somnambula would see to that. Were the pharaohs watching over them now? She studied herself the best she could; now she had become the Sphinx, one that matched the once humble handmaiden she had been. But now all the responsibilities of her new position fell on her. She swore not to disappoint.

Bending low, she planted a wet peck on her friend's temple and shed a few tears. “Farewell...”

By the time she exited her domain the weather had settled back down. Golden rays kissed the thin coat of fur which now lined her curves and lean musculature. Stretching her wings and flicking her tail, she surveyed a realm under her divine protection;one of the closest beings Equestria had to a Goddess. Whether it be tomb raiders or blasphemous cultist, for the next several thousand years she would make certain no harm came to anyone or anything under her personal care.

Comments ( 16 )

... Meh. It's too short by a long shot to get across what you're trying to. It's not horrible by any means of course. But theres' too little for me too care about what happened.

Plus it would help if I knew what Somnabula looked like now. She can't look the same as the cover art, since they're human here.

It's Fim, not equestria girls. Plus, there is no human tag. Just a tiny typo, that's all.

I rather like your story!

Yes there is a Human tag on the story. I'll let the author tell me if it's a typo or not.

Oh, I didn't realise that.

Sorry it was rather scant; I try to eliminate filler when I can but other than more description and character interaction, what do you think would help fill it out?

Also, only Somnambula is human here; the Sphinx is her usual self and the cover art is what Somnambula becomes.
Thank you, although I was goìng for a humanized version of Somnambula with the Sphinx being as we know her; not sure I conveyed that well, unfortunately!

Okay, thank you for specifying.

Knowing what I do now clears it all up. Though I'm having trouble seeing the original sphinx as human. But I can dig Somnambula as a sphinx herself.

No problem!
I'm thinking the Sphinx had her role passed onto her by someone else in a similar ritual, but purposely left it ambiguous in case the reader prefers to believe she was the first and somehow turned into what she became.

I do not see the prince being particularly happy about this, if not for her now being the very entity that once took him hostage, for the fact that there love is now and forever a thing beyond them....even if somnambula still held feelings for him i doubt either could stand to let that fire grow knowing that time would stamp it out...and all somnambula would have left was a tomb, like so many others.

I figure in this dimension Somnambula and Hissan may not be a thing; plus she's a mediator who puts duty before pleasure.

Interesting concept

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