• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 2,812 Views, 43 Comments

Assassin’s Creed: Friendship is Magic - MyLittleBronyDude

Ezio gets dropped on the outskirts of Ponyville with the Apple of Eden as a pony. This won’t end well.

  • ...

The Explanation (written by RCharge)

Author's Note:

Yay! New chapter! This one was written mostly by my collaborator, RCharge, because I was camping. Enjoy!

After exiting the Assassin’s bunker, Ezio’s body decided to notify him that he was tired by removing all sense of coordination in his limbs, therefore causing him to fall face first into a flower pot. Which, incidentally, contained a sample of cactus that, when touched, doubles in size. Needless to say, he was very, very tired, and very, very hurt.

Fluttershy quickly left the room to get the first aid kit that she had stowed away for situations just like this. Ezio was led to her couch as she popped the lid open and was preparing to dislodge the needles from his face. When she grabbed the tweezers, Ezio took this moment to speak up.

"Hey, uh… what was that back there about a turncoat? Also, who is ‘her’?" It was an innocent enough question. However, when Fluttershy’s face contorted into a slight grimace, it made Ezio wonder what exactly happened to make this a point of contention.

"Well… to fully understand what's going on, I need to tell you a bit of a story first." Fluttershy stated as she rubbed some alcohol on the tweezers. Afterward, she started gently plucking out the needles.

"You see, back when this was a small-scale event… we had four Assassins. Me, Pinkie, Twilight…" Fluttershy swallowed hard. She looked left and right before she leaned in closer to Ezio, "... and R-rainbow Dash." she stage-whispered, as if speaking her name out loud would draw ire from whoever heard it.

Ezio looked ready to ask something, but Fluttershy raised a hoof to forestall any objections. "We were a team. She always worked together with us. She was always the most loyal… until one day."

“What happened?” Ezio asked as Fluttershy’s head rolled back while she stared at the ceiling, reminiscing.

“It all started on a bright, summer day about two weeks ago…”

“That was… awesome!Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she flew around the heads of Fluttershy and Pinkie. “Did you see how I smashed that pony’s head against the wall? Man, it felt so… liberating!” Pinkie let out a good-natured giggle as I just simply shook my head.

“Y-yes, we did, Rainbow. Don’t you think that was a little… over the top?” I remembered asking and Rainbow scoffing.

“No way! That slimy snake deserved everything he got! I just hope that they think twice before messing with us again!”

I remembered Rainbow stopping and glancing over a wither after she said that. “I think I hear somepony calling my name… you two go on ahead, I’ll catch up later.” Then, she just flew off.

Fluttershy snapped herself from her revelry when she remembered what she was doing. She started gently plucking the needles from Ezio’s face again. “After that day, something was… off about Rainbow. She didn’t exactly shy away from her duties, but she started asking some… odd questions.”

“Like… ?” Ezio prompted as he winced from a rather sudden pluck.

“Oh, well… she seemed to be fascinated about what we did with the dead bodies after we did a hit on somepony. She kept subtly asking if she would know of any of the bodies we, ahem, disposed of.”

“Huh. Yeah, you’re right, that is a rather odd question to ask right out of the blue, isn’t it?” Ezio agreed as Fluttershy gently nodded her head.

“When she didn’t get her information from just asking… she decided to be a bit more… liberal with her approach. One night, when everyone was asleep, Rainbow snuck out of her room. Now, I only heard about this through second-hoof accounts… and you know how things tend to become a bit overexaggerated when it passes from pony to pony… but I heard that she tried to sneak into the archives to get the information for herself.”

Ezio opened his mouth to speak, but no words came. He was so stunned he didn’t even realize that Fluttershy was finished removing the needles and was rubbing an ointment into his face. “But… guh… what...?” He managed to ask at last. “Why would she do that? What drove her to–” Ezio stopped speaking when Fluttershy gently pressed a hoof against his mouth.

“If you’d let me speak, I was getting to that part,” Fluttershy interjected. “One day, Twilight had enough. She learned that Rainbow was sneaking out at night and she decided to call a meeting. She wanted one of us to trail Rainbow and see what’s gotten over her. I was eventually told to do the job since she couldn’t trust Pinkie to be quiet.”

Fluttershy paused as she attempted to recall the events of that night. Her tone turned slightly sharper and more morose as she continued. “So, there I was following Rainbow around town. It was one of the rarer times when she was trying to be sneaky, thank Luna, so I could follow her on hoof. She ducked into an alleyway and glanced over a wither a few times to ensure that she wasn’t being followed. Eventually, I heard two voices coming from the alley. I stepped closer to hear the conversation a bit better.”

“So, what did you learn?” The voice I heard I was instantly able to recognize as Rarity, one of our friends who joined the Templars.

“Nothing!” I heard Rainbow snap back at her. Then, the distinct sound of hooves against cobblestone; she was probably pacing at that moment. “I tried to ask them about the bodies… but they didn’t tell me anything!” Her voice was dripping with venom; she must’ve been rather angry about something that related to the bodies. However, I had no clue what… and I still don’t to this day.

You know that they quite possibly could have been the ones to commit the deed, yes? I have no idea why you would hang around with the likes of them.” I remembered Rarity’s voice sounded a bit haughty, as if she knew what she was talking about.

“Yeah, yeah… laugh it up Rares! You don’t care about the situation at hoof anyway. I’m going to go back and see if I can find her again. If not… I’ll return to where I rightfully belong...”

“The day after, Rainbow was nowhere to be found. When Twilight went down the passageway she had set up for her, she found it caved in about halfway up. After discovering this, Twilight decided that Rainbow was no longer a member and branded her a traitor." Fluttershy added as Ezio raised an eyebrow.

“So… what you’re saying is… we’re going to find this Rainbow character first, is that it?” Ezio asked as Fluttershy tensed and backed away from Ezio slightly.

“O-oh no, I couldn’t impose such a thing on you. That would be… not nice.” Fluttershy mused as a forehoof gently traced a circle on the wooden floorboards of her cottage. “H-however, since we are out there looking for heralds… and we were instructed to knock out any of our friends if we see them… I was just thinking tha–”

“So… what you’re saying is… you want to find this Rainbow character first, is that it?” Ezio interjected, correcting himself. Fluttershy let out a soft sigh of resentment before speaking again.

“I just… I want answers, you know? So many questions left unanswered, and the ones that are answerable just make more questions! The more I think about it the worse it becomes…” Fluttershy was subconsciously pacing back and forth, her wings fluffing out of sheer frustration, “a-and I just want some closure, you know what I mean? I just want to know what’s gotten into her and–”

Ezio took this moment to lift himself on unsteady hooves. When Fluttershy paced past him again, a hoof shot out and pressed itself against her mouth before she could continue. “Fluttershy. Relax. You’ve got to get yourself out of this rut. At this rate, the only thing you’re going to accomplish is making a hole in the floor.”

Fluttershy blinked twice and looked down. Sure enough, she saw scuff marks on the wooden floor from where she was pacing. “Tell you what. While we’re out bribing the heralds, we’ll take a slight detour to try and find Rainbow so we can get some answers. Nobody needs to know, and you can finally put all of this behind you. How’s that sound?” Ezio asked as he lowered her hoof and allowed her to speak again.

"That sounds good, I-I guess… if you wouldn't mind, that is..." Fluttershy decided as he simply nodded.

"I'm totally fine with that. Maybe afterwards we can actually get something done when this all gets settled." Ezio said as he tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn, "For now… maybe we can get some sleep? I'm really tired… and we'd need to be up bright and early tomorrow. Sounds good to you?"

Fluttershy nodded as Ezio claimed the couch and fell asleep nearly instantly. After taking a moment to get a blanket to drape over him and a pillow for him to rest his head on, she made her way upstairs to get some rest as well.