• Published 18th Apr 2020
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A Demon In Equestria - Dorath

With her summoner defeated, a demoness finds herself stuck in Equestria, unable to return to her native realm, and forced to adapt to the Land of Harmony.

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Ch. 07; Meetings in the Library

Trixie gnawed her lip nervously as she approached Ponyville, the site of her greatest failure as a performer since her early years in Neigh Orleans (her greatest failure in general was probably that attempt at rock farming in Rockville). Desperate for a distraction, she turned to the demoness walking beside her, “So … Trixie was wondering why you still look like a demon?”

“I have my reasons,” HellCaller replied, “I mislike hiding vhat I am for one, and for another, unlike my kin, I cannot simply change my apparent race on a vhim, and those particular spells don’t come easily to me,” she opened her mouth to continue, but a glance at Trixie gaping at her changed her train of thought, “Vhat is it this time, Trixie?”

“You can change your race? You can change your cutie mark?”

“I don’t have a cutie mark,” the demoness pointed out dryly, “But yes, I can change my shape, even turn into another species, as long as I have right spells,” she raised an eyebrow, “Let me guess, you ponies don’t have such spells, either.”

The showmare shook her head, “We have illusions to change a pony’s voice, coat and mane, and even to encourage others to not look too closely at our cutie marks, but to actually be another race, to be a griffin or a zebra …,” she turned big, pleading eyes on her mentor, “Will you teach Trixie these magics? Please?”

‘Caller merely chuckled, “Pulling on heart strings doesn’t vork on demons, and it only rarely vorks on hobgoblins … and, besides, magi do not have access to those spells.”

“But you do have those spells!” protested Trixie.

“And I am not just a magus, but you cannot simply learn to be a sorcerer, either you are born vith ability or you aren’t.”

Trixie walked along in a pout for a few minutes, before looking up, “Trixie still has a question.”


“Trixie would like to know, what is a ‘hobgoblin’, anyway?”

“I am,” ‘Caller replied, “Or a half-breed, on my father’s side, anyway. More precisely, hobgoblins are one of three subtypes of goblinoid races, I haven’t found an equivalent among people of your Realm, but then I haven’t really bothered looking either. Short version; hobgoblins are disciplined, organized, cooperative, industrious, and expansionistic. Ve’re also unapologetically ruthless, authoritarian, militaristic, and favor pragmatism and rule of vorthy far more than ‘fairness’ or coddling veak,” she offered the unicorn a fang filled smirk, “Ve’re definitely not vhat most races call ‘nice people’.”

“Do you think they’ll show?”

“But of course, darling,” Rarity reassured the nervously pacing unicorn, “Well, Trixie will, anyway, HellCaller, is … rather more debatable, I fear.”

“She did seem a bit … indifferent to the idea,” Twilight sighed, “Wait, why are you sure that Trixie will come, even if HellCall doesn’t?”

“Well duh, of course Trixie will come,” Pinkie assured the librarian, “She likes you, silly!”

“Oh good,” Twilight replied, “I rather like Trixie too, I hope we can put the past unpleasantness behind us and be friends.”

The baker facepalmed, “No, she like likes you.”

“Why are you saying it like that?” Twilight asked with a confused frown, “Is this like how a double negative is a positive, or something?”

Rarity put her hand on Pinkie’s shoulder and gently shook her head, “Perhaps this is a conversation for another time, darling?” she murmured, drawing a reluctant nod from the earth pony, as the tinkling of the bell over the library door announced Applejack’s, Rainbow Dash’s and Fluttershy’s arrival.

“Howdy, sugarcubes,” Applejack hailed the other mares, “Any sign of our … guests … yet?”

“AJ!” chided Twilight, “That’s not the right attitude for making friends with Trixie and HellCaller!”

“Ah know, Ah know,” the farmer sighed, “It’s jus’, after all tha trouble Trixie caused, an’ HellCaller being a demon what foalnapped Fluttershy an’ even her own student thinkin’ she’s too violent, Ah’m havin’ a hard time lettin’ it all go.”

“I understand, darling, truly, I do,” Rarity assured the farmpony, “But do remember, for all her belligerent ways, HellCaller did not want to foalnap dear Fluttershy, or to fight us for that matter. And while Trixie was obnoxiously smug, and she did go out of her way to humiliate us instead of actually trying to match our challenges, she was not responsible for the Ursa, and she did try to stop its rampage, and, when all was said and done, she lost far more than anypony else in Ponyville. So, please try and let bygones be bygones.”

Rainbow glanced out the window, “Speaking of Grogar, here they come.”

Joining Rainbow at the window, Twilight quickly spotted the duo, the cyan glow from the demon’s eyes making her easy to spot in the gloom of the heavy cloud cover, ‘Didn’t HellCaller have green eyes?’ the librarian wondered, before shrugging it aside and opening the door, “Good afternoon! Come in, come in,” she welcomed the pair, eagerly ushering them inside, “Thank you for accepting our offer.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie had already said that Trixie would grace you with Trixie’s presence,” the showmare replied as she took a seat, “Although, Trixie admits to some surprise that Trixie’s mentor agreed to come.”

Kragor prevailed upon me to hear you out,” 'Caller shrugged, "And this is definitely one of more ... unique ... libraries that I've seen."

“Well, we appreciate you giving us a chance,” Twilight assured her as she fetched a carefully mended, and rather flamboyant, hat and cape from inside her desk and presented them to Trixie.

The illusionist squealed happily as she clutched the garments to her chest, before remembering that she was not alone, “Ah, yes, Trixie thanks you for returning Trixie’s vestments to Trixie,” she said grandly, as she quickly donned the returned clothing and pulled her hat down to try and hide the blush coloring her cheeks.

“So, tell us a little about yourself, HellCaller,” Rarity requested, shooting a small smile at Trixie as she drew everypony’s attention away from the embarrassed mare, “What did you do before you chose Trixie as your student?”

“Let’s see … I served in Legions for a long time, did some vandering and short-hire merc vork for a vhile, vas treasurer for UnChosen Ones, came back to Kapul-uzg to fight in civil var, got stuck in a government position, eventually resigned, took over tower of a mad vizard, retired, started to go stir-crazy from boredom, and then I got summoned here.”

“Who were the UnChosen Ones, and why did they need a treasurer?” Pinkie asked around a handful of popcorn.

“UnChosen Ones vere an adventuring party Kragor and I helped found. Once others learned that I had experience vith logistics and supply, they vere very eager to drop all bookkeeping on me,” HellCaller snorted.

“Why would you call yourselves the ‘UnChosen Ones’?” Fluttershy wondered, “Wouldn’t you want to have something more … impressive sounding? Or inspirational? If you don’t mind me asking ….”

“Linzi insisted that ve needed a name for group,” 'Caller shrugged, “Some bard thing, I guess.”

I vanted to call us ‘Death and Taxes’,” the soulblade added, “But Linzi thought it vas too depressing.”

“Heh, she did insist that ve need something less ill-omened,” HellCaller admitted with a wry chuckle, “Anyway, Phvan pointed out that ve veren’t exactly ‘the chosen ones’ or anything, a few drinks and one tavern brawl later and ve had our name.”

“Sounds like ya’ve had a real busy life,” Applejack observed, “Truth ta tell, Ah’m a mite surprised that ya was so involved in the affairs of regular ponies.”

“I may have been born touched by powers of Abyss, but I was born into Imperium,” 'Caller explained, “And vhile ve may revere our ancestors and their accomplishments, Imperium puts a high value on advancing through your own efforts.”

“Now, I have a question,” HellCaller paused to grin at her student, “I want to know all details of Trixie’s last visit to Ponyville and this confrontation between her and Twilight.”

“You see,” Trixie said as the pair walked away from the library, “No traps, no deceptions, and you kept those detection spells up for nothing. While Trixie has no particular love for most of the Bearers, you can trust them.”

“Trust must be earned, my apprentice,” HellCaller chided the unicorn, “Trusting too quickly or too easily has been death of many.”

“But you trust Trixie,” the illusionist protested, “Surely you can extend your trust to them as well.”

“Ah, but do I trust you? Or have you merely not triggered any of my precautions yet?” 'Caller’s lips curled in an unpleasant grin, “Enough of this for now, go, enjoy your time in town, get vhat you need from merchants, valk off some of that lust you’re reeking of, just be back before rain starts,” she unbuckled the sheathe from her belt and held her sword out to the showmare, “Here, take Kragor vith you, so she doesn’t keep pestering me.”

“Don’t let ‘Caller get to you,” the soulblade reassured Trixie as the unicorn glared after her teacher, “She really does think you’d make a good magus, this is just her fucking vith you, keeping you on your toes.”

“Trixie thinks that Trixie’s teacher could find a better method of testing Trixie’s attentiveness,” the mare sniffed, “And Trixie does not ‘reek’ of lust, no matter what misconceptions HellCaller may have!”

“Well, actually, you do,” Kragor disagreed cheerfully, “‘Caller’s mother is a succubus, so she can smell lust on you. So, vhich one is it? Farmgirl? Oh, oh, librarian? No, vait, is it Fluttershy?”

Trixie buried her face in her hands and made a sound that was half groan and half whimper as the soulblade blithely chattered away.

“Pardon me, Miss,” the earth pony stallion in a brown suit, bowtie and fez apologized as he brushed past Trixie, “Dreadful hurry, love the hat!”

“Vho vas that?”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has no idea … why do you ask?”

“There’s something familiar about him,” Kragor replied, “Almost like I’ve tasted him before ….”

The illusionist shrugged, turning her attention back to the array of blank scrolls and books displayed in the window of Sofas and Quills. ‘Perhaps the town of Ponyville has forgiven Trixie?’ she mused hopefully, for while there had been a number of sharp looks and some muttering as she went about the town, no pony had been openly hostile to the showmare.

“Hey, look! Its Trixie!” the excited cry brought the unicorn spinning around to see a small herd of foals descending upon her while shouting questions:

“Are you putting on another show?”

“Where have you been?”

“Are you going to pick a fight with my sister again?”

“Why do you have a sword? Are you a swashbuckling heroine now?”

Trixie swirled her cape around herself, ‘Trixie must always look good for Trixie’s public,’ as she answered the foals’ queries; “The Great and Powerful Trixie has been traveling throughout Equestria, and while Trixie is not currently performing, that may change if Trixie can get permission from Trixie’s new teacher. Trixie has no intention of picking a fight with anypony, and the sword belongs to Trixie’s mentor, who is training Trixie to be a swashbuckling heroine, of sorts.”

“If its your teacher’s sword, why are you carrying it?” asked a small, pale violet, unicorn filly, her muzzle wrinkled in confusion.

“Trixie is carrying the sword, because she wanted to see the town.”

“Huh?” blinked an orangish pegasus filly with unusually small wings, “So you wanted to see the town? Or are you trying to claim that the sword did?”

“Both,” Trixie reached out to ruffle the pegasus’ cerise mane, causing the filly to embarrassedly swat at her hand, “Say hello, Kragor.”

The gathered foals exchanged bewildered looks, only to stare in shock as the sword piped up, “Greetings pony-people!”

“You have a talking sword!” the foals shouted excitedly.

“Yes, yes,” Kragor grumbled, “You pony-people always find that so surprising. Now, know that I am Great and Powerful Kragor, Black Fang, I know much and tell some!”

“Oh yeah?” challenged a white earth pony colt with a Trottingham accent and a brown patch around his eye, “If you’re so smart, tell us how many angels can sit on the head of a pin?”

“Simplicity itself! First, measure head of pin, then measure angels’ asses (this should be done twice, both to ensure accuracy and because I have heard that many angels have quite nice asses), finally, divide B into A vith simple arithmetic.”

Kragor!” Trixie protested, even as the gathered foals burst into giggles at the blade’s vulgar language.

“Tell us how to get rich!” dared a pale grey pegasus colt.

“Even simpler! Find someone vho is already rich, kill them and take their stuff, then you find someone else vho is rich, kill them and take their stuff! Then find ---”

“That is enough, Kragor!” commanded a scandalized Trixie, “These are foals!” she added in a half-whisper.

“Really? … Are you sure?”

“Of course we’re foals,” a greyish-white unicorn filly declared, “Can’t you see us?”

“Vell of course I can’t see you,” Kragor retorted, “I don’t have any eyes!”

“But ya’re talkin’ ta us jus’ fine without a mouth,” pointed out a yellowish earth pony filly with a great pink bow in her mane.

“I … I don’t have a response for that,” the soulblade admitted.

“Foals!” a familiar, posh-accented voice called out, “It will be raining soon, so let’s let Trixie get on with her business, shall we? I’m sure she will be delighted to talk with you later.”

“Ahh,” the foals groaned as Applejack and Rarity approached from the direction of the library, “Can’t we ask Kragor just one more question?” begged the beribboned filly.

“Well, Ah suppose it would be a’right,” Applejack drawled, apparently missing Trixie’s frantic attempts at a “subtle” headshake.

The colts and fillies put their heads together as they argued what to ask, before the pegasus filly finally stepped forward, “So, umh … do you have any advice for us? Anything you think we ought to know?"

“Hmm …," Kragor mused for a moment, "Never run from anything immortal, it attracts their attention.”