• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 1,648 Views, 260 Comments

The Titans' Orb: Breaking Dawn - Mister Horncastle

In the third instalment to the Titan's Orb saga, the stakes grow higher as Callum's newfound destiny is woven into his already treacherous mission, to protect his pony friends while they locate the remaining shards of The Titan's Orb...

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Chapter Seven: Laughs and Legends

I woke in the exact same position I’d drifted off in. I looked to my left to see that Twilight was still fast asleep, resting up against me, breathing softly and slowly. Her muzzle was right next to my wrist and I could feel her warm breath against my hand, causing me to smirk to myself. Blinking a few times to wake myself up more, I dotingly studied the unicorn as she peacefully slumbered, from the intricate detail on her spiralling horn, to the longer hairs at the tips of her ears that stood few and far between. I noticed her eyes occasionally moving beneath her eyelids, indicating she was possibly dreaming, but otherwise no other part of her moved besides the barely visible ribs beneath the skin on her side, which slowly rose and fell as she inhaled and exhaled.

A soft sea breeze rolled in and gently ruffled the extra soft fluff on her chest, which was only the slightest shade lighter than the rest of her fur, a feature that was only noticeable up close. However, when it came to softness, nothing compared to her nose, which had the exact same velvety smoothness that horses here on Earth had. I cast my mind back to when I felt said nose against my own in the Portugal mansion during that very interesting game of truth or dare, in which we had to make out in front of everyone.
That was definitely a weird experience to say the least, but we’d both seen the funny side of how the kiss was inevitable as soon as the game had started, after so many months of hostility and hatred for one another, the other five were just itching to ensure we had made up for good. In all fairness, it was a nice kiss too, albeit very awkward; thankfully we had moved past it without any sort of iffy atmosphere lingering when it came to feelings and whatnot.
At least, I hoped so.

My studious gaze soon made its way to her forelegs, observing her smooth and sturdy hooves, which were barely visible beneath the lavender fur that covered them, only underneath could they be seen properly, with the outer rims being a greyish purple, which melded into a much darker faded violet further in.
The inner V that was the frog of her hoof was even darker still, along with being practically devoid of colour entirely, it had a greyish brown tint to it, whether that was its natural colour or just a layer of dirt was beyond me, but either way, the hoof itself was baffling to observe; I now understood exactly why she had previously been so intent on examining my hands and fingers so thoroughly, the sheer amount of detail that revealed itself upon proper scrutiny was honestly quite mesmerising.

She truly was a beautiful creature, so were all the girls for that matter; while the cartoon I had watched once upon a time had portrayed the ponies to be as adorable as they were, it didn’t compare in the slightest to reality. Not even the Three-D models on the internet came close to capturing the intricacies of the six, I felt honoured (and honestly quite blessed), to be here among them for real.
Despite all the horror I had faced thus far on my journey, I was still certain that I’d made the right choice to forsake my old life in order to guide and protect these ponies, there wasn’t a shred of doubt in my resolve, and I don’t think there ever will be.

{These girls are mine to protect, so I suppose in some sense, they’re… my little ponies.}

The thought made me loudly exhale out of my nose in amusement, to which Twilight’s ear instinctively flapped as though it were batting away an insect, but otherwise, she did not move. The rogue wave’s wrath yesterday had exhausted everyone equally, so it came as no surprise to me that she’d be hard to wake until she’d had a decent amount of rest.

From within the boat, I heard the light tapping of hooves as someone else had woken up, to which I was greeted by a still half-asleep Applejack, upon seeing Twilight nestled against me, she placed a hoof against her chest and quietly gave me a heartfelt “aww”, before heading around to the back of the boat and out of sight to do her business overboard, as we had all been doing due to the boat not having a toilet onboard. Realising that I was busting for a wee as well, I ever so slowly moved away from Twilight and was eventually able to free myself from her without waking her up. I stretched my aching muscles and made various joints crunch and pop, before making my way to the side of the boat and unpacking myself.

“So that’s what it looks like.” Applejack remarked from beside me, causing me to jump out of my skin.

“Jesus, Applejack! Come on! Not cool!” I yelped.

“Oh c’mon, we’re all friends here.”

“Where I come from, friends don’t sneak up on each other to rudely observe them piss!” I growled.

Completely ignoring my statement, she proceeded to ask me more about my trouser noodle.

“So, does it always look like that? It just hangs around down there like a little worm all day?”

“Yes, unlike your male equine brethren, we don’t have those sheath things.”

Chuckling, Applejack found the concept beyond entertaining, and decided to probe further.

“Is it that small when you… well, you know?

“No, you eejit! It gets bigger then, obviously!”

“Hey, you never know! Different creatures come in all shapes and sizes, did you know that pigs have-”

“Corkscrew penises, yes, I’m aware.” I deadpanned, still unable to piss with her stood beside me.

“Exactly! They all look different, and you’re a darn alien, so how the heck was I supposed to know?”

“You didn’t really NEED to know! I didn’t exactly offer you to come and gawp at it, did I? Oh, and for the record, you’re here on my planet, which makes you the alien.”

“Yeah, I suppose so. But either way, I’m pretty sure you know how we look back there, thanks to a certain rainbow haired pegasus...”

AJ flexed her eyebrows at me with a knowing look, to which I cuffed her on the back of the head.

“You know it’s true, Sugarcube!”

“Okay fine, yes, but also because none of you wear any clothes. I catch a glimpse every now and then.”

“Yeah, funny enough, that happens a lot in Equestria.” She admitted, shrugging.

“No shit.”

“So, are you going to take a leak or not? Or did you just come over here to wave it around in the air?”

“I was trying to, then you came over and started this very unwanted conversation.” I grumbled.

“Okay, fine, conversation over. Take a leak.” She commanded, grinning.

“Not until you leave.”

“Aww, are you pee-shy?”

“No, I just don’t want to piss with you standing there.” I growled through gritted teeth.

“Oh my gosh, you are pee-shy! Now that’s adorable.”

“Shut up.”

“N’aww, the big brave Champion of the Holy Titans can’t take a leak in front of anyone.”


“The saviour of Equus, chosen by the very gods themselves, can’t do his pee-pee if someone’s nearby!”

The farm pony was now howling and hooting to herself, it was a beyond me how she hadn’t woken Twilight up with such a ridiculous racket.

“Applejack, you are genuinely being an arsehole right now.”

“Babe, I will never take that word seriously with that accent of yours.”

Before I could retort, she proceeded to make a dramatically dreadful attempt at mimicking my voice.

Yew ah, gen-rally, being, an ah’s howl roigh’ naow!

“We are no longer friends, and I’m not resuscitating you next time you drown.” I deadpanned.

“I’ll take that to my grave…” She whimpered, pulling a dramatically miserable face.

Sighing loudly, AJ turned away and began to walk away very slowly, clearly trying to antagonise me further.

“Well, I suppose I’ll leave, so the poor baby can go pee-pee.”

“You stay right where you fucking are, I have to prove a point now.”

We both started laughing, and after a few seconds, I was finally able to force my bladder into cooperation.

“There, happy?” I spat.


She made hard eye contact with me until I was finished.

“I hate you.”

“Love you too, Sugarcube!”

Pleased with herself for causing such irritation and embarrassment this morning, Applejack took herself back indoors, with a spring in her step as she went. I gave myself a little shake and then went to retrieve the compass from the living quarters; after ensuring that we were still on the correct course, I got comfortable next to Twilight again and decided to doze off once more.

A couple of days went by with nothing noteworthy occurring, besides Twilight and I choosing to sleep outside together during my evening watches; despite her claiming it was solely to escape Rainbow Dash's snoring, we all knew it was to stay close to me.
Admittedly, I really liked having her close, she made me feel safe.

I woke in the early afternoon one day to find Twilight gone, had I been that deeply asleep that she’d not disturbed me when getting up? Perhaps I was more tired than I had previously thought. Hopping off the bench, I made my way below deck to find everyone playing one of Pinkie’s more engaging board games, called Ogres and Oubliettes, which was basically an Equestrian version of Dungeons and Dragons, albeit a bit more simplified than the human variant, there wasn’t even a dungeon master to set the scene or direct the story, the storytelling was more of a group effort, similar to a game of Chinese Whispers.

“Afternoon, sleepyhead!” Rarity sang to me, flexing a hoof to wave hello.

“I CAST FIREBALL!” Pinkie squealed, throwing a twelve-sided die at me.

I caught it and flung it back in her direction, causing it to land on the table in the middle of the room and display a quaint three, causing her to grumble.

“For the last time, Pinkie, you can’t play through the entire game using nothing but Fireball, you need to actually add to the story. Besides, it’s not even your turn!” Rainbow Dash scolded.

Rolling my eyes with amusement, I sat down beside Twilight whom was sipping from a mug of coffee.

“I take it you got up not too long ago?” I inquired.

“How’d you guess?” She deadpanned, taking another large sip.

“Just a hunch.”

Much to my surprise, the unicorn passed her mug to me; being a coffee lover myself, I knew the significance in sharing one’s first coffee of the day. I gladly accepted the offer and had a small sip, before plonking it onto the table in front of her, thanking her with a small cuddle.

Ew, cooties!” Rainbow Dash sneered at me.

Ew, Rainbow Dash!” I sneered back, causing everyone to giggle.

Sticking her tongue out, Rainbow declared that her character would take the group north to an abandoned tower in search of loot, she then rolled the dice and it landed on a three.

“Odd number, below six, negative outcome and a hostile encounter.” Rarity remarked.

“Ugh, sorry guys.” Dashie grumbled.

She then put a hoof to her chin and pondered, trying to come up with an addition to the story.
After a while of her looking stumped, I decided to jump in and aid her.

“You arrive at the decrepit old tower, it seems that you’re a few hundred years late if you’re hoping to find any loot, for it seems that every treasure hunter in the land has already been here to ransack the place, there’s nothing left besides empty crates, broken barrels and long-settled dust. After spending some time double checking just to be absolutely sure, you pack up your gear to leave, only to hear a rumbling growl from overhead. Turns out that you’ve gone and disturbed the wyvern that now roosts in the top of the tower, and she’s not happy. How do you proceed?”

The girls looked at me with wide eyes, astounded.

“Did you seriously come up with all of that just now? Just on the spot?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Why? Why, because that was some incredible descriptive wording, and spoken with such confidence! Honestly darling, I’d have no trouble believing you if you told me that you’d rehearsed that.”

Chuckling, I simply replied that I just have a very vivid imagination and had a great fondness for the medieval fantasy genre.

“Well, it was very impressive. Do you have Ogres and Oubliettes here on Earth?” Applejack asked.

“Nah, but we have something very similar called Dungeons and Dragons, or DnD for short, and it’s almost exactly like this but more complicated, and one of the players doesn’t even have a character, they’re called the Dungeon Master, which is a person who’s solely in charge of the campaign and how the story goes. They’re a bit like an overseer who makes sure the game doesn’t run into thousands of crazy tangents and ends up never getting finished.” I explained.

“You mean like how every game ends? Seriously, we’ve almost never finished a game because we keep creating side stories and forgetting what we were even supposed to do.” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Oh, you mean like how you’ve just taken us on a tangent in order to loot an abandoned tower?” Twilight pointed out.

“Yeah exactly. Wait, hey!” Rainbow shouted.

We all chuckled for a bit, before Fluttershy looked over to me with a massive grin.

“Hey I know! Callum could be our Oubliette Master!” She emitted happily, clapping her hooves together.

Every head turned to me and gleeful hums and mutters of agreement could be heard across the board (literally), and so it happened that I became the first ever Oubliette Master.

“Before we get started, where’s my damn coffee?” I ordered.

“On its way, milord!” Rarity sang, reaching over to the kettle and putting it on to boil.

“You can just use my mug if you like? Saves searching for a new one.” Twilight offered.

“Ew, cooties!” Rainbow Dash shouted, again.

This time, I responded by pouncing at the pegasus and tickling her ribs until she begged for mercy, which everyone found amusing, besides Rainbow Dash of course, whom wriggled and squirmed viciously, occasionally catching me with a hoof, which hurt much more than any fist for sure.
One playfight later, we settled down and I began to get back into the game, now with a coffee in-hand.

“Where were we? Ah yes… The tower isn’t as abandoned as once thought, there’s a growl overhead as the wyvern that roosts in the top of the building is woken from its slumber, perhaps it’s still sleepy enough for you to make a quick getaway, what’s your play?” I began.

“I CAST FIREBALL!” Pinkie shrieked.

“Ignore her.” Twilight deadpanned.

It was Applejack’s turn next, who decided it would be best to leave the tower and flee to the woods before the wyvern properly got up, she rolled the dice and it landed on a five, which was quickly explained to me that it meant a negative outcome with an accompanying hostile encounter.

“You all grab your stuff and leave urgently, you’re a few metres away from the tower when there’s a gust of wind, followed by the sound of branches cracking, and then silence. You are not alone.”

Fluttershy emitted a small ‘eep’ of fear, which caused a bit of laughter amongst the group.
I continued, deciding to add more elements from Dungeons and Dragons.

“The wyvern is stalking you, waiting for a moment to strike. Roll for perception to see if you can spot it before it catches you off guard, any number higher than eight is a success.”

“Ooh that’s different, a roll to determine how the battle starts, I like it!” Rarity said with a grin.

Applejack tossed the dice, and lo and behold it landed on an eight.

“Ha ha! Yes!” She cheered.

“Out of the corner of your eye, you spot the creature just before it pounces, giving you enough time to ready your weapons. Roll for initiative to decide the order of combat, I’ll roll for the wyvern, and you can all roll for your characters separately, whoever gets the highest number gets to go first.”

The girls were hooked instantly, loving this new gimmick already; they all rolled, and Twilight scored the highest with an eleven. She decided to target the wyvern’s wings to prevent it from flying, she tossed the dice and got a decent seven, to which I described the attack landing successfully on the webbing on one of the wings, disabling its ability to fly.
I rolled for the wyvern, and got a seven.

“Enraged, the wyvern lashes out at you all with a sweeping barbed tail, roll higher than seven to evade the attack!”

Everyone rolled, and sadly Fluttershy ended up with an unfortunate three, whilst everyone else was lucky enough to get higher than seven, bar Rarity, whom scored a seven exactly.

“The tail slams into two of the party, Rarity was just able to block the attack, while poor Fluttershy is hit by one of the barbs, causing severe bleeding, you’ve taken a lot of damage.”

I quickly whispered into Twilight’s ear to ask how hitpoints and damage worked in this game, to which she explained that they just liked to use their imagination to dictate everything, and that they hadn’t ever actually played the game properly as the rulebook was too complicated for everyone besides herself.

{Makes sense I suppose, I could never wrap my head around that bloody Player Handbook…} I thought.

The wyvern fight went on for some time, and eventually ended with a hard-fought victory.

“Raising its head and giving out one final ‘screeeee!’, the wyvern collapses to the ground, and ceases to move, the battle is over, you have won!” I concluded.

Cheering loudly, the girls ecstatically bumped hooves with each other, with Pinkie literally doing a victory lap around us, additionally delighted that I had allowed her to cast a single fireball during the fight.
I then suggested that the party ought to check out the wyvern’s nest in search of any treasure, to which they all gladly got back into character; Rarity rolled the dice and scored a ten, to which I described them successfully finding a way to clamber to the top of the tower.

“You are met with a truly amazing sight upon reaching the nest, it turns out that the wyvern had been guarding a clutch of six gleaming eggs. You lift one of them up to find they’re made entirely of solid gold, perhaps the wyvern had adopted them in place of a lost clutch of her own, or perhaps they possess magical qualities? Either way, they’ll fetch a very fine price.”

“Let’s sell them!” Rainbow Dash hollered.

“No! We should keep them in case they’re magical, maybe they’ll hatch!” Fluttershy squealed back.

“We should take them back to the town and have the local wizard appraise them, then we’ll know for sure if there’s any more to them.” Twilight reasoned.

With everyone in agreement, a series of rolls took the party to the town they began in, to which they paid the town’s wizard to appraise the eggs, showing that they carried no magical merits, and so the girls agreed to sell all of them.

“Can I keep one? Just in case?” Fluttershy pleaded.

One dose of her puppy-eyes was enough to warrant a ‘yes’, and so the adventure came to a close with all but one egg being sold for a mighty sum of fifty-thousand Mora (the game’s fictional currency).
I took a deep breath, and then brought the game to a close with a final overarching statement.

“The adventurers share a few drinks in the tavern, celebrating their victory, and their newfound wealth. Despite an injury during a fearsome battle with the dreaded wyvern, you’ve all lived to tell the tale and to spend the rest of your days living lives of luxury.
Fluttershy on the other hand, chose not to live such a life, she chose to keep one of the six treasured eggs and protect it, much like the wyvern had done. She kept it close at all times, and never lost faith that it would some day hatch.
Days went by, suns rose and moons fell, and still it did not hatch. However, on a frightfully cold winter’s night, Fluttershy curled up by the fire with the egg nestled against her, and for some reason, whether it was down to the warmth of the fire, or the warmth of a mother’s love, or perhaps it was simply down to Fluttershy’s undying faith…
Cracks began to form upon its surface…”

Everypony gasped, staring at me intently with eyes like saucers, desperate for me to continue.

“The end!”

AWWWWWW!” Rainbow Dash bellowed.

“I knew you were going to do that.” Twilight hummed with a smirk.

“What a wonderful ending, oh Callum, that was such an incredible story!” Rarity sighed.

Standing up and taking a bow, I stated that it was an absolute pleasure to partake, and I would like to have the title of Oubliette Master written on my tombstone when I die, which produced a couple of laughs from the girls, whom were all mirthfully applauding such a delightful ending to the game. Changing the subject, a very merry Twilight decided to quiz me on wyverns whilst Pinkie packed up her board game and girls began to disperse from the table.

“So Callie, how do you know about wyverns? I didn’t think Earth had creatures like that.”

“What did you just call me?” I replied blankly, raising an eyebrow.

Responding with an abrupt nervous splutter, she apologised and broke into an anxious laugh.
Meanwhile, my mind was filled with rapid flashes of recollection, the memories of intense heat flooded my consciousness, along with that of rancid chemical scents, agonising screams, and my own cries of anguish.
It was the memory of a heart being crushed within a broken body.

“I didn’t think you’d mind, I’m sorry.” Twilight said, causing me to snap out of the flashback.

“It’s fine… It’s just… Bunnie used to call me that.” I murmured.

Saying Bunnie’s name caused my mouth to run dry for a moment; it had been many weeks since I’d thought of her. However, it seemed that I wasn’t the one who needed comfort now, for Twilight was visibly trembling from head to tail at the sound of the name, she was very clearly about to break apart.
My trauma came from the sudden loss of the girl I loved, meanwhile Twilight’s came from the fact that she was responsible for the event, on account of the Fel corrupting her mind. She was now burdened for life with the knowledge that she had once been a monster, a murderer, an unknowing agent of Nah’Lek.

“I’m… I’m… Ss… I’m so sorry…” She breathed, her eyes staring into empty space.

I could tell she was going into a flashback of her own, and the girls behind her all looked at me anxiously, not knowing what to do, nor if Twilight would blow up and revert to her old self. That wasn’t going to happen, not on my watch; I sat back down beside her and looked into her misty eyes.

“It’s okay...”

She instantly looked back down at the floor, to which I calmly ordered her to look at me, for I wanted to ensure that she was listening to me; I repeated myself and gave the unicorn a kind smile.

“I promise, it’s okay. Do you trust me?”

Nodding, she sniffed loudly and was able to calm down some.

“Now then, I recall you were asking me about wyverns? Well to answer your question, they don’t exist in real life, although they’ve been depicted in mythology since the seventeenth century, along with being portrayed in video games all the time.” I explained.

“Oh, okay.” She replied quietly.

“I take it wyverns exist on Equus, are they much different from dragons?” I continued.

Before Twilight could reply, it was Fluttershy who jumped in to answer.

“Oh goodness, they’re very different… And much scarier too…”

“Scarier than dragons, how so?”

Twilight perked up enough to answer, and went on to explain to me the main difference.
Dragons were both sentient and intelligent, (albeit in their own ferocious ways). They kept to themselves in their own kingdom and would only occasionally cause trouble when seeking treasure to hoard or a cave to slumber in.
Wyverns on the other hand, were nothing short of monsters; despite being so similar to dragons physically, they lacked sentience and were strictly feral in nature. Highly territorial and prone to violence, wyverns wouldn’t think twice before attacking anything unfortunate enough to cross its path.

“Huh, standard.” I replied with raised eyebrows.

After a moment’s thought, I asked how they were so different from dragons mentally, when the only difference between them was a pair of limbs.

“We don’t know for certain, it’s just the way they are.” Twilight admitted.

“Well you say that, but there’s always the legend of Eygon’s Curse.” Rarity suggested.

“I beg your fucking pardon?” Said I, with eyes now as wide as could be.

“There’s never been so much as a shred of evidence in that old pony’s tale.” Twilight replied, tutting.

“Screw evidence, I want to hear about it!” I exclaimed.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight told me about the legend with Rarity, which was apparently very popular among historians in Equestria.

Way back in Ancient Equestria, there was supposedly a dragon named Eygon, whom was beset by so much greed that he desired the entire continent as his roost. On a fateful night, he took to the sky and set the country ablaze, for an endless kingdom of ash was his only desire.
As punishment for causing so much death and calamity, the Titans imparted onto Eygon a most terrible curse, his mind became clouded with an undying confusion and sense of hopelessness. His greed grew further, but greed for what, he did not know, for he had lost the ability to think. Cast into a deep chasm where light did not reach, Eygon writhed mindlessly in the dark, now a maddened shell of what he once was, full of bitterness, hatred, and an endless greed which he knew not of how to satiate.

Then, deep within that cavern, swarms of hungry bats came to him and began to nibble at his flesh, and over the course of many days and nights, the mighty Eygon was consumed. But a curse is not so easily cured, and the bats soon undertook a transformation; changed by the flesh of the dragon, the bats grew into hideous dragon-like monsters, all of which possessed a single emotion.
Many of them fled the cavern in search of territory to claim, a desire that stemmed from the ancient memory of Eygon’s lust for an ashen kingdom. The survivors of Ancient Equestria found them, and named them wyverns, and since then the creatures have been hunted down in order to bring an end to the curse, for every living wyvern is nothing more than a manifestation of Eygon’s ire.

“And so, as you can imagine, it is often believed by ponies that wyverns are bad omens and the cursed creations of an ancient dragon named Eygon.” Twilight concluded.

It took me a while to respond, quite a while in fact, for my mind had drifted into the legend with sprawling questions; was the legend true? If so, what did Eygon look like? Was his skeleton still deep underground somewhere? How did historians even know his name was Eygon? Ah! So many questions!

“Callum!” Twilight barked.

“Ah! Oh, forgive me, I was absorbed in thought…” I replied with a hum.

“I asked you, do you think the legend is true?”

Humming some more, I went on to say that I’ve discovered many things that were once unbelievable during my journey; mana, souls, magic, and a multitude of dimensions which have literally crossed over with my own on multiple occasions, bringing forth books, movies and video games that unknowingly portrayed those dimensions as works of fiction.
A legend about a cursed dragon spawning wyverns into the world wasn’t a stretch whatsoever in comparison, so while evidence is always an integral part to any theory, I wouldn’t be so quick to deny the legend.

“Well said.” Rarity praised.

Our conversation was abruptly brought to a close by Pinkie giving a loud squeal, we sped into the sleeping quarters to find she’d opened up the black bag which the smuggler had brought when he stole the boat.

“Pinkie! What on earth are you doing?” I demanded to know.

“I got bored and went rummaging, and look! I found flour!” She emitted loudly.

She buried her head into the bag, and then pulled back to reveal a large plastic packet in her mouth, full of white powder with a striking resemblance to flour.

“Pinkie, for goodness’ sake… That’s cocaine.” I sighed, facepalming.

“What’s that?” She asked, dropping the bag.

“A very potent and dangerous narcotic, and no, you cannot use it as flour.” I deadpanned.

“Aw… I wanted to bake some cupcakes…”

“On a boat? With no oven?”


Playfully shoving her out of the way, I inspected the smuggler’s bag to find a few more wrapped bricks of the stuff, along with marijuana, heroin, needles, lighters, filters, and rolling paper.
There was also an old mobile phone, which was still on.

“Oh great, a burner phone that’s most likely being tracked.” I grumbled.

“Wait, you mean someone’s been tracking us?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Possibly, I mean why else would the smuggler have this in the stash and be stealing a boat?”

“Get rid of it then!”

Grabbing the device, I went above deck and hurled it overboard. With a satisfying ‘sploosh’, the phone was consumed by the deep blue, never to be seen again. I was about to head down below when I noticed something far in the distance behind the boat, another vessel, and it was heading in our direction.

{Surely not…} I thought.

“Rarity! Would you kindly join me up here? And bring the rifle!”

“Whatever for?”

“Now please!” I shouted back, choosing not to answer.

Rarity, the rifle, and all the others joined me above deck to see what all the commotion was about, and soon enough they also spotted the distant seacraft. Taking the rifle from Rarity and switching it to the Piercing Shot mode, I looked down the scope to investigate.

“You’ve got to be shitting me…” I murmured.

“What!? What is it?” Rainbow Dash quizzed.

“It’s the bloody dealers.”

A yacht, carrying seven or eight people, all armed and speeding straight towards us. It was no doubt the recipient of the smuggler’s cache, and they’d been tracking us with the very phone I’d just tossed overboard (talk about a damn coincidence).

“What do we do?” Twilight asked.

Handing the rifle back to Rarity, I gave her a grin.

“Send them to the bottom of the ocean.”