• Published 11th Jan 2020
  • 3,081 Views, 64 Comments

Be Still - AugieDog

Gallus wants to ask Silverstream to the Amity Ball their sophomore year without embarrassing them both to death. Silverstream wants that, too. The Spirit of the Tree of Harmony, learning of this, wants to help.

  • ...

3 - Airy

"The Tree of Harmony." Starlight Glimmer's left eye twitches. "Attending the first Amity Ball since I became headmare." Her smile spreads further along her muzzle than I believe should be possible for that portion of pony anatomy. "Welcome! Yes! Of course you're welcome!"

Suffice it to say that we do indeed hit the party like Smolder's prophesied pyroclastic flow, but instead of destruction, we bring glamour and excitement and an undeniable panache to the proceedings. At the start of the affair, being mindful of my complete dependence upon my friends for my very presence, we remain in quite close proximity. But as the evening progresses and I am truly able to plumb how solidly the bond stretches between us, I encourage them to mingle with their fellow students.

They do, but only, it turns out, to bring the other students one by one or two by two over to meet me. They are all wide-eyed and nearly glowing with life, and while interacting with them doesn't make me glow any brighter, I certainly feel as if I am. And when a clearing of throat behind me reveals Yona and Sandbar leading Rockhoof and Somnambula to the spot along the wall where I've planted myself—figuratively speaking—for the evening?

I'm unashamed to issue a joyous squeal like the foal I never was at seeing nearly one-third of my parents, and I proceed to fall into a long, delightful conversation with them. Even better, during the course of this exchange, a glance to the side reveals Gallus and Silverstream laughing and spinning through one of the dances designed for the more aerially inclined among the guests.

The good sort of bubbles return to my interior in full force.

Of course, as Gallus pointed out when this all began, I can't taste any of the food nor smell any of the flowers. But I eagerly drink in the sights and the sounds, make a few sights and sounds of my own, and in general enjoy myself immensely. My friends seem to be similarly enraptured, and as we all walk back to my complex after the festivities have run their course, the motions and emotions seem to spark through the night as brightly as the stars overhead. The group dynamics alone nearly discorporate me into a glowing plasma of pleasure!

For we are seven individuals, and the weighty but inconsequential talk of the evening's events ebbs and flows from each of us. But at the same time, we are a unit, a collective, a company, a singular, a group of friends sharing a bond of dreams and ideas.

Further, I can detect smaller cells overlaid upon those two paradigms—Yona and Sandbar to my left rubbing shoulders and growing warmer with every step we take, even when we enter the Everfree's darkness; Gallus and Silverstream to my right, desperately trying to mask an attraction that nonetheless quivers to my senses like swirling flights of hummingbirds; Smolder between Gallus and me, Ocellus between Sandbar and me, the two of them connected by more subtle strands of affection, just as strong but quieter, less flashy.

And at the center of this entire conglomeration?


Not through any merits of my own: when first we met, after all, I was forcing them to face their worst fears, grabbing them roughly and shaking them to demonstrate that they were indeed worthy of friendship, were truly capable of friendship, were in fact already involved in multiple friendships that were going to change everything they ever thought they knew about the world and in a very real sense were going to change the world itself. In my then ignorance, I forced myself upon them, and they responded by taking me in, their otherness responding to my otherness with an offer of kinship.

To call it exquisite seems too small. Incandescent? Transcendent? Ecstatic?

My hoofs begin tingling, and we emerge from beneath the forest canopy to see my complex ahead, the field my roots generate reaching out to welcome me back and exchange memories with the older, colder, more crystalline part of my consciousness that's been sitting here all night quietly fretting.

Reassurances flow through my entire being in a way that's analogous to my friends and me moving through my gate into the courtyard, and I'm unable to keep from leaping into the air, to interrupt the languid discussion of weekend plans and assignments due Monday with an expression of my joy. "I wish to thank you for tonight, all of you, but words of sufficient strength don't seem to exist in my vocabulary. And I wish even more strongly to apologize for the trials to which I subjected you upon the occasion of my introducing myself last year. It's an apology I should've made long ago, and it pains me to recall how—"

"Yeesh, Tree." Smolder gives a coughing little laugh. "It's no big deal."

All my leaves bristle despite the lack of breeze. "Forgive me, Smolder, but this is a point that—"

"Fine." She rolls her eyes. "You're forgiven." Turning from one side of our group to the other, she spreads her claws. "Right, guys? She's forgiven?"

"Oh, yeah," Sandbar says, Yona nodding beside him. "But now that Tree's home, me and Yona, we'll, uhhh..." His cheeks practically glow in the dim light of my main structure behind us. "We'll be heading back to school."

Smolder arches an eyeridge. "Really?"

Yona gives as perfect a wink as any organic being ever has. "Friends should not wait up for Yona and Sandbar."

Ocellus giggles, but Gallus and Silverstream seem more petrified than anything else; if they weren't standing on my flagstones, I wouldn't be able to tell they were still breathing.

Folding her arms, Smolder puffs a smoke ring from one nostril. "Well, then, you kids have fun. Heading back to school, I mean."

Sandbar continues blushing, but he heads for my gate when Yona nudges him in that direction, the two of them picking up speed as they go.

Not that they'll go far. They have a favorite spot along my western wall, a small grotto where they often come to snuggle among the ferns, the hyacinth, and the hydrangeas. Not that I spy on them, of course: it's simply that I'm pervasive throughout my complex. They must know I'm present, I tell myself, and perhaps even seek me out for safety and the shelter I provide from the less amicable beings that still dwell within the Everfree.

Sensing their slow-but-steady progress around my outer walls, I can't help but notice the silence that's fallen within the courtyard, Gallus and Silverstream trying so hard not to look at each other that the air is practically going opaque between them.

With Ocellus giggling again and Smolder blowing more smoke, I have to assume that I'm not the only one to notice. "Hey, Ocellus," Smolder says then, "how 'bout we say good night to Tree and head back to school as well? Though when I say 'head back to school,' I actually mean 'head back to school.'"

Another giggle, and Ocellus nods. "I think that's a splendid idea. Good night, Tree." She cocks her head at Gallus and Silverstream, the innocence she's projecting very nearly dripping with subterfuge. "And I suppose we'll see the two of you at school tomorrow?"

"Yes," Gallus says, but he draws the word out for several seconds, the pitch of it rising and falling and twisting the pronunciation in ways I'm fairly certain it was never meant to be twisted.

"Exactly." Silverstream is shivering, but I'd be willing to bet that it's neither with cold nor with fear. "We'll see you. At school. Tomorrow."

For a moment, Smolder looks as if she might want to emit more than just smoke, but then she turns and strides purposefully toward my gate, Ocellus giggling along beside her.

Leaving me alone with two creatures who, I'm again fairly certain, would rather be alone without me.

Inspiration strikes, and I attempt to manipulate my mobile self in such a way that I yawn. Judging from the alarm on my friends' face, however, I don't succeed, so I add verbally, "Well, it's been a lovely, event-filled evening, so if you don't mind, I believe I'll be settling into a more dormant state." Wanting to reassure them while simultaneously presenting the appearance of absence, I go on: "But if for any reason you find you need anything of me, simply speaking my name will pierce my dormancy."

"Thanks, Tree," they both mumble, their gazes pointing in every direction except at each other.

Giving a nod, I let my mobile sink into the flagstones and try as I've never tried before not to notice, not to sense, not to gather any greatly detailed knowledge concerning whatever might be going on within my precincts.

The analogy, I imagine, would be an organic creature asking blood not to flow through certain limbs.

The pressure and placement, for instance, of Gallus and Silverstream's footpads upon my floor tells me that they're walking very close together through my front room, up the stairs, and into the back room with the lovely view of the night sky over the forest. I therefore focus my visual acuity along those hallways through which they're not treading. In a similar way, the increasing warmth across the cushions of a certain sofa indicate that they've settled together into a spot that in all my previous experience as a structure has only ever been occupied by a single individual. As a result, I concentrate my audio abilities everywhere except that room.

As expected, my attempts fail. Yes, I certainly find many fine and interesting things upon which to turn my attention—Princess Twilight has definitely taken to her task of arranging the night sky, for instance, and the Everfree teems with many interesting nocturnal species. But how can I look away entirely when two of my dearest friends in the world are gazing into each other's eyes and stroking one another's faces? How can I deafen myself to Gallus murmuring, "You're so beautiful..." or Silverstream sighing, "Your scent's just incredible..."?

When their beaks begin touching, however, I redouble my efforts to divert myself. Of course, since Yona and Sandbar are likewise tasting each other along my western wall, my options are rather limited.

Still, I'm determined! If only I'd thought to gather their necklaces before they all left, I might find it easier to ignore them...

The necklaces remind me of the party, and I quickly turn my thoughts to a review of my conversation with Rockhoof and Somnambula. This rouses the older and deeper parts of my crystalline structure, stretching my perceptions in a way that effectively causes external time to pass more swiftly. So I encourage the process by recreating the scene in as detailed a fashion as I can, recalling the delight those two expressed when I invited them to visit my new complex, asking them for news of the other Pillars, hearing of their latest exploits throughout modern Equestria and beyond.

This proves a winning strategy in that I'm able to convey my excitement at this unprecedented interaction with the world and the organic beings who fill it in a way that causes even the solid and stolid centers of me to become enlivened. It doesn't stop the incessant Be still from droning through me, however, but I'm able to push it to the side in contrast to these glowing memories. Likewise, I'm able to push the two couples to the back corners of my mind, as it were—

Until halfway through my recitation when the mention of my name ripples through me like a dropped stone through pond water, Silverstream's voice quiet and plaintive: "But Tree says I wouldn't have to be like that."

"Maybe you wouldn't," Gallus replies. He sounds sulky, and their heat signatures are no longer pressed closely against each other. "But I'm never gonna be anything other than what I am. And that's nothing."

Abandoning my recollections, I leap figuratively to my back room and observe Silverstream, her eyes wavering, stretching a pawful of claws toward Gallus where he leans against my wall and stares moodily out the closed balcony door at the night. "You're not nothing!" she says, and her words are wavering, too. "You're so, so special, Gallus! And you make me feel special every time you look at me!"

Gallus's crest feathers are nearly flat against his head, but his scent is more damp with weariness than crunchy with anger. "You are special, Silver. You're a princess and you're beautiful and you bring light and wonder everywhere you go."

She's leaning so far forward, I'm uncertain how she's not falling to my floor. "So are you! I mean, you do, too! I mean, you— I mean—" She shakes her head, water droplets flying from her eyes. "Tree! Please! Come in here and...and tell Gallus how great he is! 'Cause he's not listening to me when I tell him!"

I almost manifest my mobile self directly from the wall beside the sofa, but a sudden wave of shame shivers through me at the thought of revealing to my friends that I've been eavesdropping. So instead, I step out into the hallway, the atoms of my mobile sufficiently agitated to make me warm and solid enough to knock on my door, a decidedly peculiar sensation. "Hello? Silverstream? Gallus? I...I heard you call me?" I very deliberately frame these utterances as questions so that they may reject my approach if they so desire.

Instead, I watch from the walls as Silverstream jumps to the door, wrenches it open, and cries to my mobile, "You said everything was gonna be all right with me being a princess, but Gallus doesn't believe me! So now you have to say it to him, too!" She spins out of the doorway and points a shaking claw at Gallus.

From beside the glass, Gallus looks over his shoulder, his eyes so dry, they seem parched. "Yes," he says, and the pain there is the pain of roots once shattered and regrown pleading silently not to be shattered again. "Tell me, Tree. Tell me how everything'll be all right with Silver being royalty and me being the farthest possible thing from that."

The bubbles within me this time boil with fear, and the analogy feels strong enough to fissure me, filled as it is with the raw anguish I knew when Sombra's magic blasted me to rubble, the despair that almost overwhelmed me when those whom fate and circumstance and a most peculiar connection had chosen as my saviors seemed unable to understand the first thing about me and my message to the world.

But the despair did not overwhelm me, I remind myself. I remained in hope, persevered, and these, my friends, did indeed rise to the occasion and bring me back to life. So I must likewise rise to the occasion and—

And I have the answer. "Princess Cadance," I say, "and Shining Armor."

They both stand blinking at me, then Silverstream's eyes go wide. "Princess Cadance..."

"Shining Armor?" Gallus whirls and waves his arms. "Maybe you didn't notice, but he's famous, a hero, the former Captain of the Royal Guard! I'm a griffon from nowhere with nothing!"

I raise a hoof. "Did he start out famous? A hero? Captain of the Royal Guard?"

"He didn't!" Silverstream gasps, her paws clasped in front of her chin. "He started out as just a regular unicorn! But then he joined the Royal Guard and became famous and a hero and the captain!" Her whole body seems to be vibrating, her gaze intent on Gallus. "And then?"

The feathers on Gallus's neck puff out, and his beak drops open. "Then he married the princess..." he more whispers than says.

"Yes!" Silverstream's wings flare, and she swoops across the room to wrap her arms around Gallus. "And they all lived happily ever after!"

Gallus is standing as still as a statue in Silverstream's embrace. "Join the Royal Guard? I...I prob'bly could with Princess Twilight on the throne: she's the whole reason I'm even here, right?" His claws come up to rest on Silverstream's shoulders, and the bubbles within me once again coruscate with joy when the expression he turns upon her grows as serious as any I've ever seen on his face. "It'd take a lotta time and a lotta work for me to become captain, but with you there, I can do it." He smiles then, and seeing Silverstream's knees shiver, I feel a shiver passing through various sections of my own trunk. "For you, I can do anything."

"We'll write," she says, gazing up into his eyes. "All the time. And we'll go on dates when I come visit Equestria 'cause I'll be the princess in charge of visiting Equestria. I'll make sure that's what I am." She cuddles her head against his chest. "And once we've done everything the way we're supposed to, we can get married and be together. And it'll be wonderful."

"It will. It is..." Gallus bends down to caress her beak with his.

The older, colder, more crystalline parts of me wonder in a desultory fashion if these two aren't perhaps acting a bit precipitously, but I stifle any such notion, completely certain that I would be shedding actual moisture from my tear ducts if my mobile self possessed such things. "Anything I can do to help," I say, not sure I should speak but completely unable to stop myself from doing so, "just let me know, and I'll do it."

"Oh, Tree!" Silverstream somehow flips around, hauling Gallus across the room with her to enfold the two of us in her embrace. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You've always been such a wonderful friend!"

Gallus coughs a little laugh. "When you're not, y'know, torturing us with our greatest fears and all, she means."

"I do mean that!" She gives his cheek a little peck, then gives mine one as well. "So if you could just keep doing what you do for as long as it takes, we'll keep doing what we need to do for as long as it takes! While we're at school, we'll date and snuggle and learn and graduate, and then we'll grow into the creatures we need to be to become the creatures we want to be, and then everything will be better than wonderful!"

Pressed between them, their feathers and fur interacting with the warmth generated by my modified manifestation magic, I'm swept up in connections that crackle like lightning from my deepest root to my uppermost bough. The two impulses competing withing me! They're analogous to the impulses within my two friends!

Had I breath, I would be gasping. For Gallus in his despair felt driven to fold himself closed while Silverstream in her exuberance desired to open outward. Interacting with each other, however, has caused them to exchange properties: if Gallus wishes to be with Silverstream, he must open himself in unaccustomed ways, and if Silverstream wishes to be with Gallus, she must return to roots with which she's not entirely comfortable.

Be still, I've been telling myself. This doesn't mean to become stagnant. It means, as Silverstream has said, to become the being I already am. To continue continuing. To grow but to also remain. To still be. To be still.

Inside me, crystalline chimes are quietly ringing while the air around me is awash with the sweet scents of my two friends. "I will," I say. "For as long as I'm needed and by whomever I'm needed, I will be still, and I will still be."

Comments ( 46 )

Aw, this was great. And Tree even learned a bit about friendship! Loved this. I’m always a sucker for the saccharine.

Still think that we need an “Upbeat” tag for stories to contrast some of the darker tags.

Reading this story from the Tree’s POV was great. I loved that we got to see so much of how the Tree views itself, how it interacts with the students, and what it thinks of its creators. It reminds me of AI/android stories like the Ancillary series, where you’re not seeing the world from different eyes so much as redefining what it means to perceive and process the world. The Gallstream and Yonabar romances were sweet, too, and it was surprising that the resolution tied into the series finale. I kind of wish the story had spent more time with the Pillars. Of course this is a Student Six story, but maybe that’ll be in the sequel? :trixieshiftright:


Thanks, folks!

As soon as Miller Minus announced the contest, I knew I had to write a story about the tree spirit. There's a lot more that could be done with her as a character, too, so who knows?


This was a fantastic piece. It tackled a seriously underexplored character, and it did so in a way that not only made them intriguing, but used their unique personality and situation to tell a story that couldn't be told otherwise. In addition, it handled other stories going on and used them for context and bounced off of them. Just, great design and work all the way around.

Ah, that's why Gallus joined the guard. The ladies love a guy in uniform.

Eh, Gallus shouldn't feel like he has to join the guard or do any of the stuff like Shining did so to get the gal. Technically, he already has the gal, he just has to accept that he does, and not let anyone tell him otherwise or take it away from him. That's more the moral I'd rather he be walking away from all of this.

But beyond that, this was a nice little tale. I had went into it thinking it'd be a lot more about Gallus and Silverstream, but it's not really, it's more about Tree, and her learning her own lessons through Gallus and Silverstream. It's a great approach to the tale. :twilightsmile:

When their beaks begin touching, however, I redouble my efforts to divert myself. Of course, since Yona and Sandbar are likewise tasting each other along my western wall, my options are rather limited.


The group dynamics alone nearly discorporate me into a glowing plasma of pleasure!

This gave me flash backs to Stranger in A Strange Land

Bravissimo. Easily one of the best Harmony stories I've ever read. Speaking of which, we need more good Harmony stories.

Wonder what would happened if Silverstream invites Gallus to her home with family present all straight-out told them of her lovely feelings of Gallus?


Thanks, folks!

Yeah, this story is more about Tree--is Harmony the name other folks use for the character?--than it is about anycreature else. Still, I agree that Gallus and Silvertstream's problems as outlined here are largely in their own heads. Like a lot of youngsters, they're looking for external validation, but once they get older and more sure of themselves, I could see them growing out of their fears of what the outside world might think of their relationship.

But then I'd also had the question of Silverstream's future in my head since the final episode--we see the other five of the Young Six, but nor her. I decided that she was off princessing on Mt. Aris, and with Gallus as the Guard Captain, the parallel between Cadance and Shining Armor came to mind naturally.



But then I'd also had the question of Silverstream's future in my head since the final episode--we see the other five of the Young Six, but nor her.

What? Yeah, we do! She was at the school, right there beside Starlight and Sunburst!


Huh. But that's how it always is when I see Starlight, I guess: all else fades to insubstantiality... :twilightblush:


Yeah, she does tend to steal scenes a little, that Starlight... :rainbowlaugh:

Even went back in time and stole the best scenes from the mane 6!

I also feel like if the story was going to end on Tree learning what 'be still' means, her uncertainty maybe should have been a bigger part of the plot than it was, but yeah I loved this.


This was adorable.

And very considerate of Ocellus and Smolder to leave so they wouldn't have to inflict the poor Tree with a THIRD couple making out inside of her.


Thanks, folks!

I always have trouble tagging stories. Snce I already have the "Young Six" tag, do I need to put "Gallus"and "Silverstream" separately since the story's more about them than the other four? And since the story's mostly about Tree, I had to go with "Other"...


This was an absolutely wonderful treat. Wonderful characterization, particularly of the Tree itself. Bravo.



When I was first planning this, I thought about making Tree's diction really odd, like maybe she wouldn't use contractions or something. But I decided to make her stilted in different ways so the reader could never forget that she's a magical crystal tree trying to understand the organic beings around her. :twilightsmile:


Welp, I think I know who's winning that contest :ajsmug:

I really enjoyed this one, man. Very creative use of the Tree as a character. The narrative had a very interesting feel, somewhere between mechanical and human, like a robot that has just become sentient and doesn't quite grasp how to be alive properly just yet. That alone was great, but to use it as a setup for birb on birb romance?


Well done, man.

I do have a gripe though. I don't think the story quite sticks the landing. For all of the buildup about how Gallus is insecure about his lack of a title to date Silverstream and all of the effort spent convincing him that he doesn't need to be someone of consequence to be special to her, it all gets written off when Tree tells him to join the guard and become captain so he can be with her. It implies that despite what everyone else says, Gallus really is unfit to be with Silverstream without some kind of title to his name. Not to mention that she is wrapped around his finger moments before, and that's still not enough for him? I don't buy it, man. Nobody is that insecure right after the girl of their dreams kisses them. I appreciate that it was meant to tie in with his guard position seen in the last episode of the show, but presenting it like this makes it fall flat.

My gripe notwithstanding, this was a lot of fun. Very much a contender for that sweet cash money!

I wonder if it is possible for some creature to fall in love with the Element Of Harmony tree itself. For it is an artifact with the mind of it own. Left alone if it is possible for said artifact to capable to feel love, even if it was create and being a tree-like no less...

It must be a nice romance story with a lot of comflict for sure.

This some good stuff right here, my man. Some REAL good stuff. Like, GOT DAME! So good.


Thanks, folks!

I definitely could've emphaszed that the problem between Gallus and Silverstream is more in their own minds than anywhere else. They're kids looking for external validation, and Tree provides them with a means to do that without addressing the question of whether they actually need external validation...

Still, I'm glad folks are enjoying what's here! :twilightsmile:


I don't think I've seen any other stories from the Tree of Harmony's pov. I especially liked how she recognized Somnambula and Rockhoof as her parents, and if I'm reading it correctly she also sees Stygian as one of her parents.

I do agree with some of the other comments that Gallus doesn't need to join the royal guard to be with Silverstream. She clearly already loves him just the way he is and didn't think he needed to "prove himself" until the Tree suggested it. But maybe it was more of a way to build Gallus' confidence than to make their relationship more "equal."



I was surprised that Tree doesn't have her own tag along with the other characters, but then I'm pretty easily surprised. And yeah, Gallus's feelings of inadequecy are largely unshared by any other creature...


Magnificently done. You capture the Tree's perspective excelently, both in how it's still figuring out how to interact with organic beings and how repairing Sombra's physical damage didn't necessarily follow suit with the emotional. Plus Gallus and Silverstream's arcs, of course, and a brilliant way to explain the former's career choice post-timeskip.

All told, a fantastic read. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging. And I do hope this leads to the Tree reestablishing its connection to the map and opening up once more.

This story makes me want to upvote more than once! Beautifully crafted.

I never understood the Ocellus smolder thing.
Also Luna never controlled the stars ever. The night sky has never been arranged. It’s not a thing. Onlj thing Luna ever did was more rhe moon.

Yeah great story

I was thinking about the Tree and someone as a ship crack fic, in my comments for the first chapter.

Tree of Harmony X _____ is something we didn't know we needed until this fic came along.

Kinda sucks to be Twilight, since she misses out on talking to the tree in a social setting, in the school that she founded.:rainbowlaugh:
I don't think that she or the Mane 6 got a chance to talk with the Tree of Harmony directly like the Student 6 did.

Even to the end, I enjoy the Tree's season 1 & early season 2 Twilight, and Legion the Geth hybrid personality and outlook. Probably also some dashes of Data from Star Trek.

This fic is magnificent!:rainbowkiss::twilightsmile::yay:

When I read this in the description:

Fortunately, the Spirit of the Tree of Harmony wants to help. Though "fortunately" might be the wrong word...

I was expecting a comedy of errors. With a heavy emphasis on error.

Still pleased with the Tree not turning the ball into the season 1 Grand Galloping Gala.
The tree still got Gallus and Silver Stream together at the ball, and together at the end.

Also, I enjoy the hilarity of the tree calling kissing "tasting each other".


Glad you enjoyed it!


Man, I sure wish there were more Tree stories

This story had me grinning ear to ear all throughout, and I even let out an audible gasp when I made the connection between this and Guard Captain Gallus’ career choice. I suppose it being the Tree’s perspective, it was okay to move the vibe straight from “super awkward“ to “hot and steamy” (super hot scene, btw. “You’re so beautiful,” and “I love your scent,” all while kissing and grinding? Top unf) with the Gallstream stuff, though I would have preferred to see some more interaction, especially asking to dance and the later confessions.

The side additions of Yonabar and Smolcellus were the perfect spice to this meal, and the Tree’s mind made the whole story feel real and unique. As did Starlight’s nervous eye twitch, very in character!

I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the depth and character you gave to both Gallus and Silverstream. Too many stories depict their personalities two-dimensionally, but in this I could physically feel their fear, passion, hope, and true love. I certainly wanted to acknowledge that. You created the same effect with the Tree’s emotions, notably her fear and pure joy. Masterfully done.

This story was a gift from start to finish, and a more than worthy addition to the chronicles of the Student Six. 11/10

Comment posted by Yoshifan30 deleted May 16th, 2020

There will be an interesting story to see again just as see how the tree of harmony interacts with the other young 6

That was one of the most unique setups I've read in quite some time. Interesting. The tree makes for a really fascinating character. So much so that, to be honest, I was more enthralled by its learning processes and thoughts than the - admittedly well-crafted - romance. Didn't see that one coming.
Since I thoroughly enjoyed your tale, have a-

Thank you.

That was great! The tree's such a unique character, and writing from her PoV just adds that extra layer of memorability to the fic! And the way she grows and learns is impressive as well.
I never thought of her having PTSD from Sombra, but if anything would trigger it, being murdered would certainly do it...



I've been thinking about that last point lately, in fact, because, as things turn out at the end of the series, it wasn't Sombra who destroyed the tree. The Sombra who appeared in Season Nine, after all, was really just one of Discord's constructs, and if the Tree figures this out, I think she might want to have a word or two with Discord about it... :eeyup:


To be fair, even Discord says he brought back Sombra, instead of making a clone... On the other side, Discord isn't exactly reliable, and it'd probably be easier for him to make a Sombra-construct.. But either way, yeah, I could see the tree being angered by that xD

It looks like the tree of Harmony has its own name tag you can use



I've added it, and thanks for letting me know!


Very lovely!

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