• Published 26th Mar 2020
  • 1,930 Views, 5 Comments

A Princess Day In Canterlot High - Lonely Fanboy48

For one day, Princess Twilight spends the whole day in Canterlot High after the promise she made with Principal Celestia.

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A Princess Day In Canterlot High

It’s another normal day at Canterlot High with all the students looking forward to their final classes. After that, the students will take a three long month break or graduate their senior year to move on to bigger things. As for two grown adults who’ve been running the school as principal and vice principal, they only have a few more years left. During their past years, they’ve seen many shocking discoveries from their students.

However, from the very beginning, during the Fall Formal, they met a girl who came from a different world just in front of the school’s courtyard. Ever since then, a lot has changed with their school and the lands of where they live. They’ve met the same girl back at the Starswirl Festival and they made an offer for her. Ten months later, they knew they had to do this soon before it’s too late.

Sunset Shimmer is sitting on her chair, waiting by the office door. After her lunch period, the vice principal told her to go to the office at the end of the day. She knew this would happen but almost forgot about it for a long time.

“Sunset Shimmer.” Luna called to Sunset’s attention while opening the door. “Come in.”

Sunset picked up her backpack and headed to the principal's office. She saw the principal patiently sitting behind her desk while looking at the photos from the Fall Formal. One of them has a group shot of Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle along with her dog, Spike, only without glasses and a ponytail.

“So...is this what I think it is?” Sunset asked while taking a seat.

“Yes.” Celestia responded while placing the photos on her desk. “It’s been ten long months. When was the last time you saw her?”

Sunset remembered meeting her last month in Equestria Land even if it was too late. “Only a month ago, but let’s just say, she was also busy.”

“Also busy?” Luna took out her phone. “Are you referring to this?” The vice principal showed her phone to the student and principal. It shows Twilight Sparkle, along with Rarity, Applejack and Vignette Valencia as the models from the parade in Equestria Land.

All that Sunset did was nod, upon looking at Luna’s phone. “Seems you two have been keeping tabs outside of school huh?”

“You do know we also do trends here. The more time goes on, the more we move forward.” Celestia said.

“Guess I wasn’t too surprised.”

The principal sighed until she tried to continue with the topic. With only a couple weeks left until the school year is over, she only has one question for Sunset. “Can you please talk to...other Twilight and ask her to come over tomorrow?”

“I...don’t know if she will keep her word.” Sunset making an awkward look. “Last month was lucky, but I doubt tomorrow will be the case for you two, no offense.”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other from hearing Sunset’s answer. They know the Twilight they’ve met is a princess. “Sunset,” Luna replied. “We’ve seen so many movies involving the lives of princesses, it’s not like they just come out casually in reality.”

“And don’t even forget that we saw Twilight making her speech.” Celestia added. “If she can come over to places like the festival and a theme park, I’m sure she can handle a full day at school. Besides, considering I’ve been hearing that I’m a princess in her world, I’m curious about what she has between…” Celestia began to blush while trying to find the words. “Other me, if that’s how you describe it.”

Sunset took the time she needed to think about her principal's statement. While she refuses to have anyone to come over to Equestria without Twilight’s permission, she wanted her principal to receive what she’s been waiting for, after ten long months.

“Okay, I’m gonna write her a message by the time I leave, but with only twelve hours until tomorrow, don’t expect her to come over right away.” Sunset taking out her book from her backpack.

“We understand. It’s still sad it took this long for this day to happen.” Luna replied.

“I really hope you understand how great it is to have her here.” Celestia added.

“So do my friends.” Sunset finished.

Sunset left the office after being excused by her principal. By the time she got to the front door, most of her friends were waiting for her. They knew what was happening in the office since they never forgot about their encounter with their principal last year.

“You’re gonna message Twilight about this?” Rarity wondered by the time Sunset took a seat on the steps.

“Isn’t this anymore obvious?” Sunset being unamused. “I’m gonna be here way earlier than normal to wait by the statue. The Princess needs tons of school supplies if she’s bringing her saddlebags with her.” This made all of her friends confused until she filled them in. “Her backpack.”

“Oh, so that’s what those bags the ponies wore were.” Fluttershy commented.

As Sunset’s friends headed home, Sunset opened her book to begin her message.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I don’t know if you remember, but I just had a meeting with Principal Celestia about you spending a day in Canterlot High. I understand you always keep your word but at the same time, a month is still not enough time after your last visit for you to come back. If you do, not a whole lot is going on around here, but the principal wants to talk to you sometime tomorrow about her princess self.

I don’t have a lot to say, except I’m gonna be up way earlier than normal tomorrow to wait by the statue. I will bring several school supplies for you to bring to the classrooms if you do bring your saddlebags.

From your friend,
Sunset Shimmer”

Sunset closed her book and put it back in her backpack. Tomorrow could either be another day with the princess, or a huge disappointment for the principal of Canterlot High.

The dawn of the following day has come, with Sunset Shimmer sitting by the statue while yawning. Instead of taking the bus like other students, she made her way to her school by foot while carrying more school supplies. She’s too tired to even get on her feet after getting out of bed and having a light breakfast for herself. She didn’t get a response from Twilight from those twelve hours when she left school yesterday.

Applejack and Rarity eventually arrived after they parked Applejack’s truck in the streets. “Sunset?” Applejack took notice when she saw her friend, sleeping by the statue.

“She’s just waiting for our princess friend to arrive.” Rarity filling in her cowgirl friend.

Sunset abruptly opened her eyes when she heard her friends are right by her. “Yeah, and she didn’t respond to my message.”

“Well she’s probably doing her princess duties. Even after a month, it probably won’t make any difference.”

Sunset had to understand the negatives, then the positives. She wanted her principal to feel satisfied, but having the princess sacrifice another day wouldn't be appropriate. She stands and picks up the supplies while trying to stay awake. “You might be right Rarity.” She replied. “I’m just gonna go straight to the office and give Celestia the disappointing news.”

Sunset yawned, and started to head to the front door of the school until she heard a noise from behind her. Both Rarity and Applejack immediately took notice as the portal to Equestria is reacting. Then the Princess Of Friendship came out from the statue, surprising her friends.

“Twilight?” Applejack blinked.

“You read Sunset’s message?” Rarity added.

“Yes I did.” Twilight taking off her backpack. “The reason why I didn’t respond is because I was planning a schedule last night. I don’t think this would be the day I had to keep my word, so I told Spike and Starlight that I’m going to be gone...again.”

Sunset wasn’t surprised to see her princess friend right now but she’s at least happy she managed to come over. “Then here’s your school supplies.” She handed them to Twilight.

“Guess we should tell our teachers about this unless they heard about the speech.” Applejack replied.

“I’m sure they know, this is the only school our princess has gone to.” Rarity added.

“And Crystal Prep, but then again all of you were on tour when I was on the beach.” Twilight responded as she put her school supplies in her backpack.

The princess and her friends walk in the hallways with most of the students noticing them. While they’re not surprised to see two Twilights now, they didn’t expect the princess counterpart to come to their school.

“Looks like my speech really fixed all of our problems.” Princess Twilight smiled.

“Tell me about it.” Sunset added. “Now we can show you everything that happened here.”

“But let’s not forget that one important rule.” Rarity giggled while giving the princess a sheet. “Like every other student in every other school in the world, here’s your schedule darling.”

When Twilight looked at the sheet of paper, it gave her memories of when Princess Celestia was her teacher back at Canterlot. Even though this school isn’t the same, she never forget about the past when she arrived in this world.

“I think today is going to be perfect.” She smiled again. “And with my first class involving plants and the environment, I know the one who’s gonna be in that class who isn’t invisible in my eyes.”

When Twilight left her friends to arrive at her first class of the day, she saw a familiar face she met back at the Starswirl Festival last year. She’s by the window with her green dahlia, still fresh after weeks of careful watering. Not only she’s looking forward to her grade for her project, but her final grade before Summer vacation will be her best in High School.

Twilight walked up to Wallflower as she tapped on her shoulder. “Hi.” She spoke which caused Wallflower to blink. When she turned to the princess, she thought it was the Twilight with glasses, but she thought wrong.

“Twilight??” She blinked again. “You're...here?”

“Only for today. Long story.” Twilight giggled. “I like your plant.”

“Thanks. It took me weeks to do this assignment.”

When the princess looked at Wallflower’s plant, she was impressed. “It’s a green dahlia right?”

“Uh-huh. You have no idea how hard it is to have a beautiful plant, but also new to my teacher.” Wallflower reached into her backpack and took out her notebook. She turned to the pages where she did her final assignment. “I wanted to do something different when I take this class every semester. Green is my favorite color, so that’s why my plant is a dahlia.”

“It looks...like something I never saw back at Canterlot.”

“You didn't say Equestria?” Wallflower took notice.

“Well, I do grow plants but since I moved to Ponyville, friendship got in the way, but it was for the best.”

Wallflower didn’t know anything about Twilight moving forward with her life before she became a princess. If only she came over to Equestria, she would see something Twilight and her pony friends do.

“Maybe before you leave, do you want all the information on planting dahlias?”

“Sure.” Twilight replied. “I might give one dahlia to Fluttershy for her sanctuary, not the Fluttershy you meet every day!”

“Don’t continue, I know what you're talking about.”

As Twilight’s first class begins, she felt like she traveled back in time to learn more about plants when she was a foal. Her teacher (who isn’t Princess Celestia) felt like the perfect woman for this class. Her vast knowledge of plants while making the environment fresh and clean is what students before beginning their assignments. Even if she’s only here for today and unable to do any assignments, she still got the chance to be part of the class.

After doing chorus, algebra and social studies classes, her lunch period had rolled around. After she got her food from the concessions, she saw tons of people sitting by all the tables in the cafeteria. But she managed to find where all of her friends were sitting. She sat by Sunset at the end of the table which caught her counterpart, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie’s attention.

“Twilight!” Pinkie cheered while playing with her food in her mouth.

“Knew we would see you eventually.” Rainbow grinned.

“Sad that you’re not in all of our classes.” Fluttershy commented.

“Hey, you know everyone has a different schedule, especially us.” Human Twilight added.

“She’s right.” The princess said as she drank her carton of milk. “I think the classes I took were challenging and most of you won’t be able to handle them.”

This made her friends giggled from that compliment. “You're mostly right sugarcube.” Applejack replied.

“As far as we’re concerned, we’ve moved on after we took those classes.” Rarity added.

“Despite getting lame grades on our exams.” Rainbow rolled her eyes which caused all of her friends to give her snarky looks.

“Even though you’re the one who got the worst out of all of us.” Sunset retorted.

“Everything except gym class!” Pinkie added only to make Rainbow Dash blush in embarrassment.

Princess Twilight couldn’t help but laugh in her mind. Even if she never had any of her friends back from her school, she felt like today was a breath of fresh air. Spending one day with her friends in Canterlot High, the birthplace where their lives changed forever.

“Hey Sunset!” Trixie called which caused Sunset to turn around. After Trixie got her lunch, she sat by the princess. “I was wondering if, maybe sometime during the summer,”

“Yes?” Sunset spoked.

“Can you be my assistant for my magic act downtown?”

Sunset bit her lip while thinking about Trixie’s offer. She would have time to do that but even with her experiences with Equestrian magic, she’s scared of what would happen if something goes wrong.

“Trixie, not to be rude but being an assistant is something I don’t have in mind.” She looked at the magician. “Don’t you have anyone who can help you?”

“Sorry but the Illusions are band members, not assistants.”

Sunset became speechless from Trixie’s point of just finding one assistant. She knows full well her friends refuse to be part of any risky act involving magic, even if it would upset Trixie. Her princess friend on the other hand might think otherwise after she saw her on stage back on the cruise, but with the amount of time she has during in Equestria, her summer will never change.

After Twilight finished her lunch period, she headed to her next class involving CHS News reports and the latest trends. Luckily for her, Rarity is in her class as the reporter.

“You are going to love this class Twilight.” Rarity smiled. “This class will spread the trends and will get the reports once they’re released.”

“So, it’s like a journalism class, I’m guessing?” The princess asked only for Rarity to stop in place.

“Well...we did do that, but that was during the time our school had less of a budget and...well you know the rest.”

This took Twilight by notice. “Oh...This school really made the students shallow before I came huh?”

“Freshmen year pictures can say quite a lot darling.”

The two girls enter the engineering room where there’s a background representing the city of Canterlot. An HD camera is stepped up along with several sheets of paper on the counter. “So what do you want me to do?” Twilight asked.

“We’re going to do a musical band report. A few chorus players just performed yesterday and you're gonna hold this behind the camera while I’ll read it.” Rarity replied.

“Why can’t I be the reporter? I think it would be fun for me to show the news in this school.”

“Well...you do realize you're not a full time student like all of us. Trust me when new freshmen see older videos, they’re more curious when their first day of high school begins.”

Twilight also remembered more and more students and foals always attend the school that’s close to where they live. As time goes on, more people will see a past they’ve never been a part of. “Okay, don’t you think you need some proofreading?”

“Don’t worry, your other self took care of that.” Rarity smiled as she handed the sheets of paper to her princess friend. “I’ve already rehearsed so many times days ago.”

As the fashionista made her way to the background paper of the city, Twilight is right behind the camera. “Press the red button to record and press it again once I’m done.”

“Okay.” With the paper of lines holding in her hands while showing them to her friend, Twilight pressed the red button to record as Rarity begins her lines.

“Hello students of Canterlot High!” Rarity smiled. “We may say goodbye before this school year is over, but we still have our reports on our most talented musicians!” After Rarity finished one sheet of her lines, Twilight put the first sheet away while Rarity reads her lines of the next sheet.

“Flash Sentry and his friends are performing a few days before graduation in the auditorium. They’re not going to be juniors anymore, but they still have one more year before they move forward with life.” When Rarity is picking up a photo by her side, Twilight put the second sheet away with the third and final sheet in her hands.

Rarity shows the lens of the camera a picture of Flash Sentry and his band right by his side with their instruments in their possession. “Here’s an interview of Flash Sentry on what he thinks about the school year ending.” After she placed the photo on her lap, Twilight pressed the red button as the recording had stopped.

“Well that didn’t take long.” Twilight smiled.

“True, however the report isn’t over.” Rarity replied. “We always have to do a lot. Flash Sentry is going to be here soon and is doing his rehearsal for his interview.”

“I already know, it’s just that I've never done anything like this in Equestria. You know with the camera, rehearsing, not to mention-”

“Editing?” Rarity guessed.

“Yes. Editing.”

This made the fashionista giggle. “Don’t worry, our classmates have got us covered.”

Outside the room, Flash Sentry entered with his guitar in his hands. When she saw Twilight and Rarity, he wasn’t being fooled from his sight. He remembered what happened two years ago at the beach and the wave race he competed in back on the cruise. Although he didn’t expect the Twilight he’d met first to be here, especially when the school year is coming to an end.

“As much as I wanted to do the reports, I still need to become accustomed to this stuff. It will take me a long time to understand technology, and my phone is the only thing I have.” Twilight showed her phone to Rarity until her friend saw Flash right behind her.

“Speaking of reports, it looks like our musician has arrived.” She crossed her arms. Twilight immediately turned around and saw Flash smiling.

“Looks like someone is late for the current affairs at the end of the school year.” Flash said.

“Expect this someone is from a different world.”

Twilight made an awkward giggle from seeing Flash in the room, while she had moved on, she did sometimes miss seeing him. “And I always forget that the other you is in Equestria, but he’s living in a different land in Equestria.”

This made Rarity and Flash laugh at Twilight’s compliment. “You don’t need to explain, I know you're going to leave soon.” Flash replied. “Now if you excuse me, Rarity is going to interview me.

The princess gave a warm smile on her face. She’s at least happy that a lot hasn’t changed to the ones she met in the past. Although, during her spare time when she needs it, she will try to give her friends a chance to hang out. As she headed back behind the camera with Rarity and Flash in front of the lens, she pressed the record button as Flash’s interview has begun.

After going through the rest of the day's classes, Twilight still didn’t forget about the biggest reason why she’s here. She knew her friend Sunset would remind her about it sometime during her day, but didn’t expect it to happen at the end of the school year. She didn’t meet them when she arrived at the school.

As the final bell rang, all the students left Canterlot High all except the Rainbooms and the Princess Of Friendship. Sunset took Princess Twilight to the principal's office, where Celestia and Luna are waiting. Their friends are waiting outside in the courtyard, staying out of the meeting that was ten months overdue.

Twilight and Sunset Shimmer waited by the door until they had permission to go inside. “This is taking longer than I thought.” Twilight at the principal’s door.

“Well they need to be prepared. They’ve been waiting for so long, they gave up on preparation.” Sunset commented.

“Yeah. Ten months is way too long.” The princess became ashamed that it took this long for this day to happen. She wanted to do it last year before the holiday season, but her princess duties got in the way. Then they heard the door pushed open, revealing Vice Principal Luna.

“Twilight, Sunset, please come inside.” She said as the two girls got up from their seats. Once they entered the principal’s office, they saw Principal Celestia staring at them, mostly at Twilight. The princess took notice as she’s more ashamed then before.

“Sit down.” Celestia ordered. The two girls sat down as the long awaited meeting is finally here.

“So...how were those ten months?” Twilight smiled.

“Don’t even think about it.” Luna retorted.

“Yeah I’m really sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize, we understand.” Celestia replied.

Twilight didn’t know where to go with this conversation, even if she kept her word. Of course her friend would never keep her in a state of silence.

“So how was she today?” Sunset asked.

“Good, as I expected. While I haven’t talked to your friend, I was waiting until you came into my office. That’s all I wanted from Twilight.”

This made Twilight feel a little better after hearing that from the principal. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. I knew you would be able to succeed in my school...Like the old days.”

“Okay, so what do you want from me?”

Celestia and Luna both looked at each other. They both remembered the conversation they had with Sunset yesterday. “This maybe too personal, but we’re not demanding any suggestions.” Luna asked.

“Let me put it this way.” Celestia being pacific. “When you head back to your world and head to a different land, do you always meet familiar faces?”

This gave the princess a confused look until Sunset filled her in. “She’s mainly talking about her other self in Canterlot.”

“Oh.” Twilight understanding what’s going on. “Is it Princess Celestia you’re referring too?”

“Yes.” The principal nodded. “Is she one of the reasons why you’re not around?”

“Well yes, I’ve become a princess and an alicorn after I did something that wasn’t ever done in Equestria’s history.”

“Equestria’s history huh?” Luna crossing her arms. “Bet I’ve done great things there.”

The principal gave her sister a slight annoyed look. “Anyway, we’re not saying we expected you to come back again, we just want you to understand this.”

Before Celestia could continue, Twilight cut her off. “Let me get this straight, your other self isn’t who you think it is. She’s a lot more judgemental when she isn’t in a good mood.”

“Judgemental, as in when you’re not around?”

“That’s the point.” Sunset added.

“I get those ten months were too long, but my life is a bit more important.” Twilight finished.

“You’re right but, even less important things should get some attention.” Luna replied.

Before Twilight could retort again, she stopped herself from Luna’s point. “It’s no surprise your life is way different then all of us, but at the same time, we respect that.” Celestia said. “We just think you should give at least some of your friends some attention like Wallflower Blush.”

When Sunset understood what her principal is talking about, she learned something that Twilight’s world will never have. “I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but she’s right.” She turned to her princess friend. “I’m sure Wallflower and others you met don’t exist in Equestria.”

“I guess that’s true.” Twilight spoke.

“One other thing.” Celestia added. “If there was a chance I met my other self in your world, we might work this out with you coming back more often. Not more time spent here, just more often in the future.”

The Princess Of Friendship didn’t think the principal would be so curious, but also trying to help. The day she had in this school felt really important to not only Celestia, but also her friends she met over the last two years. While she was lucky nothing bad had happened, she would take the principal’s advice to see if she’s right.

Back at the courtyard, Twilight and Sunset returned with her friends taking notice. “Twilight!” Rainbow called.

However the Princess Of Friendship didn’t respond after the conversation she had. She walked past her friends as she made her way to the statue. “Um...Twilight?” Fluttershy spoked in her calm tone.

Princess Twilight went through the portal, making her way back to Equestria while her friends became blindsided. “I don’t understand. What’s going on?” Human Twilight commented in concern.

“Don’t worry girls, she’s in a good mood, but not in a talking mood.” Sunset replied. “Let’s just say that Principal Celestia gave her an idea of coming back again.”

Her friends had no words from what they heard, but they get the idea that their princess friend will return. “Well I’ll be.” Applejack titled her hat. “With the amount of activities we have during the summer, I can guarantee she will be back.”

“Don’t get your hopes up, Twilight still needs the time for herself. Today was interesting to have her here. At least our principal helped us.”

Then Pinkie Pie popped up behind Sunset. “Especially it took ten months for the Princess Of Friendship to be a one day student in Canterlot High!”

This made Sunset roll her eyes. “I know, at least today BECAME that day.”

All of her friends laughed as they left school, heading home after the day they had. When it comes to their friendship in the future, they can’t wait for what’s coming. Not to mention the possibility Twilight from Equestria might change her plans after having a conversation in the principal’s office.

Author's Note:

If you wanna know why this story isn't as much detailed with the places Twilight went to is because of three reasons. One, this is one of the sequels I had the least fun doing. Two, writers block took me days for this story to finish. And three, I'm still refusing to do chapter stories (Despite the next sequel to this story that I need to discuss in the future).

Even if I rewrite this story, I would probably end up the same situation I was. Trixie and Flash are the only characters in this that will lead to their own story involving Twilight. Granted I could've of done more but the conversation at the end between Twilight and Celestia was the point I've tried to do more of a purpose of those stories.

Anyway, I can hope the next sequel will deliver.

Comments ( 5 )

Okay, dude. The stories might be getting better, but the cover art is what is killing this, and a lot of other stories of yours for that matter, for me.

It looks like it was put together in 10 seconds flat. Maybe a little longer.

Yes I know it’s distracting but if that’s the reason why these stories are getting negative feedback, they seriously need to quit treating cover arts as killing stories. I made these covers because I want to be unique, even if they’re poorly made, I just wanted people to know what the story is going to be like more then just of the description. Considering people are giving me a hard time on questioning things that make them dislike the story without any second chances, makes their first impressions irritating then understandable.

Problem is that the cover is part of what is supposed to draw people in and read the story in the first place. Even if the story is fine, people will call out the cover art if they think it's bad.

Unique isn't a problem. It's the execution. It's why I don't make my own. My own art skills suck, and I won't ruin a story by trying it myself.

Comment posted by Lonely Fanboy48 deleted Mar 29th, 2020
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