• Published 29th Dec 2019
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Phoenix-born Rising - The Ascension of Sunset Shimmer - The Voice in the Water

The day of ascension has come. After 300 years, a new phoenix shall hatch, and with that, one child with great potential shall be chosen to be reborn in its flames. But, when a young orphan is chosen, it throws everything into chaos.

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Ch 14 - The Ascension - The Road of Ascendant Flame

The sun had risen not long ago, bathing the east face of Mt. Liakeed in golden light. There was something truly divine about the heavenly source of light rising over the distant wall of the Corona, and bathing the landscape of the Core in Celestia’s radiance.

Standing on the roof of the Cathedral of the Sun, Sunset was in her usual spot behind Lady Inkwell on the southern side of the roof. Through her mask, she beheld the sun’s light touch not only the holy mountain, but an edifice further up its slopes: Queen Celestia’s palace.

Before, she’d been impressed by the size of it, but up close, she would have been rendered speechless if she’d been permitted to speak. The towering white marble walls, the golden parapets and steeples. But more than that, the entire structure radiated divinity like a lamp, as if proclaiming that this was the abode of the Goddess of the Sun, and all who stood before it should take note.

But observing the sun’s light striking the home of its master was not why they were there on the Cathedral’s roof. No, they were waiting for the arrival of the last group of guests for the rite. And though they were the last to arrive, they were arguably some of the most important.

And frightening.

For this morning, the rulers from Solaria’s allied nations were arriving to view the rite.

Despite how tired she was from the previous day, Sunset stood at attention, keeping her posture as perfect as possible, even as she stood among the line of sun-touched. She would be exiled to the Chaos before she allowed herself to damage Solaria’s or Lady Inkwell’s reputation by being anything other than absolutely perfect when the dignitaries came.

As with all prior arrivals, the platform was guarded by scores of prominence knights, their sky-runner and plumed serpent compatriots absent. Most likely they were escorting the royals. But there were new additions to the guardians that made her already frayed nerves a thousand times worse.


Perched on the edge of the Cathedral’s roof were at least twenty wyverns, their brassy scales glinting and shimmering in the light of the early morning sun. The massive draconic creatures had large, bat-like wings in place of forelegs, which were folded up onto their sides like those of a bird, and thick, muscular hind legs with enormous claws that they used to grip the marble cornices. Their long, swan-like necks were topped with regal-looking reptilian heads crowned with a pair of long, spiraled horns, while their tails were armed with deadly-looking sword-like blades. From what she’d read, Sunset knew those blades could deliver a powerful poison in addition to gutting anything on their business end.

The wyverns’ heads were in constant motion, scanning the sky around the Cathedral for any sign of a threat. The whole scene threw Sunset for a loop. These creatures were nothing like the feral wyverns she'd read about, which were little more than animalistic predators. Perhaps they were a special breed that lived in the Core?

“Eyes forward,” Lady Inkwell gently chided.

Realizing that she’d let her attention slip, she brought herself back into line.

“Good. Here they come,” Lady Inkwell said softly.

Sure enough, she spotted the cloud of plumed serpents and armored sky-runners as they emerged from a high balcony on the north side of Celestia’s castle and began to descend towards the Cathedral. Rising into the sky after its escort was a large, elaborately decorated rosewood and gold box, carried by four of the brassy wyverns gripping a set of long, metal bars coming from the roof of the box.

Sunset could only stare in wonder as the “carriage” containing the visiting royals and their entourage began their descent.

As the carriage and its escort grew closer, Sunset began to fully appreciate the scale of the thing, as it was, at her best guess, easily fifteen meters square. She had to suppress a shudder at the implications of just how strong the wyverns had to be to lift and carry something that size.

As the wyverns neared the landing platform, the prominence knights scattered and landed in their positions among their lines. As they did, the wyverns expertly set the carriage into a recession in the platform, a sharp click filling the air as some sort of locking mechanism engaged and held it in place.

Once secured, a set of double doors on the box’s front slowly creaked open, permitting the passengers to exit.

First to emerge were a pair of plumed serpents who slithered out of the royal box with their fronts raised into the air and their wings folded, making them resemble massive cobras with their hoods partially extended.

The one in the lead was the smaller of the two, though he was still easily seven meters long and forty-five centimeters in diameter, making him almost one and a half times the size of the plumed serpents among the prominence knights. Unlike his fellows, his scales and plumage were patterned in bright repeating bands of red-yellow-black-yellow-red, while his feathered mane was red, orange and yellow, and resembled flames. But it was the look on the snake’s face that made him stand out from the others; he bore a glare of subtle challenge as he put himself in front of the second, as though daring anyone to try and reach his companion.

But as large as the first serpent was, he paled in comparison to the second. Easily ten meters long and sixty centimeters in diameter, his scales were pitch black, save for those on its throat, which were vibrant crimson. His feathers were bright, shimmering iridescent green, with patches of red and blue forming chevrons on his back, while the primary feathers of his wings were a dazzling rainbow of constantly shifting iridescent colors. His mane was composed of snow white feathers accented by longer feathers with naked rachises tipped with bright blue half circles. Most striking of all was his face which, unlike his companion’s, carried with it an impression of peace and ancient wisdom.

“All hail his royal majesty Huey Tlatoani Quetzalcoatl and the honorable Tlatuani Tezcacoatl,” the prominence knights cried. “Welcome to the Cathedral of the Sun.”

Stepping forward, Lady Inkwell bowed to the two plumed serpents.

“Sun’s light upon you Huey Tlatoani Quetzalcoatl, Tlatuani Tezcacoatl,” Lady Inkwell said as she bowed, Dylis following suit from her shoulder by carefully spreading as she bowed.

“Sun’s light upon you Lady Inkwell,” the larger of the two said, his mouth hanging open as he spoke. Unnervingly, as Quetzalcoatl spoke, his mouth didn’t move. Instead, the words seemed to emanate from deep in his throat, giving Sunset and everyone present a very clear view of forty centimeter long fangs hidden in a pair of fleshy sheaths folding up into the roof of his mouth. “Two hundred years is far too long. You really should try to visit more often.”

“You are too kind, your majesty,” Lady Inkwell said as she rose from her bow. “Sadly, my duties rarely permit me such personal time.”

“Hmm,” Quetzalcoatl hummed as he slowly tilted his head to the side. “Perhaps we should request a diplomatic visit. I think we need to re-examine some trade agreements. Over a few bowls of dollotlii, of course.”

“I would be honored, your majesty,” Lady Inkwell said with a warm smile. “Perhaps we can discuss it with the Queen after the rite has concluded.”

“Of course, of course,” Quetzalcoatl said with a jolly laugh and rattle of his tail before he and Tezcacoatl slithered towards the line of sun-touched, eight of whom peeled off from the line to escort them to the banquet hall. As they departed, Lady Inkwell returned to her original spot.

Next to emerge from the box were a pair of meter-long golden beetles, their shimmering wings carrying them through the air with a deep, resonant buzz. One had a pair of long, scimitar-like mandibles on its front, while the other had a set of three large horn-like spines, one on its head which curved upward between the other two, which were borne on the carapace plate of its thorax, and curved forward, almost forming a closed loop. Both had delicate and elaborate filigree on their elytra, and piercing, black, compound eyes.

“All hail Queen Lamrima and King Eupatorus,” the prominence knights announced. “Welcome to the Cathedral of the Sun.”

As before, Lady Inkwell stepped forward to greet the royals.

“By sky and fire, sun and wood, I see you, Queen Lamrima and King Eupatorus. On behalf of our immortal queen, I welcome you to this ascendant’s rising,” Lady Inkwell said, bowing deeply to the two hovering beetles.

The beetle with the scimitar-mandibles cocked its head to its right and twitched its antennae.

“By rain and stone, magma and metal, I see you, Lady Raven Inkwell. On behalf of me and my husband, we accept your hospitality,” Queen Lamrima said in a voice that reminded Sunset of the sound of a stick being run across the ridges of a washboard.

King Eupatorus nodded his head and twitched his antennae.

“I am grateful for your acceptance, your highnesses,” Lady Inkwell said, rising from her bow. “May the light shine within you for years to come.”

“And you as well, child of the lost age,” King Eupatorus said, his wife flexing her mandibles like a pair of shears.

And with that, the two of them flew towards the Cathedral’s entrance, followed by another group of eight sun-touched.

Next to emerge were a pair of women, one of whom looked to be about the size of a teenager, while the other towered over the assembled prominence knights by at least fifty centimeters. Both resembled sky-runners in the most generous sense, but had much more angular, almost avian features, while their fingers ended in long, curved talons.

The shorter of the two had bright gamboge skin and feathers, light, arctic blue hair decorated with a seashell crown, and brilliant cyan eyes that sparkled with youthful wonder and mischief. She wore a simple, silk toga and tunic dyed light magenta, and a pair of ruby-red sandals.

By contrast, the taller of the two had light, fuschia-grey skin and feathers, and deep magenta eyes that were filled with reserved wisdom and patience. Her hair began as a brilliant fuschia near her scalp, but gradually transitioned to deep mulberry at the tips. On her forehead was a tiara that resembled three inverted teardrops, topped with a set of long, light blue plumes. Like the younger, she wore a toga and tunic, though hers were dyed in varying shades of purple, and she held a long scepter cradled in her arms that bore both avian and seal motifs topped with an apple-sized pearl that shone with inner magic.

“All hail Queen Novo and Princess Skystar of the selkies,” the prominence knights announced. “Welcome to the Cathedral of the Sun.”

Stepping forward, Lady Inkwell was about to greet the two royals. However, before she could get the chance, the younger, Princess Skystar, spotted her.

“Auntie Raven!” Princess Skystar squealed with delight. With a mighty flap of her wings, she launched herself forward and dove into Lady Inkwell’s chest, Dylis barely managing to leap into the air before the princess wrapped the royal seneschal in an enthusiastic hug.

“No, no, proper decorum isn’t something I told you was necessary, is it?” Queen Novo said with a sigh as she approached, pinching her forehead with her thumb, index and middle fingers. “Greetings Raven. I’m sorry about my daughter’s… lack of sense.”

“Oh come on, Mom, it’s been, like, forever since I saw Auntie Raven,” Princess Skystar said with a whine.

“You saw her last night, silly girl,” Queen Novo said before lowering her hand and looking at Lady Inkwell, who had managed to peel Princess Skystar off her chest and set her back on the ground.

“Oh, like, don’t be so stuffy, Mom,” Princess Skystar said with an adorable pout. “I’m sure Auntie Raven doesn’t mind.”

Lady Inkwell’s face turned up into a warm smile as Dylis landed back on her shoulder and glared at Princess Skystar, who stuck her tongue out playfully at the phoenix.

“Welcome, Queen Novo. Princess Skystar, still as energetic as ever I see,” Lady Inkwell said as she patted Princess Skystar on the head, earning a giggle from the younger girl.

“Don’t encourage her, Raven. She’s bad enough at home,” Queen Novo said with a sigh.

“By the sea, Mom! You’re awful. Right, Auntie Raven?” Princess Skystar said, shooting Lady Inkwell an impressive pair of doe eyes.

“Princess, I’m not getting in the middle of this,” Lady Inkwell said as she patted Skystar’s head.

“Traitor,” Princess Skystar said.

“Not traitor. Diplomat,” Lady Inkwell said with a laugh. “My job’s to keep the peace, not spark a civil war. Now, why don’t you head down to the theatre with your mom. I’m sure there are plenty of new snacks for you to try.”

“You’re the best, Auntie!” Skystar squealed as she flew to the door, bouncing on her heels with excitement as she waited for her mother.

“I told the staff not to let her have anything caffeinated,” Lady Inkwell said to Queen Novo.

“Thank you,” Queen Novo said with a grateful smile. “I swear, I have no idea what I’m going to do with her.”

“Sorry, I can’t help you there, Novo,” Lady Inkwell said with a smile.

“Somehow, I doubt that. I suppose I’ll just have to deal with her myself. Such a burden placed upon me,” Queen Novo said with a playful roll of her eyes and overly dramatic sigh before she took her leave, joining her daughter as they headed inside.

As Lady Inkwell took her waiting spot, the final pair emerged. Unlike the selkies, they resembled sun-gazers in only the broadest sense. Lithe, and vaguely reptilian, their upper bodies were almost like earth-weavers in shape, but had scales covering their backs, running down the length of their arms and up their necks, and formed a stripe of scales down the bridge of their noses. Their hands had tufts of fur around their wrists like some sort of silk-tasseled bracelet, and their hands ended in sharp, golden talons. Their ears were long and pointed, and in the middle of their forehead was a single, thick, two-pronged antler the color of dried blood. Their hair was large and bushy, forming an impressive mane around their heads. And below the waist, each had a leonine tail, unguligrade legs covered in silky fur the color of their skin, and split, cloven hooves in place of feet.

The shorter of the two was about as tall as Lady Inkwell and looked quite cheerful. She had light grey skin and washed out apple-green scales, moderate tangelo hair and faded golden eyes. She wore a simple twisted cloth wrap to cover her chest, and a knee-length loincloth, both dyed deep emerald green.

The taller of the two was nearly a meter taller than her companion, and had a far more reserved countenance. Her skin was a light, amber grey, while her scales were a faded grey gold. Her hair was predominantly a moderate opal, but had streaks of grayish turquoise within, and her eye were a deep, contemplative amaranth. Like her companion, she wore a simple cloth wrap to cover her chest and a knee-length loincloth dyed light sky blue. Unlike her companion, she wore a golden tiara that wrapped under her antler and bore a long twisting wooden staff tipped with a large bell.

“All hail Arbiter Rain Shine and Magistrate Autumn Blaze of the kirintal,” the prominence knights announced. “Welcome to the Cathedral of the Sun.”

Stepping forward, Lady Inkwell approached the two kirintal, crossing her arms by placing her hands on the shoulder opposite their side of her body, left arm over her right, and bowed deeply to them, her left leg slightly extended behind her as she bowed her right leg.

“Altaena lin’taalca, Arbiter,” Lady Inkwell said as she bowed. “Altaene lan’taalca, Magistrate.”

“Altaena chal’ceata, Seneschal,” the two said as they bowed to Lady Inkwell in an identical manner.

Rising, the three regarded each other for a moment.

“I trust your accommodations have been pleasant, Arbiter Rain Shine and Magistrate Autumn Blaze,” Lady Inkwell said.

“They have been sufficient,” Arbiter Rain Shine said, her voice smooth like flowing water, before looking around the platform. “Where is Archduchess Roseluck? I had hoped she would be present.”

“I’m afraid that the archduchess is completing the decorations for the rite, and wasn’t able to join us,” Lady Inkwell said with a small bow. “However, if you wish, I’ll have the sun-touched guide you to her. I’m sure she’d be happy to have your company as she finishes up.”

“I would like that,” Arbiter Rain Shine said with a slight smile.

“Lady Inkwell,” Magistrate Autumn Blaze said. “Might I impose to be taken to where Princess Skystar is? She and I spoke on the ride from your Queen’s castle, and I would like to continue our conversation.”

Lady Inkwell’s eyes briefly shot to Rain Shine, who gave a subtle nod.

“I don’t see why not. I’m sure the Princess would enjoy the company,” Lady Inkwell said.

“Thank you, Lady Inkwell,” Magistrate Autumn Blaze said, a wide, happy smile forming on her face.

Signalling the final eight sun-touched, Lady Inkwell instructed them where to bring the two kirintal. Crossing their arms across their chests one last time, the three bowed to one another, before the kirintal walked off with their sun-touched guides, leaving Sunset and Lady Inkwell alone on the platform with the prominence knights.

Turning to look at Sunset, Lady Inkwell merely nodded, then began to walk towards the Cathedral’s entrance, Sunset falling in behind her.


Sunset peeked out from behind the curtain near the back of the stage of the Theatre of the Ascension. Unlike yesterday, it was now fully decorated and populated by guests. What appeared to be over a thousand sun-gazers were spread through the theatre across its three-tiered balcony system.

The top balconies were filled with the largest number of sun-gazers, most of whom were wearing nice but inexpensive clothing. Sunset knew that the uppermost balconies were reserved for commoners. Between the areas where she could see large groups of people milling about and socializing were arena-style benches for viewing the rite.

The middle tier had fewer people, and unlike the top balconies, their occupants were well dressed in somewhat expensive-looking clothes. Low- to mid-tier nobles if Sunset recalled correctly. Like the top tier, there were seating areas intermixed with the standing areas, though on this tier, there were cushioned chairs set behind long tables decorated with garlands of flowers. Roseluck, Daisy and Lily’s handiwork no doubt.

Then there was the floor level. Unlike the upper levels, the floor level was filled with dozens of short-legged circular tables large enough in diameter to seat two to three sun-gazers, each one surrounded by sitting pillows on the side opposite the stage, with elaborate flower arrangements as centerpieces. There were few sun-gazers on this level, and all of them were dressed in elaborate and very expensive-looking clothing. As she looked around, she spotted several that she recognized, including Duchesses Redheart and Spoiled Rich, as well as Dukes Highblood, Fancy Pants and Filthy Rich. And in line with the center of the stage was a set of large tables, each one seating a pair of the visiting royals or phoenix-born.

As her eyes rose above the stage, they came to rest on hundreds of phoenixes sitting in a set of special golden rings suspended in a circle around the stage, comprising the entirety of Queen Lumina’s court.

And on the stage itself were a troupe of fifteen sun-gazers each dressed in elaborate dancer’s costumes that made their movements look like they were surrounded by swirling wisps of flame. There were five from each tribe, and they were in the midst of performing an elegant, cooperative spell dance, one that was generating a mesmerizing aurora of color and bursts of elemental energy to the music of a small string orchestra. These were the legendary Jubilants of Flame, and their performance was the opening act of the rite, known as the Ceremony of Living Light. Once their dance was done, Lady Inkwell would begin her address.

Ducking back, Sunset took a deep breath, held it, and let it out slowly. As she lifted her head, she looked at the room before her. It was enormous, easily providing the twenty-one prominence knights within enough space to fight if need be. The knights were on high alert, each standing, coiled or hanging from the ceiling at the ready.

At the center of the room was its only other occupant. Or rather, occupants. Resting on a short marble plinth was a beautiful red silk pillow. And on top of the pillow was Queen Lumina, brooding the precious treasure entrusted to Sunset’s care: her newest egg.

Yet, there was something new.

Something strange that, while not unpleasant, was more than a little frightening.

Unlike the last time Sunset was in the queen’s presence, there was a new, warm feeling filling her heart. She couldn’t quite describe it, but it felt like a mixture of love and sadness, like there was someone calling out to her. Trying to reach out and find her, but couldn’t.

Were she prone to dramatic prose, she might have said that it was like a piece of her that she never knew was missing was trying to find its way back to her.

Sunset took another deep breath, closed her eyes again, and let it out. Whatever strange effect Queen Lumina’s presence was causing, Sunset couldn’t focus on it.

She had a duty to perform.

As Sunset heard the music begin to die down, she knew that it was time. Taking another deep breath and approaching Queen Lumina, Sunset knelt before her, waiting for the Queen to give her leave to rise.

After what felt like an eternity, she heard Queen Lumina’s melodious voice speak to her.

“It is time, child of the sun,” Queen Lumina said. “I bid you rise. I now entrust my child to your care.”

Standing up, she saw Queen Lumina had also risen, exposing the red and gold egg she’d been sitting on. With a gentle flap of her wings, she lifted into the air, circled around, and came to rest on a carved ruby perch nearby. Once she was settled, the queen gave Sunset a single nod, signalling her to pick up the pillow.

As Sunset did, she felt the strange sensation intensify, despite the queen being further away. Focusing her mind with her meditation techniques, she walked to the edge of the curtain. Through the gap in the fabric, she could see Lady Inkwell and Dylis now standing on the right side of the stage, while Archduchess Roseluck and Amara had taken the left. Both phoenix-born were no longer in their typical clothing, but were instead dressed in full length white robes covered in gold embroidery with sun, fire, plant and phoenix motifs, and both had the living flame of their hair free and flowing down their back like a burning waterfall. Behind each were a short line of sun-touched, a small conspicuous gap in their formation directly behind Lady Inkwell, while next to Archduchess Roseluck were two uniquely masked and robed figures that she knew were Lily and Daisy.

Soon, all chatter in the room died down as all eyes turned to Lady Inkwell.

“Bright day to all of Solaria. May the light of Celestia’s sun shine forever in her glory.” Lady Inkwell said, her voice carrying throughout the theatre as she cast her arms wide. “Welcome, esteemed guests, one and all, to this, the most joyous celebration in our great nation. Today, we are gathered to witness the birth of a new phoenix-born.”

Lady Inkwell paused to allow the applause to die down. Once the room was silent again, Archduchess Roseluck picked up.

“In moments, the sun will reach its zenith, and its light will give the newest phoenix the strength to emerge from their egg,” The archduchess declared with a smile and flourish of her hand. “And from the emergence shall rise not only a new royal phoenix, but one who shall be their bonded companion. Today, the child with the strongest, purest inner flame shall be joined with the hatchling, and be transformed.”

Lifting her hand with a dramatic flourish, Archduchess Roseluck said, “So, without further ado, let the nine chosen come forth.”

No sooner did the words leave the archduchess’s mouth than the nine potentials entered the theatre from three doors in the far wall. In one group were Flash Sentry, Soarin and Fleetfoot, each dressed in long robes dyed sky blue. Another contained Blueblood, Fire Flare and Lemony Gems, now dressed in ash grey robes. The final group was composed of Minty, Golden Harvest, and Cherry Jubilee, the three adorned in deep forest green robes.

As they slowly approached with perfect synchronization, Lady Inkwell continued.

“Of all the children in our great nation, these nine were put forth as those who shine with the greatest inner fire,” Lady Inkwell said as she gestured to the nine approaching her. “And soon, the one whose inner fire burns brightest and purest will ascend.”

Soon, they reached the stage, and split apart. They began to walk in a circle around the dais, until they stopped. Blueblood stood before the cushion closest to the front of the stage, then clockwise from there: Minty, Soarin, Fire Flare, Cherry Jubilee, Fleetfoot, Lemony Gems, Golden Harvest and Flash Sentry.

As soon as the nine were in position, they sat on the cushions around the dais. As they were dropping down to their knees, a curtain closed behind Sunset, and the one before her opened. That was it. Stepping forward with purpose, she kept her eyes on the dais, her mind focused solely on keeping her pace steady, and desperately using her mental meditations to drown out the strange sensation that was growing stronger by the moment.

Sunset could feel the room hold its collective breath as she placed the egg on the dais, then stepped backwards until she was out of the circle of potentials and took her place in the line of sun-touched behind Lady Inkwell.

“Now…” both Lady Inkwell and Archduchess Roseluck said simultaneously with gravitas as they raised their right hands into the air, pointing to the sky, “let the light of the sun shine through and give birth to the future!”

As the phoenix-born made their declaration, the sun hit its peak, and its light was focused through an array of lenses set into the roof of the cathedral, sending its life-giving energy down into the theater as a brilliant shaft of radiance that shone down onto the dais. As the egg was bathed in the light, it began to glow as it absorbed the power of the sun to ignite the inner flame of the chick inside.

This was the moment.

All of her training. All of her sacrifice. All of her heartache.

For this once in a lifetime moment.

In seconds, the sun moved from its position above the lenses, and the light died down, the egg’s glow with it.

There was a tense silence in the room as they all waited for any sign of life from the egg. For a painful few seconds, there was nothing. Then, with a small shake, the first cracks began to form on its surface.

As Sunset watched the egg begin to hatch, the strange sensation began to grow in intensity, until it suffused her entire being. As the shell continued to crack, the sense of longing began to fade, and she was flooded with an overwhelming sensation of relief and joy, almost as if the piece of herself she felt was missing had found its way back to her.

‘Is it like this for everyone else here?’ Sunset thought, her attention so enraptured by the hatching that she was only peripherally aware of a strange light beginning to fill the folds of her hood.

More cracks formed on the surface of the egg, and with one final push, the young phoenix’s beak broke through the shell, tasting the air for the first time. Flexing her wings, she pushed more of the shell off herself, until she was partially hanging out of her hardened womb.

A murmur of confusion spreads through the room. Something was wrong. The chick had hatched, yet none of the potentials had been chosen. It was impossible. The moment the phoenix hatchling emerged, the bond would be formed.

The silence was broken by a sudden, loud gasp, drawing everyone’s attention to one of the tables nearest where Lady Inkwell was standing. Everyone’s eyes turned to the woman, a countess if the table settings were any indication, who was pointing at something behind Lady Inkwell.

All eyes followed her shaking finger.

“Look! Look there!” she shouted. “That one! Her hood! It's glowing!”

Sunset remained perfectly still, unsure where the countess was pointing, but soon, the room began to erupt into murmuring as she became aware of the strange glow coming from within her hood. And in that moment she realized that the countess was pointing… at her!

‘What’s going on?’ Sunset thought.

“Lady Inkwell,” a fire-caller wearing master arcanist robes snarled as he stood and pointed directly at Sunset, “what in the name of the sun’s blessed light is going on?”

Lady Inkwell turned to face Sunset. As she did, Sunset saw her face turn up into a smile so slight that nobody except someone standing right beside her could have seen it.

“Raven!” an angry voice belonging to Commander Spitfire yelled. “What is this? I demand you unmask that sun-touched this instant!”

Sunset’s pulse spiked as a murmur of agreement shot through the room.

“I agree!” Duke Highblood said as he also rose to his feet. “Lady Inkwell, we demand an explanation! How is it possible that someone other than the chosen nine has ascended?!”

‘Ascended?!’ Sunset thought, her mind suddenly gripped with dread. ‘What does he mean ascended?!’

“Spitfire, Highblood, Neighsay, sit down,” General Sentry said as he took a sip of his drink, his eyes closed and his face calm.

“But, sir!” Commander Spitfire protested.

“General, you can’t be serious!” Duke Highblood snarled.

“I agree!” Chancellor Neighsay said.

General Sentry shot them a stern look, causing all three to go pale.

“I said, sit down.” General Sentry said again.

Slowly, the three of them sat back down on their pillows. As they did, General Sentry rose to his feet, still holding his tumbler.

“Lady Inkwell, it seems that something has somehow gone amiss here,” he said, his mouth turning up into a slight half-smile as he folded his arms over his chest before tilting his tumbler towards Sunset. “Perhaps you would care to enlighten us?”

“Yes, please,” Archduchess Roseluck said, a giant, giddy grin on her face.

There was a chorus of affirmations, particularly from the visiting royals.

Before Lady Inkwell could reply, a piercing yet melodious shriek filled the air. As it did, every phoenix in the room, including the phoenix-born’s bonded partners, cried out in unison as if in reply.

As the cry faded, a small teardrop of white and gold flame appeared in the air above the dais. The flame rapidly expanded then receded, revealing the resplendent form of Queen Lumina, who flew in a circle around the dais before landing in a low-hanging ring among her court. As she landed, her eyes swept across the room.

“Welcome, Queen Lumina,” Lady Inkwell said, bowing to the phoenix queen. As she bowed, so did Archduchess Roseluck, General Steel Sentry and Commander Spitfire.

“Greetings, my friend,” Queen Lumina said, cocking her head to the side as she looked at Lady Inkwell. “Something quite odd is going on, is it not? Perhaps, you might be willing to indulge me in something?”

“What is it you wish, your highness?” Lady Inkwell said, her head still bowed.

“Please, dance with me,” Queen Lumina said as she spread her wings. “I wish to see the flames of all of the sun-gazers on the stage.”

Another wave of murmurs filled the air.

“Is that really necessary, your highness?” Duke Highblood said, sweat beginning to form on his brow. “We know that they were all tested before…”

“Be silent, mortal,” Queen Lumina hissed at the duke, her voice echoing with power and causing him to shrink down and somehow go paler than he naturally was.

Rising from her bow, Lady Inkwell looked up at Queen Lumina.

“Your highness, I would be honored,” Lady Inkwell said as Dylis took to the air and landed among the rings with the other phoenixes. As he left her shoulder, Lady Inkwell undid her sash, allowing her bulky, outer robes to fall away, leaving her clothed in a simple grey tunic, black pants and calf-length boots. “But first…”

Lifting her right hand into the air, Lady Inkwell snapped her fingers. At the sound, hundreds of sparks of light appeared in the air. After hovering for a moment, they sliced downward leaving a trail of fire in their wake. As the trails reached the ground, they flashed brightly. Standing in place of the lines of fire were five full platoons of prominence knights, all scattered around the room, including surrounding the dais between the hatchling and the potentials, among the nobility, blockading the doors, and, to Sunset’s surprise, standing guard around her.

“Now that nobody will try anything foolish,” Lady Inkwell said before rising into the air. As she came to eye level with Queen Lumina, she bowed to the phoenix queen, then began to move her whole body in a complex aerial spell-dance. Queen Lumina simultaneously swooped, climbed and dove around her, their flames beginning to intermingle as the spell took shape.

Were Sunset not in shock, she might have appreciated the impossible beauty of the dance being performed by the two immortals.

The spell reached a crescendo, with Lady Inkwell’s hands flying upward and clapping together over her head. Meanwhile, Queen Lumina climbed high into the air from behind, and, as she reached her zenith just above Lady Inkwell’s hands, did a sharp downward stroke with her wings. As the dance finished, a sphere of white light formed between the two before expanding rapidly across the stage, engulfing it in blinding radiance.

In moments, the light receded, and a series of gasps erupted throughout the room as Lady Inkwell came to rest on the stage, now surrounded by an intense, almost blinding white glow representing her flame made visible by her spell.

On the other side of the stage, Archduchess Roseluck was similarly surrounded by a brilliant white glow, though one slightly dimmer than her fellow phoenix-born, while the two sun-touched Sunset knew were Daisy and Lily had flames almost as brilliant as the archduchess’s, though theirs had the slightest of blue tints to them.

Among the true sun-touched on stage, each one was producing an identical orange glow of moderate intensity, as were the prominence knights, though their glows were significantly stronger and brilliant yellow in color.

Within the potentials, Blueblood’s glow was the brightest but was red in color and barely brighter than the brightest glow among the prominence knights. Flash Sentry’s inner flame had a golden yellow glow, but it was slightly weaker than Blueblood’s. Fleetfoot and Soarin glowed just slightly dimmer than Flash, their flames more yellow-orange. Among the others, they all had glows of varying shades of yellow and orange, and weaker than the previous four.

Sunset was at a loss as she looked at the manifested flames. None of the candidates had flames that were at all like that of Lady Inkwell or Archduchess Roseluck. In fact, the only ones that did were Daisy and Lily. Yet, as Sunset looked down at herself, she saw that there was one more exception.

Her body was emitting a glow as pure white as Lady Inkwell’s. In fact, her glow was ever so slightly more intense.

‘Just like at the test back in Golden Tree…’ she thought.

The room was silent for a long time, nobody daring to move or make a sound as they bore witness to this unexpected and unprecedented turn of events.

Then, the silence was broken by a deep, bellowing explosion of laughter. All eyes turned to the source. Huey Tlatoani Quetzalcoatl had his head thrown back in riotous laughter, the crystalline rattle on his tail shaking and producing a deep, melodious chiming.

“Oh, this is rich!” he said as his laughter died down, his tail still rattling with mirth. Looking at Lady Inkwell, a smile spread across his face as he opened his mouth to speak. “Well, Lady Inkwell, I think there might have been something amusing going on with the ascension. I would love to hear any of your theories.”

“I agree,” Queen Novo said as she put down the lulli wine she had been drinking. “I would say that this situation is entirely without precedent. Perhaps you’d care to enlighten the rest of us?”

“Ohh, this is gonna be good!” Princess Skystar squealed as she bounced in her seat.

“Shush, child,” Queen Novo said.

“Well,” Lady Inkwell said, “from what we just saw, it appears that while all of the potentials that were chosen for the rite had fairly strong flames, they were not exceptionally strong, or pure. Which is quite strange, considering that from the test results sent to me, they were all identified as having exceptionally strong and pure flames. Clearly, that is not the case.”

There was a general murmur that spread out through the theatre at that. Taking advantage of the lull, Lady Inkwell extended a tendril of flame from her head, picked up her robes and put them back on.

“And yet, somehow, three of the volunteers that decided to work at the rite had flames that were far more pure and powerful than any of the chosen candidates,” Lady Inkwell said as she looked out over the theatre as Dylis landed back on her shoulder. As she did, Sunset saw several of the nobles on the floor level and in the second tier begin to look uncomfortable. “Something that I find odd, because when the test results from their hometowns were delivered to me, none of the children there were recorded as having anything more than moderately powerful or pure flames. There was no indication that anyone had a flame that was anything on the level we witnessed.”

Sunset’s mind was reeling, and she was starting to feel lightheaded.

“That doesn’t matter!”

All eyes turned towards the voice.

There, standing before the dais, was Blueblood, his face red and livid. Soarin, Fleetfoot, Minty and Lemony Gems were also standing in solidarity with the young duke.

“Whoever that brat is, they weren’t chosen to represent the nation in the rite! We were!” he snarled as he gestured towards the other potentials. “The phoenix is to bond with one of the chosen! Not some random dirt-eater girl that was rejected by the search committee. If anything, she’s guilty of theft of royalty, and should be executed!”

A gasp went up from the top- and second-tier balconies, as well as from several of the ground floor tables.

“Blueblood, shut up, you’re going to get in trouble!” Flash said as he desperately tried to pull Blueblood back.

“No! This was to be our time. There must have been a reason she was rejected, even with her flame!” Blueblood continued, his face livid. Sunset’s eyes shot to Duke Highblood, whose face had gone pale at his son’s ranting. “And she’s not even from Heliopolis! She clearly doesn't deserve the honor of being bonded to the newest phoenix!”

“So, I’m not worthy of my position?” Archduchess Roseluck’s voice cut through the air, lacking its usual pleasantness. “Is that what you’re saying, child?”

Blueblood turned to the archduchess, the blood draining from his face as he took a step back.

“Of course not, your grace,” Blueblood stammered.

“And Heliopolis didn’t even exist when I was chosen,” Lady Inkwell said. “Does that make me unworthy of my ascension?”

“Um… that is… I mean…” Blueblood stammered before Flash pulled him down to the cushion before he could embarrass himself further. One by one, the other former potentials sat back down.

“Clearly, there’s a disgraceful lack of understanding regarding what this rite stands for, and just who is deserving,” Lady Inkwell said as she turned and bowed to Queen Lumina. “Your highness, might I make an imposition upon you?”

“I will hear your request,” Queen Lumina said as she nodded to Lady Inkwell.

“Thank you, your highness,” Lady Inkwell said. “I realize this is odd coming from me, but could you explain to everyone what the criteria are for those you wish bonded with your children?”

“Of course, Lady Inkwell, it’s no trouble at all,” Queen Lumina said, before turning to address the rest of the theater, her voice beginning to reverberate with power as she spoke. “When Mage Meadowbrook became the first phoenix-born, and I made my compact with Queen Celestia, we set down the following criteria for those who would be chosen as sacred law: First and foremost, the three children of each tribe with the purest and most powerful flame of all of Celestia’s chosen people were eligible to bond. Of those with such flames, they should have qualities that are worth preserving for the betterment of all of her people. And, the candidates could come from anywhere, be they commoner, or royal, regardless of tribe, or origin, so long as they are loyal to Celestia.”

Glaring down at the audience that had come to observe the rite, Queen Lumina narrowed her eyes as wisps of golden flame began to emanate from her body.

“Those are the only criteria that matter in the choosing of a potential phoenix-born. Not place of origin. Not tribe. Not creed. Not lineage. And not some mortal vetting process that has so clearly been subverted in an attempt to control the outcome,” Queen Lumina hissed angrily. “It sickens me to see the pact that I made with Queen Celestia so long ago was defiled in such a way. Thankfully, it seems that Lady Inkwell’s devotion to her duties allowed her to uphold this sacred pact and bring forth at least three candidates that were truly deserving of the honor of bonding with my child.”

“Indeed,” Lady Inkwell said as she turned to look back over the audience. “I’ve let those among you that thought you could subvert the will of Queen Celestia and Queen Lumina continue with this charade long enough. Now that people from all corners of Solaria and beyond have seen the disgraceful farce you tried to turn this sacred ceremony into, I don’t need to pretend anymore. I believe it’s time to put an end to this.”

Snapping her fingers again, Lady Inkwell shouted two words that sent chills down the spine of almost every Heliopolan in the room.

“Dawn Wings!”

There was a shimmer like that of hot air in a desert by the back of the stage as a lone form appeared. Reclining against the wall with their arms crossed over their chest was a sky-runner. Their body was covered in a white, form-fitting bodysuit that made it impossible to tell if they were a man or woman, and they wore a golden mask and white hood not unlike those of the sun-touched, save for a single blazing eye etched onto its surface. Their wings were possibly the oddest thing about them, as they did not appear to be made of flesh, bone and feathers, but solidified light almost too bright to look at.

“How may I be of service, Hand of Celestia?” the mysterious sky-runner said, their voice distorted and constantly changing as they spoke, yet somehow carrying through the entire room.

“I have witnessed evidence of there being heretical manipulation of the choosing process for the phoenix-rite,” Lady Inkwell said, her voice stern. “You and the Eyes are to begin an investigation into it immediately. You are to scour the entire vetting process, and bring me the names of every single sun-gazer involved in manipulating the results.”

“Your will be done, your grace,” Dawn Wings said before the air shimmered around them and they vanished, leaving an atmosphere of dread anticipation in their wake.

“Now then,” Lady Inkwell said, her voice softening as she turned towards Sunset, “I believe there is something else that needs to be done.”

As Lady Inkwell approached, Sunset shied back, hiding behind the armored sun-gazers and plumed serpents.

“It’s okay, Sunset,” Lady Inkwell said as she knelt down to Sunset’s level. “Please, remove your mask and hood. You don’t need them anymore.”

With shaking hands and a slow nod, Sunset reached under her hood. For a moment, she froze. She couldn’t feel her hair. Only a strange patch of moving warmth where it should be. Closing her eyes and breathing slowly, she forced herself to find and release the buckles holding her mask and hood in place.

As she slowly pulled the mask and hood free, a sharp gasp and murmur erupted from the audience. Sunset suspected why, but she had to be sure. Slowly reaching back, she ran her fingers through the stream of warmth that was coming from her head before somehow grasping it and pulling it around.

As her hand came into view, she fought down a whimper. There, in her fingers, was a cascade of red- and gold-colored living flame.

The living flame of a phoenix-born.

‘I… I really was chosen?’ she thought as tears began to fill her eyes. ‘Me? I was chosen?’

Looking at Lady Inkwell, she saw a warm, happy smile on the elder phoenix-born’s face.

“I’m so proud of you, Sunset,” Lady Inkwell said before rising and turning to address the audience.

“I present to you your newest phoenix-born: Sunset Shimmer of Golden Tree in the Western Territory!” Lady Inkwell declared. “Praise be to the Sun and Flame!”

“Praise be to the Sun and Flame!” came the return cry, the most enthusiastic from the topmost balcony. The middle tier, by contrast, was mixed, with some of the cries enthusiastic and some less than. And on the floor level, those nobles from the Western and Eastern territory cheered the loudest along with about a third the Heliopolan nobility, while the rest gave an unenthusiastic response.

Much to Sunset’s surprise, General Steel Sentry was one of the former. Her surprise grew even further as her eyes met his for the first time without her mask, only to see his normal scowl dissolve as his mouth turned up into an easy half-smile as he closed his eyes and nodded slightly.

‘What… was that?’ Sunset thought as she stared dumbfounded at the general.

“Now, Sunset, I believe that there is someone who has been waiting patiently for you,” Lady Inkwell said as she put her hand on Sunset’s back and began to lead her towards the dais. “Please, go welcome her and tell us her name.”

As Lady Inkwell and Sunset approached, the former potentials rose to their feet. Of them, Blueblood, Soarin, Fleetfoot, Minty and Lemony Gems looked like they were ready to continue arguing with Lady Inkwell.

Until Flash Sentry stepped up behind Blueblood and put his hand on the other boy’s shoulder.

“Vlad,” Flash said as he shook his head. “Let it go. It wasn’t meant to be.”

Blueblood looked at Flash, his face twisted in incredulous rage before clenching his fists, bowing his head, and backing off, the rest of the children following suit. As soon as they had left, the prominence knights stepped away from the dais, moving towards the front of the stage to form a defensive line around its edge.

For the first time since everything happened, Sunset had a clear view of the hatchling phoenix. As she locked eyes with the newborn, the overwhelming sense of love and longing that had been filling her crashed down on her like an avalanche. Slowly, Sunset stepped forward, as if drawn in by the desire to touch the young phoenix. By an instinctual need to become complete.

As she reached the dais, her hands moved of their own accord and, with the greatest of care, began to clean away the remnants of the egg. As soon as Sunset had freed the hatchling from her shell, she cupped her hands under the little firebird and lifted her off the cushion.

Holding the chick in her hands, she felt her inner flame flow from within and intertwine with that of the hatchling. As it did, the longing vanished, and all at once her mind was filled with new sensations, and a new voice. There was curiosity. A touch of fear. But also love and warmth. And above all else, the feeling of safety in the hands of the strange giant that now held her so gently in her grasp.

Who are you? Sunset heard the new voice in her mind say. Looking down to the hatchling, their eyes locked, teal staring into vibrant yellow. In that moment, she realized that the voice belonged to the little phoenix.

Unsure what to do, Sunset concentrated her heart on the connection she felt with the hatchling, and willed her voice to reach her.

My name is Sunset Shimmer, Sunset sent. What’s yours?

I don’t know yet, the hatchling sent back. I… don't have a name.

Do you want me to give you a name, or do you want to choose one for yourself, my beloved friend? Sunset sent as she brought the hatchling closer to her face.

I’m your beloved friend? the hatchling replied.

Yes. You are. You are my beloved friend. You are the half of my soul that I didn't know I was missing. You are the flame and light that I can feel giving me strength, Sunset sent with a smile and a tear in her eyes.

Beloved friend. Your strength. Missing half of your soul, the hatchling mused before perking up and chirping happily. I… know what my name will be!

Please, tell me, Sunset sent as her tears of joy began to slowly run down her face.

My name will be Philomena. It means “friend that gives you strength", Philomena sent as she proudly puffed out her tiny chest.

“Philomena,” Sunset managed to choke out with a happy sob. “Your name is Philomena.”

Bringing Philomena up to her face, she gently rubbed her cheek against the little phoenix, who pressed back, nuzzling Sunset back as they shared the wonderful sensations they were feeling with each other. Welcome to the world, my beloved Philomena. I’m so happy to finally meet you.

Author's Note:

And so, Lady Inkwell springs her trap, and brings the one who should have been chosen from the start to the one that she was waiting to meet.

Now, some may be wondering "did Lady Inkwell break the law by doing what she did?" No. The only law that matters to the rite is that of the compact between Celestia and Lumina. By bringing Sunset, Lily and Daisy in, she was upholding the law, not breaking it.

"But voice," you might ask, "why did she do it the way she did."

That's very complicated, but I will address it in the next chapter.

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