• Member Since 16th Aug, 2013
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Urban Planner, TV Tropes contributer, and writer on the side.



This story is a sequel to A Fate Worse Than Tartarus

Featured March 17, 2020

Cozy Glow, the silly filly, once again tried to take over Equestria. This time with the help of her "friends" Tirek and Chrysalis.

She, along with her fellow villains, learn that nothing is more dangerous than the wrath of a fed-up mother.

This is my alternate take on the penultimate episode of MLP. All rights reserved to Hasbro.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 48 )

"Clean this mess up," Sweet Roll said, giving Discord a broom and dustpan, "and then you get your magic back."

10/10 best character I’ve read this year for this line alone.

Hmm... Yep, this is a far more realistic way to handle this. It seems that fim characters are far more terrified of lighter punishments then the more major ones.

Amusing story.

I quite enjoyed this, really made me laugh.
Good on you, m8.

Sweet Roll is a good mother.

Never cross your mom.

Is the most entertaining thing since the year started 10 out of ten

Alright, this is one of the better come back stories I've seen. Good work.

Yes she is. This Cozy Glow is lucky to have her.


Yeah, I really felt Discord's actions were the peak of idiocy. The kind of idiocy that should be outright criminal. He ought to earn back his trust after orchestrating such a disaster in the first place.


It almost seems like that mundane punishments don't even exist in the MLP world.

Either you get a slap on the wrist, or you are tossed into Pony Hell.

Twilight felt that taking her mentor's bird would result in imprisonment and/or exile.




I'm surprised that I created such a likable character with so few words.


Thank you.


I created the character of Sweet Roll for a specific reason: to mock the idea that having an evil parent will automatically lead to an evil child.

Some of us can have good parents and still take their kindness for granted. Some of us can have bad parents and rise above their toxic behavior.

While I though Cozy Glow's treatment in canon was beyond harsh, I also think she should be held to account for her bad behavior.


While I though Cozy Glow's treatment in canon was beyond harsh, I also think she should be held to account for her bad behavior.

Likewise. My biggest problem with both Seasons 8 and 9 is that, while Cozy is punished for her crimes, Discord is just as deceitful and destructive in both seasons, (not even counting his record throughout the whole series,) and the worst punishment the ponies can come up with is to yell at him, and it's obvious that it doesn't work.

Discord has always been reckless but at least he could take responsibility before. Now it would seem he doesn't even understand what he did wrong most of the time, and the protagonists basically ignore it. So I am glad your story touched on that issue at least a bit.

I guess Cozy's mom just doesn't believe in spanking.

Fun story.

That would be letting them off easy.


Only two kinds of crimes are committed in Equestria. The kind that gets you a slap on the wrist, or sent to Pony Hell. The former can be solved by talking it out and a song. The latter is solved by military action by random heroines, NOT the military.


Another example of this...moral dissonance can be found in of the EG shorts. In the short, Sunset Shimmer writes a comic book about how she and her friends are superheroes. In the comic book, the thief is defeated, taught a lesson, and...locked up. A lot of people joke about how somehow petty theft is worse than Sunset becoming a demon and trying to brainwash everyone. Sunset got off pretty lightly, but thinks thieves should be punished even worse than her.


Discipline involves teaching someone that there bad behavior is wrong. Physical violence doesn't teach anyone anything...except that you must listen to the violence person.

I personally believe that corporal punishment is not discipline, but straight up abuse and violence.

I'm going to put thoughts more closely in a blog later in the week, but my belief is that it takes real strong not to give into violence. And that working with someone to change takes greater skill than mindlessly grabbing the belt.

I was spanked, but in a calm and controlled manner. Violence is-sadly-necessary at times though it should always be avoided when possible.

(But my comment was a bit of a joke.)


I'm not saying you should avoid violence completely. There are times when violence is necessary. Like when that kid who rioted in Baltimore was yanked off the street by his mother. But again, it should be something that strengthens you. It can easily devolve into abuse, if it becomes habitual.

Kind of depends on how you perceive that scene. Was she fantasizing or does she actually think petty criminals should be thrown in jail? While their might be correlations between fantasy and action, It's worth noting that she doesn't actually act in such a manner over the course of the series.

And no I am not a Shimmer Fanatic. I like her but I feel no compulsion to make her out be anything other than she is, a reformed antagonist, who is still in some ways (despite her charm) a aggressive and controlling character.

But in all honesty, Sunset at her worst generally acts happy to ignore the people who wronged her, unless she thinks they pose a clear and present danger. We see with both the Sirens and Trixie that she seemingly hasn't pursued any retributive action against them. And in most cases she seems happy to form relationships with former villains provided they're interested in doing so.

So while Sunset may fantasize about unrealistic or overly harsh punishments, she's never actually dolled them out on screen (as opposed to other characters I could name.)


Kind of depends on how you perceive that scene. Was she fantasizing or does she actually think petty criminals should be thrown in jail? While their might be correlations between fantasy and action, It's worth noting that she doesn't actually act in such a manner over the course of the series. And no I am not a Shimmer Fanatic. I like her but I feel no compulsion to make her out be anything other than she is, a reformed antagonist, who is still in some ways (despite her charm) a aggressive and controlling character.

I'm guessing it is more like a superhero fantasy than anything else. Most comic books show the bad guy being defeated, not the process of rehabilitation.

I'm not a fanatic either. I am writing the Sunset Steps series because I don't think her reformation and reconciliation with others has been properly explored.

But in all honesty, Sunset at her worst generally acts happy to ignore the people who wronged her, unless she thinks they pose a clear and present danger. We see with both the Sirens and Trixie that she seemingly hasn't pursued any retributive action against them. And in most cases she seems happy to form relationships with former villains provided they're interested in doing so. So while Sunset may fantasize about unrealistic or overly harsh punishments, she's never actually dolled them out on screen (as opposed to other characters I could name.)

Some girl wiped out her memory for a ridiculous reason, and she still gave that girl a chance. So yeah, I can see your point. But then again, she is someone who was forgiven for horrible crimes, so maybe she feels other deserve the same chance she got as well.


I created the character of Sweet Roll for a specific reason: to mock the idea that having an evil parent will automatically lead to an evil child.

Subtle trolling is the only way to troll. Nicely played!

In all honesty I think at least part of the drama that is the Cozy Glow origin story comes from the fact that Jim Miller originally opened the flood gates when he said of her parents "they aren't around anymore". Considering he's been pretty consistent on the fate of villains in the series earlier on (he set down the idea for Lighting Dust getting kicked out of the the Wonderbolts and she was) we don't really have any reason to doubt him on Cozy's parentage.

And while there's any number of reasons Cozy's parents aren't present, people will jump to what they know. It's kind of how like a lot of stories on this site focus specifically on parents abusing their children even though abuse can come from multiple sources for a variety of reasons. People want to write what they best relate to or think will relate the most to others. It kind of "is what it is" on some level.


I am writing the Sunset Steps series because I don't think her reformation and reconciliation with others has been properly explored.

I actually didn't know you were writing something about Sunset. I might have to check it out now.

I'm not a fanatic either.

I didn't think you were to be honest. I mentioned it to cover myself, so you knew I wasn't going to start something over the character (in case that kind of thing had happened to you before).


Subtle trolling is the only way to troll. Nicely played!

In all honesty I think at least part of the drama that is the Cozy Glow origin story comes from the fact that Jim Miller originally opened the flood gates when he said of her parents "they aren't around anymore". Considering he's been pretty consistent on the fate of villains in the series earlier on (he set down the idea for Lighting Dust getting kicked out of the the Wonderbolts and she was) we don't really have any reason to doubt him on Cozy's parentage.

And while there's any number of reasons Cozy's parents aren't present, people will jump to what they know. It's kind of how like a lot of stories on this site focus specifically on parents abusing their children even though abuse can come from multiple sources for a variety of reasons. People want to write what they best relate to or think will relate the most to others. It kind of "is what it is" on some level.

I had no idea Jim Miller hinted at the fate of Cozy's parents in the same way that the show hinted at the fate of Applejack's parents.

But in any case, I find stories that try and dramatize Cozy's private life to...well...cheapen child abuse. To make it into something that can be commoditized. I think stories like that insult and demean the experiences of actual abuse victims.

Child abuse is an important subject, but don't write something to vapidly wring emotions out of others.


don't write something to vapidly wring emotions out of others.

I mean a lot of fiction is just that. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it's to create emotions, othertimes it's to vent them. Sometimes it's to get people to form attachments to things they would otherwise view as pointless. It's done for a variety of reasons, but nearly all of fiction is done to provoke some kind of reaction, whether emotional, logical, or some other kind. I certainly appreciate you not liking that, but it is what it is and I don't think it's going to change.


Your right. But I felt writing something like that would be lazy.

Fair enough. Is it the use of abuse specifically being used to explain away villainy that bothers you? Or is it something more?


Pretty much.

MLP is a show that preaches forgiveness. But it often fails to teach others that mistreatment doesn't justify mistreating others. Starlight's actions, in particular, were completely nuts.

"I became evil because my best friend moved away!"

"OK, lets be friends."

"Yay, I am no longer evil."

This speech from Madea Goes to Jail spells out how I feel:

You should forgive others, but they have to change and learn they have no right to hurt others.


MLP is a show that preaches forgiveness. But it often fails to teach others that mistreatment doesn't justify mistreating others.

I mean I agree with all of what you just said but I do think in failing to understand where people are coming from we can miss the kind of connections for why people do what they do. I don't know how much of that applies to real life (I am not the most social guy out there for a variety of reasons) but I think it's a point at least worth considering.

Starlight in particular gets a lot of grief for what she did, but I feel like most people missed the fact that she did those things out of fear and paranoia. Fear she would never be equal, fear she could never have friends without controlling them, fear that without common ground they would leave her for better things.

I do think that the writers did a decent job (for a given value of decent) of forcing Starlight to face and overcome her fears, (The Crystalling, and To Where and Back Again, among other examples of this) to deal with situations in which she had no control, and was forced to rely on support from others and to ultimately become that support herself in episodes like Fame and Misfortune. So I feel like MLP can (in theory) do reformations surprisingly well when they actually try.

Honestly, it's when they coddle characters and don't even mention what they did wrong, be it simply a epic mistake (something that happens a lot with certain protagonists that I could name) or because the character has to be "right" and therefore have nothing in common with the villain they just shamed when they absolutely do (Boast Busters, Wonderbolts Academy, A Matter of Principles, just being a few of the episodes that come to mind) that I really find myself rolling my eyes at the show's writing.


Fair enough. Like I said, I believe that a person who has had a shitty life should get some help.

But the point of my story is to point out that not every jerk is in that category. Maybe Sweet Roll ignored her daughter's dark side, but it was Cozy's fault for exploiting her mother's "see-no-evil" attitude.

Fair enough. I do think melodrama can be relied on a little too heavily. And I love the story regardless, especially the first one. Had that been the way School Raze went down, with Cozy getting dragged away by her mother, the writers might have even accomplished being funny that season.

The best superhero and the terror of all villains... The Mother!


Parental figures in MLP always seem suspiciously absent. I wonder how a PTA meeting would go in EG, with parents asking the school about their children being involved in magical shenanigans. Maybe another fanfic idea...


In all honesty, it isn't very farfetched. Some of the most hardcore people in the world can't ever beat their moms.

In this one movie about a Harlem Gangster, the gangster will do many horrible things, but he won't ever disobey his mom.

Even if Cozy Glow did successfully gain alicorn magic and take over the world, her mom would be hounding her till the end of time.

It could be worse... Cozy mother could had gone and talked with Chrysalis and Tirek mothers and come together against them... Maybe punish them without dessert and not get out of their rooms.



Actually...that sounds like a cool idea. Would you like to write something like that?

I'm very bad writing, but you are free to do it as a sequel

I totally understand this is meant to be a piece of absurd comedy, but Tirek and Chrysalis, two of the most feared beings in Equestria and who didn't bat an eyelid at the thought of taking on Celestia, being intimidated by a random mare doesn't really work, especially since all three could vaporise Sweet Roll without much effort.

Though still a good story, I thought the original worked better.

Not gonna lie. Unlike the show, this is the type of punishment and redemption I can get behind for the three. Same with Discord.


It is almost as if the Equestrian princesses never learned not to do things in extreme.

It is either "slap on a wrist" or "turn to stone."


So where's Tempest's mom?



I never considered her family.

Perhaps that can be in another story.

Tirek's mom is one of Scorpan's species.


Yep. Even the most badass men will crumple before their mother's stern gaze.

Given chrysalis is origins I don’t think she had a mother.

"Your going to be in such trouble," Tirek's mom said, "and I'll make sure your father knows what you did."


"I appreciate the kind words," Tempest said with a sneer. "If you think I'm a monster, it means your learning." Chrysalis heard her mother call her again, and let out one last pout before leaving.


Tirek's mom wait to your father gets home


"Let us off with a warning," Chrysalis asked. "I mean we are after all the true victims of society-,"


Tempest Shadow trotted in, her eye icy blue eyes looking directly at the three villains without any ounce of pity. Serving the Storm King made the purple mare one of the most feared ponies in all of Equestria. Despite turning on the Storm King and joining the Royal Guard, Tempest was known to be as ruthless with the enemies of Harmony as she was with the enemies of the Storm King. The sight of the mare looking at them mercilessly made the other villains shiver in terror.

seriously get them

For the missing parental figures, do you find it interesting how in general, MLP never really brings up the parents or family lives as part of a lot of the redeemed villains' backstories?

The only antagonists on MLP that have their family involved in their backstory (at least on screen) being Diamond Tiara, Gilda, and the Changelings.

Sunset's family is never outright shown or mention at any point (to the point where it's popular to theorize that she's an orphan that sees Celestia as her mother figure).

Discord pretty much has no family, with his backstory for his chaotic behavior being "if you don't act chaotic, you'll die" which Disordant Harmony revealed.

Starlight's dad is a pretty nice guy so they definitely debunked the idea of Starlight having a terrible family as part of her backstory for sure with her.

Even the less prominent redeemed villains like Trixie, Garble, Babs Seed, Ahuizotl, Dr Caballeron, Stygian, Chancellor Neighsay, Tempest Shadow, Gloriosa Daisy, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush, Vignette Valencia, and Post-Crush don't have "terrible family and home life" as part of their redeemed villain backstories.

Do you find that kinda interesting in a sense?

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