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Drama, mystery and funny stuff all wrapped in an epic adventure! Follow Pinkie Pie as she finds herself in the magical world of wizarding Britain. Here she will find new friends, new baked goods and new parties!

But be warned because Pinkie will face many horrors and challenges along the way and her journey will not be for the faint of heart.

(Warning for crass language!)

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 237 )

I am putting my money on marauder era Pinkie, with an adoption of Hairy.

My friend I fear you have just lost your well earned bits.


It could've been fun. Maybe you should write that one?

Could, but I don’t think I would be able to get Pinkie properly done. The problem with having her taking that role would be it would essentially be a adopting my dad best friends kid story and those are really hard to write well.

I'm working on it. Next chapter is a bit longer.:twilightsmile:

Aww... Poor Albie. Those will be some interesting Hogwarts years. I really want her to meet the Weasly twins soon.
I am not sure if he will adore or fear/dislike Pinkie. Same can be said for everyone she meets. Either they manage to accept her or will be driven mad.

The Goblin King is likely looking through the contract, seeing if the Goblin who wrote it was smart enough to put in a 'may cancel if' clause in it.

My money is on Slytherin Pinkie. Fits her the best, since her defining dream is to be the best party planner.

Any contract in a dimension with a Pinkie should have a Pinkie clause in it, it's just commong sense. :pinkiecrazy:

You could easily make an argument for 3 of the houses. Slytherin, as you said, because she has an ambition and is wholly driven by it. Hufflepuff because said ambition is about making others happy. And Gryffindor because "giggle at the ghosties." And the only thing that truly frightens Pinkie is missing someone's birthday, hehe.

I don't think Ravenclaw works because she's an intuitive, rather than an intellectual. Maybe that could fit if you interpret Ravenclaw in a certain way, but I see it as a less likely option.

well this was a fun read. you've got my notice.

"Six billion, and you're using a world-o-tron 2000? I don't think that's designed with such a big world in mind."

Clearly, you missed Y2K patch fix.

This looks like an interesting beginning. Tag it for now.

After the initial adrenaline spike Albus started thinking about what he'd just seen. He could've sworn he saw Pinkie going away with the other kids. So how did she get out of a potted plant of all things. One smaller then she was no less.

Good thing it was Albus coming here. Minerva would likely has a heart attack and Hagrid would likely crush the building on his way out.

The already dark cave the cart was racing through turned even darker. The sound of Pinkies voice started echoing deep within. The cart itself seemed to shake upon it's wheels. When he looked at Pinkie he could have sworn he saw her eyes had turned to a deep midnight blue.

Albus just had a glimpse of Goddess' power.

"Yes, but I can't understand them. They're very busy and loud."

Luna, did you forget to turn off the Royal Canterlot Voice again?

"So cunning, incredibly powerful and no scruples whatsoever. The client didn't lie that's for certain."

Hmmm... interesting. This might be the first Potter-verse story I've read that the Goblins (and their King no less) directly involve with Hogwarts' student.

Channeling some Luna I see...

This is great and I look forward to her meeting Fred And George

Granny Pinkie channeling Igneous Pie pony?

Nah, the old Ponish sentence gave away Luna's influence.

"I'm not a sweetie." (munches muffin) "... I could learn."

the subject of magic came up as it won't do between wizards and witches.

the subject of magic came up as it was wont to do between wizards and witches.

The word wont (without the apostrophe) means habitual, accustomed or routine It can be used as noun ("as was his wont"), verb ("he was wont to sleepwalk"), and adjective ("his wont ritual").

Thanks. You steely eyed missile mare you! I've read 'changeling space program' by the way. It was awesome.

I mean, the hat's definitely not wrong, and that's a believable motivation for Pinkie to express.

An interesting bit of setup. Now to see where some of these differences end up going.

Pinkie Pie in Slytherin it WILL NEVER be the same

Their bodies not ready!

It just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

uhh...well, Hogwarts won't know what hit it.

Yes! I can't wait till the next chapter, well written. :)

Slytherin is doomed!!

This shall be glorious! :pinkiecrazy:

What if a thousand years from now she forgot about Pinkie?


Approximately forty-thousand ponies came to pay their respects. Each and every single one of those ponies had a Pinkie Pie story to tell.

A testament to her character.

A pony so dedicated to spreading cheer deserves no less grand a send off as that.

Visiting the grave site became something of a rite of passage for pranksters, party planners and bakers from all over the country.

That's wonderful. Truly a legacy worthy of the Element of Laughter.

"PUT ME IN THE HOUSE MOST IN NEED OF A PARTY!" She commanded with all her being.

I now have no doubt this story will join my favorite lists.

Patch fix nothing. That good for nothing god had a track record of not getting with the program. He was advised to upgrade his hardware six different times, and each time he gave the same excuse that an old fashioned curmudgeon would give. "Oh those newer models are all show and no substance, they aren't built to last like the classic world-o-tron! I've been using this baby for over a million years, you think I'm gonna make a switch to something I can't trust like that?" And it's precisely because it's a model that's over a million years out of date that such a big world has had so many glitches. The thing's not built for the kind of streamlined efficiency required for something of that scale. But he trudged along, oblivious to the self-created problems with his world, and the moment his creations started trying to make use of the authority of his station to commit all manner of atrocities against their fellows without his knowledge or consent, he dips instead of following protocol. Then his poor, overworked intern had to take up the responsibility. Steve did good work with what he had, I'll admit. Jesus was a perfectly serviceable divine avatar completely within the parameters of intervention protocol.

And lo, it came to pass, that the families of Hate were destroyed not by Love, as they had feared, but by Laughter.

Slytherin definitely needs a party

Pinkie Pie is a time traveler! Get Ready for This was released shortly after that train departed for Hogwarts.

Dude, this fic is getting awesome by the minute, keep it up, and hopefully, updates come faster :D.

this cannot end well. Chaos will reign supreme!

Nah man. She Pinkie PIe. She got connections so she can get the good stuff early.

To all things comes an end.

And to all ends comes a beginning.

Pinkie Pie in slytherin? I feel pity for Snape.

"Chipboard and unicorn tail hair. Six inches. Nothing special." He looked a little lost and confused.

Of course, had to be unicorn hair.

At the station Harry was none to gently removed from the vehicle along with his belongings. One and a half hours too early. With a brisk "Bye. Don't come back for Christmas." Uncle Vernon drove of.

Wow, Harry's family really do love him.


Snape 1 week later on the phone: Hello, I'd like to place an order for 5 cases of fire whiskey please, or if you have it, anything stronger.

Really hope this gets continued in future, it is really intriguing.

Wondering when this will turn into 'My Imortal'?

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