• Member Since 5th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


do not throw souls


Kerfuffle should probably have stopped drinking several glasses of cider before she did. Moondancer should probably have stopped thinking long before she did.

Written for Pascoite for Jinglemas 2019.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

I ... have been enticed by this most confusing title.

Kerfuffle. Kerfuffle Kerfuffle Kerfuffle.


And so with a grumble and a mumble and a rumble, capturing grim determination as eloquently as could be done with a mouth that tasted strongly of slightly-damp carpet, she lifted her head, peeled her eyelids open and resolutely insisted they remain that way.

Dr. Seuss? Is that you?

Thanks so much for this! When I saw I'd lucked into getting you as an author, I was very excited. I knew I was requesting an oddball pair, and while it might be difficult to give them a back story, it's not a big deal to have them randomly bump into each other in a cafe or something. But you found a brilliant and nuanced way for them to relate to each other. A fashion mare as a foil to someone particularly unfashionable, a creative mare as a foil to one who's more of a consumer of creativity (and then encouraging her to become creative, no less), a knowledge sponge as a foil to someone a little uncomfortable with being the object of her curiosity. This was really layered and well thought out. Plus the character voicing for Kerfuffle as the limited narrator was engaging. The little repeated quirks each of them has give so much life to the characters.

An extravagant and heartfelt gift that is much appreciated!


When I saw I'd lucked into getting you as an author


Oddball pair is a good word for it! I honestly didn't remember who Kerfuffle was at first, so had to go back and do some research on her (Which was, er… easier said that done, because I tried rewatching Rainbow Roadtrip, got a few minutes in, and remembered why I couldn't stand it the first time through :facehoof:). I was expecting something a bit out of my comfort zone, but man, that was a doozy. And there's so little to go off with Kerfuffle there was a lot of flying blind while writing this, but I think it got interesting than I'd have originally expected. There're so many dichotomies to explore with them, as you've just shown.

So thanks for the oddball prompt! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:

Majin Syeekoh


Yeah, Moonie kerfuffled it but good.

Delightful tale of cyborg fashionista and bookhorse deluxe. Amazing how a chance encounter can change so many things... like mobility. Good thing Kerfuffle's a pegasus. Still, lovely read. Merry Jinglemas.

She's on her way to becoming a proper serial kerfuffler!

Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed, Merry Jinglemas to you too :twilightsmile:

Adorable short with a unique pairing. I liked the inner voice you gave Kerfuffle and Kerfuffle is just an adorable character all together that needs more stories about her. And there is some potential to be sure of bonding between two who have their grander counterparts that they look up to in Twilight and Rarity. And poor Moonie has to really fight to gain a sliver of Twilight's attention so her making a new friend when her old one is busy is nice sentiment.

The only thing I am disappointed though is that the scratchy wool she feels in the beginning is not the of a sweater of a similarly also passed out mare in bed with her. I wanted Kerfuffle to be especially Kerfuffled as well as in a Kerfuffle. Or maybe Moondancer to be the Kerfuffled one in that regard. :raritywink:

This is... not the story of mine I expected to end up on a 'needs more clop' bookshelf :derpyderp1: That being said, you weren't the only person to have thoughts of that nature; there was a lot of, er, throwing words at a screen to see what stuck with this one, since I didn't have a clue what to do with either character at first, and along the way there was stuff like this:
But the Jinglemas rules said to use the sex tag sparingly, and when all was said and done, I felt as though Moondancer damaging Kerfuffle's leg and fixing it was the much more interesting thing to dwell on, so that ended up being the focus over them falling drunkenly on top of each other, which I... liked on some levels but overall felt gratuitous for the story I was ultimately going for :twilightsheepish:


I giggle a bit at your Discord conversation. Though I have to ask. Why is your discord icon Adagio, but your main avatar is Aria! Mystery. Who is best siren?

this is... not the story of mine I expected to end up on a 'needs more clop' bookshelf

Pfft! I say. With a double f

You'll find my bookshelves to be meticulous and well curated. The only reason this one didn't go on T for Teasing is because you didn't put any sexy tension between them. Huff

But such things must be sacrificed for contests I know! Next time post into Jingleclop~

I was surprised mostly because I've seen someone expressing disappointment that WWAitD cut away when it started getting steamy, so I figured if any of my stories ended up on a shelf like that, it'd be that one.

Oh, Adagio is best siren. That's, like, beyond contestation. She's got the most range of the three so far; she can throw out the same like bitchy snarkitude that Aria can sorta do too, but she also has a lot more room to be flowery and eloquent and stuff, which, like, as far as I'm concerned covers the two most fun bases. Then you've got all the drama and stuff to explore with her being the leader and stuff and just, yeah, no, she's best. I have seen some stories with really bloody fantastic Arias, though.

But, um. The Aria picture I use as my avatar is a cropped little snippet of a bigger picture showing all three, and I didn't like Adagio's face too much the way the artist drew it, whereas I really liked the Aria there (the other are all like posing evilly and stuff, and Aria's just chilling with her lollipop and I kinda love it).

… That doesn't explain why I didn't find an Adagio one I did like to use as an avatar, but whatever. I think at the time I was a lot less sure which of those two I liked the most, but now that I'm more settled on Adagio, I've had this avatar for just so darn long I couldn't imagine anything else replacing it. Guess I'm committed at this point :twilightsheepish:


That being said, you weren't the only person to have thoughts of that nature

I totally had the same thoughts. The title was as double entendre-y as it could possibly be, so I was slightly disappointed to find the story itself to be more vanilla than I expected it to be. Can't help but feel that some tension (not necessarily flirtatious) could improve it.
Then again, considering the event itself, it was probably the safest route.
That thing aside, I totally savoured the language.


Can't help but feel that some tension (not necessarily flirtatious) could improve it.

Yep, fair point! I'll admit a big part of the appeal for me was Kerfuffle being pretty cool and chill about her leg having been burned to a crisp--or at least being too polite and shy to act otherwise--but I can absolutely see how the setup could've made for a tenser scene. Whether that would've made it better I think is tougher to say, but I can totally see where you're coming from there.

Thanks for reading, and for taking the time to comment! It's much appreciated :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the story, buddy :twilightblush:
Comments are prrrrrecious.

Author Interviewer

okay but did they do it >:V I was under the impression that was what was going on here

I can't stop you from thinking they did, I suppose, if you decide that lines up with their actions here?

Wasn't my intent, but that only matters if you let it :P

Author Interviewer

It does not line up, sadly. :B

But what else was I supposed to assume her "kerfuffly bit" was? :V

I mean, her artificial leg's the one bit she's got that we don't really see any other ponies having, so I figured that more than anything else she's got, it's that bit that makes her stand out as being Kerfuffle, so.

I dunno, it made sense in my head.

Author Interviewer

This is fine :V I just like it when the horses kiss.

That was pretty fun! For a character I know nothing about, it was pretty easy to get into her head here.


Weirdly, that was pretty much my experience writing it too. I think possibly because there wasn't much of a canon voice for Kerfuffle to go off of (I only found one short clip of her on youtube, and thought about re-watching Roadtrip, but only got a few minutes into it before remembering why I hated it the first time), so a lot of it was just me, like... I guess settling on a voice I liked that seemed mostly appropriate and going with it :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for reading :twilightsmile:

Information was a rare resource in her haven of blankets and halfway-softness.

This is such a great line.


Wicked reference?

Anyway, this ends up being the first story of yours I read because it's an amazing title and Kerfuffle is an amazing character and my love for her is summed up by my favorite meme ever which by the way comes from Brooklyn Nine-Nine which I only just last week finally started watching only to very quickly discover it is absolutely amazing so I highly recommend it:

Thank you so very much 10027970 for turning me on to it.

Also have this great Melbourne Bounce Kerfuffle track:

Ooooh, okay. I saw someone reference that meme with regards to The Mandalorian the other day, but didn't realize it was a reference (It was in a youtube comment, probably, so didn't include the screenshot). Good to know its origin!

This is such a great line.

It's been long enough since I wrote it that I didn't remember it, so I think I'm at a point where I can say "yes, yes it is" without coming across as too much of a pretentious twat. So.

Yes, yes it is.

Wicked reference?

:eeyup: :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for commenting :twilightsmile:

You’ve got a real knack with dialogue- it has a real deliberate, performative style, but it’s not so affected that it feels unnatural. Was really fun to read.

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