• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 8,439 Views, 319 Comments

My Little Ninjago: When Realms Unite - HarryBuilder

After the Ninja's Recent victory over the Oni they soon discover that they're first attempt the Bringers of Doom to stop may have changed their's and another realm's future forever but just for the better of worse?

  • ...

Volume 2 Chapter 1: Morning Tour

Chapter 1: Morning Tour


that was what Lloyd was feeling right now, he felt like he was floating on a thin blanket of air above an endless abyss, he hadn't felt like this since he was possessed by Morro but at that time he felt he bound by cold, suffocating chains.

but this.

This felt much nicer, like a thick, cozy blanket of air carrying him somewhere filled with bliss.

Lloyd then grunted as he opened his eyes he had flicked open. he looked to his left, to his right, up and down but no matter where he looked all his saw was utter blackness.

"Where am I?" He thought aloud.

"Where the land of dreams meets the waking world." A mysterious voice said as Lloyd whipped his head around trying to find out where the voice was coming from. But all he could see was nothing but black.

"I guess I was just imagining it." Lloyd told himself as turned around only to see a ghostly looking male Alicorn looking straight at him and right infront of him. "AHHH!" Lloyd shouted as reeled back.

"I'm afraid in this plane of existence there is nothing to imagine." The Alicorn said, in a refine and noble voice, once he got a good look at him look could see this Alicorn looked to be around Celestia's age (In appearance not actually Age FYI) maybe a few years more, his horn looked to be at least an inch longer than the Sun princess's as well. He also had dark & striped tail with hair that went up to his shoulders and subconsciously reminded Lloyd of Twilight Hair style only a little more male and rugged looking, robes and armors on his arms and sash around his waist, he had a short goatee that went past the corners of his mouth making a sort of mustache. though he couldn't tell the colors since he was a greenish teal color but what he could tell was this man had a scar on his left cheek, his right pony ear had a notch in it and his wings had the feathers on the end tattered.

"Uh, yeah I'll keep that in mind." Lloyd said carefully, normally he'd question how this was possible but given what he and his friends have been through he chose to just roll with it. he then looked back at the man, "So uh, who are you Mr. Ghost Alicorn?"

"Ah, yes How rude of me!" The Alicorn said as slapped his forehead then cleared his throat, "Ahem! My name at this moment cannot be said but just to make things easier for you Lloyd Garmadon you may call me, King."

"Okay then "King", strange other name cause honestly you look like a-" Lloyd paused as a thought came to him, "Wait, How do you know-"

"It's my duty to know." King said as he floated past the very confused boy, "I know everything about you Lloyd Garmadon, Son of Lord Garmadon Aurumin and Misako Montgomery, student of Master Wu Aurumin, Elemental Master of Energy and the prophesied Green Ninja of legend."

"Okay didn't know you were fan." Lloyd commented raising a brow.

"Unfortunately I did not come here to fuel your confidence my boy but to warn you." He went on as Lloyd face turned surprised. "Warn me? About what?" He asked.

King sighed, "I sense the merging of the two worlds and reached out to you to confirm my theory which I see was true." The blackness then fadded to meadow at sunset with a golden orange light bathing the land around the two, "I fear that an ancient evil has begun stirring is at work as we speak."

"Evil? What ancient evil." Lloyd asked as he and King walked or rather floated in the latter's case.

"One I'm afraid you are all to familar with." King said as Lloyd looked at him with suspense, "It is the Ov-"


"AHHH!" Lloyd screamed at the sound of a bullhorn blaring, waking him up from his dream.

"AAHHH!" The others screamed, awaken by Lloyd and the loud honk, with some like Cole and Rainbow falling off the couches where they slept. Once everyone had regained their hearing they all turned to the person who rudely woke them up.

"GOOOOODDDD MORNING EVERYBODY!!!!" Pinkie cheered as her confetti cannons blasted confetti into the air.

"PINKIE! What did I say about waking us like that?!" Twilight snapped as her bed-head hair and blood-shot eyes showed she was still tired.

"Seriously, and I thought Wu morning gong was annoying!" Jay groan, rubbing his ears.

"Where did she get those-" Cole tried ask about the Cannons that suddenly appeared in the room but was cut off by Applejack.

"Don't ask!" She retorted as Applebloom rubbed her eyes.

"Oh come on guys! It's a new day and we need shows you ninja around Ponyville! And I need to prepare your 'Welcome' party!" Pinkie said gesturing to the Ninja.

"Well could you do that later?!" Kai groaned crankily, pulling his blanket over himself again, "Some of us still need to sleep!" Pinkie just pulled him up again and gave him her baby eyes.

"Aww! Come Kai! Just let us show you around town! PLEASE!" Pinkie begged as Kai looked uneasy at her puppy face.

"It would be a good idea for us to get acquainted with our new environment." Zane reasoned, not feeling as tired or annoyed as the others.

"He does make a good point." Rarity said taking out her curlers and Sweetie Belle shook her sleep.

"Of course he does it's hard to argue with a walking computer." Sunset stated rubbing her head.

"Alright but first we got Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to the school house." Fluttershy said before whipping around to face the three little girls who looked like she was about to argue, "And don't you try and argue you three are going to school like or not." She stated firmly, Discord and Applejack had been helping her be a bit more assertive to others but unlike Ironwill's methods taught to only do it when the situation absolutely called for it and this was probably one of those times.

"AWW!!!" The CMCs groaned.

"Fine, fine. Let's all just get dressed first, head to the school and then look around town." Lloyd said as everyone grumpily got ready but the green just sat where he was and thought back to his dream, 'What was the evil King was trying to warn me about?' he thought but shrugged it off stood up to get ready.

Once everyone got ready they flew off the island on the dragons and towards the school house where they saw a brown skinned Terran woman, with a two-toned pink hair and tail with plum colored ears and green apple eyes, she wore a magenta coat, a brown coat, black leggings and white shoes and she had three daisy pin on her jacket. The woman looked surprised as she saw the Ninja and the heroes of Equestria riding down on the backs of dragons.

"What in the,?" She said, not believing what she was seeing.

"Howdy Cheerilee," Applejack greeted with a tip of her hat, as she and Applebloom hopped off of Cole's dragon and the other followed after them to the door with the dragons disappearing baffling Cheerliee even more.

"W-wha? H-how did you do-" Cheerilee struggled to talked before Rarity silenced her.

"Another time Cheerilee but right now I believe it's time for Sweetie Belle and her friends to begin they're school day?" Rarity said, giving Sweetie a light shove telling to go in. The younger Belle sister sighed and nodded but not before giving a cute smile and wave to Spike who stood behind Twilight and waved to her as she, Applebloom and Scootaloo jog into the classroom.

Cheerliee then turned back to 13 teens but looked to the ninja in particular, "So who might you fine people be?"

"We're the Ninja Mrs. Cheerilee." Lloyd answered before introducing his team, "I'm Lloyd this Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane and Nya."

Cheerilee just smiled and noted they're lack of tails, horns, wings and ears, "I take your some of these human that have moved into Ponyville yesterday?"

"Yeah, we-" Kai stopped himself realizing what the teacher had said, "Wait a minute are you saying they're are others?"

"Indeed, infact there even some in my schoolhouse," Cheerilee pushed the door as the group looked to see a bunch of human kids among some of the Equines kids, but the Ninja noticed one in particular in his signiure Purple hoodie.

"Nelson?!" They whispered shouted, not wanting to catch some unwanted attention from the kids. True to their words Lil' Nelson was in-between next to Scootaloo and another Pegasus kid but had silver wings and ears and a black swept back mane.

"Do you know that boy?" Fluttershy asked as she and the girls saw the boy.

"Yeah, he's sort of the honorary Purple Ninja." Nya explained as the girls looked at the water ninja in surprise.

"Isn't he kinda small to be bashing bad guy heads?" AJ asked, raising an Eyebrow.


The group turned to see Cheerilee giving them an about face, "While normally I don't get involved with other peoples conversations, I really have to get my class started, so if you don't mind." The teens nodded and moved aside and began to explore the village of Ponyville.

As The teens walked through the town they saw many human who quickly become accustomed to the new village, the Ninja soon learned that Ponyville had merged with one of the larger villages in Ninjago called "Normonika" (The Same Village that appeared in "Big Trouble Little Ninjago). The Equines were of course surprised to see humans living among them but seeing as there was no major difference apart from the lack of extra ears, tails, wings and horns they pretty accepting to the new comers.

The Ninja and Mane 7 walked around until they came to a blue, white and purple building that had a roof similar to a carousel top. "I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is your house Rarity?" Kai asked the Fashionista who just gave a chuckle.

"Oh my dear Kai, this is more than just my 'house'," she explained before standing infront of the building with her arms out, "My dear Ninja, Welcome to Carousel Boutique, home to Sleek, chic and oh so incredible Unique!"

"Oh, so it's a clothing store?" Cole guessed, rubbing his chin.

"Pretty much." Sunset explained, crossing her arms, "Whenever most of don't have anything to do, we stop by here and try on some of Rarity's creations." But she then smirked and glanced over to a certain farm girl and a Wonderbolt, "Or in Dash and Aj's cases forced to walk around in one of dresses after losing a bet."

The Ninja laugh at the thought of the two girls in dresses, since it would be ridiculous to see the two tomboys in girly dresses. Applejack and Rainbow just crossed they're arms and gave them unamused frowns, "Real funny." They groaned out.

They continued the tour of town, stopping by places like the Ponyville Spa, Fluttershy's Sacuntuary on the outskirts of town and then as they were walking through the middle of town Cole saw a building that really Caught his attention. The team then saw Cole with his tongue sticking out and drooling then he zoomed straight for a building that looked like it was made entirely out of sweets, and baked goods. The Ninja had a sinking feeling what that store was, "Um, that wouldn't happened to be a cake shop would it?" Kai asked heistantly.

"Uh, huh. That's Sugarcube Corner, best Cake, Cupcake, Cakepops and all kinds of sugary treats shop in all of Ponyville, why?" Pinkie said, confused why they would ask what kind of shop Sugarcube Corner was.

The Ninja looked at each other and all said, "Uh-Oh."

"What is it?" Twilight asked with a raise brow.

Nya pinched her nose and answered, "Cole sorta has an...Addiction to cakes."

"...Seriously?" The Mane 7 and Spike said, finding it weird that the most muscular member of the team would be addicted to cake.

"Seriously, Now let's go before Cole eats the poor store owners of that shop out of Shop and home." Kai as they all ran into Sugarcube Corner where they saw Cole getting a cake from a short and slightly plump Terran woman in a purple and white apron a three cupcake mark on it and light yellow dress shirt and pink earrings, with a Pink swirly tail and hair, hot pink eyes, and bright blue ears.

"Thanks, Mrs. Cake! I was starving all day!" Cole cheered looking at the cake happily.

"Oh it's no problem at all sweet heart, I honestly love making treats for the new comers." Mrs. Cake said with a sweet.

"Cole!" Cole and Mrs. Cake flinched they turned to see the rest of the teen standing behind them with Nya looking particularly unamused.

"Uh hey guys, What's up?" Cole said sheepishly.

"Oh don't 'Hey guys, what's up' us guys Rock for brains!" Nya retorted, storming up to Cole, "Are you bothering this nice lady?!"

"Oh no dearie. I can assure you, your friend has been no bother at all." Mrs. Cake said as the others gather around and turned to Cole and pointed to the other Ninja, "Cole are these your friends."

"Uh-huh, This is tough girl Nya, her hotshot brother Kai, my robo buddy Zane, my best Jay and my Green leader Lloyd." Cole introduced them with Nya giving a wry grin, Kai giving a raised brow, Zane giving slight head bow, Jay giving a bright smile and wave and Lloyd giving simple head nod, "Guys this is Mrs. Cake, she's the owners of this shop."

"It's Nice to meet you Mrs. Cake. Sorry if our black friend here was trying eat all of your products." Kai joked.

"HEY!" Cole retorted, as everyone laughed. Once they calmed down Mrs. Cake spoke again.

"Oh don't worry your friend was actually helping me by purchasing my new Apple and cinnamon Cake." She gestured to the cake Cole was holding.

"Ooh!" The group said looking at the yellow, Red and brown cake, decorated with cinnamon sticks and apple slices.

"Looks good, Mrs. Cake." Pinkie complimented the elder Terran, "you probably make this a special on the menu."

"She not wrong you know," the group turned to see a tale skinny male Terran, with yellow ears, an orange short sraggy tail and hair and green eyes. He wore brown pants, a white apron with a carrot cake picture on it over a teal shirt, and red and white bowtie with a matching hat.

In his arms his was holding two babies, in his right was a light skin boy with blown back brown hair with matching eyes, with small stubby wings and ears of a light goldish gray color and in his right arm a little girl, with orange hair with a blue bow on top, yellow ears and horn, sucking her thumb. The Terran walked over to the group and as he handed the boy to Mrs. Cake, "When I just caught a wiff of that cake I knew it was real Sugarcube Menu Special!"

"Oh Thank you, Carrot." Mrs. Cake replied blushing before realizing she didn't introduce them to her family, "Oh right where are my manners, ahem. Ninja this is My Carrot Cake and our childern Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake." She introduced them respectively.

"Aww!" The Ninja cooed looking the baby respectively. Pound looked at Kai and smiled before bobbing the fire Ninja on the nose.

"Pound! What have I told you about hitting people?" Mrs. Cake scolded before turning to Kai looking apological, "I'm a so sorry about that Kai. Pound you apologize too." She held up her son to Kai as the little boy made a gulity face and say "Sawry." Kai just chuckled.

"Heh no problem pal. I've hit by worst," He then let Pound hold one of his figures, "You got a real fighting spirit in you, I see the makings of warrior inside you."

"Maybe. I was told most Pegasi were born into lives of adventure. But it's still to early to tell." Mrs. Cake said nuzzling her son.

"So what about her, does she like to hit things?" Lloyd asked gesturing to Pumpkin who just smiled.

"Oh no." Mr. Cake said with a chuckle before gently scratching Pumpkin's chin with a finger, "Pumpkin prefers to chew on things rather than hit them I feel like she'll be quite the taste tester when she grows up." Pumpkin giggles at her daddy in response.

"Wait a second," Jay said before point to the Cakes, "How is that two Terrans can have both a baby pegasus and a baby Unicorn?" He asked, pointing to Pound and Pumpkin respectfully?

"Easy, My great-great-great-great- grand grandfather was a unicorn," Carrot Cake explained before going on, "and Cup Cake's great aunt's second cousin twice removed was a pegasus. That makes sense, right?"

The Ninja just blink in confusion at that really interesting explanation, "Um, I was gonna say it was pure dump luck but that works to." Jay spoke up.

"Don't' worry about it guys." Sunset reassured, "I was pretty confused by how this happened myself when I moved here."

"Well with that out of the way do you think we can go somewhere for some more food?" Cole asked as his stomach growled and his face turned sheepish, "Heh heh, I didn't have breakfast yet. And this cake is just for dessert."

"Oh, Cole. Is food all you ever think about?" Nya said as she and the other Ninja facepalmed at they're team's strongest member's appetite.

The girls chuckled, at the Black Ninja Hunger, before Applejack patted Cole's Shoulder "Now don't you worry Sugarcube I know just the place to get that belly of yours's full."

The Ninja turned to her curiously, "Really, where?" Jay asked.

"My Home." She replied

"*Whistle* That's a one big orchard ." Kai said seeing Apple trees as far as the eye can see.

"Yup, Sweet Apple Acres has more trees than any other Apple farm in all of kingdom." Applejack said, looking at her family's farm with pride. The had headed to Sweet Apple arces for breakfast, While Kai, Lloyd and Cole explored the orchard with Applejack and her brother Big Macintosh while collecting apples and the others were helping her grandmother make them all breakfast with the cake Cole got from Carrot and Cupcake as dessert.

The boys used there Ninja train to kick the apples of the trees or as the Apples say 'Buck em loose'. Kai gave one tree a good soild kick and the apples rained down in the baskets. Then the orange haired but not so talkative big man known as Big Mac Picked them up. He wore a red jacket with a brown collar over a white shirt, Blue jeans, red and white sneakers, brown belt.

As he carried the two buckets, Cole walked next to him carrying Four (Two stacked on each other in each hand) and complimented him, "Whoo, you must be pretty strong like your sister to carry to bucket loads of apples, Huh Mac?"

"Eeeyup." Big Mac answered.

"Ha! Your one to talk Mister 'Strongest ninja in the land'." Lloyd retorted as he loaded a bucket into the horse draw Carriage.

"Well I'm glad you boys are here to help, harvesting all the apples before they spoil is big job." Applejack said in the driver's seat.

"No problem AJ, helping people is what we Ninja do best." Cole said as the two shared a smile. Big Mac detect something more in the smiles they were giving each other and gave a smile back, 'Looks like AJ finally found some fella who caught her attention.' He thought before a less happy one crossed his mind, 'Now if only I could find my own-'


His thinking was interrupted when the group turn to see an elderly short Terran Woman with reddish orange eyes, her grey and white hair and tail in a bun, wearing a yellow dress shirt, a red dress, and apron with apple pies on it, an orange apple patterned scarf, and green ears and was banging a pot with a spoon and called out them.

"Alright ya Whipper Snappers! That's enough Apple Hualling! Come cool your Cabooses inside for some delicious Apple Family Breakfast!" The Apple siblings just sighed and shook they're heads while the three Ninja boys were amazed by the old woman's yelling skills.

"Comin' Granny!" They called and Big Mac Hopped on to the carriage next to his sister. Applejack then turned to her new Ninja friend and gestured for them to climb on. "Alright fellas, get on before Granny Smith comes down and tans our hides." She joked.

The boys turned to each and shrugged and hopped on to the carriage's flat bed, and then AJ whipped the reins of the horses before they neighed and clipped-clopped down the path.

"I sure hope an Apple Family breakfast is tasty." Cole said rubbing his belly in anticpation, he always loved apple foods growing up.

"Oh trust me partner, it's more then tasty. It's Lip Smackin' delicious!" Applejack promised. "And trust me when I say that's the honest truth."

"Would you expect anything less from the 'Element of Honesty'?" Kai joked as they laughed and head for the farm house, hoping to have a delicious apple breakfast.

"*BURP* AHH, That was good!" Cole said after he burped as he rubbed his happy belly after the delicious breakfast the apples made for them, as everyone murmured an agreement minus Rarity who made a grimace at the sound of Cole's burping.

Rarity scoffed, "Auh, Cole darling please I know you are a man but please would do you any harm if you could show a little dignity by not burping so loudl-"


The group froze and turn to the fashion Unicorn who had just made an even bigger burp than Cole's and was hunched over with her mouth covered. It was silent for a few moments before Kai, Rainbow, Jay and Pinkie fell to the ground rolling with laughter, Cole, Applejack Nya and Sunset laughed too but not as hard as first four while Lloyd, Twilight, Fluttershy and Zane did there best to hold back their giggles for the sake of poor Rarity who was now kneeling with a red face of embarrassment.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Oh man! Rares that- That was just- That was too-too AWWESSOMMME!!" Rainbow struggled said, as she held her aching sides.

"BAHHAHAHA! Yeah did-didn't know you burp like that!" Kai laughed out, pointing to the Bearer of Generosity as Jay and Pinkie were too busy laughing to talk.

"Heh, I tried to warn you drinking all that cider would have some backlash for ya!" Applejack chuckled.

"STOP YOUR LAUGHING! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!!" Rarity screamed as she glared at her laughing friends.

Once she regained control of herself, Rainbow looked out and saw something approaching, she squinted her eyes to get a better look and her jaw drop when she got a good look at it. "Um guys call me crazy but is that a giant metal man heading straight towards us?" She said, pointing to the path up ahead as the said giant metal man was marching for the town.

"Huh?" They look and saw that the giant metal man was mostly dark navy blue and stark white with gold fingers on it left hand, a giant black laser cannon on it's right with a gold tube that was connected to the back and purple and gold details and what looked like a white samurai helmet with gold horns and on it's forehead was an insignia samurai's helmet as face guard and two swords crossing each other . On it's chest was what looked like some kind of energy core and on it's back were jet boosters and a gold sword handle.

"Hey don't we know that walking tin-can?" Jay asked as the other Ninja realized who was walking towards them.

"You should Jay." Nya said smirking at her boyfriends before placing a hand on her chest and spoke with some pride, "After all I Built it?"

"Wait YOU build that giant robot?!" Twilight exclaimed as the robot got closer, the girls now seeing how big it really was.

"Yes, but it's not really a robot, it's mecha-suit I built back when I was known as Samurai X." Nya explained before turning to said mecha-suit that had finally came to a stop. "Though looks like someone made some upgrades to it." The girls stared in awe at the giant mechanical marvel, though one could see that someone was piloting it and the girls noticed that Zane looked particularly happy as he stared at the person in the Mech. "But if it's your suit then who's that driving it?" Sunset asked.

"A good friend." Zane said as he then walked towards and gestured to the person, "Why don't you step out there and introduce yourself to our new friends?" The person nodded and the suit chest opened up and they hopped out. Once the person was out the Mane 7 could clearly see that this was a woman given her slim figure. She wore Blue, and white armor with red highlights, black pants and boots with the Samurai helmet and swords insignia on her chest. She wore a helmet with a white Visor and gold flame like horns.

Zane then turned back to group and gestured to masked woman, "Girls allow me to Introduce you to Samurai X," Samurai X then took off her helmet revealing herself as a pale skin girl with silverish colored hair and emerald eyes. She then hugged Zane and he hugged her back, "It is good to see you're alright Pixal."

"Likewise Zane." Pixal replied before they separated and she turned to the group, "Good day my friends, I am Pixal Borg, which stands for Primary Interactive eX-ternal Assistant Life-form Borg. The new Samurai X" She introduced herself while taking a respective bow.

The girls looked to each other confusedly, "Um, it's a very nice to meet you Pixal." Rarity said approaching the Samurai, "Forgive me for asking this but given how you just explain your first name you wouldn't to be a..." She trailed not wanting to be rude to the girl.

Pixal merely chuckled, "Yes my friend, I am indeed a robot. Observe." She then closed her eyes and then her face shimmered for a moment before her skin turned into a metallic white, with purple circuit like markings on her face, her hair turned into a shiny silver and her eyes turned into a brilliant glowing green. Unlike when Zane revealed to be a robot the girls were not terrifed but rather fascinated by the female robot. Rarity in particular was extreme appealed by her appearance.

"My Pixal you are quite the lovely Lady." She then made a sly look at Zane remembering how they hugged a few moments ago, "I'm sure a certain Nindroid loves to talk about you."

"Oh yeah, those two are like two magnets: They're attracted to each other!" Jay quipped.

Everyone except for Zane Pixal who didn't understand the joke and Pinkie and Rainbow who actually thought it was laughed just groaned. Zane then decide to answer Rarity question, "You are indeed correct Rarity. Pixal and I are compatible." He said holding the female droid's hand.

"Compatible?" Sunset asked with a raised brow at Nya.

"It's kind of a thing with them." Nya answered before turning to her Samurai X successor looking over her old suit, "So Pix I see you made some upgrades to my old suit."

"Correct. Since my original one was destroyed in the fight with the Oni I decide to bring the old one off the shelves with some of my, 'father's' tech." She answered but saying the father's part with some hesitant as she was still a little not use to call Dr. Borg that yet. She than turn back to the group, "I was about to return to Ninjago City when there was this big white flash of light, when I awoke I was still in the Samurai X Cave, I headed to Borg Tower to learn what happened. Once I understood the situation I tracked you to this town thanks to Zane signal."

"Well it's good to see you Pixal." Lloyd said, "Now that your here we can finally get some training done"

Pixal then turned to her left, "Well if you wish to begin your training, I suggest you start soon, especially with those enemies approaching the town rather quickly."

That got everyone to flinch and turned to female Nindroid with concern, "Uh, Enemies? What enemies?" Jay asked.

Pixal then pointed the border of the two as they all saw a large group of people riding on what looked motorcycles. Leading were five more advanced looking cycles and behind them them was a much larger one driven by a much larger man. "Oh, those enemies?" Jay squeaked.

"Who are those ruffians?" Rarity gasped.

"Wait a minute are those, The Sons of Garmadon?!" Nya shouted, recognizing they're motorcycles.

"Wait The Sons of Garmadon? The Motorcycle Cult and Worshippers of Lloyd's father you fought a few months ago?" Twilight asked, as Lloyd made a grimace at her for her choice of wording.

"Yup, we thought after we defeated Garmadon we caught them all but it looks like at least a handful managed to give us the slip. Including Killow." Cole said pointing to the big man at the back. "He was one of the SOG's top commanders."

"We figured he might've skipped town with some of his buddies." Kai said with a hand on his sword.

"B-but who-who are those five leading them." Fluttershy trembled pointing to the said five bikers.

"I don't know but look a like everyone. Looks like our job of protecting our new world just got started." Lloyd declared as the Ninja and Pixal drew they're weapons. The Bikes stopped with the lead bikers screeching to halt. The five were dress in Silver, Violet, Red, green and Blue colored gear and helmets respectively and Then the one in center who was wearing the red colored gear and bike spoke in male voice, reverberating through the helmet.

"What a Beautiful Morning for a little Carnage!"

Author's Note:

Well there you have it folks. The new chapter of My Little Ninjago is finally out. And first off I'd like to Apologize for not submitting any chapters sooner but I was seriously busy with my others stories and my chores but now it's back ready to Whip back into action.

But back to the summery. It's Lloyd has gotten a warning that an ancient evil is returning to this newly formed world from a ghostly OC of mine who is currently called King but his real name will revealed later on in the story. Unfortunately we never got to find out who the mystery villain was thanks to Pinkie Pie but that to will be revealed later on in the story.

So now the Ninja have begun to tour Ponyville and learning that they're honorary member Nelson lives her too. They also meet the Cake and Apple families respectively and It seems Big Macs sees something between Cole and his sister. More on this story later. :trollestia:

And Surprise! The Guest character to this Chapter was Pixal and she comes to town with new or rather Samurai X Mech, Just imagine it as cross between the original Samurai X Suit but with Pixal's Samurai Colors and this picture.

And it seems like she's not the only one who found the Ninja. That's right the SOG are back with Killow (who I wanted to be one of the members who managed to give the slip) And some new recruits who are also my OCs as well.

Next time though, We will see who they are and The fight for Ponyville is On and the Ninja and the Mane & have got the skills to pay the bills but unfortunately so do the SOG and they're new recruits And just when the situation looks bleak a certain master and mother decide to crash the party and as the Team gets distracted, Twilight finds herself in a tight spot until a certain Red head Unicorn swoops in and saves her or does he?

But Don't expect the next chapter out soon because for the rest of the month I'll be working MLP: Return of the King and Queen.

Don't forget to Like, Comment and Follow me of Fimfiction.

stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.


Comments ( 71 )

Why do you rarely respond to comments?

It is true that the overlord is coming back in this fimfiction

I just want to make sure the comments are worth responding or rather they pique my curiosity.

Nicely done.

Awesome work with this chapter, it’s been a while and I’m more surprised that the sons of Garmadon has returned, and not to mention I’m getting an overlord vibe from the beginning of this chapter, but I’ll be waiting for the next one, awesome job there, keep up the great work

There are new stuff in the show. Just check out the sets at lego.com/ninjago.

Is that seventh ninja Moro?

Its really nice in seeing a new chapter for this story there.
And nice in seeing Pixel showing up there.

Would Spike be joining the fight too or he is sadly going to be excluded hard?
Still didn't like how he missed out on the Ninja's fight with the Mane 7 due to Discord there..
In fact, where was Spike anyway?
I know we saw him at the school and bakery in the chapter, but afterwards the chapter seems to suddenly act like Spike isn't with the group at all for some reason.

LOVE IT!!! And great ending.😁 And by the way I think after seeing a part of the chapter it’s like you’ve got one of my ideas I gave you like cole visiting Sugercube corner?? I knew he’d Liked it!!!!🤣 But also liked pixels new samurai mech and seeing some old enemies from old seasons.

Can’t wait for the next chapter.

There’s no way that could be Mr E.

And I don’t see twilight hasn’t fully trusted young garmadon.😠

It could be possible, cuz he’s in the story’s book background.


I'm also very pissed about that as well. :facehoof:

Comment posted by gcdestroyer deleted Aug 20th, 2021

My friend? After your done with another chapter of your new story “My little pony: Return of the king and queen” are you gonna do another chapter of My little Ninjago??

Yes, or at least I hope so since school is starting back up for me

Great!! We shall soon see what happens next for the ninja and the mane 7 as they fight the SOG.

Comment posted by gcdestroyer deleted Sep 10th, 2021
Comment posted by gcdestroyer deleted Sep 28th, 2021

Quick question what would you think could happen if the elements of harmony came in contact with the scrolls of forbbiden spinjitzu

Hmmm good concept my friend.

I just want to see what happens next for our heroes. I can’t wait any longer.

Yeah me too please

Hello quick question what if the elements of harmony found all the pieces of the yin blade reconstructed it and combined it with the scrolls of forbbiden spinjitzu

Some Ninjago characters share voice actor with mlp character

name some of those characters for me?

Nya/Spitfire: Kelly Metzger
Harumi/Cadence: Britt McKillip

Kai master of fire/Flash Sentry: Vincent Tong

Hello quick question what if the elements of harmony found all the pieces of the yin blade reconstructed it and combined it with the scrolls of forbbiden spinjitzu and one other thing how about having Aspheera murge with king sombra to become queen aspheerbra

My friend? Am sorry to barge in but I REALLY want to see what happens next.😩

When is the next chapter?

How long are you going to make the next chapter of volume 2 of my little ninjago when realms unite fimfiction volume 2 chapter 2

Any luck of continuing this story dude? Cuz I can’t wait anymore.

Hey harrybuilder when are you going to release the next chapter of my little ninjago when realms unite volume 2 chapter 2

Yeah true. And what is it going to be called?

I know right I really really really really want to see the next chapter of volume 2 of my little ninjago when realms unite volume 2 chapter 2

How long are you going to make the next chapter of volume 2 of my little ninjago when realms unite volume 2 chapter 2

I have been waiting for so long. when Is the next chapter gonna be out?

Agreed. I’ve been wondering the same thing if there ISNT any progress or updates for a long time now.

Hello quick question what if the elements of harmony found all the pieces of the yin blade reconstructed it and combined it with the scrolls of forbbiden spinjitzu and one other thing how about having Aspheera become queen to king Sombra

Hello quick question what if the elements of harmony found all the pieces of the yin blade reconstructed it and combined it with the scrolls of forbbiden spinjitzu and one other thing how about having Aspheera become queen to king sombra

Please add to this already it’s in a cliffhanger and I have been waiting over a year now

Dude the scroll of Spinjitzu is not canon in the after oni season because they have just defeated the oni and the Yang blade is irrilavent

I would like to point out that the yin blade is a powerful weapon just like the scrolls of forbbiden spinjitzu and by combining the two you can do the same thing as Aspheera did with her staff only you could open a rift to the never realm

Comment posted by Violet Spice deleted Jun 30th, 2022

If i have to wait any longer for the next chapter i'm going to go crazy.

I know right????😞

Dude? Are you almost done with return of the king and queen?? Cuz I REALLY want to see more My little Ninjago!😫

Ok dude I can't wait anymore I am going crazy just waiting for the next chapter. 😫:twilightangry2:

Well good news I just started work on it.

bads news is that it will take a while before airs, because I just started going to the gym on weekdays.

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