• Published 11th Dec 2019
  • 1,619 Views, 27 Comments

Twisted Nightmare - ScorchingFlamesInc

Well this sucks. One day, I am writing a fanfiction about getting sent to Equestria. The next day I'm... sent to Equestria. Two problems: One, I'm Twisted Freddy from the FNaF books. Second, another human has been sent here as Nightmare from FNaF 4.

  • ...


Princess Luna stared at the moon. On her face wasn't a sign of content, but rather, uneasiness.

"Luna?" a voice said behind her. "Are you ok?"

Luna turned her head to see her sister, Princess Celestia, looking at her with an expression of worry.

"Are you having memories of Nightmare Moon, again?" asked Celestia.

"Well... kinda..." Luna said.

"What do you mean?"

"When I raised the moon earlier tonight, I had this odd feeling. A feeling that there would be some sort of threat... I am not sure if it is Nightmare Moon, Discord, or somepony else... but I guarantee that something isn't right..."

"Interesting..." Celestia said, putting a hoof on her chin. "Anything else?"

"No. But if something very sinister DOES end up becoming reality, I promise you, I shall be ready for whatever it is."

Celestia stepped closer to her sister.

"WE will be ready. You will not be alone. I will be there to help you if there really is a threat. I will alert Twilight and her friends as well."

Luna smiled.

"Thank you, sister. Whatever this threat will be, we will make sure that it is stopped no matter what..."

Meanwhile, on Planet Earth...

I stared at the computer, puzzling over what to type next.

As of the moment, I am home alone, sitting on my bed, writing another chapter in a My Little Pony fanfiction. Mom and Jason, my stepdad, wouldn't be home until 11:30. As for my sister, she was at camp.

What is the fanfiction about? It's a story about me getting sent to Equestria with some friends and going on crazy adventures.

Yep. I'm what we call a brony. A guy who is a hardore fan of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I had some merchandise centering around the show. Books. Plush. That sort of stuff.

If only it were real...

Anyway, about thirty to forty-five minutes later, I FINALLY finished the chapter and then decided to call it good. I closed the computer, brought it to the living room, and set it on the coffee table. It WAS my mom's computer after all. I had to keep it safe.

I made my way back to my room and took a look at the top of my bookshelf, where multiple Five Night's at Freddy's plushies sat.

Along with being a My Little Pony fan, I was ALSO a hardcore FNaF fan. I would ALWAYS get a piece of their merchandise when I had the chance.

One of MY favorites was Twisted Freddy. Probably because he was so cool! He had a gaping mouth full of teeth, a stomach full of teeth, and boils. I honestly find him to be one of the scariest-looking characters there is. In fact, he was the FIRST 'Twisted Ones' plush I GOT!

Anyway, one look at the time told me all I needed to know about what to do next. 10:45. 15 minutes until 11:00, the time I SHOULD be in bed.

I did my usual bedtime routine. Pajamas. Brushing teeth. All THAT stuff.

Finally, I crawled under the warm covers. I had no reason to be excited for tommorow, aside from the chance to play more video games. But you know what they say...

"Tomorrow is another day..."


I woke up, and immediatly started to feel... how do I put it... strange.

For one thing, I felt that I was standing when I woke up. STANDING! And I NEVER fall asleep OR wake up standing.

Even though my eyes were still shut, I still felt more differences made to my body. I felt bigger, and some spots of my body felt gaping and open. Even weirder, I felt no pain.

Finally, when I fully came to my senses that something was wrong, I shot open my eyes.

And I found that there was something on my face.

It was a muzzle that would belong to a bear. An animatronic one to be precise.

Seeing that thing in front of my face was enough for the panic to set in.

I gasped, my intake of breath sounding oddly... deep and nightmarish.

I looked around in panic, hoping that the gasp WASN'T from me. But the muzzle in front of my face followed.

Once I noticed the muzzle was following me, I lifted my right hand hand to poke it, so I can see if it was real. But when I lifted my hand, I heard a whirring sound, before I saw that my arm looked highly different... and familiar.

What I saw WASN'T the usual human arm, but rather one that would terrify me. I saw that it was brown, looked more like an arm of an animatronic. The arm was nearly covered in boils. For my hand, at the end of each finger and my thumb, were very long fingernails.

Jeez. All I did was react to a bear-muzzle on my face, and already I'm learning more about what happened to my body.

Seeing the arm brought me into further suspicions of who I was. I brought my hand up and touched my muzzle (without poking my eyes) like I intended to. The muzzle felt all too real. I tried to look down, but it was hard to see past that stupid muzzle.

I closed my hand the best I could and lifted up a finger. I had to test a couple things.

I lifted up my finger and felt my closed mouth. Instead of lips, I felt lots of sharp teeth. Some of them felt jagged and were jutting out. I felt no cheeks either. I only felt teeth, proving to me that my mouth is bigger that it used to be.

I then opened my mouth and put my fingernail in my mouth. Moving the fingernail around a little, I felt another row of teeth. I didn''t feel a tongue. Finally, I reached my throat, and felt some more teeth, along with the small hole that made up my throat.

I didn't gag once. And everything I felt in my mouth felt like it was a part of me.

I lowered my arm and began my next test. Hand still closed and finger still lifted, and went to poke my abdomen.

When my fingernail felt contact with my abdomen, it was a lot deeper than usual. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was my back I touched. No skin, muscle, organs, nothing. Just the inside of my back.

I brought my fingernail out of my abdomen and started feeling my head for final confirmation on who I was.

I felt two round ears, a top hat, and on the right side of my head, a ton more boils.

I didn't need to pull any part of my suit off. Whatever I felt on my body, it felt like it was a part of me.

It's official... I'm Twisted Freddy... that's just great...

Now that I know what happened to my body, it was time to divert my attention to where I was.

Now, I was already aware I wasn't home when I opened my eyes. But I was too focused on figuring out what happened to my body to even look aroud.

The location I was in seemed odd... yet familiar. There was a whole bunch of trees, vines, and weird plants. The strangest thing about this forest, was that it was oddly cartoony.

I've only seen one forest on TV that looked like this.

"The Everfree Forest?"

Well... my voice really IS different as well. What does it sound like? Remember Nightmare Freddy's voice from Ultimate Custom Night? Yeah. THAT'S what it sounds like. Only it was slightly deeper.

Honestly, I've kinda expected a scarier voice than that.

Suddenly, my attention was caught at the sound of rustling leaves.

Author's Note:

This is a very... unique concept. I'm a little more iffy on how this goes than the other stories.

Anyone willing out to point out errors? Help me edit? Comment below if you are interested.


Link to poll: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/881006/poll-which-crossover-fic-should-happen

Link to other stories (if you want to read them. You don't have to): https://www.fimfiction.net/user/345991/CartoonopolisAdventures/stories

Feel free to make theories on what will happen. And always let the brony or pegasister within conquer your creativity.