• Published 17th Aug 2012
  • 8,179 Views, 374 Comments

Tales of Ponyville - RainbowDoubleDash

Six mares, six tales, all connecting together

  • ...

4. A Musical Bond

A love song for Bon Bon:

“You’ll remember me when the west wind moves
“Upon the fields of barley
“You'll forget the sun in her jealous sky
“As we walk in fields of gold

“So I took my love for to gaze awhile
“Upon the fields of barley
“In her hooves I fell as her hair came down
“Among the fields of gold

“Will you stay with me, will you be my love
“Among the fields of barley?
“We'll forget the sun in her jealous sky
“As we lie in fields of gold

“See the west wind move like a lover so
“Upon the fields of barley
“Feel my body rise when you kiss my mouth
“Among the fields of gold

“I never made promises lightly
“And there have been some that I’ve broken
“But I swear in the days still left
“We’ll walk in fields of gold
“We’ll walk in fields of gold…”

It’s a work in progress. I need a final verse, I think…and using ‘gold’ probably isn’t the best choice. It feels natural, and until just recently I probably could have gotten away with it…but now that Corona’s back, probably not…

I can’t remember when I first met Bon Bon. She’s just always there, a constant in my life. I can’t even really remember our first kiss – well, our technical first kiss. I remember our first kiss as a couple, of course, but I know there were dozens more before that, the quick kind between close friends or sisters, the kind I think that we always knew heralded something deeper and more meaningful but which we didn’t know how to act on yet.

But then our first real kiss…it was our first date. I remember thinking that our date didn’t seem like anything really all that special, it was just more of what we always did anyway, almost disappointing, really, just to go out to dinner in the park. But, then we were under this willow tree, watching a sunset over the lake that borders Whitetail Wood…Bon Bon snuggled close to me…I nuzzled her, at first because that was what I was supposed to do, but then I looked into her eyes, and…we kissed. There is a world of differences between a kiss and a kiss, and this was definitely the latter. Our lips touched and we instantly stopped being just friends, and that hasn’t changed since.

I think for a little while we were worried that it might do something to the friendship we’d had since forever – a little scared to change what we had going already. Love is invigorating, love is the greatest feeling in the world, but love can be terrifying, too. What if we weren’t really in love? What if it didn’t work out between us? Then not only would we no longer have each other’s love – we’d also lose each other’s friendship, as neither of us could have gone back to being ‘just friends,’ not after having loved each other the way we did.

Yes, I’ve dated other ponies besides Bon Bon. I can’t count the number of ponies who are genuinely surprised at that. One or two of them were even ponies that I dated, though apparently they only ever thought that we were just ‘hanging out that one time.’ Probably says something about the effort I was trying to put into it.

That period, when we weren’t sure about each other, only lasted a few short months. It wasn’t long before we were in each other’s hooves again, when Bon Bon and me finally decided to hang up this ‘friends’ deal and become so much more – become what we’d always known we were on some level.

And then I moved away for three years. And I wasn’t always the best at showing it, but those three years were just…agony. Waking up knowing that I could only see Bon Bon every now and then, that the majority of my days would go by without being able to hear her voice…this one day where I realized that I had somehow gone from dawn ‘til dusk without thinking about her, wondering if that meant that I was falling out of love and how that scared me until Octavia sat me down and told me how ridiculous I was being.

When I came back, though, I didn’t immediately go to her. Because I was scared. Because I hadn’t seen her in months, hadn’t written her in weeks, the end-of-year at the Academy having consumed all my time. What if she had fallen out of love with me? What if she had found somepony else? What if she couldn’t forgive me for not writing her for so long? For not seeing her for so long?

In hindsight…I was being ridiculous again. And Bon Bon, she had missed me with every fiber of her being, as much as I missed her. It’s been months since I’ve come back, of course. We’ve had good times and bad times. We’ve had arguments, and we’ve had to make up afterwards. We’ve laughed, and we’ve cried.

We’ve had each other, and we always will. And I don’t think we’ll ever doubt that again.


For a decent change, consciousness came slowly, rather than a result of Lyra falling from where she lay and onto the floor. She didn’t open her eyes, instead simply feeling her way around the bed. She was lying on her right side, her right foreleg tucked tight against her body, while her left leg was draped over the withers and shoulder of somepony else – Bon Bon, of course, who was lying with her back to Lyra, still asleep. This made for another change, as Lyra rarely managed to beat Bon Bon to waking up.

Lyra smiled, leaning forward and burying her muzzle in Bon Bon’s thick mane, breathing deeply. The scent that came back was of hair and skin and sweat and the same things she could smell in the mane of anypony, of course, but overlaying them was something else – the smell of sugar, not the kind found in a sugar bowl, but rather the fine powder that could gather atop gummi bears or sucking sweets. Laced with the scent of sugar were a dozen other scents – cherry, watermelon, dandelion, apple, rye, even rose – but pure sugar was the most prominent, and triggered within Lyra a million happy memories, all of them dominated by the face of a single mare. To Lyra, it was the sweetest scent in the world.

Bon Bon shifted, rolling over. The movement made Lyra open her eyes, and she found herself looking into the teal eyes of her best friend, her marefriend, the pony who meant more to her than just about anything in the whole world. Bon Bon was awake, it seemed, but didn’t say anything as she leaned in and nuzzled Lyra, an action that the unicorn returned for several moments, before the two stopped, embracing each other tightly, both closing their eyes once more and simply listening to the sound of each other’s breathing.

No words were needed, as both had reached the same conclusion: today was a day for sleeping in.

It couldn’t last, of course. The store beneath their hooves, Bon Bon’s Confectionarium, wouldn’t open itself up, nor mind itself even if it did find some way to do so. The next time Lyra woke (much to her annoyance – her special talent may have been music, but Lyra enjoyed sleeping nearly as much), it was to an otherwise empty bed. Even without her marefriend occupying it, Lyra didn’t get up and pointedly ignored the fact that the clock in the room read 2 o’clock – not quite a new personal record, but close. It was mid-Spring, still just cool enough outside to warrant a comforter over the bed to keep warm at night, making the bed a powerful bastion of heat against the horror that was room temperature. She couldn’t think of anything in particular that she needed to do with her afternoon, so there was no reason to…

Bon Bon stuck her head in to the bedroom, and saw Lyra lying on her back, staring at the ceiling and contemplating the deep mysteries of the universe. “Oh, good, you’re awake,” she said. “We need groceries if we’re going to go on that picnic later today.”

Oh, right, Lyra thought. The picnic. That thing with the blanket and the eating of food and the complaining about ants. Bon Bon’s heat was coming up, which meant that Lyra’s marefriend was increasingly in the mood for romantic excursions. Lyra herself would probably be the same way in about a month. She nevertheless found herself sighing a little in annoyance. “Let’s just bring candy,” she insisted, rolling over and covering her head with the bedsheet, completely encasing herself under the comforter and closing her eyes again even as she congratulated herself on a brilliant idea. The store downstairs was full of candy, meaning that if she could convince Bon Bon of this idea, she wouldn’t have to get out of bed. “Candy’s good.

Bon Bon frowned. Lyra couldn’t see Bon Bon, of course, but she knew Bon Bon, and she knew Bon Bon would be frowning. “You can’t have just candy at a picnic.”

“Maybe you can’t…wagh!” The last exclamation came when Bon Bon grabbed the sheets with her teeth and yanked it from the bed. The drop in temperature from blissful warmth to dreadful room temperature was immediate. Lyra glared at Bon Bon, but the earth pony mare was already trotting from the room and back downstairs to her shop, chuckling to herself. Lyra watched her retreat with a deep scowl. “You’re lucky I love you!” she called after her.

“Love you too, honey!” Bon Bon called back nonchalantly.


Lyra stared at her intended purchase, considering the money left in her bags and what she had already, and the cost of the current item on her shopping list. They were five and a half bits a piece, rather expensive, but then, they were large. Still, she hadn’t exactly come down here intending to spend a fortune, and she wasn’t sure how much she still had at home…she needed to be careful with how much she spent. One never knew when a given show or concert might go poorly, or be cancelled due to circumstances beyond her control. As much as she hated to admit it, Trixie had a point, after all – the income of a freelance musician was not precisely reliable, tending to come in large blocks punctuated by periods of making almost no money at all…

…wait, am I seriously about to take Trixie’s advice?

“I’ll take five! I’m not a starving artist!” Lyra exclaimed.

The watermelon salespony brightened immensely, apparently focusing far more Lyra’s first proclamation than her second. “Five it is!” she said happily. “That’ll be twenty-seven bits and five jangles! How’re ya gonna carry them?”

Lyra blinked a few times, looking to her shopping saddlebags, slung over her back, and then back to the watermelons, which were of impressive girth. She grimaced as she levitated out her bits and jangles – she wasn’t about to go back on what she said – and telekinetically grasped the five watermelons. “I’ll just lug them,” she said with a sigh, letting the fifteen pounds worth of fruit hover just over her back as she turned and trudged off. She wasn’t really feeling the weight yet, but telekinesis was in many ways just like a muscle – one that was, in her case, more used to fine manipulation than heavy lifting. She resolved to make the rest of her trip as fast as possible as she checked her shopping list.

1. Alfalfa
2. Milk (whole)
3. Eggs (brown) (why brown?) (I prefer brown eggs) (they’re literally exactly the same thing except for shell color) (just get me brown eggs, Lyra! They’re for brownies so I’m using brown eggs!) (Brown it is)
4. Peanut butter
5. Tomatoes
6. Cheese
7. Sugar (white or brown?) (both – I make brownies with brown sugar, but white sugar is for tea and coffee) (can I get white eggs too?) (no) (but they’re the same thing!) (if you want white eggs, fine, but you’ll have to cook them) (I’ll just stick with brown eggs, then)
8. Oats
9. Carrots (got some when I saw Carrot Top earlier in the week, check behind the celery) (…why are they behind the celery? That’s not where they go) (sorry, you weren’t home and I didn’t want to just leave them out) (fair enough)
9. Daisies
10. Dandelions
11. Roses
12. Bread (white or brown?) (I swear to the stars, Lyra…) ( :) I love you!)
13. Laudanum for the headache I’m getting from dealing with your antics (white or brown?) (I don’t really want laudanum, Lyra) (but if you did…?) (white)
13. Watermelon (white or brown?) (Stop wasting ink!)
14. Chocolate (white?) (Lyra. I will make you pay) (No, I actually mean it. This is for the brownies, right? It might be neat if we used white chocolate) (Oh. Sure, white chocolate, let’s give it a try)

Lyra chuckled to herself as she continued through the farmer’s market. By solemn agreement between the two of them, what Bon Bon and Lyra wrote on the grocery list was not to be brought up verbally, lest the two of them end up in completely nonsensical arguments. That had happened once, a convoluted debate that had ended up with the two of them, in the middle of Ponyville, each accosting other nearby ponies and insisting that they decide what the color green tasted like, and they had only stopped when Pinkie Pie, of all ponies, had told them that they were acting weird.

(Lyra was certain that green tasted like cheese no matter what Bon Bon and, as it turned out, most of Ponyville, thought about green and mint, however).

The farmer’s market was an open-air plaza in Ponyville’s east. Like the town center, there was cobbled stone beneath Lyra’s hooves rather than dirt, but where the town center was dominated by the circular town hall and surrounded by sedentary shops, such as Bon Bon’s own store, the farmer’s market had no permanent buildings in it. Instead, it was a collection of stalls and kiosks of varying sizes, set up once a week with ponies offering up their products for sale. It wasn’t just farmers, either; in fact, some of the regular businesses of Ponyville would occasionally set up stalls to sell wares or services at discounted prices, the former because they weren’t selling normally, such as excess clothing that was going out of fashion, and the latter as a sort of ‘small sample,’ such as hoof-shines.

As Lyra trotted through the farmer’s market, she paid little mind to the gathering storm clouds that she could see floating over the Everfree Forest. They were large, yes, but it was hardly the largest storm she had ever seen over the Everfree, and she was confident that the weather patrol could handle it. Instead, she focused on her shopping list. Milk, cheese, alfalfa and oats, and the flowers passed by without incident. The eggs…well…

“Are these the only eggs you have?” Lyra asked Feather Comb, the white-coated, red-maned stallion who ran the stall. Despite the sound of his name, Feather Comb was an earth pony, albeit one who seemed awfully lanky for one. He was new in Ponyville, having only moved just a few weeks ago from Bridleton, bringing with him a flock of chickens – apparently his family in Bridleton had accidentally bred too many, and all the eggs the extra chickens were producing had to go somewhere. This was good for Ponyville, as prior to this the only real source of eggs they had was from Fluttershy, who’s eggs were nearly entirely consumed every week by Sugarcube Corner bakery.

Feather Comb fixed Lyra with a bright smile as the unicorn switched from levitating her watermelons outright to just balancing them on her back, and using telekinesis to hold them in place. “Yes’m!” he answered. “Finest hens east of the Sea of Tranquility! How many can Ah do ya for?”

Lyra grimaced. “They’re all white.”

Feather Comb nodded. “Leghorn’s the breed of choice for the Feather clan. They lay white eggs.”

Lyra looked to her shopping list and the short argument contained therein. “I’m looking for brown eggs, though…”

Feather Comb’s bright grin fell. “They’re the same thing.”

I know that,” Lyra said, holding forward her shopping list. “But my marefriend Bon Bon insists on brown. Because she’s making brownies, you see.”

Feather Comb didn’t seem to understand the logic (but then, neither did Lyra). He waved a hoof over his eggs. “Well, ma’am, white eggs are all Ah’ve got.”

Lyra sighed, looked to her list again, and weighed her options. On the one hoof, Bon Bon could be awfully picky about what went into the things she baked. On the other hoof, the creation of sweet things – especially candy, yes, but she was no slouch at baking, either – was Bon Bon’s special talent. She probably knew what she was doing.

Still, white eggs were better than no eggs, right? Lyra looked to Feather Comb. “I’ll take a dozen,” she said, using her telekinesis to levitate out ten bits, the price for the eggs. She also, however, passed Feather Comb her shopping list, turned over to its back side. “Do you think I could have your written statement, as a professional hen breeder, that white eggs and brown eggs are the same? It’ll make my night easier. Maybe.”

Feather Comb looked at her like she was insane, but got a pencil out from his stall and did so. Once done, he loaded Lyra’s eggs into a box lined with straw to keep their contents safe. “Y’all come back now, y’hear?” he insisted as Lyra left. She waved in acknowledgement, before crossing off ‘eggs’ from her shopping list and heading off into the market.

Tomatoes, check. Sugar, both brown and white, check. Lyra also stopped off at a spices stall to buy some cinnamon; she may not have been much of a cook, but she did know what flavors she liked, and her friend Trixie’s tastes had begun to rub off on her slightly – not that she was quite ready to try the egg-and-apple monstrosity that her fellow unicorn had once described to her, but ever since trying cinnamon in her coffee, she’d come to like the taste. She was also been talked into buying saffron by the stand’s owner, though she wasn’t sure if she liked saffron in anything, but by the stars she was not poor!

Bread, peanut butter, and chocolate rounded out her shopping trip, which took about an hour in total, though with her mounting headache from lugging around the watermelons it felt like much longer. Still, at least in just a few hours she and Bon Bon would be under the same willow tree in the park that they always picnicked at, watching the sun slip behind the horizon and the safe return of the moon to the skies, snuggled up together beneath a blanket…

…and then a raindrop fell on Lyra’s muzzle. She stopped her trot, blinking a few times as she looked down the length of her snout at the drop of water, then turned her gaze upwards to the sky. The weather schedule, posted in Ponyville’s newspaper, had called for only a few clouds in the sky today…instead, as Lyra watched – more than a few other ponies who had also been subject to unexpected wetness doing likewise – dark gray, low-flying clouds, flowing from the Everfree, were making their way across the skies. They were filled to their brims with water, so much so that they couldn’t fully contain what they carried, and so like a waterlogged sponge would just occasionally dribble out spurts of water. But this was only the very edge of what looked like a large, thick storm coming from the Everfree.

Lyra whickered in surprise as she set off at a gallop towards Bon Bon’s Confectionarium, ignoring the pain in her head from not just levitating the watermelons, but running while doing so. She made it back to Bon Bon’s store in record time, and a glance over her shoulder as she entered allowed her to see ponies quickening their canters as they moved through Ponyville, wrapping up whatever they had planned to do and quickly heading home as small drops of rain continued to fall – the storm hadn’t reached them yet, but it was obviously on its way.

“Lyra?” Bon Bon asked from behind the unicorn. She had been standing behind her store’s counter, but quickly trotted up to her marefriend and joined her in looking at the oncoming rainstorm. “What’s this all about?” she asked.

Lyra shrugged, setting down her watermelons on the store’s countertop and looking for the newspaper, turning it quickly to the weather section once she found it. “Yeah, it was supposed to be basically clear skies today!” she exclaimed as she pointed to the day’s weather schedule. “We weren’t supposed to get cloudy weather until the weekend when the weather patrol was gonna get a storm cloud shipment from Cloudsdale! And no rain ‘til next week!”

Bon Bon sighed. “How does Rainbow Dash keep her job?” she asked, trotting over to Lyra and reading the weather schedule for herself.

“It looks like this storm is coming from the Everfree…” Lyra said, glancing back to the window, then back down to the newspaper. “I mean…okay, I’m not a pegasus, but I don’t think this is a major storm. I don’t hear any thunder or lightning and the winds don’t seem that bad…this is more like the entire weather patrol decided to take a day off!”

“Maybe something came up…” Bon Bon theorized, looking back out the window herself. She sighed. “Can’t have a picnic now…there goes my business for today, too. Nopony’s going to go out into the rain for candy.”

Lyra grimaced. “Is that bad?” she asked. Bon Bon didn’t actually own the Confectionarium yet; she was still making payments on the loan she’d taken out from the National Bank of Equestria, and would be for at least another year with her current payment plan.

Bon Bon shook her head, prompting a sigh of relief from Lyra. “Weekdays are always slow, most of my sales are on the weekends. And I’ve got some savings I can dip into if I absolutely need to.”

There was a few moments of silence as the two mares again looked to the oncoming storm outside, sighing almost as one. “Guess the picnic is off for today, then,” Bon Bon noted. “Tomorrow?”

“Can’t, I’m hanging out with my dads all day,” Lyra said. “And I have a show the day after in Bridleton. If they don’t run me out of town for this, anyway,” Lyra finished with a gesture to the storm. Bridleton was the next town over from Ponyville. If the Everfree storm didn’t expend itself over Ponyville, then it would likely end up being the Bridleton weather patrol’s problem, which probably wouldn’t make Ponyvillians very popular there.

Bon Bon chewed her lip in thought. “Then the weekend, but I’ll be too busy here…ooh, I’m going to give the weather patrol a piece of my mind at the next town meeting.”

Lyra nodded, looking back out the window one more time. “Well,” she said, “I got groceries, anyway. We can just have the picnic next week. Unless it snows or something…”

Bon Bon chuckled a little, nuzzling Lyra, who returned it. After a moment, however, Bon Bon stopped, eyeing Lyra’s saddlebags. One of them was partially open, Lyra saw when she glanced at them, and its contents – specifically, a box full of white eggs – could be seen. She looked to Lyra, eyebrow raising.

“Feather Comb only had white eggs,” Lyra said, telekinetically fishing out the sworn affidavit from the hen breeder. “But he promises that they’re exactly the same thing.”

Bon Bon sighed. “But I’m making brownies…” she moaned, then noticed the watermelons – the five watermelons – for the first time. “And why do you have so many of these? We’ll never go through all of them!”

“Because I’m not a starving artist!” Lyra exclaimed, louder than she had intended. She put a hoof to her mouth as Bon Bon stared at her curiously. “…but I am a little bit of an idiot,” she added, chuckling as her horn glowed and she picked up the watermelons. “Can I get some help finding a place for all of these?”


Lyra sat at the Confectionarium’s window, staring out at the rain that had begun to fall in earnest about half an hour ago. While Bon Bon had been correct about not getting any business as long as it was raining, she had received a few last-minute customers before the rain began. Those were gone now, however, meaning that at the moment Bon Bon had little to do other than quadruple-check her inventory and make small talk with Lyra. Normally she would have spent down time like now making more candy, but with business unlikely to pick up for as long as the rain lasted, she didn’t see the point.

The topic of conversation had been Bon Bon describing, in exacting detail, why brown eggs were necessary for brownies, when Lyra spotted a certain magenta pony out the window. “Hey, is that Cheerilee?” she asked, leaning forward to look out.

Bon Bon trotted over to the window herself, glancing out. “Yeah, it is,” she noted. “What’s she doing out in rain like this?” The rain wasn’t precisely a torrential downpour, but there was certainly a lot of it. Cheerilee, who the two had known for nearly as long as they had known each other, was trudging along wearing a rain cloak that appeared to have failed utterly at its intended duty. The schoolteacher looked like she had given up on any attempt to try and stay dry anyway, and instead was simply trotting towards her home.

Bon Bon tapped a hoof against her mouth as she considered Cheerilee, then smiled wickedly, dashing away and to the sink behind the counter, filling up a bucket full of water and trotting back to Lyra. “Dump this on her,” she commanded.

“Why?” Lyra asked.

“Because it’ll be funny,” Bon Bon said, nodding sagely. “Besides, she’s soaked anyway.”

Lyra stared at the full bucket, then glanced back out at Cheerilee. She opened her mouth to begin to raise a further objection. “I won’t make brownies,” Bon Bon cut in before Lyra could speak.

“Objection withdrawn,” Lyra decided, grasping the bucket telekinetically as she trotted over to the door of the Confectionarium, Bon Bon following her. Lyra guided the bucket out slowly, without Cheerilee noticing, to hover just over Cheerilee’s head. At the last possible moment, Cheerilee glanced up, and saw the bucket wrapped in Lyra’s golden effervescence just as Lyra tipped it over. She let out a yelp of surprise as the water poured over her face, sputtering at the sheer volume, if not shock – after all, Bon Bon was correct, she was already thoroughly soaked. After several moments of shaking her head to clear her waterlogged eyes and ears, she glanced over to Lyra and Bon Bon.

“Hi, Cheerilee!” Lyra called over. “It was Bon Bon’s idea!”

Cheerilee closed her eyes, counting to ten. When she opened them, she was looking at Bon Bon, and smiling wildly. “It just gave me a fantastic idea of my own,” she said.

Bon Bon stared uncomprehendingly for a moment, then let out a slight shriek as Cheerilee charged forward. She tried to turn and dash further into her store, but was too slow as Cheerilee leapt and landed on her, soaking the earth pony instantly as Lyra laughed while cantering backwards and well clear of the magenta sponge and her victim. To Lyra’s way of thinking, Bon Bon probably deserved this for making Lyra get Cheerilee even more soaked than she already was.

“Ack!” Bon Bon cried, struggling as Cheerilee stood and shook herself off, with Bon Bon right beneath her, soaking her even more. She looked to her marefriend, reaching out her hooves. “Help!”

Lyra tapped a hoof to her mouth, considering. “Nope,” she said. “Way I see it, this is fair for dumping water on poor Cheerilee.”

You dumped the water!” Bon Bon and Cheerilee both exclaimed.

“I was really more just a tool being used,” Lyra pointed out, seeing no true flaw in her logic. “An accomplice that was coerced with threats of pain and you not making brownies tonight – wait, Cheerilee, what are you – ”

Cheerilee had trotted away from Bon Bon and back outside, retrieving the bucket. She then trotted back in and calmly proceeded to the sink that was behind the Confectionarium’s counter and began filling the bucket to the brim. Lyra saw exactly where this was going to end up. “Oh no,” she objected, horn glowing defensively as Cheerilee finished filling the bucket. “No, no, I was unwilling! Dragged! Coerced!” She left out the fact that she didn’t exactly try very hard to resist Bon Bon’s orders as she started galloping away, towards the door that would take her up and to Bon Bon’s apartment – surely Cheerilee wouldn’t dare dump water on their couch, or bed – a but found it blocked off by a cream earth pony who was grinning as manically as Cheerilee.

“Treason!” Lyra exclaimed of her marefriend, just as Cheerilee came up behind her and overturned the bucket on the unicorn’s head, then threw her sopping wet rain cloak over her, and lastly pounced on her for good measure. Bon Bon joined in, and within moments all three were equally soaked. After several long minutes of flailing limbs and cries of battle, the three mares managed to disentangle themselves, panting but laughing despite themselves.

“This’ll be fun to clean up…” Cheerilee remarked, looking around the store. “Maybe we went a little overboard…”

“Nah, gives me something to do,” Bon Bon said with a sigh. “Nopony is going to head out in the rain for candy…plus me and Lyra had a picnic planned, but that’s not happening, either…”

“Yeah, not sure what the weather patrol is thinking…” Lyra said, as she telekinetically grabbed a pair of mops, one for her and one for Bon Bon. At a motion from Cheerilee, she passed a squeegee on to the magenta pony. “I mean, I always knew that Rainbow Dash was lazy, but we used to be able to at least count on everypony else…”

“There’s probably a good reason for it…” Cheerilee said. Lyra and Bon Bon were mopping, while she followed with the squeegee, pushing the water from the wooden floor and outside. “Didn’t Carrot Top say something about organizing a storm for the Farmer’s Union?”

“I thought that was next week,” Bon Bon ventured. Working together, the three of them had quickly turned their impromptu water fight into sparkling floors, and were now all standing by the door. Cheerilee had taken the opportunity to throw out the useless rain cloak in the bin near the door.

Cheerilee shrugged. “I thought so too. Maybe they saw that storm over the Everfree and decided to just go with the – ”

There was a splash outside, like something pony-shaped hitting the ground. The three looked, and saw that Raindrops had landed in a large puddle in the middle of the road. “ – rain helps me to untangle all the things that – ” she sang as she splashed around, oblivious to the rest of the world, before taking off again into the sky, then landing once more, then took off, then landed…

“…hey, she can sing,” Lyra noted, tapping a hoof to her mouth as she did. This came as an immense surprise, even more so when she considered that Raindrops was hitting a few notes that Lyra wouldn’t have guessed her normally low-pitched voice would have been able to. “Pretty good, too.”

“What has her in a good mood…?” Cheerilee wondered aloud.

“Well, let’s think,” Bon Bon said. “Her name is Raindrops, her cutie mark is rain, and it’s raining. So clearly it’s because Trixie finally learned about the birds and the bees.”

Lyra blinked rapidly a few times at that, turning to her marefriend in shock. “Bon Bon,” she warned softly. Bon Bon put her hooves to her mouth in embarrassment, mouthing sorry as she did. Inwardly, Lyra sighed a little. If Bon Bon had any flaw, it was that she tended to not fully think through everything she said or did, which had lead her into several faux pas in the past.

“Huh?” Cheerilee asked after a moment, looking between Lyra and Bon Bon curiously.

Bon Bon opened her mouth, but Lyra shut it with her hooves lest she dig a deeper hole for herself. “Nothing,” she answered. “It’s coming up to that time of the year for Bon Bon so she just has…stuff…on her mind. You know how it is.”

“Mmph!” Bon Bon objected, taking Lyra’s hooves from her mouth. “Yes, please go and advertise that fact around town, Lyra…”

Lyra shrugged. It wasn’t like heat was something to be embarrassed by, nor something that could exactly be hidden, least of all from a friend like Cheerilee. Frankly she was surprised that her own, Bon Bon’s, and Cheerilee’s heats hadn’t synced up, as tended to happen amongst mares who spent a lot of time around each other.

“Okay…” Cheerilee intoned. “But why’d you bring up Trixie?”

Bon Bon sighed, glancing at Lyra. The unicorn knew that this was something Cheerilee was unlikely to drop, and so nodded, figuring that the damage was done at this point. “Well…okay, short, explicit version is that since my heat is coming up, I’ve been getting ideas, and I was thinking back to that little adventure that me and Lyra and Trixie had a few months back, you remember how we told you, and how it might be interesting if Lyra had fingers again, but for that we’d need Trixie’s help and since she’s not exactly experienced and tends to get all panicked whenever the subject comes up I’m not sure how to approach her.”

“Also I object to the transforming me again part,” Lyra provided, raising an eyebrow. This was the first she’d heard of Bon Bon’s ‘idea,’ and she didn’t need long to decide that she was wholeheartedly against it.

“It was just an idea,” Bon Bon said with a sigh.

“Oh,” Cheerilee said, her snout scrunching a little in thought. “Oh…oh my, that’s a good point. She is uncomfortable with sexual subjects. Like she doesn’t know what’s going on and resents it.”

“Yeah,” Lyra said, shifting in place. She didn’t like talking about Trixie while she wasn’t here to defend herself. “Yeah, me and Bon Bon figured out her problem. But it’s her thing to deal with, right?”

Cheerilee gave Lyra a look, and for a moment Lyra was concerned that Cheerilee might raise a counterpoint. She was a teacher, after all, which made her implicitly empathic towards the problems of others, and made her want to help ponies with them, even if this was outside her normal area of expertise. Truth be told, though, Lyra didn’t actually think that Trixie’s ‘problem’ was one that she actually needed help with. Trixie was a virgin, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with that.

After a moment, Cheerilee nodded a little – much to Lyra’s surprise, she had expected to have to argue over this. “Okay,” Cheerilee she said, and again Lyra breathed out a sigh of relief that Cheerilee seemed like she’d dropped the subject. “Well…I better get going. I don’t think this rain’s going to stop, and I’ve got to get home.”

“Sure,” Lyra said. “Sorry about the whole bucket-of-water thing.”

“Yeah, sorry,” Bon Bon sighed. “I was just bored…”

“It’s alright, I got my revenge,” Cheerilee said with a smile. “See you later!” With that, she trotted out the door, back into the rain and heedless of the fact that she was now lacking a rain cloak. She actually seemed a little too cheerful while doing so, almost suspiciously so…

“Well, that was a diversion,” Bon Bon noted once Cheerilee had left, nuzzling Lyra. “But I think I’m going to close up shop now.”

“Makes sense,” Lyra said, still frowning. She was still bothered by Cheerilee’s departure, though she didn’t know why. Something just seemed…not too cheerful, that was wrong, as she was generally a pretty optimistic pony; more like a wrong kind of cheerful, like she was putting it on rather than genuinely feeling it, although why, Lyra couldn't guess. She tried to forget it as she joined Bon Bon at the counter. “Why’d you even bring that up?”

“I don’t know, it just popped into my head…” Bon Bon said with a sigh. “I thought Cheerilee knew, though.”

“I didn’t tell her, and it’s not like Trixie goes around telling everypony she’s a virgin,” Lyra noted. “I think we managed to convince Cheerilee not to ‘help’ Trixie, though. She tries to help ponies, it’s just who she is, but I don’t think Trixie would appreciate that kind of help.”

Bon Bon nodded, as she went over her sales for the day and tallied up what she’d earned verses what she’d expected to make, working in silence for several minutes. She was under her estimate thanks to the rain, though fortunately she had been expecting a slow day anyway. As she wrote down her numbers for the day, she chuckled. “For a second there she looked like she’d taken what I said about the birds and bees literally.”

Lyra laughed a little as well at first, remembering the look on Cheerilee’s face herself…then giving it some deeper thought…and then recoiling as though struck squarely in the face with a sledgehammer. “Oh, stars!” she exclaimed, putting her hooves to her mouth and looking at Bon Bon, feeling her face heat up in embarrassment. “I…I think she did take it literally!”

Bon Bon stared at Lyra. “Wha – oh. Oh!” Enlightenment struck Bon Bon, and her own eyes grew to the size of dinner plates even as her own face flushed red. “Oh…oh no, no, no, it was a joke, there’s no way she thinks that Trixie somehow managed to make it to adulthood without knowing about sex!”

“I think she does.”

“No! That’s…that’s stupid!

Lyra and Bon Bon stared at each other. “What if she does?” Lyra asked. “She’s…oh Luna the Residency is only a minute down the road, she’s probably with Trixie right now and just sat her down for the talk…

Bon Bon’s eyes fluttered as she considered that, and she swayed back and forth a moment, before bursting into action, dashing out from behind the counter and running upstairs. Lyra followed, and found that Bon Bon had grabbed Lyra’s saddlebags and rain cloak from her apartment, and was already dashing back downstairs to her store. She began opening up several candy containers and scooping candy in. Gumdrops, gummi worms, jawbreakers, peppermint sticks…she piled them in with wild abandon, like a foal with a million bits to spend had been set loose in her store.

“What are – ” Lyra began.

Apology candy!” Bon Bon interrupted. “You – you have to go – bring this…” she hefted the bags and slung them over Lyra’s back before the unicorn could raise any objects. “You have to go and bring these to Trixie! For me!”


“I’m a candymare! Candy’s all I know!”

“That’s not true – ”

Bon Bon grasped the sides of Lyra’s head. “I – I can’t just go over there after…Trixie’ll hate me! After all the pain I put her through a few months ago…she won’t want to see me, she’ll be mad at first, so you’ll go with apology candy and tell her that I’m sorry and then I’ll buy her dinner sometime or something, I’ll make it up…oh, and Cheerilee…” she turned around and loaded up the saddlebags with more candy. “Cheerilee…she’ll be so embarrassed…I mean, not as embarrassed as when us and her parents caught her with Iron Will and that – ”

Lyra placed a hoof over Bon Bon’s mouth, stopping her tirade. “Bon Bon?” she said. “Calm down. Trixie won’t hate you for this…I don’t think she will, anyway.”

Bon Bon fixed Lyra with her most desperate stare, one that it was impossible for her devoted marefriend to turn down. “Please just go and tell Trixie and Cheerilee that I’m sorry?” she asked. “I’m…I don’t think I could look them in the eye right now…so embarrassed…”

“Not as embarrassed as Cheerilee’ll be,” Lyra noted. Bon Bon whimpered at the thought, the sound of which was enough to make Lyra lean forward and nuzzle Bon Bon, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Okay, I’ll go and pass the message,” she said. “Try not to freak out though, okay?”

Bon Bon nodded a little, leaning close to Lyra for strength. The unicorn held her close for several long moments, before telekinetically grabbing her rain cloak and wrapping it around her. “Wish me luck,” she said, heading out into the rain.


A minute later, Lyra found herself in Trixie’s office and staring at Cheerilee, who was probably blushing furiously beneath her magenta coat; Trixie, who was definitely blushing and was standing with her horn glowing vibrant blue, looking like she was ready to kill somepony; and, for whatever reason, Raindrops, who looked like she had just gotten out of the shower, rather than having just spent her afternoon singing and leaping through mud puddles, like Cheerilee, Lyra, and Bon Bon had seen her do earlier, and who was probably blushing the most furiously of them all.

“So…I’m guessing I’m too late to stop Cheerilee, then,” Lyra ventured. She had known that this would probably be the case, but she had held out hope…

Trixie was shaking slightly, though whether from anger or disgust, Lyra didn’t know. “A bit,” she said slowly and in a low voice, doing a surprisingly good, if unintentional, impersonation of Raindrops.

The pegasus, herself, was glancing between Trixie, Cheerilee, and Lyra. “Okay, what did I miss?” she demanded, scuffing a hoof on the floor and whickering in annoyance. “I go upstairs to clean myself off because you,” she pointed a hoof at Cheerilee, “told me to, and now all of a sudden I’m taking advantage of Trixie?”

“I thought…” Cheerilee said softly, looking between Trixie and Raindrops “thought that…Bon Bon made it sound like…and then I came in and you two were Prenching –

Lyra’s eyes widened at the implication. So that was why Raindrops had been so happy…

“No we weren’t!” Trixie exclaimed loudly at Lyra’s reaction, stomping her hooves as her horn glowed and she all but hurled a book on the floor at Lyra telekinetically. Lyra flipped through the book until she found the spell Trixie was referring to, glancing it over – and grimacing slightly at the picture, of two unicorn wizards, for all intents and purposes, making out. “It’s a spell! A memory spell! Conduit is through the mouth! You just trotted in at a bad time! And Bon Bon – what is Bon Bon doing talking about me behind my back?”

Lyra blinked, looking up from the spellbook at Trixie. “It was an accident,” she insisted, horn glowing as she levitated her saddlebags off of her back and set them down in front of Trixie. “We weren’t talking about you behind your back, or we didn’t mean to, and Bon Bon is sorry, Trixie, so she sent you this apology candy. Same to you, Cheerilee,” Lyra said, looking to her second-oldest friend. “She didn’t mean to make you embarrass yourself, and she’s sorry, and she’ll make it up to you two. Okay?”

There was a prolonged silence, as Trixie shuffled from hoof to hoof, Cheerilee stared at the floor in shock, and Lyra looked on hopefully. Eventually, Raindrops coughed slightly, ruffling her wings and reminding the other three that she was there. “Can I have some?” She asked. “I…kind of missed dinner.”

The other three ponies stared at her, before Trixie began to giggle slightly. She was joined, after a moment, by Cheerilee, then Lyra and Raindrops both. Their giggles gradually evolved into guffaws, then just full-on laughter, enough to send the four mares tumbling to the floor of Trixie’s office in stiches. This lasted for a good few minutes as they each just considered what had brought them here, Lyra in particular trying to figure out what Cheerilee had said to Trixie to put her into a state of near-equicidal fury. Each possibility seemed – when viewed from the outside, at least – more hilarious than the last.

At length, their laughter died down, and Trixie nodded, waving a hoof at Raindrops. “Apparently we’re marefriends now,” she said, chuckling as she levitated out several jawbreakers. “So I guess I have to share with you. Help yourself. And…and I’m sorry about calling you an imposter earlier. Really, I am.”

“S’ okay,” Raindrops said, as she began looking through the bag of candy, singling out gummi bears, joined after a moment by Cheerilee, who was looking for peppermint sticks. “I’m sorry for thinking you hated me.”

“And I’m sorry about jumping to conclusions about you, Trixie,” Cheerilee added, though she glanced at Lyra. “Though I had some help there…”

“Bon Bon’s sorry. And I’m sorry too,” Lyra said. She waved a hoof to indicate everypony in the room even as her horn glowed and she reached into the bag herself, grasping a few gummi worms. “We’re all sorry. Let’s just assume that and proceed from there – ”

There was, once again, the sound of the Residency’s door opening. The four mares in Trixie’s office turned to look, and saw Carrot Top and Ditzy Doo, the former looking like she’d just come from a trip to the spa and the latter dressed in her mailmare uniform, both wearing rain cloaks, enter the Residency.

“…shy is happy,” Carrot Top finished saying to Ditzy, before looking into Trixie’s office. “Oh…is everypony really here?”

“Saves me a few trips,” Ditzy said happily, as she and Carrot Top both took in the small herd of mares, the fact that all four of them still had traces of embarrassment on their features, and the pile of candy between them all. “Huh…what did we miss?”


Love is a complicated thing. At a glance, Bon Bon and I don’t have a whole lot in common, but we’d each do anything for each other. I’d even venture into hostile territory with a peace offering for her. Two ponies don’t have to be the same to be in love. It’s a greater force than that.

And friendship is the same way. Me and my friends are a dysfunctional mess some of the time – a lot of the time, actually, come to think of it. But they’re my friends. I’m their friend. No matter what we go through – or put each other through – in the end, everything will work out just fine.