• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
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Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?


Five years have passed since Twilight Sparkle vanished while visiting her friends at Canterlot High. According to Sunset Shimmer, she never came through the other side of the portal.

Now as her friends and family gather in Ponyville, as they have every year on the anniversary of Twilight's disappearnce, they are shocked when the very last last pony they expected shows up.

Twilight has grown in the five years she has been away, and has quite the story to tell. Of a world held in terror of a monster known as Sin.

And the quest to bring its thousand year reign of terror to an end.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 69 )

interesting, also added to appropriate group and folder.

Even with all that though, the Mane 6 and Spike tried to be upbeat as they met the princesses and several others at the train station. After a few quick and quiet words, they retreated to the Castle of Friendship.

Just started reading, how can the Mane 6 be there when Twilight isn't.

At least in X a character can be all the mages if you grind out enough spheres :twilightsmile:

I'm counting Starlight as the sixth member while Twilight was gone.

How would you even write all the level grinding to get that many spheres anyway? I know you have to be at a high level to even stand a chance against Sin above Bevelle.

But I don't know how I'd write that.

I'd handwave it. Grinding isn't called that because it's interesting.

Actually, that's something to keep in mind. The gameplay of RPGs like FFX isn't meant to be engaging. It's meant to be abnegating - fundamentally undemanding of attention or energy. This aim in entertainment is fundamentally at odds with that of a narrative story.

Makes sense. Trouble is that if I decide to bring the group's special weapons, and make one for Twilight, then those who've never played the game are gonna be lost.

I'm cutting out a lot of the training battles with fiends and the random encounters (because with the random encounters, the story would go nowhere fast.)


Makes sense. Trouble is that if I decide to bring the group's special weapons, and make one for Twilight

I wouldn't bother. The celestial weapons have no narrative significance whatsoever. They play no role in the plot, they reveal nothing about the characters, and they don't develop the theme of the story (theme as in core ideas, as distinct from stylistic motifs). They're purely rewards for player sticktoitiveness - that is, the patience necessary to get really good at really pointless tasks. The only weapon that is of any narrative significance in FFX is the Brotherhood sword because it is used to reveal things about the characters associated with it, and in FFX2 the Songstress dress sphere because it is at the center of the game's driving mystery.

I'm cutting out a lot of the training battles with fiends and the random encounters (because with the random encounters, the story would go nowhere fast.)


"Listen to my story. . .

"Then we took a few steps and got into a random battle. We won. Walked a few more steps and got into another random battle. . .

"Then we went a little further and got into another random battle. . . "

I admit that I'm not as far in the game as I'd like (stuck outside Macalania with the boss before Seymor's trio of battles), so I have to take your word for it on the weapons. I always thought they looked cool.

The one battle that isn't a boss battle is Lulu's explanation of the elemental weaknesses of some fiends. Both for story reasons (more into character), and that it is important to a degree.

Mostly for Twilight, so that she knows what not to do when it comes to a certain sphere and optional boss battle in the woods.

I was at the last part of the game but then my PlayStation broke...

You know its funny but i had a pre-owned memory card that had a file of this game which was at the final battle, so after i played though the entire game only to get stuck on the final boss i decided to try the file that was left over from the previous owner, turns out the guy had preset up his entire party with auto revive and a other goodies that made the final boss fight a breeze.

I love it already!

red mage twilight, cause dualcast

It was Twilight, but not as they remembered her. She was soaking wet for one, and she was now as tall as Luna was. Her eyes showed wisdom beyond her years. As they stepped closer, they could hear her grumbling something.

Oh, and before Season 9, I take it?
You had my curiosity, morion87. Now you have my attention.

It's a mix of dates. When Twilight vanished was set between season 5's finale and season 6's premier. The present is set when season 9 would have happened.

Well I added it to Tracking, so I can't wait to see where this goes. Keep up the good work.

I always grind to hell in omega ruins making everyone of the characters strong enough to deal 99999 with every physical attack. And with the help of Rikkus celestial Weapon and mimics i get enough money to bribe malboros for 675000 a piece to get Break HP Limit on everyone. BUT ones you give them an amour with the ability you can change it to one without the ability unless you want to permanently lose the extra HP you built up on the sphere grid afterwards.

i wonder what will happen next??

I... Actually don't remember the mini game you had to play for Rikku's weapon.

Might be fun to do a shout out to some of the tasks though...

"How did you dodge that spell!?"

Twilight's eyes glaze over as she recalls the group's time on the thunder plains unlocking Lulu's Onion Knight, " Practice."

Will the party be unlocking Yojimbo or Anima? Those optional Aeons have story significance. Magus Sisters... not so much.

That would work. I remember just trying to dodge the damn lightning on the Thunder Plains, and I wasn't even going for the Onion Knight. As for Yojimbo and Anima?

I probably will have the group go after them. And do more than what is actually shown, because all of it would be level grinding for the fight against Sin, and isn't very good story telling material. It'll be mentioned for sure.

And no comment on the similarity of Rikku's and Twilight's voices. tsk tsk

Crossing one of my favourite cartoons of all time with my absolute favourite game of all time. You have my attention sir/madam. :twilightsmile:

So based on your mage type question, I'm assuming Twilight wont retain her natural magical abilities (which would make the question moot)? Also assuming she becomes human for the duration of her time in Spira (although her increase in size would lead me to question this).

Hmm, on the one hand that prevents Twilight from overshadowing the party in terms of power (at least until the late game where you could justify them reaching her level) but it significantly hinders her ability to have any tangible effect on the story as a whole.

I really hope this isn't just going to be "Final Fantasy X but Twilight's there too" you gotta shake things up to make it interesting to read for people who have played the game.

"Gahh!" Was all she could say before she fell to the ground with a resounding thump and splash. Picking herself up and giving herself a quick shake, she looked around and took stock of where exactly she was. Whever it was, it was in rough shape.

pretty sure it's meant to be wherever

Part of this was already answered in chapter 2, so there's that. There's also the fact that Twilight's magic would have to readjust to Spira's magic and how it works.

And yes, Twilight will not just be there for the game. Boring and lazy writing right there.

Okay you don't really have to do the whole "beat on the boss until it inexplicably blows up" style of fighting. I mean look at Advent Children or Kingsglaive. You can have them slicing/blowing tentacles off and limbs off when they hit things (considering if they weren't capable of doing that, they wouldn't be able to kill these things at all). Hell it would better show the effectiveness of the potion if Twilight was bleeding when she got hit, either internally or spitting out blood and the potion fixed that.

I'm not sure how you got fire of all things being Twilight's natural element. I mean her whole is being a natural talent for magic in general so I wouldn't really say she has an element. If you're setting up an elemental weakness, you don't really need one. Non-elemental beings do exist and none of the other party members have inherent elemental weaknesses or strengths.

Some plot holes like Tidus shouldn't really know about magic yet as it was explained to him by Lulu later (ergo he shouldn't be able to tell that Twilight's is any different from theirs). Where Twilight found the extra wood to light a second fire, I have no idea as I believe it was a stroke of luck (ie plot convenience) that there was even enough for one in-game (considering the lack of trees to be seen at Baaj temple).

Also I would think Rikku would be at least a little bit curious to find out more about the talking, purple creature with wings that uses magic. Seriously she doesn't ask her anything about where she's from or what she even is, we just get the conversation between her and Tidus pulled straight from the game with no input from Twilight whatsoever?

The whole chapter also feels very rushed as well. Hope to see things slow down a bit now that they'll reach Besaid.

Seeing as the fire was a plot hole every time I played the game, I don't honestly see a reason to do more with it. I went with fire because I felt it worked as a thing for Twilight to have. People don't have to like it.

Battle scenes are always a weakness for me. Trying to work on it. Rikku's bit was just something I forgot about till now. It'll come again when they reach the Moonflow.

If you want to justify a fire affinity for Twilight, you could point to Feeling Pinkie Keen. But it's not really all that convincing.

I actually use that as the basis for Twilight's fire afinity. It's honestly more of a bit of world building for this Equestria. That many unicorns have an afinity for a certain element. Fire is Twilight's.

Not all unicorns have it. But it is a thing.

reading this is making me want to play through the game again. So the 10 to 20 hours I'm going to lose over Thanksgiving weekend replaying this I am blaming you for.

Now where did I put that HD version.

:pinkiehappy: You're welcome.

Seriously though, the games are still awesome even now. And I still have the PS2 ports from when they first launched.

I'd say make her a Red Mage. I know it doesn't exist in X 1 and 2 But you can mold the world to your own style.

Ok. This is good. I like it.

Luna could have looked through Twilight's memories while she was in her dream (like she did with Sweetie Belle in season 4). Guess she doesn't like spoilers though. :twilightsmile:

If Starlight thinks the time travel doesn't make any sense, just wait until they find out what actually happened. I wonder if Princess Luna could bring a dream back to life (assuming the events of X-2 haven't happened, though I could totally imagine Twilight as a sphere hunter)?

I actually can't wait for Twilight to meet Maechen. She'd probably quite enjoy his history lessons.

Don't forget though that X-2 has an alternate ending. Just depends on much of the game you've completed.

And seeing as Twilight stayed a while, she will be a Gullwing. Though I have no idea what her starting Dress Sphere is yet.

summoner twilight calling it now i want to see her summon aeons in front of her friends

:twilightblush: oh yeah hey guys watch this * proceeds to summon valefor*

This is the weirdest nostalgia trip I've ever had. Cant wait to see Khumari and Auron's reactions to a talking pony.

I always sorta felt Besaid was the easiest, not difficulty-wise but story-wise. It's the calm before the storm really in a thematic sense, and they really want you to be lulled into a sense of false security before you get shot off to the next continent.

I'd love to see her summon Anima, and Yojimbo, and the sisters more than the base Aeons

Yojimbo will be a aeon for Yuna. Anima is still open for me. The Magus Sisters, I don't see happening.

As for Twilight doing it? Don't count on it.

oh well, it would still be cool to see.

Sunburst didn't last an hour?

Who all saw this coming? I did! I did!

Let's be honest. The ONLY reason he got the job was because of what Flurry did to the Crystal Heart and how he helped with that.

Without all that, he's more useless than should be legal.

9965515 Five gil she’s going to steal Yuna’s thunder.

9966639 That’s true. Sunburst’s special talent is so specific that no one would want to hire him and his social anxiety doesn’t help at all.

What is Sunburst's special talent, according to this meme?

9968214 My favorite headcanon for him is that Sunset Shimmer’s his clone and that all of his ambition went to her. On a very sad note, I actually relate to Sunburst in that while I don’t have an obscure talent, I have a degree of social anxiety that makes it harder for me to get a job. My passions while fulfilling to me are not enough to make a stable living out of, namely my love of writing and video games. The only reason I am not completely useless is due to my potential in culinary.

But I digress- how Sunburst managed to survive just on magic theory is a mystery to me.

My one big complaint is that no one at all even reacts to Twilight. It's like she's not even there.

My advice to you; change the story. Make Twilight's presence actually matter. Too many fics have the pony enter a world and interact with the people, but the story follows the exact same line as the original.

A good example to follow would be SAPR (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/418151/sapr). In it, Sunset Shimmer finds herself in the RWBY universe, and her presence changes everything.

Anyway, it does show promise, so I'll follow for now.

Her presence will change quite a bit. Not sure how, but I do plan to have that happen.

I will point out that while Sunburst failed miserably as Flurry's tutor, Cadance and Shining didn't kick him out or ruin anything for him.

Just now he has a regular job, and seeing as how much he and Twilight shared a lot in common, he now helps them with a lot of that.

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