• Published 25th Nov 2019
  • 332 Views, 1 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light: Parallel Stories - Stolenalicorn

Side stories that take place during The Line Between Fire and Light that wouldn't fit into the general story.

  • ...

He's not just sleeping

Author's Note:

I drew inspiration from Regidar (Dream Horse) and Aragon (I don't want to write this)
I'm nowhere near as talented as these two so go read their stories. (But be ready to get sad.)
I tried writing this in a different way and from a different perspective, just as kind of an experiment. Sorry if it doesn't really work. I thought it would be interesting to see Sara's perspective on this situation and how she muddled through it.

He was laying on the hospital bed, his hair tied up to not get in the way. He wasn't himself though, she knew this happened in Equestria because he always took that form when visiting them. Her dad always said it was because they knew him that way but she saw something else there, in his eyes. He was worried.

Mordin Solus told her he was just sleeping, but that couldn't be true because he wasn't snoring. She'd been told that there was nothing to worry about, another lie. If there was nothing to worry about Tenyo wouldn't be helping, Washu wouldn't be coming either.

They were lying to her again because they thought she couldn't handle it. Thought she would break down because her dad was in a coma. But maybe they did it for Amber, she was so emotional. The lie had got her to stop crying, lies weren't always a bad thing.

She had been in school when Tali came to get her. Tali only said some nebulous thing along the lines of “something happened.”

Why was he there to begin with?

Because someone asked him for help. Someone was always asking him for help.

She asked her mom why he was still in that form, she just said someone was coming from the guild to change him back, but they had to research his notes first. It was going to be a few hours. It was alright, even in this form he was still her dad.

Amber was sitting on the only other bed in the room drawing something in her art book. She would always draw when she wanted to say something but couldn't.

But she only had words, and when they failed her she just got quiet.

It wasn't long until Washu got there. She was dressed in her nurses outfit, she looked like a child playing pretend. But she still knew what she was doing, no matter how silly she looked. It didn't take her long to analyze the problem and with a cocky grin announced that she had no idea.

At least she was being honest.

She didn't know why she was even there, it's not like she could do anything.

Why was he still in that form?

Her eyes burned as she looked at her father, laying impossibly still. Not reacting at all to everyone around him talking, making noise. He should be waking up! Why wasn't he waking up?!

His fur felt warm as she hugged him, if he was just faking to pull some stupid prank again now would be the right time to stop. It wasn't fun. If Airi put him up to this she wouldn't forgive her.

Her face was wet …


“How're the girls?” Rainbow Dash asked as she rested her wing on Sara's shoulder.

“Not well. Amber cried, started drawing then fell asleep. Sara … just hugged him until she fell asleep too. Mordin needed more scans so I had to move her.” Lucca said as she walked over to check on her daughters.

Applejack quietly walked out of the room. If Sara and Amber weren't there she could stomach it, but this place looked too much like the old Ponyville General at the moment.


He looked like himself again, his stupid scratchy beard, his long hair … he looked sad again. He was still too quiet to be sleeping, he's not that peaceful, why wouldn't they just tell her what's wrong. Was he dead?

The monitors said otherwise, but then why weren't they telling her what was wrong?

She gave him another hug, rubbed her cheek against that damn scratchy beard. He was still warm, he couldn't be dead yet.

“Hey Sara.” Rainbow Dash said as she walked into the room.

What was she doing here?

Rainbow Dash was trying to sound upbeat, but she could hear it, hear that she was hiding something. The pony didn't believe he was going to wake up.

She nodded before walking over to the bed she had woken up in to sit down. She just wanted to get away. She needed to do something right.

“What brings you back?” Her mom asked as she opened her eyes.

Mom's too worried to really sleep.

Rainbow Dash sat down and gave a half smile. “I thought I'd stick around a bit. I've got some time off from the Bolts and the school can get by without me for a while.”

More lies. But why?She didn't have to lie to be here.

Her mom smiled. “I see. Well, I do need to actually do some work, with James … asleep, I've got to take over for him. And I would feel better with someone keeping an eye on him. Just in-case.”


No matter how long she stared at her homework she couldn't even begin to read what was on the page. She hadn’t gone to school for the last two days. Her mom had been so busy lately, everything was falling apart. The page blurred as she continued looking at it.

“Hey there sugar cube.” Applejack said as she walked in to the room with a slice of apple pie. “How are you holding up?”

She didn't know what to say. It was nice that Applejack was here, nice that she cared, but what did it matter? What was going to change? All she could do is shake her head.

“I understand.” Applejack said as she placed the pie on the nightstand. “It's hard when these things happen.”

Her heart stopped at the words.

So this was how she heard it? This is how they told her it was hopeless? That her dad's not coming back this time. She didn't hear anything else Applejack said.

How can she talk so long about this?

She barely even registered the hug before Applejack left.

She was having trouble breathing. Why was the air so thick now? Or was it her? She couldn't stay here, it was too restrictive. Her legs didn't want to hold her up as she tried to get out. She had to crawl until she was finally able to breathe.

She fought back to her feet and stumbled out the door. She needed to get out, it didn't matter where, she just started running. She couldn't see where she went and she didn't care. Sometime, she had no idea when, she tripped but got right back up and kept runing. It only got worse as everything went dark.

Then there was the howling. Mud from her sleeve smeared her face as she tried to wipe away her tears. The creaking of wood marked the growl of the creatures emerging from the shadows of the deeper forest.

The timberwolves circled the small creature, easy prey.

Her eyes burned as the blurs moved around her. Their noise was bothering her, she wanted them to stop.

The largest of the timberwolves stalked forward, it’s mouth open. With a loud crack the creatures lower jaw fell to the ground.

A shrill scream cut through the quiet evening. Tears cut trails through the mud smeared across her scowling face as she stared down the wooden creature.

With another creaking wooden growl the large timberwolf lunged at her before suddenly stopping. She held it's muzzle firm and with a quick turn ripped the protrusion off, discarding it as little more than kindling.

The magical construct began to back away, but it was too late to run.

It didn't make any sense, but something inside her told her that if she could show she was strong, prove that she could handle herself that then her dad would wake up. If she could just beat these creatures her dad would come home.

She had to! It's the only thing she could do. She definitely wasn't smart enough, and she Just! Kept! Screwing! Up!

She screamed again as she lunged at the timberwolf, splintering the creature as she made contact. This was too easy. But there were other timberwolves she could fight, she could still show she was strong enough.

She charged deeper into the woods as the creatures fled, but they weren't getting away from her. They weren't going to keep her dad away!

None of the Ponies in Ponyville dared investigate the commotion in the Everfree forest that night.

She had no idea how long it had been when she could no longer find any wolves. She had no idea where she was either and didn't care.

She wiped her face again, scratching off some of the dried mud as she slumped against the tree. She wrapped her arms around her legs as she let her head fall onto her knees. Somehow, she had screwed up again.


The castle was silent. It's not supposed to be silent. What's going on?

This wasn't right. Dad's office is empty! Where's Dad's stuff? He's going to be furious when he gets back. I have to fix this!

Mom! She'll know where it all is.

The bedroom door opened and she was standing back in medical looking at her dad's bed, but the sheet was pulled all the way up. Why did they cover him? She didn't want to wake him up, but she needed help. If she just told him what was going on he wouldn't get mad.

Her dad's hand was ice cold. The monitors were off, she couldn't see how her dad was doing. Why were they still hiding everything?

His eyes weren't opening.

Why isn't dad moving?!

She knew why …


Sara didn't pay any attention to the opening door as Luna calmly walked in, she just lay crying across her father's cold motionless form.

Luna's horn glowed and slowly the apparition faded into the ether, leaving Sara alone on the empty bed in the all too sterile room. “I understand why your father's condition may frighten you Sara.” Luna said as she draped her wing across Sara's back. “And I wish I could tell you that all will be well.”

Luna sat and used her wing to bring Sara close, hugging her tightly. “But I am sorry.” A tear rolled down her cheek as she held the crying child. “It is our fault that you are kept from your father now. We asked for his help and he has never hesitated to give it.”

“I can't do anything.” Sara cried. “I can't help. And dad … and … he's.” Sara got quiet before she started sobbing again.

Luna laid her head by Sara's and silently sat with the girl.

“Please go away.” Sara quietly asked.

“No.” Luna gently responded.

“I'm not …” Sara quietly said.

“No.” Luna quietly repeated.

“I can’t …” Sara tried to say.

“You are not responsible.” Luna calmly said.

“Dad's not coming back.” Sara whispered. “I just want to be alone.”

“Your father lives Sara.” Luna said, as she gave Sara a gentle squeeze. “And as long as he lives there is hope. Do not give up on him so easily, and do not give up on yourself.”


Luna slowly walked into the hall where Celestia was eating breakfast.

“Would you care for breakfast sister?” Celestia asked as happily as ever.

As normal Luna took a piece of fruit from the bowl, but after a brief pause placed it back. “No thank you. I am not hungry this morning.”

Celestia's face fell as she nodded. “Rest well then sister.”

“I am leaving for the Everfree forest. There is someone there who needs my help.” Luna calmly said.

“Someone?” Celestia emphasized. “What’s happened?”

Luna looked back to Celestia for a moment. “Sara is lost. She ran there in fear for her father's life, not knowing what to do.”

Celestia put down her fork and stood. “Perhaps we should both go.”


The two princesses walked through the forest with no real difficulty and finding it oddly quiet, before long they found the young muddy girl curled up at the base of a tree. A golden aura surrounded her and gently lifted her from her nights cradle.

Luna spread her wings as Celestia laid Sara on her back and the two walked from the forest towards Twilight's castle and Sara's home beyond.

As they walked into Sara's bedroom Celestia lifted her from Luna's back, gently placing her on her bed. Luna's horn glowing as a sheet covered her and tucked her in. “Rest well young princess.” Luna whispered. “This will not be easy for you, but you will be stronger for it.”

Celestia looked to her sister, watching over the child. “I’ll go talk to Lucca. I’m certain she’s been looking for her daughter.”

Luna nodded and continued her silent vigil. Only leaving once she was certain that Sara's sleep would be undisturbed by her own uncertainties.


She kept her eyes closed as she transported to medical. She had cleaned up and changed her clothes after waking up in her bed with no idea how she had gotten there. Once the light faded she walked to her dad's room. Rainbow Dash was reading to him again. That was alright.

“Hey Sara.” Rainbow Dash was strangely calm, she was just as worried as everyone else. “How ya doing?”

She couldn't answer. Answering meant admitting she was afraid, and she shouldn't be afraid. She wasn't a child anymore, she wanted to be strong.

But she wasn't strong. She was frightened, she was sad, she wanted her dad back.

The bed had one of those weird inflating pillow-top things. Her dad told her about it once, but she didn't remember. There were a lot of odd things he had told her about and she wished that she had listened at the time. Her lip hurt as she bit it, really hoping it wasn’t too late.

Ever since Dad started working out he's been harder to hug, but he's still warm. There was a comforting thump as she rested her head on his chest.

“Please dad … please wake up.”