• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
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Currently working on Winds of the Past 2! Support me on: Patreon | Ko-fi.


In an ongoing war against the ever-persisting changeling threat, Twilight Sparkle grows ever desperate to rid herself, her closest friends, and Equestria of Chrysalis and her army for good. Confiding in her friend Rainbow Dash that she feels as though all of their efforts have been for naught, begins to consider more drastic measures.

Rainbow, out of concern, and love her longtime friend, persuades her out of it, but after a day of fun between the two ends in tragedy, and after receiving a threatening visit from Chrysalis herself in the dead of night, Twilight finds herself with seemingly no other options but to open herself up to dark magic.

From there, things only get worse.

Edits provided by xgfhj

(A spin-off of Winds of the Past. Reading that isn't necessary to understand this one, and operates almost entirely separately from the aforementioned.)

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 20 )

Okay... Now THIS looks good.

You have my interest.

I love the story so far!

I can't wait for Twilight to get revenge on all of those changelings.

I feel like Twilight's will transplant Sombra's horn! Great chapter!

Maybe she’s slowly being affected by Sombra’s magic the moment the horn cut her hoof in the previous chapter.

Is Celestia referring to Daybreaker?

It could be because Celestia thinks that it’s Twilight’s dark anger or Sombra’s anger that is speaking and thus not listening to her nor trusting her, or could be because Sunset Shimmer means to Celestia more than just her former student and is letting her fears getthe best of her?

Royalty has changed in an instant! How will Twilight react to all of this? Will Rainbow Dash be able to help her out this time? The plot thickens! Great chapter!

"A princess must always put the needs of everypony else above her own... no matter the cost."

Oh, Twilight. That is so, so, so wrong. And so close to being right. You shouldn't put your own needs above others, but that doesn't mean you ignore them completely. Balance, Sparkbutt. Seek ways to keep your and others' needs in harmony, and when you can't, balance the pros and cons. You've gotta take some time for yourself; if you only ever give, give, give... even the biggest heart will eventually have nothing left to give, if not given to in return. :fluttercry:

Well, I can see how the "mystery" villain in the other fic is so... her now. This amount of chaos and misfortune would torture anypony into doubting everything they knew and loved... :rainbowderp:

Hmm. Dropping 2 more chapters minutes after I catch up... careful, there, OBA, you'll set up an expectation for the rest of 2020! :pinkiehappy:

"To snuff out that last bit of precious light you hold so desperately near!"

So much for the whole "Luna could take control again effortlessly if I didn't hold up my agreement not to hurt anypony" schtick? :rainbowhuh:

Trust me, this will actually be explained, come next chapter. For now, let's just say Nightmare Moon found a way to operate independently for a short while, without inference from Luna.

Aaaaaahhh!! Everything is slowly falling into place now! The inknorance, the umbrum, the crystal heart spell...! Hahahaha, I can't stretch enough how hooked you got me with this story :twilightblush:

This is awesome.
The way it ties everything together, and lends to the other story, making more sense...
You're incredible.
Will we be seeing more Discord/s?


Will we be seeing more Discord/s?

Maybe. :raritywink:

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