• Member Since 13th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Super Trampoline

"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!


Twilight and Super have a short chat. Then Scootaloo visits the human world to become a math wiz, then tutors Sweetie Belle who becomes a civil engineer.

This is another shitfic. You know the drill.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

This reads more like a rant than anything else...

The title could use some work

For a moment I thought the title might be longer than the story itself.

I had been a little dubious of Numberphile, since the first video of theirs I saw had some pretty glaring errors in it, but this one was interesting.

Yeah, that one’s a doozy, but the vast majority are much better. This one is a personal favorite:

That too. One nicety I’ve discovered is that LA’s light rail system gives you a free transfer.

That one is particularly infamous for effing things up.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure there's a character limit on titles that's lower than the 1000 word minimum for stories. Granted, that fact is probably the only thing stopping Tramp from doing this for real...


that fact is probably the only thing stopping Tramp from doing this for real


I'm tempted to check out the site rules just to see if this thing breaks any...


*checks rules*

Nope. This is safe.

Twilight and Super have a short chat. Then Scootaloo visits the human world to become a math wiz, then tutors Sweetie Belle who becomes a civil engineer.

Before I read this, I must know: What about Apple Bloom?

She’s mentioned in passing.

I’ve had enough run ins with meeester and El Dorado and Space Cowboy to know better than to fuck around with the site rules.

I mean, there's no point in writing rules that nobody would be crazy enough to break, right?

And now I wonder if there's a disturbed person somewhere who "married" a Jesus plushie. :trixieshiftright:

I’m using this as an excuse to post an underrated late-era Genesis song.

honestly the author makes me think of that homless guy from triptank.

Author Interviewer

trampo, what in the world

One of my finer shitfics, in my opinion. :heart:

Plus it mentions SCP 914, one of my favorite SCPs, and I know you yourself are a fellow fan of a good Skip. Did you know SCP 914 has its own Discord server? I’ve been in it for like half a year but I’m bad about checking it, not unlike most servers I join. Information overload is so easy with Discord.

Author Interviewer

A server just for a single object? o.o That's insane. Granted, I don't even pay attention to the two general SCP servers I'm in. I guess I'm done with the site. D:

To be fair, SCP 914 is both pretty fun and pretty complex; the server has like ten channels and one of them is devoted solely to putting stuff in it and seeing what comes out.

This is truly a work of art and devotion

Thank you for the high praise!

Three words... WTF



I only read this because of the absurd title image.

That was lame. I expected a "sh*tfic" to be poor quality writing with an idiotic and nonsensical plot that I can enjoy for its absurdity. It actually read as a boring and unfocused rant.

Maybe my subversion of your (probably already pretty low) expectations and any sort of authorial dignity is the real absurdity. :trollestia:

No but if you're looking for absurdity, (As opposed to grooveI recommend you read what I feel to be my best overall story,

EAre We Not All Trash Doves, Eating From the Garbage Can of Life?
Trash Doves invade Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle is annoyed, Fluttershy is ambivalent, and everyone learns the slightly depressing yet also uplifting philosophy behind Pinkie Pie's party proclivities
Super Trampoline · 1.4k words  ·  47  7 · 1.3k views

which is a treatise on absurdity espoused by Pinkie Pie several months before I realized I myself was sort of an absurdist, kind of like how people will be really excited they can play as a different gender in video games and then realize later that they're trans which wall perhaps not the most tasteful analogy for my journey to absurdism, I feel honestly is a pretty accurate one.

I'll give this story a try since you took the time to suggest it, but I probably won't be reading much of your other stuff. I prefer stuff like non-romantic drama and ironically-funny stories. It really was the cover image that got me to read the story in this particular instance.

I'm about to go to sleep but remind me to recommend my short non-romantic drama to you in the morning that was very well received

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