• Published 13th Mar 2020
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Skeletor, Master of The Empire. - Hotel_Chicken

A monster was dethroned and a demon was thrusted into a position of power he never wanted. Now, the Displaced Lord Skeletor finds himself in the Frozen North of Equestria, fighting frigid temperatures and an evil king.

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Chapter 5. Stairway to Paradise.

Emerald Secret swallowed nervously as she followed the others up the impossibly large stairwell. A million worries and fears raced through her mind as she thought about where Lord Skeletor had gone and what he planned to do.

After she saw that massive pit inside Sombra's, or technically in Lord Skeletor’s, throne room she had assumed that he created it using some dark spell to create a hole to Tartarus. But, those fears soon changed to confusion once she, Cannon Fodder, and Track Record reached the door at the bottom of the stairwell, which led to an enormous stairwell that went up into an infinite void of white light.

Needless to say, none of them were too eager to follow their new lord up there, but fear of the unknown and their insatiable curiosity had driven them up the impossibly tall staircase to seek answers. All three of them were silent as they climbed the staircase, worried that once the deafening silence had been shattered that the steps under their hooves would give out.

They didn’t know what their new lord was doing or why he was doing it, but several thoughts and ideas had made themselves known in Emerald Secret’s mind. Was his plan to invade the homeland of the final resting place, to usurp the throne of Faust herself, to wage war with heaven? She fearfully wondered as she and her two compatriots continued their ascent.

She had no idea where the staircase actually lead to, only that it was impossibly high and surrounded by a blinding white light on all sides, which left one possibility that she wasn’t too thrilled about.

Faust Faith had described a scene very similar to the one Emerald Secret found herself in, a description of an old pony walking up a large staircase to reach the luscious fields of heaven where they would be reunited with all of those who passed away.

After King Sombra had effectively crushed her entire faith in a year, Emerald Secret became convinced that there was no staircase to an eternal paradise. But, after finding the impressive staircase that seemed to stretch on forever, she began to believe that she would actually see heaven if she kept going forward; and she was horrified of the thought that it would possibly be on fire when she arrived, wiped out of existence by the terrifying monster that had become their lord.

The oppressive silence that hung over the weary trio of travelers soon became too much for Track Record, as he stomped his hoof down roughly on one of the steps.

“Faust all-loving, how high does this thing go?!”

“Looks like we’re about two thirds of the way up,” Cannon Fodder stated as he shot a glance over the edge of the stairs.

“We should probably take a break,” Emerald Secret suggested. “We’ll need to conserve our energy if we want to make it there.”

“Or, we could do what I said. We could go back, get all the guards we can, and then come back,” Cannon Fodder told the pair of ponies walking with him.

“I am not walking down these steps just to go back up them. Besides, what if Lord Skeletor needs us up there?” Track Record reasoned.

“Oh, Faust’s song, he doesn’t need any guards to help him. He killed Sombra by himself, he can probably handle whatever he’s gotten himself into.”

“And what has he ‘gotten himself into’?” Emerald Secret asked in turn. “For all we know, this staircase could lead to Faust’s doorstep.”

“Then all the more reason why to go back down. I don’t know about you two, but I’d rather not be around when Faust smites him with a flick of her ear.”

“Stop talking like that,” Track Record warned through his gritted teeth.

Cannon Fodder only huffed in response to Track before he sat on one of the steps.

“So… What do you two think this is?” Emerald Secret asked the pair.

“My bits are on an actual stairway to paradise,” Track Record stated as he looked at the top of the staircase. “What about you?”

“I think so too,” She replied before she turned her attention to Cannon Fodder. “What do you think?”

“Doesn’t look big enough to be a staircase to paradise, but at this point, I wouldn’t be too surprised if it was. First a demon killed Sombra and then we used the corpse as a bonfire to keep the citizens warm. So far, this is only the fourth weirdest thing I’ve seen all day.”

“Wait, what’s the third weirdest?” Track Record asked him.

“The Empire itself. It looks… Well, worse. I mean, it was already up the river Styx without a bit, but now it looks… I don’t even know. Deader I guess? I just don’t remember the Empire looking so beaten and broken.”

“Yeah, I get what you mean. I couldn’t even find my shop under all of the rubble and snow.”

“You own a shop?” Emerald Secret asked Track Record.

“Yeah, a little bakery a few blocks from here on Amethyst Avenue.”

“So, you’re a civilian then? Why are you still here?! This is guard duty, not citizen work,” Cannon Fodder chastised.

“Well I wanted to make sure Lord Skeletor was alright. Besides, she gets to come with you and she’s not a guard.”

“That’s because she outranks most of the guards.”

“Really?” Track Record asked as he turned his head towards Emerald Secret. “Soooo… Who are you?”

“Nopony important,” Emerald Secret replied quietly as she avoided Track Record’s eyes.

“Heh, ‘nopony important’ she says. She used to be the advisor to Princess Amore, she’s one of the most important ponies in this whole castle. ‘Nopony’ my right cutiemark.”

“I was the advisor. Back when Princess Amore was still alive…” Emerald Secret corrected. Another heavy silence fell over the trio as memories of their former princess resurfaced in their minds.

“… Did she ever get a proper send off?” Track Record asked the two, causing Emerald Secret to tense up at the memory of Sombra’s eventual rise to power and her princess’ prior murder.

“No. Sombra didn’t let her rest peacefully…” Emerald Secret stated. She decided not to elaborate on the atrocities committed to her princess’ corpse by the tyrant, King Sombra.

“That bucking bastard… I hope he gets whipped for eternity in Tartarus,” Cannon Fodder angrily muttered under his breath.

“Whipping’s too good. I hope he drowns in the river Styx,” Track Record added on.

Emerald Secret was about to contribute to the conversation and continue their fantasies of Sombra’s eternal torment, until the wailing moan of Lord Skeletor echoed down the staircase.

His words came out loud and slurred, as if he was suffering from delirium. “Hie-Maahn, Ah’ll get’chu ahned then bhyeast man’ll do wha diddy…”

“Is he talking to somepony up there?” Emerald Secret asked.

“It sounds more like something those zebra shamans chant when they do their weird faux magic,” Cannon Fodder added on before another strange slur of words drifted from the top of the staircase.

“What if he needs help?” Track Record questioned.

“Then that’s too bad for him. What the heck could we do anyway, be moral support?” Cannon Fodder asked in a condescending tone.

“Well it’s better than sitting on our tails and doing nothing,” Track Record argued.

As more unintelligible moans echoed from above, Track Record got to his hooves and trotted up the stairs with a new sense of direction, invigorated by the confirmation that his new lord was at the top. His pace increased by every few steps, his resolve to get to their new lord to thank him growing with each passing second.

“Damnit, civilian, slow down! You don’t know what’s up there!” Cannon Fodder shouted as he trotted after him.

“My name is Track and I do know what’s up there, Lord Skeletor is!”

“Bucking suicidal idiot,” Cannon Fodder muttered as he slowed down his pace. Emerald Secret soon trotted up next to him as they both climbed the steps, causing him to throw a thoughtful glance at her as they followed Track Record.

“Emerald, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you tagging along? I understand the fanatical idiot up ahead, and as a guard it’s my job to make sure the citizens aren’t hurt by that thing, but why are you here?”

Emerald Secret didn’t reply instantly, taking a few scant moments to organize her thoughts before she decided to answer. “I suppose I just wanted to follow you, to stay close to somepony I personally knew before the fall of the Empire. The other council members and nobles are gone, along with most of the ponies I befriended. You’re the only pony I know that’s still alive.”

Cannon Fodder stopped trotting for a moment as he absorbed her words. “The… The council is dead? I thought Sombra would at least keep them… All of them are gone, even Dice?”

“He was beheaded. Sombra didn’t allow a single ruva in the Empire aside from himself to live,” Emerald Secret delicately said, as if saying it any louder would have killed Dice a second time.

“Faust all-loving… I can’t… That bucking bastard!” Cannon Fodder exclaimed as he stomped his hoof against the stairs. “Dice didn’t even have a working horn, he wasn’t a threat, he was just a colt… You’re sure he didn’t get away?” Cannon Fodder practically pleaded, hoping beyond hope that the youngest member of the council had managed to escape.

“Sombra made me watch… He made me watch them all…” Emerald quietly admitted as tears squeezed past her eyes.

“I’m… I’m sorry,” Cannon Fodder said as he was about to put a reassuring hood on her shoulder. “I didn’t know you—”

“No!” Emerald Secret suddenly shouted as she batted his hoof away before it could touch her.

Pure fear flashed in her eyes as she looked at Cannon Fodder, her heart beat rapidly beating as she instinctively backed away from him. For a single, solitary, moment Emerald saw the worried face of her familiar friend turn into the sinister face of King Sombra grinning wickedly at her.

Cannon Fodder watched Emerald Secret panicking form with intense concern as she backed away from him. His own heart stopped beating for a second as he tried to make sense of what was happening to his friend. “Emerald, are you—"

“I’m fine! I-I just want to f-forget about it,” Emerald quickly interrupted as she trotted past Cannon Fodder.

Cannon Fodder stayed in place for a few more moments, wondering why Emerald Secret had panicked, before he began trotting up the stairs after her. Silence once again filled the air as they made their way up the stairs, both of them getting lost in their own thoughts as they stole quick and worried glances at one another.

Emerald Secret and Cannon Fodder caught up to Track, who was resting his body on the stairs for a moment as he tried to breath. However, the sound of Lord Skeletor screaming above them gave him a second wind that allowed him to gallop up the stairs.


“Lord Skeletor!” Track Record shouted as he galloped towards his lord.

Emerald Secret and Cannon Fodder swiftly followed, making quick work of the last flights of stairs before they reached the entrance to the room at the top. Track had gotten up only a half a minute earlier, using the time Emerald Secret and Cannon Fodder took to arrive to catch his breath.

“Lord… Skeletor… Are you okay? We…. We saw a staircase in…. in the throne room and… and….” The rest of Track Record’s sentence died off as he looked at what his new lord was holding.

In his hands laid a powerful artifact that had been designed to bring love and unity to all of the Empire in the days before King Sombra’s reign.

Lord Skeletor followed Track’s gaze and saw the Crystal Heart in his hands, apparently only just realizing that he was holding it. He stared at the Crystal Heart in awe as he admired its beauty, entranced by the elegance of the large magical diamond.

The heart released a rhythmic pulse that appeared to beat in sync with Emerald’s own heart, or perhaps her heart was beating in sun with the Crystal Heart. Either way, Emerald and the others were completely breathless at the sight of the majestic relic.

“You… You found it… W-what are you going to do now?” Emerald Secret asked fearfully as her new dark master cradled the Crystal Heart in his massive arms like a foal.

With the Crystal Heart, Lord Skeletor would be able to unleash an aggressive assault on Equestria, threaten his disloyal subjects to fall into place or risk having the heart shattered, or worst of all, absorb the ambient magic inside of it to add onto his own well of power. Her new dark master would become a truly unstoppable threat that could vaporize his enemies with only a single thought.

“What’s ahhh… What’s it for?” Lord Skeletor asked as he continued to stare into the Crystal Heart.

“It’s for protecting the Empire,” Cannon Fodder accidentally blurted out before he covered his muzzle with his hoof.

“Huh… Cool… How does it do that?” Lord Skeletor asked idly as his eye socket traveled the facets of the Heart.

“It uses the spirit of love and harmony to shield the Empire from the storm. King Sombra hid it from us so that we could only feel warm in the mines below the Empire, he said we’d never find it, but now… Now you have it…” Track Record told him as he took a step towards his new lord.

“If we can put in back where it belongs, we can help everypony in the Empire. Lord Skeletor, can we please place it back at the base of the castle?” Track Record begged, causing Lord Skeletor to shake himself out of whatever trance he was momentarily trapped in.

Lord Skeletor’s eye sockets locked onto Track Record’s desperate gaze. The worry and fear that Track Record held in his eyes chilled Skeletor to his core, causing his breath to nearly become hitched in his throat as he looked into Track Record’s soul through his eyes.

“Uh… Yeah, yeah, take it,” Lord Skeletor said as he held the Heart out to Track Record.

Track stared at the Heart with an apprehensive joy as he tried to convince himself to reach out and accept the Heart. He fell back to his haunches as his shaky forelegs lifted up to take the Crystal Heart, holding it in his hooves as if it was made of the most delicate glass. As he clutched the Crystal Hearth close to him as his own heart pounded violently inside his chest.

The calming pulse of the Crystal Heart allowed his racing heart to relax, a sense of serenity and comfort that enveloped his soul like a warm blanket. Track Record felt tears threatening to spill past his eyes as a disbelieving smile stretched across his muzzle.

“Th… Thank you!” He exclaimed as he held the Crystal Heart tightly. Before Lord Skeletor could even get a word in, Track Record threw a foreleg around Lord Skeleto’s torso before he galloped towards the stairs and raced out of the room.

“H-Hey, be careful damnit!” Cannon Fodder chastised as he trotted after him.

Emerald Secret was about to follow them before she stopped to look back at her new lord who laid on his back holding his stomach in pain.

“Are you alright… My lord?”

“Y-Yeah, fuck that hurt though. That guy’s got a vice’s grip. Just…. Go on without me… I’m just gonna lay here for a bit… Go do the thingy with the big thing…” Lord Skeletor commanded them with a disinterested wave of his hand as he laid on the floor.

Emerald Secret hesitated for a moment before she followed his orders and turned her back to Skeletor. She threw a last glance at the prone figure of Skeletor lying on the floor.

“Thank you… Lord Skeletor,” Emerald Secret quietly said before she trotted down the stairs.

It was a silent trip down the dozens of flights of stairs, the distant sound of Cannon Fodder yelling at Track becoming white noise as Emerald Secret became lost in her own thoughts. For the first time in a little over three years, the Crystal Heart was going to be returned to its pedestal at the base of the castle for all of the citizens to see. She should have been completely elated about the prospect of saving the Empire.

But despite the fortunate news, a nagging voice at the back of her mind demanded that she stay skeptical and refuse to believe that anything fortunate or remotely good could happen to her or the Empire. After years of misery and pain caused by her old king, Emerald Secret had lost the will to hope for a brighter tomorrow, to wish for good fortune, and to pray for salvation. But now, because of a monster that looked like it was torn from the pages of a horror story had given her just that, the ability to hope.

For the first time since the death of her princess, Emerald Secret had something to hope for, and she was terrified that believing in that faint hope would only make it hurt worse when it disappeared, snatched from her grasp by the deceiving demon that had become their new lord.

That’s his plan, isn’t it? To give us a false sense of hope, to tear it away from us and watch us wallow in grief? Why doesn’t he just kill us. Emerald Secret bitterly thought as she continued to head towards the distant voices of Cannon Fodder and Track.

It was odd in a way, each one of them held onto a certain belief about their new king that couldn’t be swayed or influenced by the others. Emerald Secret could only decide how she felt about her new lord after they returned the Heart to the central plaza at the base of the castle while Cannon Fodder and Track already had very clear opinions.

Track Record revered his new lord, displaying a type of fanaticism and faith that was only given to the Alicorn princesses. In contrast to Track’s optimism, Cannon Fodder had a clear sense of distrust towards Lord Skeletor, seemingly preparing to attack the demon at any moment should the need arise.

Part of Emerald Secret wanted to be optimistic like Track was, believing that the darkest age of the Empire had finally over, but she was held back her experience with Sombra. She couldn’t trust a demon disguised as a unicorn, how could she trust a demon that didn’t even hide what it was?

A part of her wanted to believe, she yearned for a piece of hope to cling to and never let go of again, to embrace that small piece of her that believed Lord Skeletor was doing good. But what proof did she have that he didn’t have some nefarious ulterior motive? Granted, he gave them the Heart, but who was to say it was the real Crystal Heart, and what if he was going to prevent them from activating it? He could have just been giving them that false sense of hope before ripping it away from them to watch their last bit of hope shrivel up and die.

These thoughts continued to move through her mind like a raging storm as she mechanically went down the staircase, not even noticing when she reached the darker staircase that led to the throne room.

Her memories of the things Sombra did to her flooded back into her mind as she looked at the ominous staircase to his throne room. Each and every disgusting deed brought on by the tyrant piled up inside her head, causing a vicious amount of bile to build up in her throat, begging for sweet release to rid herself of all the toxins inside her.

It took a great deal of effort on her part, but she managed to push down the bile and suppress the dark memories that haunted her.

Even though Sombra was dead, he still haunted her thoughts, he still held some amount of control over her. He was dead, and yet he still forced her to feel terrible and disgusted. He still made her feel small and weak, completely helpless to the power that he commanded through his dark magic.

Flurries of snow fell violently from the sky, pelting the crystal ponies’ coats with a barrage of snowflakes for minutes on end as they waited for answers. Were they freed, were they saved by the Alicorn sisters, what happened to the Empire, and where had all the Equestrian guards gone when the citizens blinked.

Over a thousand crystal ponies gathered at the base of the Crystal Castle, each one murmuring rumors that had spread through the Empire about the fate of King Sombra. Many had believed that the king had been killed by the Alicorn sisters while others argued that a strange monster had been the one to kill the tyrant.

Descriptions of the unknown creature varied widely between the citizens of the Crystal Empire. Some said that it was a two headed monster that had the head of an albino ram and a monkey. Others claimed that it was a teenage dragon with a yellow snout that stuck out of a purple hood. And a small percentage of ponies argued that it was a hairless minotaur in face paint.

Only a very select few citizens had received an accurate description of the creature from family members who served in the guard. The guards had gone into vivid detail when describing the bipedal giant to their families and often made great exaggerations when talking about how it killed the old king, making claims that ranged from the beast eating Sombra’s brains to it beating Sombra to death with his own skull.

The only factor that remained consistent in each story was King Sombras demise at the hands of a mysterious creature that had yet to make itself known publicly.

As the ponies waited outside for answers, getting caked in snow as the rumors spread more rapidly through the crowd. The chilling air nipped at their skin as they clamored together, using their fur coats and the breath from their hushed whispers to create a hint of desperate warmth to keep themselves alive. It wasn’t until a mustard colored pony with a purple mane trotted out of the castle with the Crystal Heart wrapped tightly in a foreleg.

A gasp of surprise rushed through the crowd as they stated at the Crystal Heart. Thousands of eyes locked onto the lost relic that laid in the mysterious stallion’s foreleg as he breathed heavily. Some ponies had recognized him as the baker who used to live on Amethyst Avenue, while others remembered him as the insane stallion that had spread the initial rumor that a monster killed the king.

“Lord… Lord Skeletor found the Crystal Heart!” He shouted with unbridled glee as he held the artifact above his head.

Soon after he shouted that, a red stallion with a silver colored mane wearing high ranking guard armor ran through the front doors of the castle.

“Bucking too old for this… Track… Stop before anypony… sees…” He trailed off as he noticed the sea of crystal ponies standing a few yards away from them. “Buck… Track! Get back here with that thing, right now!” He shouted at Track Record.

“Why?! We’ve got the Heart, we need to put it back!” Track shouted back as he trotted towards the pedestal that stood between him and the crowd.

“We don’t know if it’s real! What if it’s a trap?!” Cannon Fodder argued as he trotted in front of Track Record to stop him.

“It’s obviously the Heart! We need to put it back and save the Empire!”

“We’re not putting that thing on the pedestal until we know what it is! You think he’d just hoof the Heart over to us as he miraculously found it in a few minutes?! It’s Hogwash!” Cannon Fodder exclaimed.

As the two of them shouted at the top of their lungs desperately trying to convince the other how their plan was flawed, they both failed to notice Emerald Secret quietly trotting up behind them. She passively watched the two of them fight over who was right and who was being either too naive or too untrusting, her eyes moved to the crowd of ponies staring hungrily at the Heart.

Hope swelled inside their hearts as they stared at the pulsating Crystal Heart. While some of them held slight skepticism and worry thanks to Cannon Fodder’s arguments, the overwhelming sense of hope nearly suffocated the fear that lingered in the back of their minds.

They desperately clung to the hope that Emerald Secret was too afraid to openly embrace, igniting a sense of faith inside her that she instantly stomped out of her mind. She couldn’t have blind hope like them, she had seen the monster that had “discovered” the Crystal Heart. She had been tormented by Sombra with false promises of freedom for years, dangling it in front of her like a carrot on a stick that was just out of her reach.

And here she was again, the promise of freedom being dangled in front of her, tempting her to slam the Heart onto the pedestal only to realize that it was a fake. Or maybe it was real and, at any moment, Skeletor would arrive in a cloud of dark bellowing smoke and proclaim himself as the new ruler to the amassed ponies before he would snatch the Heart from Track Record’s hooves.

It was all a game to Skeletor, a way to hurt them even more than how Sombra did, and all she could do was play his sick game.

As Track and Cannon Fodder continued to argue loudly, she trotted up behind them and took the Heart from under Track’s foreleg and went around Cannon Fodder.

She trotted towards the center of the plaza, walking with the same apprehension as somepony marching towards the gallows to be hanged. Cannon Fodder tried to go after her to prevent her from doing something potentially dangerous, but Track pinned him to the ground before he could even take a step.

The muffled voice of Cannon Fodder screamed unintelligible words that tried to convince her to stop. His warnings and concerns fell on deaf ears as she approached the lone pedestal. It stood erected like a tombstone, a symbol of the Empire’s death when Princess Amore drew her last breath. King Sombra had left it as a reminder of what they lost, of what they could never have again.

Emerald Secret stood in front of the pedestal, the Crystal Heart beating with a furious thunder as it got closer. Emerald Secret could feel the Heart being pulled towards the pedestal by an unforeseen force.

She lifted the Crystal Heart to the pedestal and, for a split second, accepted the hope that burned inside of her.

An overwhelming sense of security and safety washed over her instantly once she let go, reminding her of the warm touch of Princess Amore’s magic.

A luminescent blue aura exploded from the Crystal Heart, passing through her and everypony in the Empire and bathing them in the love the princess felt for them and the Empire when she was still alive.

Emerald Secret was too stunned to hear the uproar of cheers that boomed behind her. All of her attention was solely dedicated to the spinning Crystal Heart in front of her, watching it with a stupefied gaze as her mouth fell open.

It had actually worked. Peace and love had been restored to the Crystal Empire.

A joyous smile graced Emerald Secret’s muzzle as she stared at the regal beauty of the Crystal Heart. Years of torment, pain, and misery had finally come to an end, the years of the King Sombra's rule were finally over. Relief and joy flooded the Empire as the crystal ponies cheered in glee. For only a moment, everything was right with the world until it was instantly shattered by the ear-piercing cry from the heavens.

“Fuck! IT HURTS! GAAAAAAAAAAH!” Lord Skeletor screamed in agony from the top of the tower.

Hundreds of crystal ponies flinched at the wailing cries of pain that echoed through the air, drowning their joy and laughter. Fear flashed across their faces as they stared up at the barrier that was erected to protect the Empire from the never ending winter. None of them knew where the screams had come from, except for the three ponies who had talked to the voice's owner.

“Lord Skeletor!” Track Record shouted as he galloped back to the Crystal Castle.

Emerald Secret stared at the top of the tower in horror for a few brief moments before she rushed off after Track Record.

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