• Published 28th Nov 2019
  • 2,776 Views, 284 Comments

Quantum Leap Forward - Halira

Cheerilee wakes up twenty years in the future, in the body of Big Mac's daughter. Now she must find out how to get back to her proper time and body.

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Chapter 16: Random Acts of Kumquats

There was a knock on the front door that temporarily interrupted the Apple's celebrations. Ma Apple was the one who made the move to the door. "That must be Pinkie with Lil' Cheese. I almost forgot that we were going to be watching him today. I'll be right back."

Cheerilee perked her ears. Pinkie was here? She needed to speak to the party pony as soon as she could so the Apples couldn't convince the mare she was some personality Candy created. Ironically, she had both Applejack and Pinkie Pie close by, known heroes who both would probably already be well on their way to fixing all of this if they were the ones stuck in this situation, and neither of them was helpful right now; Applejack because the farm pony was still skeptical anything was even going on, and Pinkie Pie because… well, Pinkie was Pinkie.

"DID I HEAR TWO WEDDINGS!" There was an explosion of confetti and party streamers as Pinkie Pie ran into the room. She entered so fast that if Cheerilee hadn't already been watching the doorway she'd have sworn the pony had teleported in.

The pink earth pony quickly dashed back and forth between the two newly engaged couples, prancing rapidly in place before each of them. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Two of my best friends, and Bright Pear and Strawberry Surprise-- I always loved your name, by the way-- are getting married! I'm going to throw the biggest party ever!"

"Um, Pinkie," Applejack said hesitantly. "We are gonna wait a little while before we close the knots. We want to bring in the whole family."

"All the Strawberries too," Strawberry chimed in. "Mom is going to insist, I know it."

Ma Apple walked in with an ear cocked. "How many Strawberries are there?"

The red pegasus looked embarrassed again. "Well… you know how I have six younger brothers and sisters? Let's just say that Strawberries, as a whole, have a lot of seeds."

The matriarch blinked and grinned happily. "Hear that Bright? That old house wouldn't be big enough for the amount of foals you'll probably end up havin', so there was no point in fixin' it." She stopped and giggled. "I'm goin' to be up to my ears with grandfoals, and that makes me happy. We'll make sure your whole family gets to attend, dear." The green stallion looked dumbfounded, apparently not realizing how fertile his soon-to-wife likely was.

Cheerilee watched as Cheese snuck into the room around Ma Apple's legs. The colt grew a smile as he took stock of all the smiling faces around him, and that smile transformed into a big grin as he spotted Cheerilee and hurried over to her.

"Hi! Mommy and I had so much fun today!" Cheese exclaimed to her happily. "She took me on a picnic, then let me fire her party canon, then we went swimming, and then we made party favors together!"

She nodded absently, more focused on trying to figure out when she could find an opening to speak to Pinkie. "That sounds nice." She was happy the colt got to spend time with his mother; she just had other things to worry about at the moment.

"Did you have a fun day too?" Cheese asked cheerfully.

Cheerilee watched as the party pony got engrossed in trying to plan out a triple bachelorette party and single bachelor party, a discussion that seemed overwhelming for the brides and groom. She grimaced, as she realized an opening to speak to her wasn't going to come anytime soon, not when Pinkie was in her or zone. "It has been an interesting day. I had a pony use me as a shield against an angry alicorn that was trying to disintegrate her. That's not something that I can say has ever happened to me before."

"Aren't you a little small for a big pony to use as a shield?" Cheese asked in confusion, measuring her with his hooves as he asked.

She smirked. "It was both me and Candy's mom, and more the fact the pony was counting on the alicorn wouldn't want to blow us up in order to get that pony."

"You're still being Cheerilee?" Cheese asked, ears wilting a little.

She gave him a considering look. "Yes, I am still Cheerilee. I know you miss your friend, and I'm trying to get her back for you, and to have her stay herself from now on."

Cheese's ears picked up a little. "That would be good. All the other creatures are fun, most of the time, but Candy being Candy is fun too."

She settled into her seat and gave the colt her full attention. "I don't know much about Candy. Can you tell me about her, about the real Candy? Tell me what kinds of games you two played together, what she talked about, what she loved to do, all those kinds of things."

Cheese tapped a hoof to his head, as if hitting his head would work his brain faster. "Me and Candy play all kinds of stuff. We play pretend, tag, kick the ball, drawing, and racing, and other stuff. Autumn Fire and Caramel would play with us a lot, too. Candy read lots of books, big books. They’re kind of boring, but she thinks they were cool. She is always trying to learn to do new magic with her horn, and she turned an apple into a pear once. She was really happy when she did that, and she showed everycreature the pear she made, even though it was kind of funny looking." The colt's mood dropped. "And sometimes, when bullies are picking on me, she and Autumn would tell the bullies to leave me alone. I think Autumn misses her even more than me. He would tell her that she is really pretty, and he likes the way she talks-- that weird way Apples talk that means they smell like axes."

It was easy to see where her future self had suggested the School for Gifted Unicorns, and put into perspective the fact Big Mac said Candy wasn't the type of pony who'd be content staying on the farm. It also explained how Candy could be reading that magical malady book that seemed too complex; it had to deal with magic, and if Candy took that much active interest in magic, and read as much as was implied, it wasn't surprising if she was far more familiar with magical terms than the average small town pony. It also made Cheerilee feel a bit more apprehensive about what she could learn about the situation that she'd understand where Candy would have already looked into, at least in terms of magic. Still, Candy might be a little naive about some magical things, given she was only eight, and she'd tried using a basic counterspell potion on something that was clearly not very basic.

Other than that, Candy seemed a normal, happy filly. She seemed to play normal foal games, and there was a colt that apparently had a schoolyard crush on her. None of this was really extraordinary. The magic interest showed she was somewhat gifted in that area, but she didn't sound like a child prodigy at magic, just one who had an interest and worked very hard to get better. It was commendable, and showed her intelligence and dedication, but there were other young foals that had similar dedication and intelligence-- hence why the School for Gifted Unicorns did take on a number of younger students, even in her own time. She'd fit right into one of those classes and be very happy there. None of this showed anything that would lead to what was occurring to her now.

The pink party mare jumped from where she had been speaking to the adults to right between Cheerilee and Cheese, and grabbed the two of them up in a hug. "I know you were going to watch Lil' Cheese for me, but since all of you're going to want to start wedding planning, how about I do you a big favor and be the one to watch the foals today?" Cheese's face lit up with a huge grin at that prospect.

Ma Apple looked at the party pony with cautious gratitude. "Are you sure? It isn't that we don't appreciate it, but I know you're very busy with plannin' graduation parties."

Pinkie waved it off. "I know, but I really enjoyed getting to spend some extra time with my little whoopie cushion. One day won't set me back that much."

Ma still looked a little apprehensive. "You understand that Candy isn't quite herself right now, right? She's thinkin' she's Cheerilee."

"How much trouble could Cheerilee get into?" Pinkie asked with a giggle, then looked down at Cheerilee and ruffled her mane with a hoof. "You'll be good for me, won't you, Cheerilee?"

She didn't appreciate having her mane ruffled like that, but didn't object. Instead she smiled. "I don't mind spending the rest of the day with you. Everypony here is going to be busy, like you said. I'd like to see a little more of Ponyville anyway." That, and it gave her a chance to update Pinkie on the situation before the Apples could convince Pinkie she was just crazy.

"Just have Candy home for supper," Ma relented.

"Before ya go," Applejack spoke up. "How would you feel about bein' my best mare at ma weddin'? No creature I'd rather have as my best mare than ma favorite cousin."

Pinkie's eyes welled-up with happy tears. "Of course! I'll be the bestest best mare that ever bestedly best mared a wedding!"

"I'm going to have to ask Fluttershy to be mine," Rainbow said thoughtfully. "We've been best friends since we weren't any older than Candy. I couldn't choose anypony else."

"Off with ya," Applejack ordered playfully. "If ya don't get goin' then ya won't have any time at all before ya gotta have Candy back here to eat. Have some fun, and we'll start plannin' what we need to do here."

Pinkie saluted. "Aye aye, Captain Applejack, ma'am!"

"Hey!" Rainbow objected. "You're doing that salute all wrong, and I'm the one who has a captain rank, not Applejack!"

The farm pony boxed her lover in the side again. "She's just playin' around, Rainbow. She ain't tryin' to insult your rank or anythin'." She gave Pinkie an apologetic look. "She's gotten on this drive lately about remindin' everycreature the Wonderbolts are military too. Actually got miffed when Twilight wouldn't increase her rank to general."

Rainbow sulked in place, muttering, "I should be a general, instead of having to listen to orders from that flying turkey she has commanding my division of the air forces."

"You're plannin' on retirin' anyway," Applejack reminded her.

"Should still be a general," Rainbow muttered.

Applejack rolled her eyes, but gave her lover a hug. "Maybe Twilight will give you an honorary rank when you retire." Rainbow brightened up a little at that idea, but still didn't seem thrilled she wasn't a general. Cheerilee rolled her own eyes, even middle-aged mares could sulk like foals when they didn't get what they wanted.

She let her myself be ushered out of the house by her chaperone. Cheese was clearly overjoyed to be spending even more time with his mother, which Cheerilee was sympathetic to. It was just that she had things that needed to be done.

She opened her mouth to try to tell Pinkie about how the Apples now thought she was some split personality, and to be assured she wasn't that, but suddenly got Pinkie's hoof in her mouth.

The pink pony whispered in her ear. "Remember, keep a low profile. The chocolate pony has information, remember the code word."

After the hoof was removed she spit on the ground to get the taste of hoof dirt out of her mouth, and gave Pinkie a dumbfounded look. "Who has information? Code word? What are you talking about?"

Pinkie stuck her bottom lip out. "I told you the code word earlier, weren't you paying attention?"


Pinkie nodded happily. "You were paying attention. The chocolate pony has information. Keep a low profile."

"Can you just say who?" Cheerilee asked in frustration. "What do they even know? If they know something then why haven't they said anything up to now?"

Pinkie put a ski mask on over Cheerilee's head. Where she got it was anypony's guess. "Keep a low profile! I'm maintaining radio silence for the rest of today!"

She grit her teeth, and pulled the mask off. There was no point in even asking anymore, that was clear enough. She was just going to be forced to figure out whatever insanity Pinkie was pushing on her. Maybe there was something that would help her, or maybe Pinkie was just being Pinkie.

They left Sweet Apple Acres and walked into town. Wherever they were going, it was a slow trip. Pinkie and Cheese both tended to pronk about, and constantly stopped to greet ponies and creatures on the street. She couldn't help but notice that some ponies, specifically ponies, would give Cheese odd looks, or worse, looks of downright hostility. These were usually given when the colt was pronking away after greeting them, and Cheese and Pinkie were either oblivious to it, or chose to simply ignore them. It wasn't every pony, nor even half, but it was enough that it made Cheerilee disappointed in her fellow ponies. Other creatures didn't seem to have any issue with him, and she had a sneaking suspicion that it was because they might not find it as easy to find a pony's gender as 'off'.

"Hi, Candy! Are you feeling better now?"

She turned to see who was speaking to her. It was the kirin colt that had tried to speak to her earlier when Ma Apple was leading her back to Sweet Apple Acres. She recalled his name, and matched it up to the same name Cheese had told her had a crush on Candy, Autumn Fire.

"I'm sorry, Autumn, but right now I'm Cheerilee. Candy isn't here right now." She hoped that the colt would understand, especially given Candy's history.

The colt looked disappointed, then forced a smile on his face. "That's fine. Can I still hang out with you? I promise I won't be annoying."

Before she could say a response, or think of one for that matter, Pinkie appeared and hugged the kirin colt. "Sure you can, buddy! We're going to go by the Twistabon shop and get chocolate shakes. I'd normally go by Sugarcube Corner, but I'm really trying to avoid that place today. I know Cheese would love to have you along, and don't mind Cheerilee, she's being all grumpy about having to be Cheerilee in Candy's body. She'll feel better after she gets some chocolate in her."

There was no reason to object to the colt's presence, she supposed. She doubted that she would be extremely cheerful just because she had a chocolate shake, but there were worse ways of spending an afternoon than having somepony buy her treats. Pinkie even referred to her as Cherrilee, and it was heartening to be treated as herself by at least one pony.

Autumn joined them in their travel through town. He spent his time chatting and playing with Cheese, rather than try to engage her, but she did catch him snatching glances at her. Poor colt, she wished she could give him Candy, but that wasn't possible at the moment. This had to be something the colt was getting used to with the filly, and it was impressive that he still tried hard to maintain his friendship with Candy-- despite the fact that Candy was hardly ever Candy in this past year. If this was the result of a schoolyard crush, then this colt had it bad. She wondered if Candy was aware of it, or if she shared the same sentiments. It was a mild shame that Candy seemed destined to move away from Ponyville, at least if she stuck to her dreams. That would certainly hamper or end any hope of future romance between the two when they got older.

The two colts were chatting about a new musical that Autumn's mother was preparing-- about the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting their cutie marks of all things-- when they came up to what she recognized as Bon Bon's candy shop. There were some dramatic changes to the shop from her own day. For one, it was greatly expanded. It was also much busier than it was back in her own time, with a great deal of the clientele being very obviously tourists. There were also a fair number of carts near a loading area towards the back of the building, many of them looking like they were picking up cargo rather than delivering it. A new sign hung large above the door: 'The Original Twistabon Chocolate Shop, Famous Across Equestria!'. She was impressed; it seemed that the shop's business had expanded exponentially, even opening new locations elsewhere.

Pinkie led them around the small crowds, and somehow found them seats in the crowded shop. There were servers and waiters moving all about, many of them seeming older teens or younger twenties, and weren't just ponies either. The wall that hid the kitchen from view in her own time had been removed, and the guests were allowed to see the candy making at work. Twist was walking through the kitchen, giving supervision to a host of at least a dozen candymakers, and occasionally stopping with a smile to give advice and direction to a worker here and there who seemed to be struggling with something. The crowd seemed to enjoy seeing the candy making process.

Bon Bon herself came over to the table to take their order. Her mane was somewhat shorter, and there were clear laugh-lines under her eyes, but there was no mistaking the candymaker. She looked them all over with a smile. It may have been Cheerilee's imagination, but that smile seemed to twitch when Bon Bon looked at her. Had one of the various occupants of Candy's body done something bad in the shop?

The earth pony turned to Pinkie first. "Glad to see you here. It is always nice to have the competition spend money here."

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, Bon Bon, Sugarcube Corner sells pastries mainly, that's a whole other thing."

"Well, your competition for the ice cream, milkshakes, and you do sell chocolate cakes, but I suppose I'm not really worried about you cutting into our sales," Bon Bon replied goodnaturedly. "What can I get you?"

The party pony spread her forelegs wide. "The biggest peppermint, chocolate, and strawberry banana split you can make, please. Give it extra whip cream and chocolate sprinkles!"

Bon Bon grinned wider. "Of course." She turned to Autumn. "And for you?"

"Ahh...cinnamon ice cream with chocolate sprinkles, please," the kirin said hesitantly.

Bon Bon nodded, and turned to Cheese. The colt hopped happily in his seat. "A fudge bunny! Pretty please!"

"One fudge bunny it is," Bon Bon said happily. She gave a tight smile as she turned to Cheerilee. "And for you…?"

Cheerilee had no idea what was even available, and no menu had been provided. "I guess just a cherry shake." She was born on a cherry farm, and still had a soft spot for the little berries.

Bon Bon raised an eyebrow and smirked. "What's the magic word, little filly?"

She shouldn't be rude by not saying please, but she was grumpy about the Apples still. So she gave the first flippant answer she could think of. "Kumquats."

Bon Bon's face went blank. "Did I hear that right? Kumquats?"

"Please," Cheerilee replied, feeling embarrassed about her own behavior. This filly biology really must be messing with her self control.

"I see…" Bon Bon said slowly. The mare got right up next to her and stared her threateningly in the face, and Cheerilee cringed back. She'd been a little rude, but hadn't expected this kind of reaction. Bon Bon glared for a few seconds with Pinkie sitting there completely unconcerned about the entire thing! However, the other two foals looked on nervously.

"Alright, this is the last time," Bon Bon growled. "You'd better forget wherever you learned that after this, I told you before that isn't some game for you to play. I've been done with that since Celestia's day. Your message is look underneath Sombra. Is there anything else I can get you with your cherry shake, T.C.?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Um, who's T.C.? I'm Cheerilee, in Candy Apple's body. I didn't mean to be rude, it's just hard being in…"

"Save it," Bon Bon ordered. "One cherry shake it is, and no more mention of things creatures, much less foals, should know anything about." Bon Bon then hurried to the kitchen, leaving Cheerilee dazed and confused, and Pinkie Pie still completely unconcerned. What the heck just happened?

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