• Published 25th Nov 2019
  • 2,624 Views, 46 Comments

Scoot 10 - TheIronPone035

Scootaloo wanted to be like her idol, a hero, somepony that Ponyville could look up to if they needed help. With the help of a strange space watch, her wish comes true.

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(S1) Strange Watch

Scootaloo was panicking, she knew she shouldn't, but who wouldn't panic if a strange object from outer space latched onto your forehoof? She wanted this thing off, and fast.

As the filly weaved between a few trees, she spotted a sturdy looking stick near the base of one of the trunks. She halted her scooter and leaped off, setting her helmet down on her handlebars before she dashed over to the stick.

"Come on... " Scootaloo muttered, picking up the stick and wedging it in the small space between her forehoof and the watch.

Scootaloo pushed on the stick with all her might, trying to pry the watch off of her forehoof. But this only led to the sound of the stick snapping in two. She frowned at the now broken piece of wood, before she tossed it to the side in annoyance.

"Now what?" Scootaloo wondered, looking at the watch.

A strange neon green button underneath a matching colored hourglass symbol seemed to glisten in the moonlight, catching the filly's attention. She eyed the button for a few seconds, before she sat down and lifted her other forehoof towards it.

"Hmm, maybe that's how I can get this thing off." Scootaloo thought out loud, using her other forehoof to press down on the button.

Instead of the watch popping off like the filly had hoped, the hourglass symbol rose up, before showing the silhouette of a strange tall figure. A high pitched beeping began ringing from the watch, making Scootaloo turn around to see if anypony had heard it. Thankfully, the Apple family had already retired to their farm house, leaving her all alone.

Scootaloo returned her focus on the watch and rose an eyebrow, not sure what she should do. Eventually, she put her hoof over the symbol, and pressed down. The cylindrical piece of the watch sank back into the body, followed by a flash of lime green light.

Scootaloo watched in horror as the watch sank into her forehoof, which was being coated in dark red rocks which quickly spread across her entire body. The rocks on her forehooves shifted into what seemed to be claws, or possibly fingers. Her hind legs shifted as well, becoming longer legs and feet which had two pointy ends on the front. Her mane and tail were engulfed in flames, magma flowing between the cracks of the rocks that covered her body. Her muzzle caved in, nose seemingly vanishing, before her eyes were filled with fire.

The green light surrounding Scootaloo vanished, leaving the formally filly to look at what had happened to her body. She quickly noticed a rather interesting factor which caused her to scream.

"AHH!!! I'M ON FIRE!!!" Scootaloo shouted, quickly reenacting the movements that Miss Cheerilee had told the class she was in if any of them caught on fire.

Turns out, when she stopped, dropped, and rolled on the grass, instead of being put out, she just lit the grass below her on fire. However, Scootaloo did realize something.

"Wait a minute, i'm on fire, but I don't feel it." Scootaloo stated, raising up one of her new hands which was glowing with the flow of magma as it pulsed through it.

Scootaloo rose up a finger, watching as a small flame developed above it. Now, Scootaloo wasn't an expert on fire, but she was sure this shouldn't be possible. Yet again, how did a watch turn her into this thing make sense?

Scootaloo looked over at a rock, glancing between it and her finger. An idea formed in her mind, making her approach the rock and hold her left hand up.

Scootaloo focused on the hand, trying to generate a ball of fire, which ended up actually happening! The ball of fire shot from her hand and towards the rock, shattering it on impact.

"Whoa... " Scootaloo said in awe at what she'd just done.

A grin spread across her face as she rose up both her hands and locked eyes with a stray cloud. She channeled the flames again, combining it between her two hands, before launching it at the cloud. The ball of fire shot through the sky, striking the cloud, making it vanish with a puff of steam as the water inside it evaporated.

"This is awesome!"

Scootaloo fired a few more fireballs at some rocks and clouds, grin growing wider with each object either exploding or igniting. That grin however, vanished instantly when a stray ball of fire ended up flying towards a tree.

The tree caught fire the second the fireball made contact, sending it ablaze. The fire quickly spread from one tree to another one that was close, and again, and again. It didn't take long before the entire area around Scootaloo was engulfed in flames.

"Not awesome! Not awesome!" Scootaloo stated, frantically trying to extinguish the fire, but being made of fire herself, only managed to make things worse.

FInally, another idea struck her. She looked up at the night sky, before taking in a deep breath as she channeled as much fire as she could with her hands.

Scootaloo released the fire straight into the sky in a beam of light. Hopefully somepony will see this and notice the fire, then some pegasi can put it out. Please let some ponies be awake and see this, Scootaloo didn't want to burn down half of Sweet Apple Acres... again.

After a minute or two, Scootaloo finally spotted the outlines of pegasi rushing towards the scene. She was about to call out to them, but quickly remembered what she looked like. Instead, Scootaloo tried her best to cool down her hands, before grabbing her scooter and took off running through the orchard.

Scootaloo's hand cooling idea proved to be in vain when she began noticing scorch marks forming on her scooter. She made a dash for the Sweet Apple Acres barn and snatched up a conveniently placed hose. She fumbled with the nozzle for a few seconds as she tried to get the water flowing. After a few failed and panicked attempts, a steady wave of water gushed out of the nozzle, which she pointed towards her scooter. The brewing flames that had begun to spread on the wooden piece of transportation were quickly extinguished, allowing Scootaloo to sigh with relief.

Once she was sure the scooter was completely put out, she shut off the hose and returned it to its place next to the barn. She glanced over at the area where the fire was, spotting several pegasi above the scene pushing storm clouds into formation, before letting them dump their watery load onto the orchard.

As Scootaloo watched the pegasi work, a loud beeping noise filled her ears. She looked down at her chest, noticing the hourglass symbol which had appeared there. The symbol was also flashing red for some reason.

A few seconds later, a flash of red light engulfed her. Once the light faded, Scootaloo opened her eyes, quickly realizing that she was once again a filly. Scootaloo looked at the watch, noticing that the green on it had been replaced with red. Guess the watch ran out of juice or something.

"That was strange... but totally amazing!" Scootaloo stated, looking at the watch in the moonlight. That was when she realized something. "Oh Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are probably worried sick!"

Not wasting anymore time, Scootaloo jumped onto her scooter, thanking Celestia that she was able to put it out in time. She put on her helmet and took off towards home, looking over at the pegasi every few seconds. They seemed to have put out the orchard which was a major relief. If Applejack knew that it had been Scootaloo who had nearly burned down the orchard, she would probably never be allowed near the farm ever again.

Scootaloo opened the front door to her house and was immediately greeted with a set of hugs from her Aunts, as well as a wave of questions.

"Are you alright!? We were getting worried when you didn't show up for dinner!" Aunt Holiday exclaimed.

"We're so glad your ok Scootaloo!" Auntie Lofty added.

"Sorry, I just uhh... got distracted by something." Scootaloo answered.

"Promise us you'll never do that again Scootaloo." Aunt Holiday ordered, but her words were still full of relief that the filly was alright.

"I promise it won't happen again." Scootaloo promised.

The two aunts relaxed at hearing those words, Auntie Lofty shutting the front door that had been left open by Scootaloo.

"Well, let's get you some dinner and then you can get ready for bed." Aunt Holiday said, leading the way into the kitchen.

Scootaloo glanced at the watch one last time, before following her aunt into the kitchen, stomach rumbling in agreement.

Above Equus...

"Where is the Omnitrix?"

"It seems to have been jettisoned in a pod and landed on the planet below." A dark red and orange robot responded to its master, who was still healing from the attack on the bridge.

The tall bipedal alien was currently in a large glass cylinder that was filled with chemicals to help with the healing process. He looked over at a much larger robot, before speaking again in a raspy voice.

"Retrieve the Omnitrix, at all costs." The alien ordered.

The large robot's red eyes flashed as it processed the instructions it had been given, before exiting the bridge. It soon jettisoned from the ship along with a few other drones to retrieve the device, no matter what it took.