• Published 10th Dec 2019
  • 457 Views, 0 Comments

Chibi Remi's Royal Servants - Lucky Star Kona-chan

Remilia, just like her younger sister has become small.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Upon arriving to Canterlot Castle, she was received by a bunch of moronic guards which bowed to her companion the Princess as they should but did not show any kind of respect for her.

‘This will be fun… yeah right…’ a bit of unwanted sarcastic thoughts went through Remilia’s mind, ‘well, it is kind of annoying but not horribly so… yet.’

Celestia noticed the annoyed look on her little companion, “I apologize Miss Scarlet, your visit as sudden as it was left little time to give notice to the personnel. So, they don’t know who you are.”

Remilia let out a tired sigh, “well, I suppose that’s kind of understandable. Nothing that can’t be fixed in short, I assume?” She gave Celestia a sideways look.

“Yes, of course. Guards!” Celestia called.

“Yes your highness,” The two guards closest to them bowed again.

“Spread the word that we have a very important guest staying in the castle for the time being,” Celestia ordered.

“Who is this important guest I must ask, highness?” One of the guards asked.

Before Celestia could answer Remilia stepped in front of the guards.

“That may be me, of course.”Remilia said with a hand over her chest in a refined manner, “Remilia Scarlet is my name; I expect a wonderful treatment of the most sophisticated members of your world, ponies. Please do not disappoint me.” She finished with a toothy smile.

The guards looked at the small vampire with amusement, finding her big talking like that rather cute.

Lowering down to her eye level (which already gave Remilia a bad feeling as her left eye twitched), the guard in front of her gave a very silly smile, “But of course miss, shall we treat you to some can-“ he was interrupted by the sudden shiny red blood spear making contact with his throat.

Remilia never stopped smiling, “treat to what again? Can you please elaborate a little more, hmm~?”

“Miss Scarlet, I apologize by the behavior of my guard. But please let’s not do something we may regret later,” Celestia tried to reason with Remilia only to flinch a bit at the scowl the vampire was giving her.

The scowl lasted just a few seconds before Remilia dissipated her spear and let out a sigh, “I’ll let it pass this time,” she said getting a sigh of relief from everypony present, “but lets get something very clear here,” she continued as she faced Celestia, “You do not dictate what I do or stop doing on this place whatsoever.”

Without waiting for an answer, she floated towards the closer entrance.

“One of you guide me through this place,” she ordered suddenly, everypony shaking slightly. “Or do I have to bring up the spear again?”

After hearing that the guard scrambled to her direction offering to be her guide, she smiled.

Celestia stared dumbfounded at the little vampire taking all of the solar guards with her.

The Princess of the Sun didn’t know the extent of Remilia’s influence on the castle’s personnel. So her surprise to seeing everypony redecorating the throne room to a more gothic look was quite apparent.

Velvet courtains, dark purple furniture and a blood red carpet making its way from the entrance to the feet of the new bright red and gold throne that sat where the sun throne was supposed to be.

“What is happening here?” Celestia found her voice after witnessing such an exuberant display.

“Welcome to the vastly improved throne room that I will be using from now on, Princess,” Remilia said with a toothy grin while sitting in Her throne with crossed legs and resting the side of her head on her left hand.

“The throne room you’ll be using, Miss Scarlet? Using for what? If you don’t mind me asking” Celestia felt like she was being looked down by the small vampire, but she didn’t lost composure.

Remilia stood on the throne before doing a small jump and then proceeded to in front of the princess of the sun, “to do what I want, of course.” With her hands on her back she replied to the question with utmost honesty.

Celestia was just plain confused now, blank stare and all, “what do you mean by that?” she asked after shaking her head a couple times.

Before Remilia could answer, the doors opened revealing a slightly tired looking Luna.

“Tia, what is all this constant noise we heard from our quarters?” Luna softly spoke, following it with a yawn.

Then, she actually saw the room they were in, “Oh! Remodeling the throne room? It looks nice and inviting.”

“Luna…” Celestia started but got cut off mid-sentence by Remilia floating in front of Luna.

“Why, thank you for the compliment. You have to be the Princess’ sister am I right? I don’t think we have been introduced” Remilia did a cordial reverence with one hand over her chest and a slight bow of her head, “welcome to the scarlet throne room, my name is Remilia Scarlet.”

“Scarlet throne room?” Luna gave Celestia a confused look.

“Miss Scarlet here wants to use the throne room for her own ends, that’s why she remodeled the whole room,” said Celestia with a faint hint of annoyance.

“Really?” Luna asked, getting a nod and a smile from the little vampire, “Nice, We love your style Miss Scarlet!”

“Luna!?” Celestia said in disbelief.

Remilia was already liking the second princess, “Thank you, Princess… hmm”

“Oh, excuse us,” Luna giggle shyly, “We are Princess Luna, ruler of night and dreams!” she proudly stated with a hoof on her chest.

“We?” Remilia asked with a raised brow.

Luna noted what Remilia was referring to, “Ah! Sorry. An old habit of mine that I’m still trying to correct, my apologies.”

Remilia smiled, “It’s perfectly fine, Princess Luna. I was just taken aback by someone using an old dialect, that’s all,” she kindly explained. “Say, I’m new on the area, would you mind showing me around if it’s not much to ask?”

Luna lighted up, “but of course, I will be more than glad to do so, Miss Scarlet. I would like to have a nice breakfast before we start, I have just woken up,” a little rumble could be heard, making Luna get a bit heated up in the cheeks.

“Would you mind if I join you?” Remilia asked politely, “I haven’t had anything to eat since I arrived and it has been quite a long journey from home.”

Luna nodded, “You’re more than welcome, Miss Scarlet. Let me guide you to the dining hall, this way please,” Luna signaled for her to follow.

“Alright,” Remilia floated at Luna’s side, “by the way, you can call me Remilia, Princess. You have given me a very good first impression, I like you,” she said with a happy smile.

“I’m glad I managed to give such an impression, Remilia. Also you can call me just Luna, I hope you enjoy your stay in Canterlot,” Luna replied with a gentle smile of her own.

“I’m sure I will, Luna. I’m sure I will,” Remilia said as she followed the Lunar princess while casting a quick glance at the Solar princess and mentally smirking at the dumbfounded look she gave.

As both of them left the room still full of working ponies, Celestia’s brain just kind of shutdown for a bit trying to process everything that happened and blankly staring at space for a few moments.

When she came back to herself all she could say was, “what just happened?” before leaving too towards the dining hall.

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