• Member Since 6th Jul, 2012
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This story is a sequel to Guarded Emotions: Old Ties

A collection of vignettes concerning what Captain Moonwhisper was doing during the episodes of Season 9.

Chapters (34)
Comments ( 48 )

Moonwhisper is going to destroy him. heehee

Oooohhhh boy... have to wonder what he'll do to Cozy.

Sombra: Who are you...?
Moonwhisper: I'm you, only WAY more badass.

Something tells me that Moonwhisper is going to be quite angry with Discord later...

It'sa good thing we don't have any other major security issues to worry about here in Ponyville"

Oh, Moonwhisper. Sweet summer child...

Yeah u updated!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

lol awww that's cute and funny

So that's why Twilight was less uptight in Season 9. :rainbowlaugh:

Moonwhisper seems more relaxed too.

Princess of Friendship. With benefits! :twilightblush:

Ooooo this looks like fun. :pinkiecrazy:

Well, that escalated quickly...

Fun fact; I actually came up with the concept for Greater Good all the way back when writing the first Guarded Emotions story, but I kept editing him out.

I wouldn't be surprised if Starlight used to be on Greater Good's hit list before her reformation.

While Moonwhisper continued to stare daggers at the unicorn Starlight pushed her way in front of him. “Well, while Moonwhisper tries to remember how basic manners work let me introduce myself. I’m Starlight Glimmer, and you are?”

“A pleasure to finally meet you, my name is Greater Good. I’m-”

In fact, I'm about 97% certain she was.

lol nice one. gj Moonwhisper

I feel like Moonwhisper rather enjoyed beating Shining Armor in Buckball.

A very well done chapter. I am enjoying how you are tying in background elements from the show into the story for the buildup towards the climactic episodes at the end of the series. Things that I had not thought of but seem obvious in hindsight, like that outpost at the base of Everhoof. All in all, it was well done except for a few editing errors here and there. In particular:

“Now now, let’s not get too excited. Princess Twilight isn’t going to have me thrown into a dungeon because she’s a kind pony who more importantly doesn’t have a castle in her dungeon. I know that because I checked before I came here,” Greater Good added. “So, why don’t we all take a few deep breaths to calm down before getting down to the main reason I came here.”

Other then minor quibbles, I really only have nice things to say about your characters and I think you’ve done a good job on this story. Well done.

Yeah, I could see Pharynx and Moonwhisper getting along alright.

“Ah, thank you. Anyway, seeing as how Scootaloo’s parents failed to see any issue with dragging a bask of cragadiles through the middle of town I’d say convincing them to leave their daughter here in Ponyville would probably be for the best. Speaking of substandard parental figures, that reminds me. Spike, you’ve said previously that you didn’t want to take any action against the dragon who posed as your father, correct?”

Yeah... one of those cragadiles invaded the school, too. Can't imagine Moonwhisper would like that.

I wish I could “like” a story more than once.

Interesting. I did not see that coming.

Question: is this story your final addition to the Guarded Emotions Saga, or is there a planned continuation of the story after we reach then end of season 9?

To answer your question, it is and it isn't. On the one hand, this story is going to more or less complete Moonwhisper's character arc, so on that level I don't anticipate having any further big, multi-chapter dramas focusing on him specifically. On the other hand, I do have several other stories that I want to write that would follow this, both those involving Moonwhisper directly and others that would be in the same continuity. In other words, this might be largely the end of the Guarded Emotions Saga, but it won't be the end of Moonwhisper.

Glad to hear it!

Since I have your attention, I'll ask: How do you feel about other writers using Moonwhisper as a background character in their stories, assuming they respect the character? Is that something you would be okay with, or do you prefer that Moonwhisper stay within your purview? Asking for a friend.

Oh, Discord, it gets worse. If you die in the game, you die for real!

Moonwhisper’s anchor was hate.

I guess that means we know what his character arc for this part of the story is, then.

“What’s the big deal? Whenever we do have a plan you’re always the first one to do something completely different,” Garbunkle countered, to which Sir McBiggun added an affirmative ‘Eeyup’.

“I know, it’s just no fun to go off the rails if there aren’t any rails to go off of,” Captain Wuzz replied sheepishly.


This is pure gold.

A short but fantastic chapter. Well done :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Full Metal Moonwhisper. Lol

LOL not even Moonwhisper can handle Twilight when she's "in the zone".

So, did nothing happen this chapter?

Rarity and Moonwhisper had a talk in a train car. We learned that even Moonwhisper can't handle Twilight when she's "in the zone"

For a place that gets almost conquered so much, Equestria sure has horrible security

Life likes tormenting Moonwhisper, it seems. :rainbowlaugh:

Using glitter is just too cruel. Seriously. That sh*t gets EVERYWHERE, and it's impossible to clean up.

Ooooooo!! Cool idea! :pinkiehappy:
I can definitely see how this ties in to Gallus' story later. We know he ends up being a Guard Captain in The Final Problem.

Single fatherhood's a major undertaking, Moonwhisper - are you sure you're ready for that?

Meanwhile in Starlight's office

Sunburst: And working in a school is what I always thought I'd do! I mean if you'll have me...?
Starlight? Are you kidding?? OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU!!! GYAAHHH er ummm, I mean... You're hired! Y-you're hired is what I said!

“Thankfully not,” Moonwhisper said. “I think I can safely speak for both of us when I say that the last thing we need is ‘Cozy Glow; the Alicorn Edition’.”
Twilight burst out laughing at the sheer absurdity of Moonwhisper’s last statement. “Well, thankfully that’s something we’ll never have to worry about.”

Oh, Twilight. NEVER say things like that...

“That did seem to be the crux of the issue,” Moonwhisper replied. “Regardless, I can’t imagine Twilight will be gone for very long. There’s a practical limit to how much trouble those three fillies could get into, overly-exaggerated stories about their exploits notwithstanding.”

Oh, Moonwhisper. You dear, innocent pony...

“What’s so special about that lance, anyway?” Twilight asked. “It’s an incredibly important historical artifact, it really should be in a museum, not locked away in some secret compound someplace.”

“It belongs in a museum!” :flutterrage:

This explains why none of Sugar Belle's family were at the wedding. She does have a cousin she associates with. Glad you didn't forget him. That would be tragic. :rainbowlaugh:

I’d say the odds of that happening are about as likely as Cozy Glow somehow escaping Tartarus and then joining forces with Queen Chrysalis.”

So you're saying there's a chance?

Ah, so Moonwhisper gets to deliver a beatdown to Sombra after all!

Dad!Moonwhisper remains adorable. When's he gonna tell Twilight they have a son?

“Think about what I’m offering for a moment. You could have your own section of Equestria to rule as you see fit. Your incompetent failure of a father as your personal plaything to torment as you wish. Princess Twilight by your side as your loving concubine. You could have the rest of her friends, too, if you wanted them. All you have to do is say—”

“Go rut yourself sideways with a rusty halberd!” Moonwhisper snapped.

Uhh... I think that's a "No".

It has been an honor going on this journey with you and Moonwhisper, Alabenson. Thank you

I wonder what Moonwhisper and Twilight's descendants are up to in G5?

Maybe Sunny Starscout is one of them...

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