• Published 21st Nov 2019
  • 1,829 Views, 20 Comments

Sunsong - Sunsong

Guardians. Warlocks. Sunsingers. What happens when a Guardian returns home with a fellow Sunsinger by her side?

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Sunsong Flight

“So, what your saying is that your from a world full of Magic, Rainbows, and tramp-stamped Ponies.” I looked at the unicor-Sunset’s turquoise eyes. Even while a hors-pony, she still looked like Sunset, she still even had that twitch in her eye when she tells you something she knows and you don’t believe it.


“With no Darkness, no Traveler, and now, no way home.”


“And when you dragged me into the portal I came out as a pony.”

“Yes. Well technically a pegasus, but still a pony.” She took a deep breath in, “Listen, I know it looks like there’s no way back but…”

“AND, I am completely fine with this.” Hah! Twice in one day, I have managed to shock Phoenix, Leader of Fireteam(Of Two) Sunbrand! Cayde-6 must be rolling in his Immortality right now!

-Somewhere on the other side of the Universe-

-Cayde-6 was having a weird dream. In his dream an odd being, cartoonishly made of mismatched animal parts was tickling him to death with a laser-sword in the shape of a giant feather. All while singing to the lyrics of “I Have The Power!”.

-And unbeknownst to him, he was subconsciously rolling in his bed while giggling furiously (which he later denied as Hunters Do NOT giggle, and much less do Exo’s sleep. Even as videos floated through the tower of the treasonous act, curtsy of his Ghost, Sundance.)

-As he was being tried before the Council of Hunters, he had the subconscious instinct to sneeze, as if someone was talking about him… Well Of COURSE someone was talking about the Greatest Hunter Vanguard in EXISTENCE! Even as Sundance informed him that they were most likely talking about his trial.

-He had the oddest instinct to blame it all on Fireteam Sunbrand, which he did. AND was granted a full pardon! SO THANK YOU AND FUCK YOU, FIRETEAM SUNBRAND!

-Back to the Present, presented by Vex time warps-

“WHAT!?” Shouted Sunset Pony, sorry, Sunset Shimmer.

“I know right? Sure I was confused as to why I was a pony, but you’ve got to admit. We do deserve a break from fighting the Darkness… and Lord ‘YOU HAVEN'T THROWN ENOUGH GRENADES!’ Shaax!” Sunset brought up a hoof to cover her laughing. I joined in and we shortly found ourselves short of breath. Running for your life is a good way to cough up a lung.

Sunset got up to leave the small room but stopped when she only heard one pair of hoofs, hers. She looked back and saw Little Light’s Guardian still sitting on the floor, looking away from her direction. She looked confused and looked around to see what was wrong, only to realize that she had taken off ALL her armor and robes. Leaving her in, as Equestrian fashionistas put it, Au Natural. She realized her fumble and materialized her red and gold Sunshrine robes, along with a set of golden grieves and vanguards.

“Umm, hey… you realize your nude right?” I didn’t dare turn around after the first time. I heard the sound of armor materializing and looked back. Sunset was back in her robes, but lighter armored than she usually was.

She gave me a smile and began to explain, “Equestrians… thats us ponies. Mostly go around naked, as our body fur usually keeps us warm enough, and protects our other areas. Same with most other species too.”

She gained a thoughtful look on her face and looked more closely at me. I was still fully armored, with my helmet on still, so I didn’t know what she was looking at. “I’m going to need you to take off your armor.”

“What? Why?” I was confused, even more than when I first realized I had turned into a pony.

“Because,” She deadpanned, “You need a new name, and I can’t tell what to name you from under that armor.”


She took another breath and mumbled something about ‘stupid stallions,’ as her eye twitched. “In Equestria names have special meanings, usually relating to our Cutie Marks or colors of our coats and manes. I need to see yours so I can give you a name that won’t stand out… too much.”

I gave up on logic when I was reincarnated as a magical flaming Warlock, so I dematerialized my armor, robes, helmet, and weapons. I turned and looked at the cracked mirror we came through. I wasn’t like my earth self. My coat was a prismatic white, my hooves a golden hue, with a two-tone mane of red and gold, mostly gold with red highlights. Even my eyes were now golden, and for once, I felt right like this was the body to which I belonged, not that generic fop on earth.

I flapped the two white and gold wings at my side, smiling at the responsiveness. I turned to Sunset, only to catch her staring at my ass-”Flank actually, it’s where these ‘ponies’ have their Cutie Marks, or ‘Tramp-Stamps’ as you put it Guardian” said Little Light, always reminding me just how useful he was… except at hacking doors and computers, he’s slow as shit when it comes to that.

So she was staring at my flank. And when I looked at it, I was quite surprised to see Radiance, one of the Sunsinger emblems etched in gold on my flanks, four wings of fire, two large ones and two smaller ones. Sitting below a Sun, poised like a bird taking Flight, or Singing to the sky.

“Sunsong,” I looked at Sunset as she said my new name, “Yeah, that will work. Your new Guardian name is Sunsong. Welcome to Equestria Sunsong.”

“I like it, fits my Sunsinger class too.”

“Agreed, though I think time to celebrate your new name is over Sunsong. I think someone finally noticed your… less than stealthy entrance.”

Sunset looked at Little Sun as she spoke, “How can you tell?”

Little Light popped into existence next to Little Sun, “Because there’s twenty tangos rushing down the hall to this door. And a big one is coming too, though it’s full of Light, almost reminds me of... a Voidwalker? Curious.”

We both jumped up and materialized our full armor. Sunset was still wearing her Sunshrine robes. Red with golden highlights and slashes like a blade made them. A golden chestplate and helmet appeared, matching her grieves and vanguards in design. Pauldrons and upper leg armor appeared as a second thought, still golden though. Her Bond was turquoise, with a red and gold sun, with a yin/yang symbol, matching her Cutie Mark on it. ‘A vow to return the balance, now a vow to return home’

My robes were white. With gold borders, and red and gold decals, like racing stripes. My armor was white and gold bordered. My armor was less in quantity than Sunset’s, only a chestplate, set of grieves and vanguards, and my helmet. But no less in quality. My own bond was an intricate pattern of flames in the shape of wings. ‘A vow to fight the Darkness, and to fly in the wonder of the Light.’

We prepped our escape strategy, usually it was a combination of bullets, explosives, and space magic. But since we didn’t know if these were beings of Darkness or not, it was now no bullets, less explosives, and non-lethal space magic. No time like the present to make new friends by punching in their noses. “Isn’t that how you met Sunset?” Shut up Little Light, thats a story to recount over whiskey, space magic, and bullets… lots of bullets.