• Published 9th Nov 2019
  • 982 Views, 71 Comments

For the Benefit of Yaks - SirNotAppearingInThisFic

Prince Rutherford is going to take Yakyakistan to space the only way they know how: large explosions.

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Per Aspera

Dear Prince Rutherford,

I'm sorry I haven't visited in a while and I won't make it to Yakyakistan's next launch. You probably already heard that there was sort of a big accident during Equestria's last mission where one of the spaceplanes broke apart in flight. My friend Rainbow Dash was one of the pilots and while I'm super glad they are both okay, they did get really banged up.

Twilight thinks it happened because they used adapted and reinforced parts designed for airships instead of special parts made specifically for spaceplanes so they weren't reliable enough and there could have been a mistake in the process. She's worried that she won't be able to continue the space program because a lot of ponies think it'll cause more disasters.

So I really hope you have a super good time and everything goes great next week. I need to stay in Equestria and support my friends.

Have a blast!
—Pinkie Pie

Everybody heard about the disaster. Two more EQSA spaceplane launches. The first, reused and adapted from earlier tests, barely scraped its way into orbit. A couple of days later, the UMMR launched a manned mission to space, putting a Labyrinthine in orbit for several hours before a successful reentry. One week after the first spaceplane launch, Equestria rolled out a new spaceplane, built from scratch, with much more advanced engines.

Everypony in the nation, at this point, watched the space race closely. After the capabilities the minotaurs had demonstrated with their launch, the ponies of Equestria were on edge, but Equestria’s next launch was going to clearly mark their place as leader of the race. Everypony wanted to watch. Several major cities had set up projection crystal relays to display the occasion for the public in major parks and town squares.

Ponies the nation over cheered as the Philomena took off and cheered again when the engines switched from the low-altitude turbine engine to the pair of new magitech thrusters. Nopony would forget the moment when, seconds later, the force of the new engines tore off one of the craft’s wings at the base, sending the rest of the spaceplane into a devastating spin that further tore it apart.

In mere seconds, everypony watching had gone from ecstatic to praying that the Wonderbolts really could recover from the worst of spin-outs… if either of the pilots had even survived.

Yak Greetings to Pink Pony.

I very busy with last mission, so not reply to Pink Pony soon like good friend. Yaks have good launch. New self-stomping metal fuel work great. Biggest explosion I seen in life so far. Good that we launch from mountain silo. I wish you also there to see. After, crystal ponies complain about 'radiation' and dust clouds, but not as bad as they say.

Space-yak go to space like we want, but not land on moon. Smart-yaks know moon move, but not very good at making rocket aim for moon with curves that gravity makes. Space-yak miss moon instead. Space-yak come back at very steep angle and get very hot in rocket, but space-yak okay. Rocket not okay. Rocket was smashed to pieces.

I meet with smart-yaks after and we discuss ways to make calculations right. Very hard to make calculations right when you first yaks to go to space. Not have wisdom of ancestor yaks to help. Then Purple Pony leader come to Yakyakistan to ask for help. Purple Pony tell yaks that pony metal not good for spaceplane and ask for yak-metal. Purple Pony also offer help with space calculations.

I think of Pink Pony letter where Pink Pony tell me Pink Pony sad because friend hurt. I say friend of Pink Pony is friend of Yaks. Now friend of yaks hurt. I sure yaks able to make space calculations right without pony help. I agree to pony deal because it take less time and pony friends need yak help. Now we have smart ponies stay and help and send metal back for ponies to make spaceplane safe. I promise Pink Pony friend not get hurt again because weak metal.

Now problem solved. Yaks hope Pink Pony come back soon.

Yaks still go to moon first.


Twilight had a hard time in her fight to keep the space program afloat, but securing support from the yaks had saved it from the worst of fates. The fact that they needed those same facilities to provide their own support to the yaks in return had helped. Under the supervision of one-too-many oversight committees, the Equestrian Space Program started to design its mission to the moon using the most advanced materials, thrusters, and procedures that were available. A sense of hushed excitement slowly crept back into the dampened mood of the nation.

So Far, Yet So Close

As Equestria doubles down on its commitment to land a pony on the moon, rumors that the UMMR has taken a loan from the Griffons to spare no expense for their own mission to the moon have started circulating. With the yaks’ last attempt demonstrating beyond a doubt that they have the power, this race to the moon may be too close to call until its final hours. (more on p.2)