• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 4,222 Views, 131 Comments

Crimson Sunset - Nebula Star

In an Equestria where the mirror portal didn't exist; a very different fate awaits Sunset Shimmer.

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Chapter 3: Fear

Crimson Sunset
By Nebula Star

Chapter 3: Fear

It was one of the finer residences in upper Canterlot where Arch-Mage Runic Passage made his home. It wasn’t the largest by far, but it was certainly not modest, with four floors and nearly two dozen rooms. More than anything it was a status symbol and a show of wealth. Especially where it was located in the heart of Canterlot. To have so much space alone was a great luxury. The numerous statues that decorated the halls, plush carpets, and excess of gold filigree placed him as one of the wealthiest ponies in the city.

But it wasn’t just the wealth shown in his home that set it apart. The magical security in his home was unmatched save for Canterlot Castle itself. His wards were works of art, and the runic enchantments lain throughout the house were completely unique, exquisite examples of his talent. There wasn’t a safer home in all of Canterlot.

He’d designed it as a layered defense, each layer overlapping and interconnected with multiple others. Even should an intruder get past one line of defense they would trigger another. Alerting Runic Passage at the very least, or disabling the intruder if they were less fortunate. In the years that he’d lived in this home, there’d been several attempted break-ins from everything from a common burglar to several jealous mages seeking to learn his secrets. None had made it past his outer perimeter.

He was therefore, unconcerned when the lights went out unexpectedly. Power outages had happened before and he had plenty of mage lights that he could light up for the time being. Lighting his horn, he went about what he’d been doing, getting a late evening glass of wine.

Trotting into his dining room he went to his wine cupboard. He always had a few bottles in the house. Fine wines from some of the best orchards in Equestria, none of the cheap swill that most common ponies drank.

Something was missing.

One of the bottles that should have adorned the top rack was gone. Even among his collection of wines, that particular bottle had been exceptional. One of only four that remained in all of Equestria; bottled by the single most prestigious vineyard the nation had to offer. The last of their vintage of fourteen years prior that had been widely regarded as their best in centuries. He’d been saving it for a special occasion.

“I never did care much for wine.”

Runic Passage spun, eyes wide, to face the intruder. He recognized that voice. There, sitting at his dining room table was Sunset Shimmer, and next to her on the table was the missing bottle. How had he not noticed her? Especially with how brightly her horn was glowing? She studied the glass she held in her magical grip as she swirled the red liquid around idly, looking almost bored.

“Honestly, I think the popularity of wine in modern times is all a matter of tradition and good advertising.”

“How did you get in my house!?” Runic Passage demanded. His wards were still in place, he was sure of it.

Sunset didn’t even acknowledge him and simply went on. “In olden times, ponies needed a way to make their fruit juices last longer, so they found ways of controlling the rotting… I’m sorry, fermenting process.” She corrected herself. “But as time went on and ponies developed better ways of preserving fresh juices, the wineries feared losing business; after all most ponies prefer fresh fruit juice over rotting… fermented juices, and if they wanted alcohol, there were already cheaper, more flavorful options available.”

She levitated the bottle up in her crimson aura. “So they found a new angle, they began touting wine as the sophisticated beverage making its price into the attraction. The preferred drink of the wealthy…” She gulped down the remainder of the glass, wincing slightly at the taste. “It’s just another status symbol.” With that the glass and bottle both flew across the room to shatter against the wall and she stood from the table.

“Though I suppose it’s fitting that so many nobles drink the stuff. After all, vineyards are a lot like noble families; it only takes one exceptional year one generation, for them to make a name for themselves. After that, they demand respect claiming they have more value than others, even though all the vintages, all the generations after that first that gave them their name, never quite measure up.” Her eyes narrowed, glaring at him. “And some, don’t even try.”

“I’ll have you arrested for this!” Runic Passage said, trying to keep his fear out of his voice. Something wasn’t right here. Something was off about Sunset, but he couldn’t quite place what. “Not even the princess…”

“The guard will be too late.” Sunset said, the crimson glow around her horn glowing brighter. It was then that Runic realized what was wrong. Sunset’s magic had always been emerald in color; not crimson.

“The princess…”

“The princesses can’t stop me.” Sunset said coldly. “And in any case by the time they find out, it will already be complete, my masterpiece…”

In desperation, Runic tried for his own magic, but even as he did, he felt an overwhelming power smother his like an ocean crashing down on a flickering candle flame. A glow surrounded him and he was lifted up in the air, his muzzle clamped shut.

“You know I did do my research when I proposed using this draining technique to power my spell. I looked into all the dangers, found ways to reduce the risk; techniques to ensure it was as safe as possible for the one being drained…” She looked up at him, her eyes cold and filled with hate. “But I don’t think I’ll bother using them for you.”

The glow around her horn flared brighter and Arch Mage Runic Passage began to scream.


Luna looked at the stallion truly shocked. “We beg your pardon?”

“I asked if your highness would be willing to grant me a dance before the night is through?”

That’s what she’d thought he’d asked. She stared at him, stunned by his forwardness. True, he was pleasant to look at, and being a Saddle Arabian stallion, he was a rarity in that he was one of the few stallions she’d met that was larger in stature than she was. In fact, he was larger than she was before her fall, when she’d been fully grown. But to ask her… when they’d just met this night!?

“We shall consider it.”

“Then I shall await your decision,” he said and bowed deeply, before trotting off to another part of the ballroom leaving Luna and Celestia at their table.

Luna watched him go in silence. The dinner with the Saddle Arabian delegates had been going smoothly until now. The food had been delicious, even by the high standard she’d become accustomed to since her return. The music was pleasant, the deserts exquisite, and quite a few ponies had already taken to the dance floor, but she had not expected one of the delegates to be so forward as to ask her to…

An amused laugh had her turning to her sister.

“He was only asking you to dance, Sister.” Celestia said softly so that only she would hear.

“But, I do not even know him!” She hissed back, surprised by her sister’s reaction.

“Luna, it’s just a dance, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s one way ponies get to know each other these days.”

Luna’s eyes widened. In her time, dances between couples were reserved to ponies already courting one another. “But, is dancing not part of courting anymore?”

“It is, but it’s also alright for ponies to dance even if they are not courting.” Celestia explained. “Though I dare say he probably is interested in more.”

Luna looked at her sister aghast. “And you would have me dance with him?”

“A dance is no big deal, you might even enjoy it, I’m just saying he may be hoping it will lead to something more, so if you would like to dance with him, just be careful what you say. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s seeking to gain more influence in Equestria by cultivating a relationship with one of its princesses, and since I’ve been around for so long, and have had so many unsuccessful suitors over the years, he may believe you to be… an easier conquest, so to speak.”

Luna snorted. “Does he think me a young mare, going through heat for the first time? That I would be unable to resist his charms?”

“Well… he may…” Celestia said hesitantly. “You do appear…”

“Yes, yes. I know sister. Mine apparent age…” She sighed heavily.

“I still don’t know why the elements reduced you to such a young age.”

Luna lowered her eyes. “I do.”

Celestia looked over at her curiously. “You do?”

She nodded. “This is the age I was when jealousy first began to take hold of my heart. Thus, the elements reverted me to this age in order to restore me to how I was before I fell to darkness.”

Celestia watched her for a moment in silence. The implications of her sister’s words. She had not realized that Luna’s pain had begun so far back; that she had already begun to fall even before they defeated Discord. Before they’d even been crowned as the Princesses of Equestria. How could she have been blind to it for so long… “Luna, I’m so sorry…”

“I know, sister.” Luna assured her, giving her an honest smile. “But it was not your fault. I was the one who fell.” She said then fell silent as a royal guard stepped up to Celestia’s side and leaned close to whisper something to her.

Luna watched, curiously as Celestia’s eyes widened ever so slightly and she gave a nod dismissing the guard. “What is it, sister?”

“There’s been an incident at my school, I’m going to have to see to this.”

“You are not leaving me here alone.” Luna said firmly. “I shall come with you.”

Celestia hesitated a moment, then nodded. “Very well,” she agreed then stood. Almost immediately every eye was on them. “I am sorry everyone, but a matter has come up that my sister and I must attend to. Please, continue to enjoy yourselves, and we will return as soon as we are able.” With that, she gestured for their personal guards to follow and quickly left the ballroom.

More guards joined their escort as they reached the castle halls and continued at a quick pace toward the gate nearest the school.

“Did they say what happened?” Luna asked, easily keeping pace with her taller and longer legged sister.

“Just that several dozen students were found unconscious in one of the campus’ cafeterias.”

Luna’s eyes widened. “Several dozen!?”

Celestia nodded grimly.

“And the culprit?”

“They did not know who was responsible yet, when they sent word.” Celestia told her as she led the way. “They believe the attack occurred some time ago, so whoever it was, was long gone by the time the guard arrived.”


An ember red flash announced Sunset’s arrival in her tower workroom. It was time, she was finally ready. All the power she needed currently resided at the tip of her horn, however she couldn’t hold it much longer. There was no turning back.

Dispelling the concealing magics hiding her designs she took the mockup of the rune circle needed and with a flick of her horn, sent it to float in the center of the room. Another spell and the array was copied down onto the floor, enlarged to full size at the same time. It spread across nearly the entire room. Next, she imbued the array with a flow of magic, just enough to activate it for its purpose.

Finished with the array, she tossed the mock up aside and took up another large sheet that had the arcane diagrams for the spell forms needed. She had it memorized, but wanted to go over it one last time to be sure. Finally, taking a deep breath, she set the sheet back on the worktable and stepped into the center of the circle. Placing her hooves carefully on the proper positions in the array, she began to shape the spell.

The array lit up with crimson light as Sunset began to cast. A second circle, mirroring but subtly different than the array on the floor lit up in the air above her. The room grew brighter as more and more patterns appeared. Sunset felt the immense power she had gather fighting her. Ruthlessly, she forced it into the forms of her spell. All around her, the magic took shape, ready to perform the tasks she set, simply waiting for her to trigger the final phase.

Sunset began to sweat as she continued. It was the most complex spell ever devised in Equestria’s history, the ponies that could possibly cast it could be counted on her hooves. And none had the power. Not even her. Even a group of six working together would not be able to cast her spell, not even if both princesses were included. That was why she had to take power from others; spells cost exponentially more the more ponies that took part in the casting. Any more than six, and the spell’s cost would be increasing more with each additional pony than what the average mage would provide. But with one pony casting from a pool of gathered magic… then it was feasible.

The last of the spell fell into place, and Sunset fed all the power she’d gathered into it. Once that was done, all that was left was to trigger it and then let the spell take effect. Closing her eyes and bracing herself, she triggered the spell.

Energy in the form of crimson flames swirled up around her as the arrays lit up, both those etched in the floor and the ones formed of pure energy in the air. She felt the magic flowing into her, felt it beginning to fulfil its purpose.

She smiled, this was it; what she’d been working for since the possibility first occurred to her. All her studies under the princess; everything for the past decade of her life, had been aimed toward this goal. She felt the power infusing her, filling her completely. Then it was as if she her body dissolved as she became the magic and her form began to shift, she felt something at her sides and joy filled her. It was working!

The shifting of her form continued and finally set, and she felt as though she’d become solid once more. She couldn’t help grinning as she looked back, feeling something new, she flexed muscles she’d never had and spread her wings for the first time.

Then agony like she’d never experienced tore through her.

Sunset screamed as the magic swirling around her grew darker, began swirling faster, more erratically twisting at random. She collapsed to her side, one wing splayed out across the floor, the other thrashed as if trying to shake off the pain. Then she saw several amber feathers fall to the floor and she looked back at her new wing in horror as more and more feathers fell free. Most of the pain was centered in her wings. She watched as her wing, now completely bare of feathers, stretched and twisted; bony fingers spreading out as the flesh between thinned. Claws tore through the skin at the tips, adding even more to her pain.

A new pain pierced her skull as her horn began to stretch twisting and for a moment that seemed an eternity her world became blinding white as the pain overwhelmed her.


Celestia watched pain evident in her eyes as the emergency responders carried out one student after another. Dozens already; all unconscious, all drained of their magic to a minimal albeit safe level. “Still no sign of who was responsible?” She asked the guard captain on the scene.

“No, your majesty. So far none of the victims have come to and there were no other witnesses.”

She sighed and nodded understanding. There had been incidents at the school before; usually magical accidents; and a few times ponies had been injured. But never so many, and never in what appeared to be an intentional act. Luna was currently examining one of the victims. Even being only recently freed, she still had more experience with healing magics than Celestia. Ruling by herself, there’d been so little time to pursue the subject in the past millenia.

“Your majesty! Captain!”

Celestia looked toward the shout to see a pegasus of the guard land nearby. “You have a report?”

She nodded. “Yes, your majesty. Three arch-mages of the council have been found in their homes, drained of magic in a similar fashion!”

“The arch mages!?” Celestia repeated stunned. The students were one thing, but for the perpetrator to take on the arch-mages as well… That reduced the list of possible suspects significantly.

“Did I hear correctly? The villain hath drained the arch-mages as well?” Luna said rejoining them, when the captain nodded confirmation, she looked up at Celestia, worry evident in her eyes. “Could Tirek have escaped Tartarus?” The captain and Pegasus guard looked horrified at the thought.

Celestia just shook her head. “This isn’t Tirek’s style. He wouldn’t care how much he drained them; he would have left them all on the edge of death. His spell also didn’t cause ponies to lose consciousness for so long.”

Luna frowned but nodded. “In any case, I do believe one of the students is about to wake,” she said, gesturing back to where she’d been examining the victims.

“Well then, let’s see what they can tell us. Lead the way, sister.”

Luna nodded and led Celestia back toward the student that had shown signs of coming to. It was a young unicorn mare with an eggshell coat and a pink mane and tail, with a trio of blue stars for a cutie mark.

“Twinkleshine.” Celestia said softly, recognizing the mare.

“You know her, sister?” Luna asked curiously.

“Of course, Luna. I know all the students at my school. Twinkleshine was one of Twilight’s few friends here in Canterlot.”

The young mare stirred suddenly then gasped, eyes going wide. Then just as quickly her eyes closed again and she whimpered softly.

“Shh.” Celestia gently stroked her mane. “It’s alright, you’re safe.”

Her eyes opened again and this time she looked up, her eyes drawn first by Princess Celestia’s glowing mane, then to her comforting smile.

“Princess,” she gasped. “Sunset Shimmer! She…”

Celestia’s eyes turned worried. “Sunset? What about Sunset?”

“She… she just went wild! Started attacking everypony! We couldn’t stop her… she, she took our magic.”

For a moment, Celestia stared at her in shock. Sunset was responsible!? True she was one of the few with both the power and skill to take on the arch-mages, but even so, Celestia had never even considered her as a possible suspect. Why would Sunset do this!? “What happened?” She breathed aloud.

“She was upset… something about a proposal being turned down by the arch-mages.” Twinkleshine whimpered.

Looking down at the mare with sympathy, Celestia gently placed a hoof on her barrel. “Alright, it’s okay, you can rest now, you’re safe.”

Comforted by the Princess’s words she laid her head down, eyes closing as she drifted back to sleep.

“Captain, send a runner to the school records office, they should have a record of what proposal Sunset presented.”

“Celestia, if your student is responsible, if she’s stolen magic with the intent to use it for some cause then she is in grave danger!” Luna told her, eyes wide with fear. “We cannot wait, we must find her!”

An unnatural light lit up the grounds with an eerie crimson hue. All eyes turned toward a tower on edge of the castle grounds next to the school as the top floors lit up like a beacon with more magic than Celestia had ever felt without the elements. This was far more than Twilight’s surge during her entrance exam.

“Sunset!” She breathed.

“Celestia, we must go at once!” Luna shouted, already taking wing. With so much magic in the air, it wouldn’t be safe to teleport.

“Captain, hold your ponies back!” Celestia ordered then took flight after her sister.

They were nearly halfway to the castle when the magic shifted and an inpony howl echoed through the night. ‘Sunset!’ Were they already too late?

Heedless of the danger, Celestia surged forward, passing her sister as she desperately tried to reach her student. Even so, the magic faded from the tower long before she reached it. She didn’t hesitate, throwing open the door with her magic and finally skidding to a stop just inside the door. Sunset was there; at least, Celestia believed it was Sunset. The pony in the center of the room was taller, likely even taller than Luna. Her fur was longer, looking unkempt. Large webbed wings hung limply at her sides as she was slowly climbing to her hooves. The wings were far larger than the average nocturne, the webbing connecting all the way back to the base of her tail. As she raised her head, Celestia saw her horn was also longer, and curved back slightly like the eastern unicorns.

She whimpered as she slowly got to her hooves, her large wings flexing and folding back to her sides.


Sunset spun to face her, fangs glinting in the light from the door, but Celestia hardly noticed them. No Celestia’s focus was on Sunset’s eyes. The were wide and filled with a single emotion. Fear.

Without warning her horn lit up with a crimson light and magic swirled around her like blood red flames, hiding her from view. When they cleared, Sunset was gone.

Author's Note:

Sunset never did give up on becoming an Alicorn, even without the mirror.

When it was made canon that it was only six unicorns that raised and lowered the sun before Celestia, but that the strain was so great that it was burning out their magic, I wondered, why not just add more? I decided on the rule of six. Basically if it can't be cast with six, then each additional pony will just make them fall further behind.

As for Luna's reaction to being asked to dance, the idea is that before she was banished, dancing with a single partner was only done by those already in a relationship. For everyone else there were more casual group dances and such.

And Sunset's little rant about wine; I like to look at the way things are and look back to see how they might have come to be. In any case, comparing the noble houses to vineyards seemed apt enough.