• Published 27th Dec 2022
  • 220 Views, 3 Comments

Return of the Melody - Thunder Star

He is known as Noteworthy. His real name? Patch Melody. When framed by an old enemy, Patch must hide in Ponyville as a simple pony. Meanwhile, a dark force threatens all that is musical in Equestria.

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Welcome to Ponyville

*** Yesterday Evening ***

Patch found himself falling through the cold night air. The archives were on the fourth floor, but the castle’s sheer height placed that window almost seven stories high. His horn lit up, and a light blue glow stretched the brace on his left wing straight out. Using his right wing for steering, Patch glided out of his fall and away from the castle. Unfortunately, he was not able to pull himself completely out of his spiraling descent. He landed in the courtyard in front of the castle doors, which burst open with a stream of guards running through them. Patch wasted no time in putting his wings away and bolting for the streets.

In a desperate attempt to lose his pursuers, he took a few turns down the alleyways. Luckily, the castle guards at this hour were less experienced and had yet to complete any training within the city. Patch realized that the best course of action would be to leave the city. Within minutes, he was sure that every guard would be aware of the situation and be looking for him. Stopping to catch his breath, he listened for the guards. Quick hoofsteps halted right outside of the alleyway hidden in the darkness.

“Look this way,” one said.

“He couldn’t have gotten far,” said another.

After the voices had moved on, Patch breathed a sigh of relief. He decided that heading to the front gate would be the best place to get out of Canterlot and go anywhere else. Luckily, getting out of the city unseen will be easier than getting in, he thought.

Patch moved southeast until he came to the front gate. As he expected, four guards stood watch. Living in the castle did come with its perks, as he remembered seeing a map of the outer wall in one of the rooms. He walked along the wall just away from the gate, remaining out of sight of the guards stationed there. If my memory serves me correctly… He pushed against the wall below the third lantern from the gate. Miraculously, a section of bricks opened up like a door. Yes! he thought in triumph.

Wasting no time to celebrate, Patch rushed through the secret door. The bricks slid back into place behind him, sealing from the outside. Only for exits, I suppose. Not that I can go back in. Realization just hit him of what that really meant. Oh my, he thought. What am I going to do now? I…I… Patch took a few steps towards the trees just outside the city. He stumbled forward, completely unsure of what to do. Where can I even go?

There was a sound at the front gate, and Patch saw a group of guards pass by it and inform the front sentries of the situation. Time to keep moving. The orchard just outside the city extended towards the cliffs, beginning just past the train station down the path from the main gate. The train was not running at this time of night, so that currently wasn’t an option. He couldn’t risk waiting in the station either; the guards were sure to check there sooner or later.

There appeared to be a commotion at the front gate, so Patch decided to run further into the forest. While the moon sat lower in the sky, it still provided enough light to see between the trees. He shivered in the freezing night air. Dawn was only a few hours away, but the winter air still chilled him by the minute. None of his shield spells would work against the Equestrian cold, so it was useless to try. Patch set his bags down and pulled out his scarf. Or he would have, if it were in his bag. Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me. I left it on the table. He took a deep breath and thought of the warm train station. There’s just no way, he thought. It’s too risky.

He reached back into his bag to check again when he felt another object against his hoof. He then pulled out his necklace, with the light cobalt crystal attached. Patch’s mind recalled the words somepony had once spoken to him: “When the time comes, you’ll find a use for this. Make it count!” As he held the crystal up, the moonlight shone through, covering his face in a light cobalt shade. “That’s it! This is the solution,” Patch said aloud. “I have no choice. To get the answers I need, I must change.”

He put the necklace over his head and took a deep breath. “Here goes.” His horn lit up with a glow, and his hoof tapped the necklace four times in two seconds. A tingle ran down his horn and down his back. He closed his eyes and felt small vibrations across his entire coat of fur. Then, the glow from his horn transferred to his necklace as his horn and wings began to shrink. The brass brace fell off his left wing. After a few seconds, the tingling vibrations stopped.

Patch opened his eyes. He was still able to feel the strength of his arms and legs. He held up a hoof, and stared at his fur. The bright pastel shade was now covered in a light cobalt color. He reached up his hoof and felt nothing on his head. Patch then turned his head and saw that his cutie mark was reversed and his wings were gone. It worked! he thought in quiet wonder. I look just like an earth pony! From green alicorn to blue earth pony, this just might do the trick. He took the pendant off his neck. It now shone a bright green like his original fur color. He put it and the wing brace into his saddlebags.

The air felt a bit colder than before, probably because of his now missing wings and horn. However, an encouraging thought now crossed his mind. Patch began walking towards the train station, the desire for warmth taking command. In the morning, I’ll get away from here. I must find Dissonance, or else my old life is as good as gone.

*** The Next Night (Present Time) ***

“…and that’s how I became an earth pony.” Patch set the quill down after writing about the rest of last night. The fireplace crackled as he considered his next move. He turned his journal to the section he had finished earlier that evening. Alright, he thought, I just finished writing about yesterday, and I already wrote about today on this page.

Patch thought back to the book he had been reading. He was sure that it was gone just before he ran from the room. The fire wasn’t too bad, and the guards couldn’t have reached it that quick. At least he had the notes from that section. Not that they were of any use to him now. With my current predicament, there won’t be any chances to practice my magic. The sad feeling returned to him, once again as a deep pit in his stomach. Adjusting to this was going to be more difficult than he thought. How could he keep an entire life a secret? I’ve got to find out what’s going on, he thought. The sooner I figure this out, the better.

It occurred to Patch that he had much fewer resources than before. Everything had happened so fast, and he didn’t even have time to process what he learned from the book. One aspect that crossed his mind again was the coincidence of the timing of all this. Could Dissonance be after the same information? Patch thought. How would she have known about my research? He looked down at his journal. Perhaps I should reread what happened today. I might find a hint on where to begin.

*** Earlier This Morning ***

WHOOEE-UUEET! Wheels chugged down the track as the train whistle blew. The late morning sun brought warmth to the chilly autumn day, reflecting off the trees that were starting to turn colors. The wind whipped through Patch’s mane as he peered out the window of the train. He was speeding along through the countryside, thankfully having enough bits in his bag to purchase the ticket in Canterlot. I’ll have to worry about money later; that’s the least of my concerns right now, Patch thought.

He sat back in the seat and closed the window. He had always felt at peace in nature, but today the green pastures whizzing by did little to calm his mind. What am I going to do now? Since he had managed to hide himself, figuring out what came next was a bigger problem. The pit in his stomach had remained as a dull ache. Patch sighed and rested his head on his hooves. One step at a time, he thought to himself. Being up all night had left him exhausted, and a solution would have to wait. He almost immediately began to fall asleep. One step at a time…


“NOW ARRIVING IN PONYVILLE!” The loud, magic speaker startled Patch awake. He groggily raised his head up to the window. Green pastures had been replaced by old houses with straw roofs, and the sun was past its zenith. Ponies were going about their daily business, a few stopping to chat with each other. A flash of light yellow caused Patch to duck below the window, before he remembered his disguise. Oh fanglesticks, how could I forget. All her friends live here, too. Perhaps I should go somewhere else. But then again, they might be in danger. Maybe I—

“Sir? Are you alright?” The attendant was looking down at him with a confused gaze. “I believe this is your stop.”

“O-oh, yes,” he stammered. “Thank you.” Patch swung his saddlebag over his shoulder and stepped out onto the platform.

“ALL ABOARD!” the conductor shouted as the train whistle blew.

Too late to turn back now, Patch thought as the train huffed away. He shivered as the wind blew through the station. “Of course I don’t have my scarf,” he said to himself. A bit of nostalgia tugged at his mind, as he was reminded of everything he had to leave behind.

“Better not stay outside for too long.” Patch started walking out into the plaza, taking in all the sights. The quiet atmosphere was much nicer than the noisy streets of Canterlot. Ponies here didn’t seem to care about trivial matters like princess sightings or what the latest “in” trend was. Most of whom he passed gave him nods of greeting or asked how he was doing. This feeling helped warm him up just a little bit. For the first time in a long time, Patch felt relaxed. However, that feeling only lasted another few seconds. As he was glancing at the row of market tents at the plaza’s edge, he did not notice another pony who was also distracted until they both walked right into each other.

“Oof!” he exclaimed, as the speed of the other pony caused him to fall on his rear.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” the other pony said, with a familiar voice. He looked up and his stomach dropped. Twilight Sparkle stood in front of him, with her hoof outstretched to help him up. Patch looked away, fearing she would recognize him. Luckily, his disguised form seemed to do the trick.

He grabbed her hoof, and she pulled him up off the ground. “No, no. It’s my fault,” he said. “I should have been paying attention.”

“Well, it’s ok,” Twilight said, “Spike says I’m always in too much of a hurry. The one thing about dragon assistants is that they are always honest.”

Patch chuckled at this. He knew how much sass that little dragon was capable of.

“I haven’t seen you around here before,” she said. “Are you visiting friends?”

Patch could feel his heartbeat speed up, and he was unsure of what to say next. He couldn’t let her know who he was, surely Celestia would have already gotten word out about the incident. He decided to go with a half truth, only increasing his guilt. “No, just looking for a place to stay,” he said, looking away. “I’ve heard a little bit about this place. Plus, I’m sure my friends would want nothing to do with me anymore.” That last thing he felt was entirely true.

“Oh, nonsense!” Twilight exclaimed. “True friends understand when you make mistakes. I’m sure they will come around.”

Patch looked at her. “You really think so?” He slightly pondered on if he should tell her everything, but his mind kept the words from coming out. No, I can’t. I just can’t, he thought.

“I know so. I myself am still learning so much about friendship, but that much is certain.” She gave him a reassuring smile, until she glanced at his cutie mark. “That mark looks familiar. Are you sure we haven’t met?”

Patch’s heart was pounding so hard, he was sure she would almost hear it. His new mark was reversed, but of course Twilight would be able to observe the similarities. “Eh heh, I don’t think so,” he said with a hoof behind his head. “First time in Ponyville.”

“Well then,” she said, “My friend Pinkie Pie would be upset if I didn’t give you the official Ponyville welcome tour. She’s taking care of an issue in Fillydelphia right now. One we just had ourselves here a few days ago.”

Patch had heard about the parasprite incident when Celestia came back from Ponyville. That was the afternoon before the trouble in the archives. “The official Ponyville welcome tour?” he asked her, extremely relieved that she didn’t recognize his cutie mark.

“Oh yes,” she said. “I promised Pinkie I would cover for her until she got back. By that, I mean to show you what we offer here, especially to those who need a home.” Twilight smiled and the two of them began to walk through the town. Patch felt a bit more at ease with this familiar activity. They made their way into town, and Twilight started to sing (to the tune of “Shining Time” by Maren Ord):

“When you find again, you have lost your way
You will discover then, there’s a place to stay
Flowers are growing, the magic is flowing too
Here we will always say…”

“Welcome to Ponyville
Let’s watch the sun rise, over the hill
Soft rays are lightly, shining down brightly
Warming up Ponyville”

The sun was shining through the trees as the pair stopped by the park. Fillies and colts from school were outside having recess. Twilight and Patch walked along, and she kept singing.

“Feel the cooling breeze, from the pegasi
Friendly unicorns, with a gleaming eye
Playing earth ponies are making new memories
Spirits are flying high”

“Welcome to Ponyville
See all the stars through, your window sill
Welcoming places and friendly faces
Greet you in Ponyville”

The two hopped in an air balloon to view the town from above.

“Come along, begin your magic journey
Faithful friends awaiting down below
Harmony is everywhere
You’ll see that when we land
Home is found right here”

“Welcome to Ponyville
Rest here in places, and get your fill
We’re all here with you, and you will enjoy too
Your time in Ponyville”

She stopped singing and looked back over to Patch. “You see? There’s plenty of ways you can enjoy yourself in this town. While you’re here, don’t ever feel like no one wants to be your friend. Besides, you at least have one: me!” Her eyes widened. “Wait a minute! I didn’t even ask what your name was. Oh my, that’s embarrassing.”

The breath caught in Patch’s throat, and he almost facehooved when he realized: uh oh, I hadn’t even thought of a name. Gotta think of something simple and not very noteworthy. “Oh, that’s okay. I’m, uhhh,” he said panicking, “Note…worthy.” He forced a cheesy smile, holding in a sigh of relief. That was close!
“Well then, Noteworthy,” Twilight said with a bright smile, “welcome to Ponyville!”

*** Later That Night (Present Time) ***

Patch set the quill down and got up off the floor. He lifted the book back onto the shelf. Writing in his journal relieved his mind after a tough stretch. It allowed him to revisit the best, and worst, parts of the day. He would often read back on the first adventure he shared with his new friends before he was framed. However, all that was different now. “I am no longer Patch;” he said out loud, “I am Noteworthy, earth pony of Ponyville.” The only response was the sound of wind blowing the snow in the moonlight. Easier said than done, I suppose, he thought.

Running into Twilight earlier that afternoon was almost too much for him to handle. The weight of having to hide his problems from one of the few friends he had, perhaps the one he was closest to, only added to the issues already on his shoulders. Despite being so close to them all in this town, Noteworthy never felt more disconnected from his friends than he had since meeting them back home.

He stepped over to the open windowsill, peering between the makeshift curtains he put up to keep out the cold. The night sky shimmered above his head, thousands of lights surrounding the moon in intricate patterns. Luna’s work was still one of the best sights he had witnessed in Equestria. Much like the green pastures from the train ride however, the peaceful feeling of a starry night evaded him.

Noteworthy’s exhaustion was catching up with him as he let out a large yawn. He almost didn’t hear the wheels of the apple cart moving down the road. Two sisters rounded the corner with that day’s unsold product. He moved to the side of the window before they could see him. Noteworthy tapped his pendant, and a green glow lifted the blanket in front of the fireplace. He may have a disguise, but this house was still supposed to be abandoned. Noteworthy didn’t like the idea of lying to the element of honesty, so it would be best to not have to say anything. The thought of this caused tears to well up again in his eyes. He blinked them back and reassured himself that Dissonance had a plan for all this. When he found out, his old life would be waiting for him. I’ll be ready for you, he thought, just you wait.

The solid layer of coals was keeping the room’s corner warm. Noteworthy set the blanket and himself down on the ground, folding the other half over his cobalt, earth pony form. Just you wait…

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