• Published 8th Mar 2020
  • 2,167 Views, 29 Comments

All The Little Rings - Nines

Rarity is in the grips of an existential depression when Twilight comes calling... Love sprouts in the gloom.

  • ...


One Year Later

The bed felt like a blessed haven from a world that clamored with obnoxious demands. She was warm here. Safe here. Hadn’t she done everything she could for the fashion show? That wouldn’t start for hours. She had danced with her ambitions with all the pep and vigor that her creative fervor could muster. Rest felt deserving.

She would get up. She would.

Just... not right now.

There was nothing more cherished than the tranquil peace of one’s own nest, after all.

“Rarity,” Twilight’s voice reached through the dark, twinkling with a jubilance that made Rarity’s ears perk up.

...Almost nothing.

Rarity raised her dishevelled head, having long ago accepted Twilight into the intimate arenas of her existence. Such was easy enough when one was sleeping in the ruler of Equestria’s utterly majestic bed in Canterlot Castle. This had been the case for months now.

One of the double doors leading into the bed chambers opened wider, allowing the daylight to slice a single bold column over Rarity’s recumbent form.

Rarity groaned and let her head fall back against her lush pillow. “Darling, it is much too early for such radiance!” Her magic pulled the sheets over her head. “Have mercy, will you?”

“Oops! Sorry.” The door creaked shut, and Rarity sighed in relief as the day’s glow vanished.

“Is that better?” Twilight asked mildly. She was much closer now.

Rarity pulled the sheets back and was greeted by the lovely sight of Twilight Sparkle gazing down at her with a rueful smile. Even in the room’s dim lighting, her figure radiated with a cheery luster borne of ancient magic. Her amethyst eyes glittered with burning affection. Sitting atop her mane was the royal crown.

“Mmmm…” Rarity smiled sleepily and raised herself up on a leg, the bedsheet slipping off her shoulder. “That depends, my dear…”

Twilight cocked her head to the side, her smile widening. This was a familiar game. “On what, hon?”

Rarity beckoned with her other hoof, and Twilight pressed in closer. In the year since they’d become a couple, the alicorn had grown tall enough to warrant looking up—even with Rarity on a raised mattress and Twilight standing next to it.

When Rarity felt Twilight had come close enough, she leaned in toward a flicking ear and breathed, “It depends on whether or not you’ve brought hot…” her voice dropped lower, becoming breathier, “...black…” even lower, “...coffee.”

Twilight reared her head back with a laugh, and Rarity smirked her satisfaction. Making her lover laugh was one of the greatest joys in her life.

Twilight winked down at her. “Have faith in your fiancée!” She gestured with a wing back toward the doors. “I wouldn’t dare come and disturb you without being prepared! I have a trolley with coffee and breakfast waiting outside.”

“Delightful!” Rarity sighed. “You really are too good to me.”

Twilight leaned on the bed, her legs bending as she half-layed on the mattress. This brought them almost face to face, with Rarity’s head now just a little higher.

Twilight’s gaze softened. “Today’s the big day. How are you feeling?” she asked gently. Her features had smoothed with muted concern.

Rarity turned somber as her ears drooped a little. There was no concealing things when it came to Twilight. She was far too in tune to Rarity’s heartsong, and there had certainly been a change in the music of her being in recent weeks. Subtle shifts in her behavior, like off-tune notes, rang like alarm bells.

Rarity’s instinct, old as it was, was to deny anything was wrong. She held it back, her throat tightening. Instead, she considered Twilight’s question seriously.

In the time leading up to her latest fashion show, she had dipped into a new depression. It was not as severe as when their relationship had first started, but impressive still in its length.

Her appetite diminished. Her attention wandered. She burst into tears at inconvenient moments. Other times, she struggled to feel anything at all.

The silk noose had swung pretty and inviting in her mind’s eye against the backdrop of inky oblivion.

Twilight had kept near, a protective presence that radiated with love and acceptance. The princess remained attentive to Rarity’s needs throughout this recent melancholy, and never did her attention feel stifling. Rarity was just sorry she had worried her lover so.

Early on, she tried, vainly, to feigin cheer and enthusiasm for Twilight’s sake. Every time, she was reminded such performances only served to prick the alicorn’s ears higher. Twilight never missed a discordant note in their love’s music.

After a long moment, Rarity met Twilight’s eyes. “Lethargic,” she answered finally. “I feel lethargic. Perhaps even apathetic.” Her brows pushed down. “But not unable. I believe I can soldier on through.”

She touched a hoof to Twilight’s cheek. “Rest assured, my love. The show will go on.” The fashion show. The long performance that was her life… Yes, all the shows would go on.

Twilight nodded once, a little smile returning to her face. “Then maybe I can help you feel more energized.” She straightened up, but before she rose all the way, she paused to kiss Rarity’s cheek. “I have a surprise for you, after you’ve eaten and had your morning elixir.” Her smile turned crooked as she slid off the bed and turned for the door. “Though, I suppose it would be afternoon elixir now. It’s past noon.”

Rarity’s eyes blinked wide. “Oh dear.” Her horn glowed as she pushed the sheets all the way off of her body. “There’s nothing for it, then.” She sighed, trying to muster up the will. “I shall rise!”

After breakfast, coffee, and a vigorous session in front of her vanity mirror, Rarity emerged from the bed chambers sometime later, squinting against the sunlight.

A royal guard stepped forward, his eyes staring ahead with practiced discipline. “Pardon me, m’lady. The princess wished for me to inform you that she is awaiting your presence in the conference room.”

Rarity gave a gracious tilt of her head. It had taken some getting used to, being treated with such respect by guard ponies and castle staff. But adaptable had been a word solidly part of her chainmail tapestry. She had learned to accept these things with all the assurance demanded of the future wife of royalty.

As she made her way along the red carpeted hallways, her mind wandered to the evening Twilight had asked her hoof in marriage.

It had been some months ago. Twilight’s coat glistened with sweat under the moonlight. They had been taking a walk through the royal garden, the air fragrant with jasmine and roses.

“Rarity, th-there’s something I’d like to ask you. I— that is, um…” Twilight pranced on her hooves, her tail swishing nervously. “Gosh, this all seemed so much easier in front of the mirror, ha!” She shivered. “I, uh—!” she laughed suddenly, the sound high and fast.

Rarity regarded her with patient affection. If Twilight had learned to deal with the ebb and flow of her depression, the fashionista had in turn become well-versed in handling her lover’s spikes of anxiety. “My love... take a deep breath,” she said, touching Twilight’s hoof.

Twilight nodded jerkily and did as she was told, her wings extending as she inhaled noisily, her chest expanding.

Rarity’s lips curled upwards. “Now let it out. Slowly.

Twilight exhaled, her stiff spine relaxing as she did so.

Rarity stepped close and nuzzled her. “Very good,” she murmured. “Remember, you have nothing to fear with me, darling.” She pulled back enough to gaze into Twilight’s pretty eyes. “Now… What was it that you wished to ask me?”

Twilight brushed noses with her, her eyes lidded as her wings resettled onto her back. “Oh Rarity… I…” Her voice came out a shaky whisper, “I love you.”

Rarity’s smile widened. “I love you, too.”

“And your love has meant the world to me.” Twilight brushed her lips against Rarity’s, the contact soft but rich with need. Into Rarity’s mouth she breathed, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you!”

Rarity’s body ached with a familiar, burning want. But at the heart of the flames, a white hot realization blazed to life. “Twilight, are you…?”

Twilight pulled back, her cheeks sporting an adorable glow. She took another little breath, then she rushed out tremulously, “W-Will you marry me?”

Romance novelists wished they could capture such a rapturous moment.

Back in the present, Rarity’s lips slowly spread, long and upwards.

Her acceptance of Twilight’s proposal had begun with a moment of stunned silence, followed by an unintelligible scream, which was then swiftly ended with a tackling embrace and a hail of kisses. Rarity had truly believed that was the happiest day of her life. Surely, any misery could be dispelled with even the briefest recollection of that glorious moment.

Her smile waned as she rounded the corner, her eyes turning downcast.

But no spell of sorrow was vanquished in this way. Her spirit still found itself waylaid by doldrums. Doubt always managed to wriggle its way into her mind. Depression nibbled at her dreams and pulled at her ideas.

Not good enough for Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. Certainly not good enough to help lead an entire kingdom. We can barely run a hooffull of silly fashion stores! No wonder, given our pitiful creations...

The taunting thoughts roared loud in this latest wave of depression, the cold and salty weight of them pushing her down into the shifting sands of her misery.

Not good enough.

Not good enough.

Not good—

She had arrived at the conference room.

Rarity took a breath, then schooled her lips into a pleasant smile. Even if Twilight could see through her performance, it was important she saw the effort. It meant she was fighting. Hanging on.

The double doors parted with Rarity’s magic, and she entered with her head held high. “Twilight Sparkle, I am practically on pins and needles to learn what your—” Rarity stopped short.

Twilight rose from her seat at the head of the conference table, her wings rustling nervously on her back. “Rarity!” She took a few steps around the table, pausing next to a chair where a dark-gray unicorn sat. “I believe you remember Cold Moon?"

Cold Moon turned her head, her green eyes finding Rarity’s. She pushed away from the table and stood. "Good afternoon, m'lady."

That even, frosty voice… It still gave her chills!

Rarity stared. Her head turned slowly to Twilight and her mouth pressed thin.

This is your surprise? Her expression said.

Twilight’s smile turned strained and she hurried to Rarity’s side. “Er, Rarity, I hope you don’t mind, but I kind of took it upon myself to arrange this meeting today.”

Rarity sat hard, her expression cool. “Please, darling.” Her brow furrowed a little. “Do go on.”

Sweat beaded on Twilight’s forehead as she motioned for Cold Moon to come closer. “W-Well, you see, after my coronation I was briefed on a lot of secrets regarding the kingdom and its various missions around the world.” She smiled shakily. “In the course of those briefings, I learned that Cold Moon was an agent acting in Equestria’s interests!”

Cold Moon gave a small bow of the head as she stopped near them. “My service is small compared to what you, your fiancée, and your friends have done for all creatures, your majesty.” She looked at Rarity. “So I was sorry to hear my silence caused you distress.”

Rarity looked at Twilight sharply, and the alicorn shrank a little. “I mentioned your desire to know what she thought of the dress you made her!” Twilight said quickly.

Rarity sighed a little, her curly tail flopping once over the floor. Another thing she had learned to deal with in the last year— Twilight’s overeager plans. She smirked a little. She supposed it was in her fiancée’s favor that her heart was always in the right place, and her plans, though trying as they were at times, usually worked out.

Well… Except for that 'romantic' getaway to Saddle Arabia. Being lost in those blasted desert tombs with all those desiccated mummies and vile scorpions! It was enough to turn my hair white!

Her eyebrows rose and fell as she remembered—

We did find that lovely ruby, however. And the local villagers were ever so grateful that we made their ancestral tombs safe again.

Yes, even under such harrowing circumstances, things usually worked out.

With her initial frustration set aside, Rarity regarded Cold Moon carefully. The other unicorn was peering at her with a steady gaze, her white mane combed back and glistening from some hair product.

“I must confess, the question had plagued me,” Rarity began mildly. She raised an eyebrow. “Seldom do I encounter customers as inscrutable as you, Miss Cold Moon!”

Cold Moon bowed her head again, deeper this time. “My apologies, Lady Rarity. I’ve been told my demeanor is frigid and overly detached.” She held a hoof over her heart. “Though that trait has served me in my service to the kingdom, it has clearly done a disservice to you. You must know, it wasn’t my intention.”

When her eyes met Rarity’s again, it was with tension about the eyes. The only hint that she was, in fact, sorry.

“I was in preparation for a mission that I am, sadly, not at liberty to discuss in detail.” Cold Moon gestured around them. “You should know that it was in this very room that Princess Celestia recommended your services for a dress that I would be requiring for this mission.”

Rarity’s ears turned out. Could this really be true? “So when I was asking you all those questions during the fitting…”

Cold Moon gave a small shrug. “I’m afraid I wasn’t free to speak about such things.”

Rarity tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Her lips twitched upwards. “And the letter that I sent you…”

“I was engaged in my mission at that point. By the time I returned and received the letter, I’d assumed you didn’t care anymore.” Cold Moon turned over a hoof. “I became busy, and soon the matter slipped my mind entirely.” She bowed her head again. “I must apologize again.”

Rarity waved it away, smiling softly now. A simple misunderstanding… Good heavens, and to think I hovered so close to—

No. Twilight was there. We never would have followed through. We never will.

“I loved the dress,” Cold Moon said. Her lips lifted in the briefest of smiles. “I still have it, in fact. It hangs where I can see it every day.”

Rarity blinked once. Twice.

“Thank you!” she finally said, a little out of breath.

Well! What a strange conclusion!

She beamed.

A strange and most welcome conclusion, at that!

Twilight, who had been looking between them like an eager spectator at a tennis match, clopped her hooves. “Excellent!” She looked at Cold Moon. “Thank you so much for taking the time to visit with us today. Will you be free for Rarity’s fashion show this evening?”

“I look forward to it,” Cold Moon said. “Though I have business to attend to before then. If you’ll excuse me, your highness.” She looked at Rarity. “M’lady.”

Rarity and Twilight watched Cold Moon depart. When the doors closed behind her, Twilight put a wing over Rarity’s back.

“Sorry,” she murmured. “Maybe my surprise was a bit too much of a surprise… But did that help you feel better at all?”

Rarity hummed, her eyes winking with mischief. “I dare say that today’s meeting packed more punch than that meager cup of coffee!”

Twilight winced, and Rarity giggled before giving her a peck on the lips. “Thank you, Twilight,” she murmured with a flutter of her lashes. “That you went to such lengths is far more comforting to me than anything Cold Moon could have said.”

Twilight hugged her gently, her eyelids lowering. “Not so concerned with the indifferent universe anymore, huh?”

Rarity held Twilight’s face with her hooves. “My dear,” she said quietly. “More than just the tapestry of who I am, there is the unmistakable link between us and our loved ones that I fight to hold on to. That is what matters to me.”

Her eyes lowered. “And though I may stumble, I have faith that those who care about me will help me find the light again.”

Twilight tilted Rarity’s face up with a hoof before kissing her deeply. Rarity melted into the contact, feeling that same safety and warmth she’d felt in the bed return—but stronger.

When they pulled away, Rarity laid her cheek on Twilight’s chest, and in turn, Twilight laid her head on Rarity’s hair.

“Our friends and I will always help you find the light again, Rarity. I love you. So, so much,” Twilight breathed. Her hug squeezed a little.

Rarity smiled so hard, her face ached. “And I love you, Twilight. So, so, very much…”

Author's Note:
Comments ( 9 )

Good story, but one thing is that twilight says fiancée sometime in the first scene, and then she proposes to Rarity, THEN is when she should start using the word fiancée.

The proposal scene was supposed to be a flashback. Like Rarity was reminiscing when Twilight proposed to her.

Oh. Than I completely misunderstood that part, I’m sorry.😅

Another link added to the tapestry. Closure

Lovely, lovely stuff. Thank you for this wild ride.

This was an excellent read.

From beginning to end, the tone was spot on. Whenever Rarity felt empty, it was as if I was her. Usually I feel a sense of detachment when reading these stories, but here I was able to not only immerse myself thoroughly, but put myself in her (horse)shoes, and relate immensely.

Your take on the process of depression is also a great touch. It shows your understanding of it as well as offering a unique perspective. And the recovery was also pretty well done and realistic, if just a bit rushed (not that I minded all that much, I think I just really wanted to read more of your writing lol).

To top it all off, this is one of my favorite ships. (Yeah I'm biased but I mean who wouldn't be??)

Super underrated fic, can't wait to see it gain more traction.

It's been several months since I've been able to take enough of a break to read completely through a story on here. This one still brings a tear to my eye.

Beautiful :raritydespair:

Incredibly underrated story.

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