• Published 17th Jan 2020
  • 543 Views, 1 Comments

Skylanders Fusionators 3: The Island of Huttsgalor - Flameboy

Twilight and the Dragon Skylanders head to a world where vikings ride dragons.

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Statues in Honor

After eating breakfast, the Rescue Riders and the fusionators went to town in hopes of defending Cutter and the Tribal Werewolf Pirates before being shamed by the Huttsgalorians. When they landed, they saw the Huttsgalorians surrounding the middle of the town. Dak hopped off of Winger's right as Leyla did the same with Summer. Then, they pushed through the crowd and made it to the center where they were behind Chief Duggard.

"Chief, wait!" Dak yelled.
"Don't hurt them!" Leyla pleaded.

"Hurt them?" Duggard said as he looked behind his right shoulder. "No. I'm making sculptures of them," he said as he points his right finger in front of him.

Cutter and the Tribal Werewolf Pirates were standing together, admiring their statues. Cutter's statue has him sanding on all fours as he had his mouth open in the form of a smile. His wings were flared up, and his tail was curved to point towards the sky.

Jonathan's statues has him standing on Cutter's right as he held his left paw on his hip, and his right paw held in front of his chest as he was giving a thumbs up. His smile was a friendly, toothy grin as his fangs shown.

Michael's statue has him holding a square object in his left paw which looked like a Rubik's cube, but without the many mini squares on it. He gave a perky smile on the right side of his snout as he pointed the palm of his right hand towards the cube. His statue stood on Cutter's left.

Saivon's, on Jonathan's right, has himself posed with his left bionic glove giving the "I love you" sign in sign language.

Luke's statue was standing on Mike's left side. His statue has his left knuckles on his chin while he smiled and performed the Thinker Pose.

The Rescue Riders and the Fusionators were shocked. Mostly the Rescue Riders.

"Duggard... made a statue... for Cutter and the Tribal Werewolf Pirates... all for a prank?" Aggro questioned.

"Aggro wants to, well, all of us want to know why you're making statues for Cutter and the others," Leyla said.

"Well, it's because we haven't laughed in so long since trouble always comes to Huttsgalor," he said.

"I can tell you why we're always having trouble," said a familiar voice.

The crowd pushed away from each and the voice revealed itself to Magnus Finke and his nephew, Axel.

"Let me guess, Magnus, you're talking about the Rescue Riders?" Duggard asked.

"Well, of course. I mean, think about it, their mere presence of residing in Huttsgalor brought the likes of pirates like Waldondo Del Mundo, and bad dragons like Melodia the Songwing, who should be known as "the siren of the dragon world." And I won't forget that Dak almost got our island sunk into the sea by going to Hazard Island (despite you and Leyla's warnings to not go there), and angered their soon-to-be Foreverhorn friend, Grumbelgard. They even brought baby Chillblaster dragons who almost ruined Odinyule thanks to their torrents of ice and snow. And now they brought more flappy lizards, talking horses, and bipedal mutts. Who knows what more harm they'll bring to our poor, humble home," Magnus said dramatically.

"Then again, your machines, like your woodcutting machine, your sock machine, and mostly your Mechano-Dragons, DEFINITELY your Mechano-Dragons, bring the most harm close to town. All of those machines you built just to get rid of or upstage the Rescue Riders literally brings harm not just to the buildings and decorations, but to us as well. In fact, out of the damage Huttsgalor suffers from both human and dragon alike, YOU are the most problematic when it comes to YOUR machines, and your hatred for dragons. Why do you even hate dragons? They never did anything to you, except destroy your crazy, rogue inventions to save lives," Duggard said.

"How about trying to earn an honest living? Everytime I bring a machine such as my wood-chopping machine, my wool-shearing machine, my digging machine, and even my sock-knitting machine, you and your dreaded dragons take away every chance I have to make a single coin."

"Wait a minute, you have a digging machine?" Leyla asks.

Magnus gets really close to Leyla.

"Of course, you didn't know I had one. You and your brother were focused on your Dragon with deadly spikes digging a new hole, you never saw me bringing in a drilling that also would dig a hole for the town. And I admit, later on I did make a fake egg, a desguise you actually fell for, but if I had managed to steal your diary, and found extreme weaknesses to each of your dragon, I would finally be able to earn an honest living. Then, I probably would've returned your precious diary, only on a day when you, your brother, and your dragons, were leaving Huttsgalor, never to return. And since Axel, my poor nephew, is living with me, I can't afford any new pieces of metal to create machines in certain roles to help Huttsgalor, which in return would help me earn bits to afford for food," Magnus explained.

Leyla and the other Rescue Riders looked at each other; knowing they didn't think about how Magnus needs bits to afford for food.

"And to answer your question, Duggard, that is why I hate dragons, *points his right finger at the dragons* especially these five miscreants. In fact, one time I was stuck in a cave with those two dragon lovers and their Swiftwing and their Fastfin, and since they couldn't push the boulder, they asked me to help so that Leyla could get the other three," he said.

Then, Hannahr spoke up.

"Wait; you two didn't say anything about asking Magnus for help. And since the horn for the Game of Horns isn't out unless it's actually the Game of Horns, how did we all hear Leyla's voice be amplified when we were under Melodia's spell?"

"I'll tell you how. It's because they asked me for help to help free you all by having a machine that can amplify anyone's voice. And they wouldn't have asked me for help if a certain dragon-loving girl had sing in public. Leyla, however, is afraid to sing in public. Which prolonged the rescue that these so called "Rescue Riders" were supposed to do, considering our chief gave them that title. But it is kinda selfish of Leyla, though. Especially since this dragon lover first cared about freeing the dragons more than freeing the people of Huttsgalor, a town who always believed that they would hurry up and come to the rescue when they need them the most. The only way to get Leyla to finally face her fears was when her water dragon as well as her rock-spitting dragon, her fire dragon, and finally her own twin brother were under Melodia's spell. That is the most selfish thing Leyla has ever done. If she had faced her fears earlier, then it wouldn't have took so long to save you all. And since it is known that most dragons can be a little greedy, it would seem that after being rescued and raised by a mother dragon, the greed of a dragon has rubbed off on them, cause they would always hog the glory," he finished.

"Dak? Leyla? Is what Magnus said true? You asked for his help when we were all under Melodia's spell?" Duggard asked.

"What?! No!" Dak said.
"Well...," Leyla said.

"Dak and Leyla, you made me very upset," he said as he walked past the two and their dragons and the Skylanders.

Everyone in Huttsgalor, including Hannahr and Elbone, were murmuring with each other in agreement to what said and what just happened.

Magnus smiled.